#BMW has announced a pilot program to test the use of blockchain technology for supply chain management ¹. Meanwhile, the Polygon network is experiencing a surge in on-chain activity despite the decline in #MATIC token prices ¹. In other news, Pavel Durov, the CEO of #Telegram, has been indicted and placed under judicial supervision in France . also,

- _#Bitcoin Millionaires Soared by 111% to 85,400 in 2024_ ³

- _Telegram CEO #Pavel Pavel Durov indicted, placed under judicial supervision in France_ ¹ ² ³

- _Crypto community on OpenSea Wells Notice: ‘Welcome to the club’_ ¹

- _Polygon on-chain activity spikes despite MATIC price dip_ ¹

- _Bitcoin L2 network #Mezo launches yield token stBTC_ ¹