$JASMY - Price analysis:

Daily price: Bearish📉

Weekly view: Very neutral (DOJI again)

Key support zone: 0.001950 - 0.001900 $

Upper big resistance zone: 0.002150 - 0.002300$

The short term price is also neutral [H4 - H1]

It's currently sitting on the H4 uptrend & pattern retest, but its difficult to know if it will hold or not.

if $BTC hold, then Jasmy could pump again on the 0.001990$ support. In case of breakout downard the 0.001880$ is the main support zone to watch.

There are altcoins that are easier to trade at the moment❗️

#Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #jasmyrocket #jasmyustd #JasmyCoin: