Have you at any point pondered the force of your information?
Envision a reality where you control your information, own it, and even bring in cash from it.

Sounds unrealistic?

Indeed, that is precisely exact thing #CARV is making conceivable.

What’s CARV?
@CARV is changing the game (in a real sense!) in the gaming and simulated intelligence areas.

They've fostered the CARV Convention, an information layer that allows you to trade and adapt your information while keeping full control.


It resembles having your own information wallet - where you conclude what befalls your data.

Envision having the option to check and adapt your information while keeping it hidden.

That is the future CARV is building, and they're welcoming every one of us to be a piece of it.

In reality as we know it where information breaks are normal, CARV is tied in with safeguarding your data.

You can share your information without agonizing over letting completely go.


Go along with me in this astonishing excursion with #CARV, and we should shape the eventual fate of information together.

Also, hello, remember to Decide in favor of ME as well!

