Without an edge in crypto, you’re just another sheep in the herd.

Don’t let the bull market slaughter you.

Developing Your Edge:

Most edges are developed, not found.

They come from constant learning, curiosity, and observation.

Study your psyche, take smart risks, and surround yourself with supportive people.

Learning Like A Sponge:

Be a sponge.

Absorb the vast public knowledge available—books, papers, articles, podcasts.

Remember, you aren’t limited to the present; history is full of human talent and lessons.


Public ideas will only get you so far.

The real magic happens when you combine public ideas with your own experiences

Innovate by tweaking and personalizing ideas to suit your goals.

This is vital in the fast-paced crypto world.

Personalize Your Plan:

As you learn and grow, slowly build your personal profile.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Explore the trading styles best suited for your personality and time horizon.

Types Of Edges:

To spark your thinking, here are a few edge categories in crypto:

a. Informational: timely info, deep research

b. Analytical: TA, FA, sentiment, narratives

c. Behavioral: risk and emotional control.

d. Social: regulatory know-how, network.

Stress Testing Your Idea:

Once you find your edge, put it under immense stress to see if it holds:

a. Turn your idea into a strategy

b. Historical backtesting

c. Bias checks

d. Forward testing

This might be tedious, but it’s crucial for finding a solid idea

Sample Size:

Ensure you have adequate data to test your edge and identify patterns.

This includes the number of projects, time horizons, and types of projects.

Let the sample size and probability do the heavy lifting for you.

Crypto Principles:

In addition to testing your edge, consider these key crypto principles:

a. Simplicity is more robust than complexity.

b. Crypto assets are extremely reflexive.

c. $BTC is in a macro uptrend (crashing up)

d. Altcoins operate in an attention economy.

Start Slow, Focus On Alignment:

When using your edge live, gradually increase weight or intensity.

This avoids burnout and makes progress sustainable.

Keep a trading journal of winning/losing trades and lessons learned.

Patience & Persistence:

Consistent profitability doesn’t happen overnight—it's gradual.

Finding your edge often involves discovering what doesn’t work.

Don’t quit; keep learning and improving.

End Of Article.

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