• Memecoins such as RETARDIO rose 31,100% and posted big gains.

The top performer #DeFi #RAY #rose 85.7% while W fell 73.6%.

#AI x DePIN NOS was up 270%, while SHDW was down 68.9%.

A recent analysis by crypto analyst Alex Wacey revealed the top performers in various categories across the Solana ecosystem. In the meme coin category, RETARDIO showed significant growth, as did POPCAT, CATDOG, and PONKE. In the DeFi RAY category, JUP and JTO led the way with impressive growth rates.

In the AI x DePIN category, NOS and RENDER showed significant growth, while SHDW showed a notable drop. In other categories.

In the DeFi sector, the results were mixed: some coins showed significant growth, while others experienced difficulties. The leader was RAY, which rose 85.7% from $1.19 to $2.21. It was followed by JUP and JTO with increases of 81.8 % and 81.13 %, respectively. However, not all DeFi coins performed well.

CLOUD fell 27.58% from $0.29 to $0.21, while ORCA fell 54.6% from $5.62 to $2.55. The worst performing category was W, which fell 73.6% from $0.91 to $BTC the Memecoins category saw astronomical growth, with some coins showing explosive gains: RETARDIO rose 31.100%, soaring from $00002 to $0.087. Similarly, POPCAT and CATDOG also saw incredible growth, rising 9,334% and 6,025% respectively.

Even the lowest categories such as MEW and WEN achieved gains of 326.6% and 130.7%, respectively, with memecoins clearly dominating in percentage terms, demonstrating their speculative nature and potential for huge gains in a short period of time.

The AI x DePIN sector was led by NOS, which rose 270% from $0.54 to $2. RENDER and HONEY also posted positive returns, rising 32.55% and 27.11%, respectively. The sector was not without losers, however, with HNT and IO falling 25.62% and 31.2%, respectively. The worst performer in this category was SHDW stock, which fell 68.9% from $ 1.

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