
Jesse Lauriston Livermore - The Boy Plunger who became the greatest trader of his era 📈💼

🔍 This introductory post sets the stage for Livermore's story, using his famous nickname, "The Boy Plunger." In the stock market, a "plunger" is someone who trades aggressively with huge sums of money.


- Born in 1877 in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, into a farming family, Livermore showed a natural talent for numbers early on. 🌱

- At just 14 years old, he ran away from home to escape a life of farming, starting his career in a Boston brokerage firm by posting stock quotes. 💹

Early Success:

- By 15, Livermore was already trading and earned his first $1,000 (equivalent to about $30,000 today). 💵

- His incredible ability to read market patterns earned him the nickname "The Boy Plunger." 🧠💥

- He quickly moved from writing stock quotes on a chalkboard to trading in bucket shops, where his precocious talent became even more evident.