to ,,me reccent days are kinda of agift.btb anog u eveilebif uecrypto is a game that needs patient to eranoilim eearn.age not at all. if u think u gona be millionare within aeweek with some luck can happen but seek elsewhere for advices depending on luck. here we go on the long term profits which are more secure. and bein able to buy $BTC at succh low price is aegreat opportunity, u either buy on spot or futures 2ith low leverage e.g.e5max. and adding enough margin so as liqudate price is low enough. e.g. we

with the potentisl of going 80k and 100k late) i think around 35-40k(maybe more). that means miners wont sel in loss. that gona be the less price u gona find. as we know no inflation, eventually more demand so price rise. if u be patient enough in 4 years time another halving meaning price doubles.

so every 4 years your assets onebtc gona doublee(minimum)

and in accordance to no infkation ,more demand rise in price gona be definately more than 2x

when there is downward spikes dint panic its usual, just stay focused on the long term earns.

earns that are still faster than your retirement plans

2ana hear me? buy now thats near 55k, soon price again 60-65k