Is #Bitcoin now going to the moon?

There is a quote I saw somewhere on Twitter, it went along the lines of:

“When Bitcoin was $16k, people said I wish I bought in at $7k. When Bitcoin dropped back to $7k those same people didn’t buy any.”

The crypto-world is full of moonlambo talk, “When moon?”, “When lambo?”.

If you believe in a project you don’t need to worry about timing, just investing into it is good enough.

Now back to your question, Bitcoin has already mooned, it has mooned for the people who bought in when:

Bitcoin was less than a dollar

Bitcoin was less than $100

Bitcoin was less than $1,000

Bitcoin was less than $5,000

And if you are lucky enough to own some Bitcoin now it will certainly moon for you in the next few years, if you understand how currency and bartering works then you will know that Bitcoin is simply ground breaking.

Bitcoin is steadily rising and if we break $10,000 again I expect a massive uptrend from then on wards