The STORY of LADY OF CRYPTO, who lost her life's savings in the crypto market.💰

She first started crypto in 2019. Back then, She was a university student and working two or sometimes even three jobs just to get by.

She had managed to save up around £4.5k ($5.5k), which was all the money she had in the world.

She was working jobs she hated for people she hated, and she was desperate for a way out.

And she thought crypto was that way out. So she put all the money she had into crypto, and she even added more every week from her meagre pay.

As at that time, Bitcoin had just rallied from the 2018 bottom, and she thought the trend was not stopping.

She was sure it would hit $20k soon, and then $30k and then $40k… but it was still over a year away from those numbers.

Instead, it started grinding down, lower and lower from her entries. She watched all the money she had dwindle day by day.

Eventually, on a day like today, price dumped hard, and she panic-sold everything for a massive loss.

Much of what she held in her portfolio was in alts so they were down 70%-90%.

It was a horrendous feeling she never wanted to experience again but in 2020, she experienced it again when she stupidly repeated that same mistake.

She got into crypto again and the market dumped hard. Again, she panic sold.

She was not a quick learner. After that experience, she quitted crypto, but only for a while.

You see, she may not be a quick learner, or the most intelligent person, or particularly excel at anything but she is not a quitter.

So she had a fresh start in crypto in 2021 with a different approach to the market. She learnt to overcome her fears because she realized that: Fear is weakness!

To conclude,

She is now a seasoned crypto trader/investor and also runs a successful YouTube channel where she educate people on the crypto market.

We are early in the bull run, and retraces are part of the game.

On days like today, zoom out and remind yourself where we are in the cycle. We are here👇

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