*💥🔴💥Russia's Plan to Counter International Sanctions⚠️✋️⛔️ with Crypto*$BTC $XRP $BNB

- *Legislative Approval*: Russian lawmakers have approved legislation allowing companies to use cryptocurrencies for international trade transactions, aiming to circumvent Western sanctions ¹.

- *Central Bank Involvement*: The Russian central bank will establish a new infrastructure for cryptocurrency payments, and the law also includes regulations on cryptocurrency mining and the circulation of other digital assets ¹.

- *Stablecoin Nature*: Tether (USDT) is a type of digital asset, but it's not considered a cryptocurrency in the classical sense, as it's a stablecoin designed to maintain a fixed value relative to a fiat currency ².

- *Sanctions Evasion*: Cryptocurrencies can be used to evade sanctions due to their deregulated and decentralized nature, making them a useful tool for countries like Russia to circumvent the global domain of the dollar

- *International Trade*: Russia plans to use cryptocurrencies for international trade transactions, allowing companies to make payments with foreign partners and counteracting the effects of Western sanctions

- *BRICS Payment System*: The BRICS group is working on a blockchain-based payment system for international trade settlements, aiming to reduce reliance on the U.S. dollar .