Bitcoin's sudden drop has been the hot topic on the internet today. It's a question that seems to surface constantly during bull markets, with everyone offering a different explanation. But why does no one ask why Bitcoin rises? It's because investors crave reassurance and someone to blame. They need a scapegoat to say, "It's because of them, not us!"

The reality is, it’s all nonsense. Bitcoin's rise is due to more buyers than sellers, and its fall is due to more sellers than buyers. Each significant price movement prompts people to seek dramatic explanations for a standard market occurrence, just to comfort themselves.

There’s no single reason for market movements: people sell to take profits, lose confidence in cryptocurrencies, or need money for personal reasons. The explanation varies because there are countless reasons behind each individual's decision to sell.

Ultimately, the market dropped, and that’s what counts. Focus on understanding and learning from these movements instead of obsessing over the reasons. By doing so, you’ll become more responsible in the markets and have a better chance of profiting than most investors. Trust me, this advice comes from experience.

This is just my opinion. Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed it, please like, comment, share, and subscribe. Your support means a lot.

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