The buff of chaos has also been blessed by the new presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, the deputy president of the Democratic Party. She is undoubtedly filled with "politically correct" labels: immigrants, women, African Americans, Asians, divorced single parents...

As the embodiment of American pluralism, Harris and Trump's recently picked running mate, J.D. Vance, create a subtle sense of contrast.

Vance, a white politician swimming upstream from America's rust belt, shouted slogans of populism and conservative nationalism, His most famous line, "Our country is currently run by childless cat-loving women," seemed "politically incorrect," but he became a strong candidate for vice president.

The two presidential deputies, despite their very different paths in life, represent a word that has made countless people passionate - the American dream. One represents the "American Dream" of new immigrants who are open and integrated, trying to recast American hegemony in the world, and the other represents the "American Dream" of white Americans at the bottom who hope to make the United States great again and revive manufacturing.