I’ve been saying this forever. Check this out

It’s estimated that Boomers in the US hold $78.3T worth of wealth. 💰

Now, Boomers don’t like hearing this, but they didn’t have to do much to get wealthy.

Here’s the boomer wealth formula:

1. Be born in the biggest bull market in the US history

2. Buy real estate and other assets for $2.46 and a bag of cashews

3. Wait for these assets to appreciate

Now, I’m not hating on boomers - I would’ve done the same in their shoes.

But Boomers are growing old. 👴

And you know what that means? The biggest recorded wealth transfer in history.

The big winners? Gen X and Millennials.

They’re set to receive…*checks notes*…$84T from boomers (source: BoA)

That’s a lot of money (and avocado toast).

Now, the million-dollar question: where will younger generations invest this $84T?

Here's what BoA thinks:

That’s right - the younger generations are all about crypto/digital assets.

The difference in generations is stark:

- Ages 21-42: 28% like crypto 👦

- Ages 44+: Only 4% like crypto 👴

Let’s do some quick math, shall we?

Let’s imagine 2 scenarios where a % of the $84T flows to Bitcoin:

1/ Scenario A: 10% flows to Bitcoin = 8x increase in Bitcoin’s current market capitalization.

Price per Bitcoin: $400,000

2/ Scenario B: 20% flows to Bitcoin = 16x increase in Bitcoin’s current market capitalization.

Price per Bitcoin: $800,000

TLDR: Boomers are passing down tons of wealth, and their rebellious kids want Bitcoin.

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