🔥🔥BRICS: China to Build Nuclear Power Plant in Saudi Arabia?

1. #Saudi Arabia is considering a bid from China's China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) to construct a nuclear power plant within the country.

2. The purpose of this bid is to exert pressure on the Biden administration to ease its conditions for U.S. assistance in Saudi Arabia's nuclear power ambitions.

3. Saudi Arabia recently joined the #BRICS group and aims to leverage this new partnership to explore alternative avenues for its nuclear power development.

4. China's #CNNC is proposing the construction of a nuclear power plant in Saudi Arabia's eastern province, close to its borders with Qatar and the UAE.

5. If discussions with the U.S. do not yield desired results, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is prepared to proceed with the Chinese company's offer.

6. #China is a significant trading partner and oil buyer for Saudi Arabia, and their partnership within BRICS signifies a potential geopolitical shift away from the U.S.

7. China's Foreign Ministry pledges ongoing collaboration with Saudi Arabia in civil nuclear energy, adhering to international nonproliferation regulations.

8. Unlike the U.S., China is unlikely to impose stringent nonproliferation conditions on Saudi Arabia as part of their nuclear cooperation.

9. Saudi Arabia's entry into BRICS marks a strategic move to diversify its partnerships and potentially its nuclear development plans.

10. The potential collaboration on a nuclear power plant underscores the evolving relationships and interests between Saudi Arabia, China, and the U.S.