Coinciding with the decrease in Bitcoin prices, the global network of active Bitcoin ATMs saw a reduction of 334 machines in less than 40 days. In June, 107 Bitcoin ATMs went offline, halting the 10-month trend of monthly increases in installations. The decline continued in July, with 227 crypto ATMs removed within five days. While countries like Australia and Spain are expanding their Bitcoin ATM presence, the United States and Europe are major contributors to the decrease. The U.S., home to 82.6% of total Bitcoin ATMs, lost 182 ATMs in June and 239 in the first week of July. Europe also saw a reduction of 29 ATMs in July. The ongoing decrease in crypto ATMs is possibly due to global efforts to combat financial crimes. Bitcoin Depot, the largest U.S. ATM operator, reported no correlation between their revenue and cryptocurrency prices, attributing it to the diverse services they offer beyond speculation. Read more AI-generated news on: