A lot of these newly created coins we see today will not survive the bear market

So many of them will fade away and will never break all Time high again

So many of them are done shining, so if you are holding them, it is better you sell off now and cut your losses short

This is the honest truth, though so many people will disagree with this, but 2-3 years from now it would all make sense

A lot of crypto coins that were existing about 4-7 years ago are now no where to be found

They didn’t scam their community

They didn’t suffer any hack

Nothing happened to them, but they are gone and now where to be found today

That is how it has always been and that is how It would continue to be

Most of all these meme coins we are seeing today would be nowhere to be found in a few months from now

Whatever happens, let it not be heard you had of them in your portfolio

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