SCAMPER method try in your strategy! when you made a mistakes

1.S (Substitute) - replace. What elements or tools can be replaced to create a new solution?

2.C (Combine) - combine. What ideas or elements can be combined?

3.A (Adapt) - adapt. What ideas or solutions can be adapted from other fields or contexts? Can existing solutions be applied to new problems?

4.M (Modify) - modify. What elements or ideas can be changed or modified to create a new solution? Can the size, shape, color or function be changed?

5.P (Put to another use) - apply differently. What other uses can be found for existing ideas or products? Can they be used in a different context or for a different purpose?

6.E (Eliminate) - remove. What elements or ideas can be removed or eliminated to create a new solution?

7.R (Reverse) - invert. What elements or ideas can be flipped around to create a new solution? Can the order, direction or function be changed?
