#IntroToCopytrading Friends, I want to share my really successful trading on the Binance exchange. And by the way, I think that this example can be applied even now. In December, I took out a loan for my bitcoins on Binance, and with the loan funds, I bought SOL coins, waited a couple of months, made purchases at a price of approximately $21 per coin, and then sold the coins at an average price of $107-110 per coin. I redeemed my bitcoins and took my profit, which I immediately exchanged for apple equipment, that is, I immediately planned the amount I needed and simply took it when the amount was reached. You need to clearly write a plan of what exactly you want to achieve and sell in parts on growth while fulfilling your plan plus, of course, I did everything because there was positive news for SOL coins. Now I plan to do it again because I plan to buy equipment for my girlfriend and I also want a car. Now the trigger for the growth of salt is that in Canada, one company has already applied for an ETF for SOL. Therefore, I recommend everyone to have salt in their portfolio and, of course, the main thing is to have an exit strategy.