PCE data will be released in one hour‼ Warning of Volatile Market ‼ Previous value is 2.8, forecast value is 2.6. Key data of the Fed's interest rate cut may trigger a market change of BTC‼

My fans, you all know that I have never made a mistake in predicting those major data such as the non-farm data, CPI and PCE. We will issue market predictions to everyone in advance.

Every time, we have helped everyone to take full advantage of all the plunges and surges to do trading, and this time is no exception. For PCE data this time, the previous value is 2.8, and the forecast value is 2.6, which can be reagard as positive news. However, I have told you that PCE and CPI data have the possibility of data reproduction, that is, there may be positive news, but there is a sharp drop in the market. It is likey that there will be a bullish pin bar pattern after the positive news is released , and then there will be a sharp drop.

The resisitance level has been published to everyone. The first resisitance level is at 3486, and the second resisitance level is 3516~3556. And this wave of decline is also more in line with the market situation, because there is a overall downward trend . At present, it is just a rebound in the downward trend, but the structure and trend of this decline have not been broken. Therefore, if the PCI is announced later, it is very likely that there is a decline. If there is positive news after its announcement, there will have bullish pin bar pattern first and then continue the downward trend.#ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #BinanceTournament