According to Odaily, GMX V2.1 has officially launched on Arbitrum and Avax, introducing several significant enhancements. The primary improvements include the introduction of a new GLV vault, which can automatically transfer liquidity between GM markets with the same underlying assets as per demand.

The GLV vault uses a new ExchangeRouter.createShift function, enabling instant withdrawals from one GM market and deposits into another without the need for deposit and withdrawal fees. This feature increases the reliability of the system by eliminating the dependency on RPC for timestamp-based price oracle information.

Additionally, the implementation of a lending rate twist model is expected to boost traders' rates. This model is a significant step towards improving the overall trading experience on the platform. The launch of GMX V2.1 on Arbitrum and Avax is expected to enhance the platform's functionality and provide users with a more efficient and cost-effective trading experience.