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Wall Street Expert
AI: Bear Trap? ICT Analysis Hints at a Bullish Reversal!"Did the bears just get trapped in AI? After a bearish rejection at the Order Block, price is showing signs of strength! Could this be a bullish reversal? ICT principles suggest a potential shift in momentum. Disclaimer: Not financial advice. Do your own research." ICT Analysis of the AI/USDT Chart: Daily Open Level (DOL): The purple line at 1.1000 represents the Daily Open Level. This is a key level derived from the opening price of the current day on the daily timeframe. It can act as a significant resistance or support level. Order Block (OB): The green box around 0.6584 represents an Order Block. This is an area where significant buying or selling occurred in the past. Price often returns to test these areas. In this case, price has already returned to test the OB and has bounced off it. Potential Scenario: Given the price action below the DOL and the rejection at the OB, the chart suggests a potential bearish bias. Price might retest the OB or even move lower towards the 0.6584 level. #Aİ #AI $AI {spot}(AIUSDT) #SleepLess #SleeplessAIAirdrop #SleeplessAI

AI: Bear Trap? ICT Analysis Hints at a Bullish Reversal!

"Did the bears just get trapped in AI? After a bearish rejection at the Order Block, price is showing signs of strength! Could this be a bullish reversal? ICT principles suggest a potential shift in momentum.
Disclaimer: Not financial advice. Do your own research."

ICT Analysis of the AI/USDT Chart:

Daily Open Level (DOL): The purple line at 1.1000 represents the Daily Open Level. This is a key level derived from the opening price of the current day on the daily timeframe. It can act as a significant resistance or support level.
Order Block (OB): The green box around 0.6584 represents an Order Block. This is an area where significant buying or selling occurred in the past. Price often returns to test these areas. In this case, price has already returned to test the OB and has bounced off it.
Potential Scenario: Given the price action below the DOL and the rejection at the OB, the chart suggests a potential bearish bias. Price might retest the OB or even move lower towards the 0.6584 level.


2024你必须关注的板块!不是你想象中的游戏搬砖,GameFI的机遇与挑战!!!GameFi板块正在计划一个在2024年卷土重来的完美计划。 2024可能会成为GameFi 具有里程碑意义的一年,预计将发布多款 3A (AAA) 游戏。2024年会是区块链撼动传统游戏市场的一年吗? GameFi 游戏并不总是在普通游戏公众中享有最佳声誉。该类型的批评者指出其图形平庸、游戏机制缺乏创意以及普遍缺乏乐趣。更令人恼火的是,GameFi 游戏的代币化元素往往难以长期维持。 但如果行业专家可信的话,GameFi 可能会进行彻底改造。Shrapnel 是一款包含创作者生态系统的 AAA 级第一人称逃生射击游戏,其首席执行官 Mark Long 是预测该行业将迎来积极发展的声音之一。朗很快承认区块链游戏目前的声誉非常好坏参半,但他认为下一波游戏会让批评者感到困惑。 “我预计明年最重要的事情之一就是围绕 Web3 游戏的叙述方式的转变,”Long 告诉 Cointelegraph。“让我们面对现实吧,人们对这一类型的看法是,区块链游戏很糟糕。由庞氏骗局机制驱动,需要新玩家的不断流入来证实任何应计价值。它们不是为了赚钱而玩的;他们是边玩边工作。” 尽管 Long 对当前的 GameFi 游戏很挑剔,但他预测正在酝酿的几款“突破性”游戏将改变公众的看法。 “我非常喜欢玩的两款游戏是《Dead Drop》和《Off The Grid》,”Long 说道。“Dead Drop 是由 Disrespect 博士创造性地领导的,一个按照自己的规则行事的人的影响力就在前面 [...] Off The Grid 有我最喜欢的电影导演 Neil Blomkamp 来推动设计,它看起来很火。对我来说,布卢姆坎普的世界是一种独特的、接地气的科幻小说,同时又以非常具体的方式令人惊讶。” Shrapnel 首席执行官还将 Wildcard 命名为他期待的另一个游戏,并引用了包括玩家所有权在内的开发模型。 “GameFi 为 Web2 游戏玩家提供了一个令人兴奋的新机会,让他们可以做他们一直想做的事情:成为游戏创作的一部分,”Long 说。 简单的庞氏骗局 并非所有去中心化金融(DeFi)领域的人都对 GameFi 来年的前景感到如此兴奋。移动赚钱平台 Sweat Economy 的联合创始人奥列格·福缅科 (Oleg Fomenko) 对该行业持高度怀疑态度。 Fomenko 认为差异化的 GameFi 行业永远无法挑战传统游戏,他认为整个概念都是错误的。 Fomenko 告诉 Cointelegraph:“简单地融入 Web3 元素的游戏自动属于 GameFi 的独特类别的信念正在迅速消失。” “虽然 Axie Infinity 和 StepN 最初让我们相信他们创造了一个全新的游戏世界,玩家可以靠自己的收入赚钱并生活,但事实证明这只是暂时的、令人失望的现象。这些只是庞氏骗局,让早期采用者受益,他们也知道何时尽早跳槽。” Fomenko 表示,GameFi 代币只有“如果游戏本身就产生价值”,就会捕获价值,但“事实并非如此”。因此,GameFi 本身就有缺陷。 即便如此,这位 Sweat Economy 创始人确实在更广泛的 Web3 领域发现了一些积极的一面。Fomenko 继续说道,“带有 Web3 元素的游戏将会蓬勃发展,我很高兴看到这个领域的进一步创新,特别是在游戏中使用不可替代代币 (NFT) 方面。” GameFi的救赎弧 GameFi 要想在 2024 年产生重大影响,就需要克服围绕行业的负面看法。这是管理着超过 15 亿美元资产的投资顾问 Wave Financial 联合创始人兼首席战略官 Les Borsai 的判断。 Borsai 表示:“展望 2024 年,GameFi 的发展正处于关键时刻。” “坦率地说,它目前的状态并不令人印象深刻,经常因优先考虑区块链和 DeFi 噱头而不是真正的游戏质量而受到批评。这种做法引起了游戏社区的强烈反对,他们认为游戏的本质被明显的货币化策略和不吸引人的机制所掩盖。” Borsai 认为,如果该行业能够利用人工智能 (AI) 和数字孪生技术等其他新技术趋势,那么该行业将面临机遇。在 Borsai 看来,这些为“GameFi 赎回自己的机会”。 Borsai 表示:“GameFi 要想在 2024 年产生真正的影响并赢回游戏玩家,就需要从根本上重新评估其方法。” “它必须超越先进技术;“它需要将这些元素无缝地集成到玩家真正想要花时间玩的游戏中。如果 GameFi 能够实现这种平衡,它不仅有可能成熟,而且还会显着改变我们对综合金融游戏的看法。” 复杂的业务 打造 AAA 级游戏并非易事。尖端游戏通常需要两到五年的时间来开发并推向市场。有些游戏的等待时间甚至更长。例如,《侠盗猎车手 VI》计划于 2025 年推出——距其前作上市整整 12 年。 漫长的开发过程说明了游戏开发的难度,即使没有增加集成区块链技术的复杂性。 零知识(ZK)原生区块链 Mina Protocol 的技术产品经理 Teddy Pender 认为,零知识技术的实施可能会简化流程。 “过去,Web3 游戏应用程序因用户界面简陋和游戏体验差而受到批评。然而,2024 年将是一个转折点,届时我们将看到 GameFi 应用程序开始看起来并感觉像是现有 Web2 游戏行业的真正竞争对手。”Pender 告诉 Cointelegraph。“通过使用 ZK 原生区块链,开发者可以构建利用零知识框架的游戏,从而降低 GameFi 应用程序的复杂性。” 无论 ZK-proofs 还是其他技术解决方案能够帮助推动行业以新的活力向前发展,一些人士认为,该行业在希望赶上传统游戏之前还有很长的路要走。 还有一点时间 Cornucopias 是一款基于虚幻引擎 5 构建的多人在线视频游戏,其联合创始人 Rob Greig 和 Josh Jones 一致认为 2024 年将是该行业具有里程碑意义的一年。 “2024 年的潜力是巨大的:我们正在考虑这样一种情况:在区块链技术的支持下,游戏内资产的个人所有权不仅是一种新鲜事物,而且随着它的不断发展,最终将成为新的规范, ”琼斯告诉 Cointelegraph。“这一转变有望释放前所未有的机遇和用户参与度,使其成为开发者和游戏玩家的关键时刻。” 然而,尽管如此,两人仍认为该行业尚未完全准备好在来年成熟。 “这个行业正处于十字路口,”格雷格告诉 Cointelegraph。“展望未来,2024 年似乎是关键的一年 [...],工作室会谨慎地涉足与加密货币相关的举措,并在完全投入之前进行试水。2025 年至 2026 年,我们可能会看到游戏领域的大规模采用。” 无论 2024 年是否是 GameFi 的突破之年,Long 等倡导者都希望下一批游戏能够开始扭转整个行业的局面。 “随着岁月的流逝,传统的集中化模式似乎已经厌倦了。我认为玩家已经准备好迎接真正的新事物了,”朗说。 #ordi #BNB🔥 #sleepless #ethi​​​ #一起来跟单 币圈布局,点点头像关注大马鱼,每日密码分享,共迎龙年。无门槛圈


2024可能会成为GameFi 具有里程碑意义的一年,预计将发布多款 3A (AAA) 游戏。2024年会是区块链撼动传统游戏市场的一年吗?

GameFi 游戏并不总是在普通游戏公众中享有最佳声誉。该类型的批评者指出其图形平庸、游戏机制缺乏创意以及普遍缺乏乐趣。更令人恼火的是,GameFi 游戏的代币化元素往往难以长期维持。

但如果行业专家可信的话,GameFi 可能会进行彻底改造。Shrapnel 是一款包含创作者生态系统的 AAA 级第一人称逃生射击游戏,其首席执行官 Mark Long 是预测该行业将迎来积极发展的声音之一。朗很快承认区块链游戏目前的声誉非常好坏参半,但他认为下一波游戏会让批评者感到困惑。
“我预计明年最重要的事情之一就是围绕 Web3 游戏的叙述方式的转变,”Long 告诉 Cointelegraph。“让我们面对现实吧,人们对这一类型的看法是,区块链游戏很糟糕。由庞氏骗局机制驱动,需要新玩家的不断流入来证实任何应计价值。它们不是为了赚钱而玩的;他们是边玩边工作。”
尽管 Long 对当前的 GameFi 游戏很挑剔,但他预测正在酝酿的几款“突破性”游戏将改变公众的看法。
“我非常喜欢玩的两款游戏是《Dead Drop》和《Off The Grid》,”Long 说道。“Dead Drop 是由 Disrespect 博士创造性地领导的,一个按照自己的规则行事的人的影响力就在前面 [...] Off The Grid 有我最喜欢的电影导演 Neil Blomkamp 来推动设计,它看起来很火。对我来说,布卢姆坎普的世界是一种独特的、接地气的科幻小说,同时又以非常具体的方式令人惊讶。”
Shrapnel 首席执行官还将 Wildcard 命名为他期待的另一个游戏,并引用了包括玩家所有权在内的开发模型。
“GameFi 为 Web2 游戏玩家提供了一个令人兴奋的新机会,让他们可以做他们一直想做的事情:成为游戏创作的一部分,”Long 说。
并非所有去中心化金融(DeFi)领域的人都对 GameFi 来年的前景感到如此兴奋。移动赚钱平台 Sweat Economy 的联合创始人奥列格·福缅科 (Oleg Fomenko) 对该行业持高度怀疑态度。
Fomenko 认为差异化的 GameFi 行业永远无法挑战传统游戏,他认为整个概念都是错误的。
Fomenko 告诉 Cointelegraph:“简单地融入 Web3 元素的游戏自动属于 GameFi 的独特类别的信念正在迅速消失。” “虽然 Axie Infinity 和 StepN 最初让我们相信他们创造了一个全新的游戏世界,玩家可以靠自己的收入赚钱并生活,但事实证明这只是暂时的、令人失望的现象。这些只是庞氏骗局,让早期采用者受益,他们也知道何时尽早跳槽。”
Fomenko 表示,GameFi 代币只有“如果游戏本身就产生价值”,就会捕获价值,但“事实并非如此”。因此,GameFi 本身就有缺陷。
即便如此,这位 Sweat Economy 创始人确实在更广泛的 Web3 领域发现了一些积极的一面。Fomenko 继续说道,“带有 Web3 元素的游戏将会蓬勃发展,我很高兴看到这个领域的进一步创新,特别是在游戏中使用不可替代代币 (NFT) 方面。”
GameFi 要想在 2024 年产生重大影响,就需要克服围绕行业的负面看法。这是管理着超过 15 亿美元资产的投资顾问 Wave Financial 联合创始人兼首席战略官 Les Borsai 的判断。
Borsai 表示:“展望 2024 年,GameFi 的发展正处于关键时刻。” “坦率地说,它目前的状态并不令人印象深刻,经常因优先考虑区块链和 DeFi 噱头而不是真正的游戏质量而受到批评。这种做法引起了游戏社区的强烈反对,他们认为游戏的本质被明显的货币化策略和不吸引人的机制所掩盖。”
Borsai 认为,如果该行业能够利用人工智能 (AI) 和数字孪生技术等其他新技术趋势,那么该行业将面临机遇。在 Borsai 看来,这些为“GameFi 赎回自己的机会”。
Borsai 表示:“GameFi 要想在 2024 年产生真正的影响并赢回游戏玩家,就需要从根本上重新评估其方法。” “它必须超越先进技术;“它需要将这些元素无缝地集成到玩家真正想要花时间玩的游戏中。如果 GameFi 能够实现这种平衡,它不仅有可能成熟,而且还会显着改变我们对综合金融游戏的看法。”
打造 AAA 级游戏并非易事。尖端游戏通常需要两到五年的时间来开发并推向市场。有些游戏的等待时间甚至更长。例如,《侠盗猎车手 VI》计划于 2025 年推出——距其前作上市整整 12 年。
零知识(ZK)原生区块链 Mina Protocol 的技术产品经理 Teddy Pender 认为,零知识技术的实施可能会简化流程。
“过去,Web3 游戏应用程序因用户界面简陋和游戏体验差而受到批评。然而,2024 年将是一个转折点,届时我们将看到 GameFi 应用程序开始看起来并感觉像是现有 Web2 游戏行业的真正竞争对手。”Pender 告诉 Cointelegraph。“通过使用 ZK 原生区块链,开发者可以构建利用零知识框架的游戏,从而降低 GameFi 应用程序的复杂性。”
无论 ZK-proofs 还是其他技术解决方案能够帮助推动行业以新的活力向前发展,一些人士认为,该行业在希望赶上传统游戏之前还有很长的路要走。

Cornucopias 是一款基于虚幻引擎 5 构建的多人在线视频游戏,其联合创始人 Rob Greig 和 Josh Jones 一致认为 2024 年将是该行业具有里程碑意义的一年。
“2024 年的潜力是巨大的:我们正在考虑这样一种情况:在区块链技术的支持下,游戏内资产的个人所有权不仅是一种新鲜事物,而且随着它的不断发展,最终将成为新的规范, ”琼斯告诉 Cointelegraph。“这一转变有望释放前所未有的机遇和用户参与度,使其成为开发者和游戏玩家的关键时刻。”
“这个行业正处于十字路口,”格雷格告诉 Cointelegraph。“展望未来,2024 年似乎是关键的一年 [...],工作室会谨慎地涉足与加密货币相关的举措,并在完全投入之前进行试水。2025 年至 2026 年,我们可能会看到游戏领域的大规模采用。”
无论 2024 年是否是 GameFi 的突破之年,Long 等倡导者都希望下一批游戏能够开始扭转整个行业的局面。
#ordi #BNB🔥 #sleepless #ethi​​​
🔥💥Binance's New Launchpool Project Announced! Details are here! Binance, a global cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the 42nd edition of Sleepless AI (AI), an innovative Web3+AI gaming platform. he presented his project on Binance Launchpool. The official website is expected to go live within the next 24 hours, just before the launch of the Launchpool. Binance Is Launching Sleepless AI (AI) on Launchpool In order to Collect AI Tokens, BNB, FDUSD and TUSD need to be Staked. Users can stake BNB, FDUSD and TUSD tokens in separate pools to collect AI tokens for a period of seven days starting from 00:00 on December 28, 2023. AI will be listed on Binance on January 4, 2024 at 10:00 UTC. The trading pairs for AI will include AI/BTC, AI/USDT, AI/BNB, AI/FDUSD, AI/TUSD and AI/TRY. The Seed Label will be applied to AI. Sleepless AI Token Details: Token Name: Sleepless AI (AI) Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 AI Launchpool Token Rewards: 70,000,000 AI (7% of the total token supply) Initial Circulating Supply: 130,000,000 AI (13% of the total token supply) Smart Contract Details: AI Token (AI) Dec December 28, 2023, 00:00 UTC for Sleepless AI (AI) tokens on Launchpool farming period will take place from January 3, 2024, at 00:00. The farming period will take place between December 28, 2023, 00:00 UTC time. The farming period for Sleepless AI (AI) tokens on Launchpool. Binance Launchpool continues to bring the latest projects to the crypto community by promoting innovations in the field of blockchain and gaming. Sleepless AI promises to be an exciting addition, combining the power of Web3 and artificial intelligence to redefine the gaming world. #binance #cryptoahmet #sleepless
🔥💥Binance's New Launchpool Project Announced! Details are here!

Binance, a global cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the 42nd edition of Sleepless AI (AI), an innovative Web3+AI gaming platform. he presented his project on Binance Launchpool. The official website is expected to go live within the next 24 hours, just before the launch of the Launchpool.

Binance Is Launching Sleepless AI (AI) on Launchpool
In order to Collect AI Tokens, BNB, FDUSD and TUSD need to be Staked. Users can stake BNB, FDUSD and TUSD tokens in separate pools to collect AI tokens for a period of seven days starting from 00:00 on December 28, 2023.
AI will be listed on Binance on January 4, 2024 at 10:00 UTC.

The trading pairs for AI will include AI/BTC, AI/USDT, AI/BNB, AI/FDUSD, AI/TUSD and AI/TRY.

The Seed Label will be applied to AI.

Sleepless AI Token Details:

Token Name: Sleepless AI (AI)

Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 AI

Launchpool Token Rewards: 70,000,000 AI (7% of the total token supply)

Initial Circulating Supply: 130,000,000 AI (13% of the total token supply)

Smart Contract Details: AI Token (AI)

Dec December 28, 2023, 00:00 UTC for Sleepless AI (AI) tokens on Launchpool farming period will take place from January 3, 2024, at 00:00. The farming period will take place between December 28, 2023, 00:00 UTC time. The farming period for Sleepless AI (AI) tokens on Launchpool.

Binance Launchpool continues to bring the latest projects to the crypto community by promoting innovations in the field of blockchain and gaming.

Sleepless AI promises to be an exciting addition, combining the power of Web3 and artificial intelligence to redefine the gaming world.
#binance #cryptoahmet #sleepless
#BNB🔥 #sleepless Sleepless AI is here Continuous mining activities have finally activated the potential of BNB. After the announcement of the third mining project this month, BNB soared, reaching a maximum of 338, a short-term increase of 25%! ! ! What exactly is Sleepless AI, the third mining project this month? Sleepless AI stands out as an innovative gaming platform because of its thoughtful combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. Furthermore, the network is primarily focused on transforming the gaming industry through its unique approach and the team’s deep expertise. Comparing the success of ACE, the creativity of sleeplessAI and its unique Web3 gameplay, as well as the popularity brought by this wave of soaring BNB, sleepless AI will only achieve greater results. Doubling the number in half a month after its launch is not a problem! The mine is already being mined, just wait for the market to soar before buying one !
#BNB🔥 #sleepless
Sleepless AI is here
Continuous mining activities have finally activated the potential of BNB. After the announcement of the third mining project this month, BNB soared, reaching a maximum of 338, a short-term increase of 25%! ! !
What exactly is Sleepless AI, the third mining project this month?

Sleepless AI stands out as an innovative gaming platform because of its thoughtful combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. Furthermore, the network is primarily focused on transforming the gaming industry through its unique approach and the team’s deep expertise.

Comparing the success of ACE, the creativity of sleeplessAI and its unique Web3 gameplay, as well as the popularity brought by this wave of soaring BNB, sleepless AI will only achieve greater results. Doubling the number in half a month after its launch is not a problem!

The mine is already being mined, just wait for the market to soar before buying one !
Successful investment opportunitySleepless AI: A Comprehensive Overview Introduction Sleepless AI is an innovative gaming platform that combines artificial intelligence and Web3 technologies. It aims to revolutionize the gaming industry by delivering interactive and emotionally satisfying experiences through games featuring AI-powered virtual companions. Native Token (AI$) The platform’s native cryptocurrency is AI$, which serves several functions within the Sleepless AI ecosystem, including: Discounts on Top-Ups: Players holding AI$ tokens enjoy discounts when purchasing in-game tokens. In-Game Purchases: AI$ can be used to acquire in-game currency for purchasing items such as outfits, accessories, and upgrade cards. Governance Participation: AI$ holders can vote on game development decisions, such as upgrading items and introducing new features. Transaction Fee Rewards: Users staking AI$ tokens can earn a share of game transaction fees proportional to their holdings. In-Game Contests: AI$ tokens enable users to vote in in-game competitions, influence outcomes, and earn rewards for successful participation. Financial Details Total Supply: 1 billion AI$ tokens. Circulating Supply: As of the initial listing, 130 million tokens were available for trading, representing 13% of the total supply. Current Price: Approximately $0.6036 per AI$, with a 24-hour trading volume of around $34,805,411.60. Market Cap: Approximately $158.45 million. Platform Games Sleepless AI plans to launch two flagship games, "HIM" and "HER," designed to offer a unique interactive experience. These games focus on creating AI-based virtual companions that understand and respond to users' unique needs, providing constant support and companionship, especially during moments of isolation. Future Vision Sleepless AI aims to deliver a satisfying experience that caters to users' needs for love and companionship. Its goal is to provide personalized interactions that align with individual preferences and desires, bringing joy and a sense of freedom in personal relationships while meeting the modern need for warmth and support. The price of this currency may become $43 in the future. This means that if you invest $1,000, it may become $86,000. #SleeplessAI Note: Cryptocurrency prices are subject to constant change. It is advisable to consult reliable sources for the latest information before making any investment decisions. $#SleepLess #SleeplessAIAirdrop #SleeplessAI $AI {spot}(AIUSDT)

Successful investment opportunity

Sleepless AI: A Comprehensive Overview

Sleepless AI is an innovative gaming platform that combines artificial intelligence and Web3 technologies. It aims to revolutionize the gaming industry by delivering interactive and emotionally satisfying experiences through games featuring AI-powered virtual companions.
Native Token (AI$)
The platform’s native cryptocurrency is AI$, which serves several functions within the Sleepless AI ecosystem, including:

Discounts on Top-Ups:
Players holding AI$ tokens enjoy discounts when purchasing in-game tokens.

In-Game Purchases:
AI$ can be used to acquire in-game currency for purchasing items such as outfits, accessories, and upgrade cards.
Governance Participation:
AI$ holders can vote on game development decisions, such as upgrading items and introducing new features.

Transaction Fee Rewards:
Users staking AI$ tokens can earn a share of game transaction fees proportional to their holdings.

In-Game Contests:
AI$ tokens enable users to vote in in-game competitions, influence outcomes, and earn rewards for successful participation.

Financial Details
Total Supply: 1 billion AI$ tokens.
Circulating Supply: As of the initial listing, 130 million tokens were available for trading, representing 13% of the total supply.
Current Price: Approximately $0.6036 per AI$, with a 24-hour trading volume of around $34,805,411.60.
Market Cap: Approximately $158.45 million.

Platform Games
Sleepless AI plans to launch two flagship games, "HIM" and "HER," designed to offer a unique interactive experience.
These games focus on creating AI-based virtual companions that understand and respond to users' unique needs, providing constant support and companionship, especially during moments of isolation.
Future Vision
Sleepless AI aims to deliver a satisfying experience that caters to users' needs for love and companionship. Its goal is to provide personalized interactions that align with individual preferences and desires, bringing joy and a sense of freedom in personal relationships while meeting the modern need for warmth and support.
The price of this currency may become $43 in the future. This means that if you invest $1,000, it may become $86,000. #SleeplessAI

Cryptocurrency prices are subject to constant change. It is advisable to consult reliable sources for the latest information before making any investment decisions.
$#SleepLess #SleeplessAIAirdrop #SleeplessAI $AI
详细解读币安Launchpool项目(Sleepless AI (AI))近期币安上线的Launchpool的项目都表现出不错的表现,虽然受大盘影响出现了下跌的情况,但丝毫不影响大家对币安矿池的热衷,本文就来解读币安新币挖矿第42期项目(Sleepless AI (AI))! 1. 什么是Sleepless AI (AI)? Sleepless AI 作为一家先锋游戏工作室脱颖而出,巧妙地将人工智能和区块链技术融合在一起。这种创新方法使他们能够提供真正独特且身临其境的情感游戏体验,专为各种游戏玩家量身定制。《HIM 和 HER》是工作室的旗舰产品,标志着游戏领域迈出了革命性的一步。它将人工智能错综复杂地融入虚拟男女朋友与玩家的互动结构中,包括细致入微的对话、动态的个性塑造和引人入胜的互动。这种创新方法旨在为玩家提供一种密切反映真实情感陪伴的体验。 1.1 项目使命 在孤独的时刻,人们寻求鼓励、陪伴和爱。现实生活中的关系虽然有意义,但往往也有其自身的局限性和失望。 为了解决这个问题,Sleepless AI 致力于打造一款人工智能虚拟伴侣,不仅能理解用户的细微差别,还能提供坚定不移的支持。该项目旨在为每个用户量身定制一种自由、快乐和深刻的个人爱情体验。 1.2 项目主要亮点  AI驱动的真实情感交流: Sleepless AI致力于通过AI对话、AI语音以及其他模拟与真人互动的体验来提供真实的情感交流。定制体验:用户可以通过选择具有特定品质的首选伴侣来定制他们的体验,例如异常温柔或令人难以置信的可爱。游戏化娱乐:用户可以享受游戏化体验,为虚拟伙伴装扮、更换服装、喂食、参加 PvP 战斗,并通过抽卡和神秘盒子获得奖励。高用户参与度:游戏无缝融入用户的日常生活,类似于查看天气。日常陪伴功能有助于提高用户参与度,使其成为他们日常生活的重要组成部分。 1.3 现有产品 · 游戏(APP入口): · 游戏HIM与HER 2. 代币销售和经济学 代币分配 分配给“长期国库基金”的代币不能使用或出售,也不会流通。归属后可通过质押等方式参与生态,分享项目的奖励和收益,但不附带任何治理权。产生的奖励可用于项目的长期运营和可持续增长。 代币分配 代币发行时间表 以上就是比较详细的项目资料,我们只有了解清楚这些资料我们才能做出正确的判断,Sleepless AI的宗旨是在孤独的时刻,人们寻求鼓励、陪伴和爱。现实生活中的关系虽然有意义,但往往也有其自身的局限性和失望。这无疑在这个浮躁是现实世界增添了一份趣味,让再现实世界得不到满足的玩家在Web3的世界遨游。 总的来说这个项目个人是比较看好的,因为链游想要生存到最后要么就是打金的收益让众多玩家满足,要么就是游戏玩法受众多玩家喜爱甚至是上瘾,而Sleepless AI(AI)则可以两点都沾上,不仅游戏玩法新潮,更可以在游戏的同时获取高额的游戏收益。牛市即将到来,每个板块都蕴藏着不少机会,如果你自己没有办法把握住机会那就找一个能带你抓住机会的人或者圈子,我是路遥,文章写到这就结束了,我的小圈子欢迎众多志同道合的朋友!!!#sleepless #NFP $ACE $NFP $JTO

详细解读币安Launchpool项目(Sleepless AI (AI))

近期币安上线的Launchpool的项目都表现出不错的表现,虽然受大盘影响出现了下跌的情况,但丝毫不影响大家对币安矿池的热衷,本文就来解读币安新币挖矿第42期项目(Sleepless AI (AI))!

1. 什么是Sleepless AI (AI)?
Sleepless AI 作为一家先锋游戏工作室脱颖而出,巧妙地将人工智能和区块链技术融合在一起。这种创新方法使他们能够提供真正独特且身临其境的情感游戏体验,专为各种游戏玩家量身定制。《HIM 和 HER》是工作室的旗舰产品,标志着游戏领域迈出了革命性的一步。它将人工智能错综复杂地融入虚拟男女朋友与玩家的互动结构中,包括细致入微的对话、动态的个性塑造和引人入胜的互动。这种创新方法旨在为玩家提供一种密切反映真实情感陪伴的体验。
1.1 项目使命
在孤独的时刻,人们寻求鼓励、陪伴和爱。现实生活中的关系虽然有意义,但往往也有其自身的局限性和失望。 为了解决这个问题,Sleepless AI 致力于打造一款人工智能虚拟伴侣,不仅能理解用户的细微差别,还能提供坚定不移的支持。该项目旨在为每个用户量身定制一种自由、快乐和深刻的个人爱情体验。
1.2 项目主要亮点 
AI驱动的真实情感交流: Sleepless AI致力于通过AI对话、AI语音以及其他模拟与真人互动的体验来提供真实的情感交流。定制体验:用户可以通过选择具有特定品质的首选伴侣来定制他们的体验,例如异常温柔或令人难以置信的可爱。游戏化娱乐:用户可以享受游戏化体验,为虚拟伙伴装扮、更换服装、喂食、参加 PvP 战斗,并通过抽卡和神秘盒子获得奖励。高用户参与度:游戏无缝融入用户的日常生活,类似于查看天气。日常陪伴功能有助于提高用户参与度,使其成为他们日常生活的重要组成部分。
1.3 现有产品
· 游戏(APP入口):


2. 代币销售和经济学



以上就是比较详细的项目资料,我们只有了解清楚这些资料我们才能做出正确的判断,Sleepless AI的宗旨是在孤独的时刻,人们寻求鼓励、陪伴和爱。现实生活中的关系虽然有意义,但往往也有其自身的局限性和失望。这无疑在这个浮躁是现实世界增添了一份趣味,让再现实世界得不到满足的玩家在Web3的世界遨游。
总的来说这个项目个人是比较看好的,因为链游想要生存到最后要么就是打金的收益让众多玩家满足,要么就是游戏玩法受众多玩家喜爱甚至是上瘾,而Sleepless AI(AI)则可以两点都沾上,不仅游戏玩法新潮,更可以在游戏的同时获取高额的游戏收益。牛市即将到来,每个板块都蕴藏着不少机会,如果你自己没有办法把握住机会那就找一个能带你抓住机会的人或者圈子,我是路遥,文章写到这就结束了,我的小圈子欢迎众多志同道合的朋友!!!#sleepless #NFP $ACE $NFP $JTO
#RGBS #BNB🔥 #NFP #sleepless 打铭文,打铭文 RGB 上的首个比特币铭文RGBS它来啦! 北京时间28号下午3点,RGBS开打 。依托BTC闪电网络,RGBS拥有广阔的前景。 ordi冲100,sats、rats后来赶上,形成铭文3巨头格局! 近期ordi、stas又再次带动铭文回暖,RGBS会借此成为第四个巨头吗?冲了再说!! #一起来跟单 点点头像关注志哥,小圈子一起铭文,抓住铭文最后的尾巴,冲!
#RGBS #BNB🔥 #NFP #sleepless
RGB 上的首个比特币铭文RGBS它来啦!
北京时间28号下午3点,RGBS开打 。依托BTC闪电网络,RGBS拥有广阔的前景。
#AI #sleepless AI Price Prediction Report Summary: Overview: Sleepless AI is forecasted to experience a significant price increase of 225.26% and reach $3.45 by May 23, 2024, according to current price predictions. This substantial growth potential suggests a favorable outlook for investors. Technical Indicators: Sentiment: The current sentiment surrounding Sleepless AI is assessed as Neutral. This implies a balanced market outlook without strong bullish or bearish signals. Fear & Greed Index: The Fear & Greed Index stands at 71, indicating a level of Greed among investors. This sentiment may suggest a positive market sentiment and a willingness to take on risk. Market Performance: Price Movement: Sleepless AI has seen 16 out of the last 30 days (53%) ending in green, suggesting a slightly bullish trend in the short term. Volatility: The price of Sleepless AI has exhibited a volatility of 23.64% over the last 30 days, indicating fluctuating price movements within this period. Investment Recommendation: Given the projected substantial increase in price and the current market indicators, it could be considered a favorable time to consider buying Sleepless AI. The forecasted price rise aligns with positive sentiment and a moderate level of market volatility, potentially offering attractive opportunities for investors seeking growth. Based on the analysis of Sleepless AI's forecasted price trajectory, sentiment, and market indicators, it appears to be a promising investment opportunity. N.B: Investors are advised to conduct further research and consider their risk tolerance before making investment decisions.
#AI #sleepless AI Price Prediction Report Summary:

Overview: Sleepless AI is forecasted to experience a significant price increase of 225.26% and reach $3.45 by May 23, 2024, according to current price predictions. This substantial growth potential suggests a favorable outlook for investors.

Technical Indicators:

Sentiment: The current sentiment surrounding Sleepless AI is assessed as Neutral. This implies a balanced market outlook without strong bullish or bearish signals.

Fear & Greed Index: The Fear & Greed Index stands at 71, indicating a level of Greed among investors. This sentiment may suggest a positive market sentiment and a willingness to take on risk.

Market Performance:

Price Movement: Sleepless AI has seen 16 out of the last 30 days (53%) ending in green, suggesting a slightly bullish trend in the short term.

Volatility: The price of Sleepless AI has exhibited a volatility of 23.64% over the last 30 days, indicating fluctuating price movements within this period.

Investment Recommendation: Given the projected substantial increase in price and the current market indicators, it could be considered a favorable time to consider buying Sleepless AI. The forecasted price rise aligns with positive sentiment and a moderate level of market volatility, potentially offering attractive opportunities for investors seeking growth.

Based on the analysis of Sleepless AI's forecasted price trajectory, sentiment, and market indicators, it appears to be a promising investment opportunity.

N.B: Investors are advised to conduct further research and consider their risk tolerance before making investment decisions.
#BNB🔥 #sleepless 币安大胜利,在之前如此大利空的情况下都能稳住币价,我就知道你小子不一般。 在本月几次质押挖矿项目的推动下,BNB市价一路飞涨,本次sleepless项目的公布更是直接将BNB带飞,即将突破300!! 不知道有多少人拿住了!!! 信志哥不会错! 币圈投资。关注志哥,点开头像,每日合约现货密码,牛市百倍策略布局无偿分享。
#BNB🔥 #sleepless

cz都被迫认罪辞职了,币安都被罚了40亿美金,当初FTX暴雷也只是因为80亿美金存款都没有,现在 币安不卖币都能全额支付当年FTX一半的资产,底蕴如此强大!
币安如此大的利空落地#BNB 也才跌到230而已,带群众情绪过后,还有什么能阻挡#BNB 重登600?!!!!
比特币圈韭菜的十大特征 1、总是听小道消息炒币 2、涨跌都跟 3、从不止损 4、从不减仓 5、一拉升就捏不住 6、总觉得自己运气好就是天才 7、一根筋 8、只识字母 9、选择性相信 10、总是在涨过后的最高点进场 #一起来跟单 #BTC #BNB🔥 #ETH #sleepless 远离韭菜,币圈投资。关注宇哥,点开头像,每日合约现货密码,牛市百倍策略布局无偿分享。
#一起来跟单 #BTC #BNB🔥 #ETH #sleepless
12.28晨报: #sleepless #SILLY #BNB🔥 #HOOK 1.踏空 SILLY 的开始寻找下一个它,凌晨 0xPolygon发射了 PORY ,然后被创始人转发,一晚上500%;(到底是基金会发的还是蹭呢?) 2. BSV 、BCH 、BITCOIN 、XEC 减半概念开始躁动,似乎在为明年的减半行情开始测试; 3.xpet 逐渐进入fomo阶段,短短三天时间,讨论度远高于之前的半个月,币价也翻倍,仿盘 saiyan 成为替代品,在 brc20 发售然后其他和 xpet 一模一样; 4.昨天 elonmusk发布了一个NFT之歌,有人做成了 brc420 部署了42069份,目前已经MINT完成,场外目前5-10x左右;(终于没踏空了) 5.昨日发售的全链 gh0stlygh0sts的代币BOO ,目前来看昨天早上接盘的人最少亏60%,多的人亏80%;(又是跑的快的游戏) 6. PancakeSwap宣布搭建 MUBI 、ORDI 、SATS 的流动性池子; 7. v神昨晚开始科普 pos点名了一大堆项目只有ssv 发币了; 8. 铭文 热度逐渐消去,市场回归到了cex的二级上,热点似乎逐渐转移到了Ethereum 上面; 9.做多的大哥越来越多,并未出现想象中的“圣诞劫“,不知道”元旦劫“会不会出现,费率已经高达50%的apr了,这个地方做合约,可能会很难受,不建议合约操作; 10.微策略大哥,昨日又买了bitcoin ,市场波澜不惊; 11.Ark Invest 本月已减持近 3.6 亿美元的 Coinbase 股票和 GBTC 份额; 12.Sui 链上铭文 ISSP 已经铭刻完毕,用户量超 1.3 万,Sui Network TPS 首次稳定突破 1000; 13.BNB Greenfield 测试网将于 1 月 4 日进行 Manchurian 硬分叉; 14.BitRGB 协议首个 RGB-20 资产 RGBS 将于 28 日 15 时开启公平铸造; 15.Solana 的evm项目 Neon 创造历史新高,上面的dex 、mora 也创造历史新高; 16. Hook 首个公平启动项目为 BRC20 项目 “TUNO”,质押将于明晚开始;(受此利好拉盘,公布细节后,由于门槛过高,开始砸盘) 17.DAO BRC-20 即将上线,为比特币生态提供借贷和跨链桥服务;(一大堆老鼠仓提前买入,在消息公布后并未大面积砸盘) 18. METIS 表现算是最近半个月最好的 layer2 ,并且生态项目真的都飞的很离谱; 19. BN公告的新IEO项目, SleeplessAI_Lab两天时间成为bsc dapp人数版第一名;
#sleepless #SILLY #BNB🔥 #HOOK

1.踏空 SILLY 的开始寻找下一个它,凌晨 0xPolygon发射了 PORY ,然后被创始人转发,一晚上500%;(到底是基金会发的还是蹭呢?)
2. BSV 、BCH 、BITCOIN 、XEC 减半概念开始躁动,似乎在为明年的减半行情开始测试;
3.xpet 逐渐进入fomo阶段,短短三天时间,讨论度远高于之前的半个月,币价也翻倍,仿盘 saiyan 成为替代品,在 brc20 发售然后其他和 xpet 一模一样;
4.昨天 elonmusk发布了一个NFT之歌,有人做成了 brc420 部署了42069份,目前已经MINT完成,场外目前5-10x左右;(终于没踏空了)
5.昨日发售的全链 gh0stlygh0sts的代币BOO ,目前来看昨天早上接盘的人最少亏60%,多的人亏80%;(又是跑的快的游戏)
6. PancakeSwap宣布搭建 MUBI 、ORDI 、SATS 的流动性池子;
7. v神昨晚开始科普 pos点名了一大堆项目只有ssv 发币了;
8. 铭文 热度逐渐消去,市场回归到了cex的二级上,热点似乎逐渐转移到了Ethereum 上面;
10.微策略大哥,昨日又买了bitcoin ,市场波澜不惊;
11.Ark Invest 本月已减持近 3.6 亿美元的 Coinbase 股票和 GBTC 份额;
12.Sui 链上铭文 ISSP 已经铭刻完毕,用户量超 1.3 万,Sui Network TPS 首次稳定突破 1000;
13.BNB Greenfield 测试网将于 1 月 4 日进行 Manchurian 硬分叉;
14.BitRGB 协议首个 RGB-20 资产 RGBS 将于 28 日 15 时开启公平铸造;
15.Solana 的evm项目 Neon 创造历史新高,上面的dex 、mora 也创造历史新高;
16. Hook 首个公平启动项目为 BRC20 项目 “TUNO”,质押将于明晚开始;(受此利好拉盘,公布细节后,由于门槛过高,开始砸盘)
17.DAO BRC-20 即将上线,为比特币生态提供借贷和跨链桥服务;(一大堆老鼠仓提前买入,在消息公布后并未大面积砸盘)
18. METIS 表现算是最近半个月最好的 layer2 ,并且生态项目真的都飞的很离谱;
19. BN公告的新IEO项目, SleeplessAI_Lab两天时间成为bsc dapp人数版第一名;
#BSV #btc #BCH! #sleepless 大饼生态的减半FOMO情绪拉起来啦,bsv连续阳线冲上96,从下午开始高位震荡,不知道会持续多久。 冲,别怕接盘,相信减半事件的FOMO情绪!吃肉赶不上,喝汤还喝不到吗😭? 一觉醒来上100! #一起来跟单 币圈投资,关注志哥,和悦鲜活每日幂玛无偿分享。无门槛圈
#BSV #btc #BCH! #sleepless

Binance的第42期Launchpad项目Sleepless AI数据连续刷新多项纪录,AI即将在今日18:00开始交易 预测Sleepless AI (AI)开盘后的合理价格大概在2.3美元,有三个机构给出的估值为 3 亿美元,初始流通1.3亿美元,总量10亿,最大稀释后市值为23亿美元。 预计开盘能够卖出的价格可能会在 5u 左右。 (相关价格为个人推测,均不作为投资建议) #AI板块 #sleepless #sleeplessai
Binance的第42期Launchpad项目Sleepless AI数据连续刷新多项纪录,AI即将在今日18:00开始交易

预测Sleepless AI (AI)开盘后的合理价格大概在2.3美元,有三个机构给出的估值为 3 亿美元,初始流通1.3亿美元,总量10亿,最大稀释后市值为23亿美元。

预计开盘能够卖出的价格可能会在 5u 左右。
#AI板块 #sleepless #sleeplessai
Make big money by doing subtraction in the bull market: First, dazzled, every track has a get-rich-quick effect. It's just that the heat of each track is different at different times. Second, don't chase after others, stick to your own track. Especially in the trough, find the beauty value, pick up the low-priced chips. When the wind comes, most of the retail investors will flock to you, and you will take over the plate. Third, don't play everything, choose two tracks to play, look at the good tracks, concentrate the chips to make big money. #sol #manta #sleepless #etf
Make big money by doing subtraction in the bull market:
First, dazzled, every track has a get-rich-quick effect. It's just that the heat of each track is different at different times.
Second, don't chase after others, stick to your own track. Especially in the trough, find the beauty value, pick up the low-priced chips. When the wind comes, most of the retail investors will flock to you, and you will take over the plate.
Third, don't play everything, choose two tracks to play, look at the good tracks, concentrate the chips to make big money.

#sol #manta #sleepless #etf
$ SLEEPLESS (AI) Airdrop and Presale Launch you can earn free #airdrop of #SLEEPLESS (AI)! a) Go in your binance account b) click on wallet c) click on deposit for #sleepless AI, d) copy AI address as BEP20 adresse go in your browser and use thes link to receive your #Airdrop : This is a fantastic opportunity to join our rapidly growing community. ✨ Airdrop Offer ✨ 🎁 you will receive For Signing Up: Receive 300 #sleepless (AI)! This is the link 💝💝 End of Airdrop and Presale is 4th of January 2024 💫 Join us now! 💖💖we will be happy together 💖💖
$ SLEEPLESS (AI) Airdrop and Presale Launch

you can earn free #airdrop of #SLEEPLESS (AI)!
a) Go in your binance account
b) click on wallet
c) click on deposit for #sleepless AI,
d) copy AI address as BEP20 adresse

go in your browser and use thes link to receive your #Airdrop :

This is a fantastic opportunity to join our rapidly growing community.

✨ Airdrop Offer ✨

🎁 you will receive For Signing Up: Receive 300 #sleepless (AI)!
This is the link 💝💝

End of Airdrop and Presale is 4th of January 2024

💫 Join us now!

💖💖we will be happy together 💖💖
Al will be launched tomorrow. How much have you mined? #BNB #sleepless #AI I see many people discussing the prospects of AI coming online, what is the opening price, whether to sell directly or wait for it to take off. Based on the current situation, there are a few points that can be discussed: 1. Bring your own traffic: AI, the token code, comes with the blessing of its own traffic! 2. Binance Effect: The performance of the last wave of NFP was mediocre, and BN needs to regain its sense of being superior to the rest. AI is the best turnaround battle in terms of popularity and financial strength! 3. Amount of funds: AI, a companion game, seems to be very popular. Its series of NFTs have sold 2.5 million, and its historical financing is close to 4 million. 4. The circulation is small: ace has a circulation of 14.7%, nfp has a circulation of 25%, and Sleepless is smaller than them all, so the amount should be < between 4-5b. So to sum up, the opening price of AI should be around 4U, and BN will also strongly support it. It is recommended not to go online directly, but to wait and see, the upside potential is still good. The layout of the currency circle, nodding your head to follow Brother Zhi, sharing passwords for free every day, and preparing for the halving bull market. The Year of the Dragon rushes together, there is no threshold circle ⭕️
Al will be launched tomorrow. How much have you mined?


#sleepless #AI

I see many people discussing the prospects of AI coming online, what is the opening price, whether to sell directly or wait for it to take off. Based on the current situation, there are a few points that can be discussed:
1. Bring your own traffic: AI, the token code, comes with the blessing of its own traffic!

2. Binance Effect: The performance of the last wave of NFP was mediocre, and BN needs to regain its sense of being superior to the rest. AI is the best turnaround battle in terms of popularity and financial strength!

3. Amount of funds: AI, a companion game, seems to be very popular. Its series of NFTs have sold 2.5 million, and its historical financing is close to 4 million.

4. The circulation is small: ace has a circulation of
14.7%, nfp has a circulation of 25%, and Sleepless is smaller than them all, so the amount should be
between 4-5b.

So to sum up, the opening price of AI should be around 4U, and BN will also strongly support it. It is recommended not to go online directly, but to wait and see, the upside potential is still good.

The layout of the currency circle, nodding your head to follow Brother Zhi, sharing passwords for free every day, and preparing for the halving bull market.
The Year of the Dragon rushes together, there is no threshold circle ⭕️
什么是Sleepless AI? Sleepless AI是一个结合了人工智能元素的GameFi项目,通过AI和区块链技术,帮助用户顺畅地体验Sleepless游戏。Sleepless目前有两个主要的AI,分别是HIM和HER,它们帮助用户以虚拟男友/女友的身份进行互动和聊天。 此外,Sleepless AI是由币安实验室组织的第六届MVB计划的前四名项目。该项目的目标是通过用户与AI之间的互动创造一个丰富多样的内容和故事的游戏。 Sleepless AI的游戏玩法 目前,Sleepless AI主要专注于两个主要的游戏产品:HIM和HER,但HER目前仍在开发阶段,尚未正式推出。 Sleepless AI的游戏玩法相对简单,用户首先选择10个具有不同名字和个性的AI之一。一旦选择,这些AI将成为用户钱包中的SBT代币。 用户可以与HIM的AI互动,聊天并在游戏中开展任务和小游戏。此外,用户还可以通过NFT物品(如衣服、耳环等)更改和定制角色的外观。NFT将在Sleepless AI的市场或NFTPrompt上进行买卖。 与HIM类似,HER是一个具有与女性角色进行对话和互动游戏玩法的项目,而不是像HIM那样是男性角色。 在2023年12月31日,Sleepless AI将在NFPrompt上开始销售Genesis HIM NFT套装,享有优先特权,如提前访问Sleepless AI游戏、将有资格接收空投!#ai #sleepless $NFP $ACE $BONK
什么是Sleepless AI?
Sleepless AI是一个结合了人工智能元素的GameFi项目,通过AI和区块链技术,帮助用户顺畅地体验Sleepless游戏。Sleepless目前有两个主要的AI,分别是HIM和HER,它们帮助用户以虚拟男友/女友的身份进行互动和聊天。
此外,Sleepless AI是由币安实验室组织的第六届MVB计划的前四名项目。该项目的目标是通过用户与AI之间的互动创造一个丰富多样的内容和故事的游戏。
Sleepless AI的游戏玩法
目前,Sleepless AI主要专注于两个主要的游戏产品:HIM和HER,但HER目前仍在开发阶段,尚未正式推出。
Sleepless AI的游戏玩法相对简单,用户首先选择10个具有不同名字和个性的AI之一。一旦选择,这些AI将成为用户钱包中的SBT代币。
用户可以与HIM的AI互动,聊天并在游戏中开展任务和小游戏。此外,用户还可以通过NFT物品(如衣服、耳环等)更改和定制角色的外观。NFT将在Sleepless AI的市场或NFTPrompt上进行买卖。
在2023年12月31日,Sleepless AI将在NFPrompt上开始销售Genesis HIM NFT套装,享有优先特权,如提前访问Sleepless AI游戏、将有资格接收空投!#ai #sleepless $NFP $ACE $BONK
#BNB🔥 #sleepless Sleepless AI它来了 连续的挖矿活动终于激活了BNB的潜力,在本月第三个挖矿项目公布后BNB更是一飞冲天,最高到达338,短期涨幅25%!!! 作为本月第三个挖矿项目的Sleepless AI究竟是什么? Sleepless AI 作为一个创新游戏平台脱颖而出,因为它精心结合了人工智能 (AI) 和区块链技术。此外,该网络主要致力于通过独特的方法和团队的丰富专业知识来改变游戏行业。 对比ACE的成功,sleeplessAI的创造性与其独特Web3游戏玩法,以及这波BNB飞涨带来的热度,sleepless AI只会取得更大的成绩,上线半月翻倍不是问题! 矿是已经在挖了,坐等开盘飞涨再入一手!
#BNB🔥 #sleepless
Sleepless AI它来了
作为本月第三个挖矿项目的Sleepless AI究竟是什么?

Sleepless AI 作为一个创新游戏平台脱颖而出,因为它精心结合了人工智能 (AI) 和区块链技术。此外,该网络主要致力于通过独特的方法和团队的丰富专业知识来改变游戏行业。

对比ACE的成功,sleeplessAI的创造性与其独特Web3游戏玩法,以及这波BNB飞涨带来的热度,sleepless AI只会取得更大的成绩,上线半月翻倍不是问题!

说一下我对币安42期挖矿项目Sleepless AI(AI)的看法! 首先我们这个项目能够上线币安挖矿那就说明项目本身肯定是值得认可的,不然币安也不会轻易上线,其次游戏本身也算是Web3游戏的创新了,游戏本身就可以吸引大量的游戏玩家,从而提高代币的价值,我们在看前期的流通量是总量的13%,这其中包括挖矿的7%、空投1%以及短期成长基金会5%,前期的流通也算是比较低的,对比与NFP来说前期的抛压会少很多,和ACE一样都是属于后期发力的项目,在看已经上线的两款游戏“HIM”和“HER”通过AI驱动的真实感情交流让大部分的玩家更坚定的选择这款游戏,从而稳定庞大的用户群体! 我个人在挖矿初期就已经参与了挖矿,上线初期的表现不会比ACE差,加上有币安投资以及币安挖矿的加持下,热度也会持续不断,就看上线后项目方是否会配合众多利好给代币带来更多赋能了,个人建议可以冲!稍后我也会写一篇详细的投研报告,如果小伙伴们还有其他问题可以选择加入我小圈子,我会耐心的给大家解答!#sleepless #NFP $ACE $NFP $JTO
说一下我对币安42期挖矿项目Sleepless AI(AI)的看法!
我个人在挖矿初期就已经参与了挖矿,上线初期的表现不会比ACE差,加上有币安投资以及币安挖矿的加持下,热度也会持续不断,就看上线后项目方是否会配合众多利好给代币带来更多赋能了,个人建议可以冲!稍后我也会写一篇详细的投研报告,如果小伙伴们还有其他问题可以选择加入我小圈子,我会耐心的给大家解答!#sleepless #NFP $ACE $NFP $JTO
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