Binance Square
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ojo no se dejen robarPARA QUE no se dejen robar en el mercado p2p Preguntas frecuentes Centro de Ayuda Preguntas frecuentes Comprar cripto (Fiat) Consejos para el trading P2P Cómo ev...comunes Cómo evitar las estafas P2P más comunes A continuación, te mostramos algunas de las estafas P2P más populares con las que debes tener cuidado y las mejores prácticas para evitarlas. 1. Estafas de justificantes de pago  Al realizar transacciones en línea en Binance P2P, es fundamental comprobar bien toda la información relacionada con el pago que comparta contigo la contraparte. Los estafadores pueden manipular digitalmente las capturas de pantalla, afirmar que han cumplido con su parte del trato y presionarte para que liberes tus fondos. Sin embargo, si los liberas sin confirmar que has recibido el pago, corres el riesgo de perder tu dinero o tus activos digitales, y las posibilidades de recuperarlos son escasas o directamente nulas. Cómo protegerte de las estafas de justificantes de pago Comprueba siempre tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica para confirmar que has recibido los fondos de la contraparte antes de marcar la transacción como completada.  2. Estafas por mensajes SMS En este tipo de estafa, los estafadores envían a sus víctimas un mensaje SMS que parece idéntico a las notificaciones que envían los bancos o las aplicaciones de billeteras para notificar a la víctima que ha recibido un pago de la contraparte. Cómo evitar ser víctima de las estafas por mensaje SMS Asegúrate de comprobar tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica para confirmar que has recibido los fondos de la contraparte. No confíes ciegamente en el mensaje de texto; inicia siempre sesión en tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica y comprueba bien si has recibido los fondos.  3. Estafas de devolución de fondos Los estafadores pueden iniciar una devolución de fondos (disponible para algunos métodos de pago) para retirar el pago que han realizado a la contraparte. En muchas ocasiones, los estafadores procesan los pagos a través de una cuenta de terceros. Si tu contraparte intenta pagarte con un depósito mediante cheque, lo más probable es que sea una estafa, porque solicitar una devolución de fondos de los pagos con cheque es muy sencillo. Si tu contraparte insiste en pagarte con un cheque, no liberes los fondos y presenta una apelación de inmediato.  Cómo protegerte de las estafas de devolución de fondos  Verifica siempre que el nombre del comprador en los datos de pago coincide con su nombre verificado en Binance. No aceptes pagos de cuentas de terceros y, de hacerlo, presenta una apelación y reembolsa el pago a la cuenta remitente.  Además, ten cuidado con los métodos de estafa avanzados como los siguientes: 1. Estafa de intermediario El estafador fingirá ser un comerciante de confianza que quiere comprar o vender criptomonedas en Binance P2P. Se comunicará con sus víctimas en Telegram, WhatsApp o plataformas de redes sociales y les enviará los datos de su cuenta bancaria y un enlace a un anuncio P2P para informarles de que va a realizar un pago a través de esa cuenta. Luego, le pedirá a la víctima que confirme que ha recibido correctamente los datos bancarios pidiéndole que copie esos mismos datos en el chat de la página de la orden.  Sin embargo, la víctima no es consciente de que está compartiendo los datos de la cuenta bancaria del estafador en el chat de un comprador que no tiene nada que ver y que tampoco es consciente de la estafa. A continuación, la víctima liberará sus criptomonedas al comprador que no está relacionado con la estafa, que, sin saberlo, enviará dinero a la cuenta bancaria del estafador.  Si la víctima intenta cancelar la transacción abriendo una apelación, no hay mucho que el servicio de atención al cliente pueda hacer, porque toda la comunicación con el estafador tuvo lugar fuera de la plataforma de Binance P2P, y el comprador envió sus fondos a una cuenta del estafador de terceros. Cómo protegerte de una estafa de intermediario No respondas a ninguna solicitud de trading P2P fuera de Binance P2P. Limita la comunicación con la contraparte al chat de Binance P2P antes y durante cualquier transacción. Y lo que es más importante, si un comprador te pregunta si puede realizar el pago mediante una transferencia de terceros, recuérdale que las transferencias realizadas desde la cuenta de otra persona violan las políticas de las transacciones P2P. Además, comprueba bien los datos de la cuenta bancaria de la contraparte directamente en la plataforma de Binance P2P. No te fíes de la información o las ofertas que recibas desde canales externos. 2. Estafa triangular  En una estafa triangular, dos estafadores efectúan dos órdenes simultáneamente con el mismo vendedor. El estafador A efectúa una orden por valor de 5000 USDT en criptomonedas (orden A) y el estafador B efectúa una orden por valor de 6000 USDT (orden B).  A continuación, el estafador B transfiere 5000 USDT al vendedor y, al mismo tiempo, el estafador A marca la orden A como pagada. El vendedor libera las criptomonedas al comprador A, por lo que completa la orden A por 5000 USDT. El estafador B envía otros 1000 USDT al vendedor, proporciona el justificante de pago de 5000 USDT que obtuvo del comprador A y presiona al vendedor para que libere los activos digitales de la orden B.  El objetivo del estafador es hacer que el vendedor libere los fondos de inmediato sin verificar la transferencia. Puede ser fácil liberar fondos sin verificar qué usuario ha iniciado la transferencia. Si no tienes cuidado, podrías liberar los fondos dos veces, pero solo recibir la mitad o menos de los activos comprados. Cómo evitar ser víctima de las estafas triangulares Comprueba siempre tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica para confirmar que has recibido todos los fondos de las transacciones P2P pendientes. Ten cuidado con los justificantes de pago que te envíen las contrapartes y recuerda que los estafadores pueden intentar reutilizar esos justificantes. 3. Estafas de suplantación de Binance En este tipo de estafa, los estafadores se hacen pasar por empleados de Binance para ofrecer servicios falsos y así robar los fondos de la gente. El estafador se pondrá en contacto con las víctimas potenciales a través de correos electrónicos no oficiales o cuentas de redes sociales que parecen cuentas oficiales de Binance.  En algunas situaciones, el estafador puede hacerse pasar por el servicio de atención al cliente de Binance en el chat de órdenes P2P. Por ejemplo, puede afirmar que el «comprador» ha pagado la cantidad requerida y los fondos ahora están en la cuenta de Binance. Para recibir el pago, deberás enviar activos mediante transferencia interna (u otros servicios) a una cuenta desconocida. Te pedirá tu dirección de correo electrónico por el chat de P2P, alegando que el «servicio de custodia de Binance P2P» lo necesita para confirmar el pago. Luego, te enviará un correo electrónico que se parecerá mucho a los correos electrónicos oficiales de Binance para hacerte creer que primero tienes que liberar las criptomonedas para recibir el pago. Cómo protegerte de las estafas de suplantación de Binance Binance nunca te enviará correos electrónicos pidiéndote que completes una transacción P2P. Además, libera siempre los fondos después de recibir el pago. Presta atención al nombre de usuario o dirección de correo electrónico. Puedes verificar la autenticidad de las direcciones de correo electrónico y los enlaces de la página en Binance buscando la dirección del remitente en esta página.  Nota: no menciones ningún nombre ni compartas información de contacto offline por el chat. El pago debe enviarse utilizando el método de pago especificado por la contraparte, y el nombre en la cuenta debe coincidir con el nombre verificado de tu contraparte en Binance. Artículos relacionados ¿Cómo puedo evitar que mi cuenta bancaria quede congelada en las transacciones P2P? Cómo denunciar estafas P2P en la aplicación de Binance Cómo transferir activos de la billetera spot a la billetera de fondos ¿Cómo puedo añadir métodos de pago nuevos para hacer trading P2P? Cómo sugerir un nuevo método de pago para Binance P2P  #BtcNewHolder #btc70k #p2ptransactions

ojo no se dejen robar

PARA QUE no se dejen robar en el mercado p2p

Preguntas frecuentes

Centro de Ayuda

Preguntas frecuentes

Comprar cripto (Fiat)

Consejos para el trading P2P

Cómo ev...comunes

Cómo evitar las estafas P2P más comunes

A continuación, te mostramos algunas de las estafas P2P más populares con las que debes tener cuidado y las mejores prácticas para evitarlas.

1. Estafas de justificantes de pago 

Al realizar transacciones en línea en Binance P2P, es fundamental comprobar bien toda la información relacionada con el pago que comparta contigo la contraparte. Los estafadores pueden manipular digitalmente las capturas de pantalla, afirmar que han cumplido con su parte del trato y presionarte para que liberes tus fondos. Sin embargo, si los liberas sin confirmar que has recibido el pago, corres el riesgo de perder tu dinero o tus activos digitales, y las posibilidades de recuperarlos son escasas o directamente nulas.

Cómo protegerte de las estafas de justificantes de pago

Comprueba siempre tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica para confirmar que has recibido los fondos de la contraparte antes de marcar la transacción como completada. 

2. Estafas por mensajes SMS

En este tipo de estafa, los estafadores envían a sus víctimas un mensaje SMS que parece idéntico a las notificaciones que envían los bancos o las aplicaciones de billeteras para notificar a la víctima que ha recibido un pago de la contraparte.

Cómo evitar ser víctima de las estafas por mensaje SMS

Asegúrate de comprobar tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica para confirmar que has recibido los fondos de la contraparte. No confíes ciegamente en el mensaje de texto; inicia siempre sesión en tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica y comprueba bien si has recibido los fondos. 

3. Estafas de devolución de fondos

Los estafadores pueden iniciar una devolución de fondos (disponible para algunos métodos de pago) para retirar el pago que han realizado a la contraparte. En muchas ocasiones, los estafadores procesan los pagos a través de una cuenta de terceros.

Si tu contraparte intenta pagarte con un depósito mediante cheque, lo más probable es que sea una estafa, porque solicitar una devolución de fondos de los pagos con cheque es muy sencillo. Si tu contraparte insiste en pagarte con un cheque, no liberes los fondos y presenta una apelación de inmediato. 

Cómo protegerte de las estafas de devolución de fondos 

Verifica siempre que el nombre del comprador en los datos de pago coincide con su nombre verificado en Binance. No aceptes pagos de cuentas de terceros y, de hacerlo, presenta una apelación y reembolsa el pago a la cuenta remitente.

 Además, ten cuidado con los métodos de estafa avanzados como los siguientes:

1. Estafa de intermediario

El estafador fingirá ser un comerciante de confianza que quiere comprar o vender criptomonedas en Binance P2P. Se comunicará con sus víctimas en Telegram, WhatsApp o plataformas de redes sociales y les enviará los datos de su cuenta bancaria y un enlace a un anuncio P2P para informarles de que va a realizar un pago a través de esa cuenta. Luego, le pedirá a la víctima que confirme que ha recibido correctamente los datos bancarios pidiéndole que copie esos mismos datos en el chat de la página de la orden. 

Sin embargo, la víctima no es consciente de que está compartiendo los datos de la cuenta bancaria del estafador en el chat de un comprador que no tiene nada que ver y que tampoco es consciente de la estafa. A continuación, la víctima liberará sus criptomonedas al comprador que no está relacionado con la estafa, que, sin saberlo, enviará dinero a la cuenta bancaria del estafador. 

Si la víctima intenta cancelar la transacción abriendo una apelación, no hay mucho que el servicio de atención al cliente pueda hacer, porque toda la comunicación con el estafador tuvo lugar fuera de la plataforma de Binance P2P, y el comprador envió sus fondos a una cuenta del estafador de terceros.

Cómo protegerte de una estafa de intermediario

No respondas a ninguna solicitud de trading P2P fuera de Binance P2P. Limita la comunicación con la contraparte al chat de Binance P2P antes y durante cualquier transacción. Y lo que es más importante, si un comprador te pregunta si puede realizar el pago mediante una transferencia de terceros, recuérdale que las transferencias realizadas desde la cuenta de otra persona violan las políticas de las transacciones P2P. Además, comprueba bien los datos de la cuenta bancaria de la contraparte directamente en la plataforma de Binance P2P. No te fíes de la información o las ofertas que recibas desde canales externos.

2. Estafa triangular 

En una estafa triangular, dos estafadores efectúan dos órdenes simultáneamente con el mismo vendedor. El estafador A efectúa una orden por valor de 5000 USDT en criptomonedas (orden A) y el estafador B efectúa una orden por valor de 6000 USDT (orden B). 

A continuación, el estafador B transfiere 5000 USDT al vendedor y, al mismo tiempo, el estafador A marca la orden A como pagada. El vendedor libera las criptomonedas al comprador A, por lo que completa la orden A por 5000 USDT. El estafador B envía otros 1000 USDT al vendedor, proporciona el justificante de pago de 5000 USDT que obtuvo del comprador A y presiona al vendedor para que libere los activos digitales de la orden B. 

El objetivo del estafador es hacer que el vendedor libere los fondos de inmediato sin verificar la transferencia. Puede ser fácil liberar fondos sin verificar qué usuario ha iniciado la transferencia. Si no tienes cuidado, podrías liberar los fondos dos veces, pero solo recibir la mitad o menos de los activos comprados.

Cómo evitar ser víctima de las estafas triangulares

Comprueba siempre tu cuenta bancaria o billetera electrónica para confirmar que has recibido todos los fondos de las transacciones P2P pendientes. Ten cuidado con los justificantes de pago que te envíen las contrapartes y recuerda que los estafadores pueden intentar reutilizar esos justificantes.

3. Estafas de suplantación de Binance

En este tipo de estafa, los estafadores se hacen pasar por empleados de Binance para ofrecer servicios falsos y así robar los fondos de la gente. El estafador se pondrá en contacto con las víctimas potenciales a través de correos electrónicos no oficiales o cuentas de redes sociales que parecen cuentas oficiales de Binance. 

En algunas situaciones, el estafador puede hacerse pasar por el servicio de atención al cliente de Binance en el chat de órdenes P2P. Por ejemplo, puede afirmar que el «comprador» ha pagado la cantidad requerida y los fondos ahora están en la cuenta de Binance. Para recibir el pago, deberás enviar activos mediante transferencia interna (u otros servicios) a una cuenta desconocida.

Te pedirá tu dirección de correo electrónico por el chat de P2P, alegando que el «servicio de custodia de Binance P2P» lo necesita para confirmar el pago. Luego, te enviará un correo electrónico que se parecerá mucho a los correos electrónicos oficiales de Binance para hacerte creer que primero tienes que liberar las criptomonedas para recibir el pago.

Cómo protegerte de las estafas de suplantación de Binance

Binance nunca te enviará correos electrónicos pidiéndote que completes una transacción P2P. Además, libera siempre los fondos después de recibir el pago. Presta atención al nombre de usuario o dirección de correo electrónico. Puedes verificar la autenticidad de las direcciones de correo electrónico y los enlaces de la página en Binance buscando la dirección del remitente en esta página. 

Nota: no menciones ningún nombre ni compartas información de contacto offline por el chat. El pago debe enviarse utilizando el método de pago especificado por la contraparte, y el nombre en la cuenta debe coincidir con el nombre verificado de tu contraparte en Binance.

Artículos relacionados

¿Cómo puedo evitar que mi cuenta bancaria quede congelada en las transacciones P2P?

Cómo denunciar estafas P2P en la aplicación de Binance

Cómo transferir activos de la billetera spot a la billetera de fondos

¿Cómo puedo añadir métodos de pago nuevos para hacer trading P2P?

Cómo sugerir un nuevo método de pago para Binance P2P

#BtcNewHolder #btc70k #p2ptransactions
Stay Vigilant: Protect Yourself from P2P Payment Scams 🛡️#p2ptransactions Navigating the world of peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions requires caution and strategy to keep your assets safe. Scammers often look for loopholes, so staying one step ahead is essential. Follow these practical guidelines to safeguard your trades and avoid common pitfalls in P2P transactions. Smart Practices for Secure P2P Trading on Binance: Confirm User Credentials: Stick to users with verified profiles and established transaction histories. A trustworthy reputation is built on reliability—don’t skip the research. Review Trade Performance: Look at completion rates and read feedback from previous traders. Those with consistent performance are usually safer partners. Beware of Unrealistic Offers: Deals that seem too generous often hide hidden risks. Exercise caution if something feels off—your intuition is your first defense. Prioritize Secure Payments: Opt for platforms that offer multi-layered protection, like two-factor authentication, to ensure your funds are safe. Release Crypto with Confidence: Never release your crypto until the payment has arrived and is confirmed in your account. Always communicate within Binance to maintain transparency and keep a record of your transactions. If anything seems suspicious, report it immediately to Binance’s support team. Education is a powerful tool—familiarize yourself with common scams by watching tutorials and reading official resources. When in doubt, trust your instincts. It’s better to miss a trade than to risk losing your assets. $BICO With these precautions, you can trade smarter, safer, and more confidently on Binance P2P. Stay sharp, protect your investments, and enjoy seamless tradilng experiences. 🚀 #P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamPrevention #Write2Earn!

Stay Vigilant: Protect Yourself from P2P Payment Scams 🛡️

Navigating the world of peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions requires caution and strategy to keep your assets safe. Scammers often look for loopholes, so staying one step ahead is essential. Follow these practical guidelines to safeguard your trades and avoid common pitfalls in P2P transactions.

Smart Practices for Secure P2P Trading on Binance:

Confirm User Credentials: Stick to users with verified profiles and established transaction histories. A trustworthy reputation is built on reliability—don’t skip the research.

Review Trade Performance: Look at completion rates and read feedback from previous traders. Those with consistent performance are usually safer partners.

Beware of Unrealistic Offers: Deals that seem too generous often hide hidden risks. Exercise caution if something feels off—your intuition is your first defense.

Prioritize Secure Payments: Opt for platforms that offer multi-layered protection, like two-factor authentication, to ensure your funds are safe.

Release Crypto with Confidence: Never release your crypto until the payment has arrived and is confirmed in your account.

Always communicate within Binance to maintain transparency and keep a record of your transactions. If anything seems suspicious, report it immediately to Binance’s support team. Education is a powerful tool—familiarize yourself with common scams by watching tutorials and reading official resources. When in doubt, trust your instincts. It’s better to miss a trade than to risk losing your assets.
With these precautions, you can trade smarter, safer, and more confidently on Binance P2P. Stay sharp, protect your investments, and enjoy seamless tradilng experiences. 🚀
#P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamPrevention #Write2Earn!
To avoid P2P scams on Binance: Trade only on Binance's P2P platform. Verify the seller's reputation. Communicate within Binance. Confirm payment before releasing cryptocurrency. Use secure payment methods. Enable two-factor authentication. Report any suspicious activity promptly. Stay informed and vigilant. #p2ptransactions #P2PScam #P2PTradingTips #p2p-market
To avoid P2P scams on Binance:

Trade only on Binance's P2P platform.
Verify the seller's reputation.
Communicate within Binance.
Confirm payment before releasing cryptocurrency.
Use secure payment methods.
Enable two-factor authentication.
Report any suspicious activity promptly.
Stay informed and vigilant.

#p2ptransactions #P2PScam #P2PTradingTips #p2p-market
LET’S JUMP INTO P2P TRADING ON BINANCEGreetings! If you are new to crypto world or unfamiliar with the exclusive features of Binance - The Top Crypto Exchange In The World, then you are missing a lot! If you want to start your new trading journey and you need funds to deposit into your Binance account - what will you do? Let’s learn ‘HOW TO MAKE DEPOSITS INTO YOUR BINANCE ACCOUNT USING P2P’ But, What is P2P? P2P means 'peer-to-peer'. In Binance, P2P facilitates direct buying and selling of crypto between users without intermediaries. This mode of trading gives users more control over their crypto transactions. Through P2P you can easily make deposits into your accounts. Let's Start 👇🏻 STEP 01 Create Your Account You need to create your account on Binance and get verified by verifying your true identity. OR If you already have a verified account on Binance, open the app and the home page will appear on your screen. STEP 02 Click On Deposit You’ll see ‘Deposit’ in the top right corner of your homepage. Click on it STEP 03 Click On P2P Trading If you don't have assets in your account, you can buy them via P2P trading directly from the users. Click on P2P Trading STEP 04 - A page will appear where you have to click on ‘BUY’ - Then, click on USDT below the BUY command - You have to select the currency you want to buy. I selected BTC STEP 05 For your ease click on the ‘Amount’ and write the amount of currency you want to buy - I wrote 100,000 PKR STEP 06 Then, click on ‘Payment’ and select the payment method you want to use. Anything available to you easily. I have selected ‘Bank Transfer’ By following Step 05 & Step 06, you will easily find a seller to buy crypto on your requirements STEP 07 Select the seller that best suits your requirements STEP 08 Carefully read the advertiser’s terms before placing the order. STEP 09 - If terms align with your situation, write the amount you want to buy. - Select the payment option. - Click on ‘BUY’ to place your order - Make your payment according to the advertiser’s terms within the payment time limit and share a screenshot -Click on transfer and notify payment once you have made the correct payment to the seller STEP 10 After payment confirmation, the crypto is released to you. Check your Funding Wallet for the assets. HAPPY P2P FIRST TRANSACTION TO YOU 🙌🏻 #P2PTrading #btc #p2ptransactions #SHIB #FET


If you are new to crypto world or unfamiliar with the exclusive features of Binance - The Top Crypto Exchange In The World, then you are missing a lot!
If you want to start your new trading journey and you need funds to deposit into your Binance account - what will you do?


But, What is P2P?

P2P means 'peer-to-peer'. In Binance, P2P facilitates direct buying and selling of crypto between users without intermediaries. This mode of trading gives users more control over their crypto transactions. Through P2P you can easily make deposits into your accounts.

Let's Start 👇🏻
Create Your Account

You need to create your account on Binance and get verified by verifying your true identity.
If you already have a verified account on Binance, open the app and the home page will appear on your screen.

Click On Deposit
You’ll see ‘Deposit’ in the top right corner of your homepage. Click on it

Click On P2P Trading
If you don't have assets in your account, you can buy them via P2P trading directly from the users. Click on P2P Trading

- A page will appear where you have to click on ‘BUY’
- Then, click on USDT below the BUY command
- You have to select the currency you want to buy. I selected BTC

For your ease click on the ‘Amount’ and write the amount of currency you want to buy - I wrote 100,000 PKR

Then, click on ‘Payment’ and select the payment method you want to use. Anything available to you easily.
I have selected ‘Bank Transfer’

By following Step 05 & Step 06, you will easily find a seller to buy crypto on your requirements

Select the seller that best suits your requirements

Carefully read the advertiser’s terms before placing the order.

- If terms align with your situation, write the amount you want to buy.
- Select the payment option.
- Click on ‘BUY’ to place your order
- Make your payment according to the advertiser’s terms within the payment time limit and share a screenshot
-Click on transfer and notify payment once you have made the correct payment to the seller

After payment confirmation, the crypto is released to you. Check your Funding Wallet for the assets.

#P2PTrading #btc #p2ptransactions #SHIB #FET
Kennith Kunshier Ebuf:
Hello my fellow Nigerians , we have been known as unstoppable humans in all realms of life. Now that p2p has been disabled, we can still survive this. For today, I can sell $5000 when you send your naira to me. Others can follow up and you will agree with me that our trading will be unstoppable! #TrendingTopic #BTC #TrendingTopic #p2ptransactions
Hello my fellow Nigerians , we have been known as unstoppable humans in all realms of life. Now that p2p has been disabled, we can still survive this. For today, I can sell $5000 when you send your naira to me. Others can follow up and you will agree with me that our trading will be unstoppable! #TrendingTopic #BTC #TrendingTopic #p2ptransactions
ATTENTION ____ #P2PScamWarning What are some common red flags in P2P transactions? Hey there! When it comes to peer-to-peer transactions, it's important to keep an eye out for some common red flags. Here are a few to watch out for: If someone you don't know reaches out with an unsolicited offer or message, be cautious. They might be trying to pressure you into making a quick decision, which is a major red flag. Also, be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. If someone is offering you a rate that's significantly better than market value, it's likely a scam. Be careful with unusual payment methods, like gift cards or wire transfers. These are often used in scams and can be hard to trace. If the other person refuses to verify their identity or provide enough information, that's a red flag. You want to make sure you're dealing with someone trustworthy. Finally, pay attention to how the other person communicates. If they're vague, inconsistent, or unresponsive, that's a bad sign. Trust your instincts and stay safe! #P2PScamAwareness #p2ptransactions #Write2Earn!


What are some common red flags in P2P transactions?

Hey there! When it comes to peer-to-peer transactions, it's important to keep an eye out for some common red flags.
Here are a few to watch out for:

If someone you don't know reaches out with an unsolicited offer or message, be cautious. They might be trying to pressure you into making a quick decision, which is a major red flag.

Also, be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. If someone is offering you a rate that's significantly better than market value, it's likely a scam.

Be careful with unusual payment methods, like gift cards or wire transfers. These are often used in scams and can be hard to trace.

If the other person refuses to verify their identity or provide enough information, that's a red flag. You want to make sure you're dealing with someone trustworthy.

Finally, pay attention to how the other person communicates. If they're vague, inconsistent, or unresponsive, that's a bad sign. Trust your instincts and stay safe!

#P2PScamAwareness #p2ptransactions #Write2Earn!
Crypto P2P transactions can be risky if you're not careful. Scammers may use fake payment screenshotCrypto P2P transactions can be risky if you're not careful. Scammers may use fake payment screenshots, SMS scams, chargebacks, and impersonation to trick you. To stay safe: - Check your account to confirm payments before releasing funds or assets. - Be cautious of requests to release funds before payment confirmation. - Don't accept payments from third-party accounts. - Don't share personal information or click on suspicious links. - Verify transactions and payment receipts before releasing funds or assets. Common scams include: - Proof of Payment Scams - SMS Scams - Chargeback Scams - Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Scams - Triangle Scams - Crypto Exchange Platform Imposter Scams Remember to stay vigilant and skeptical to protect yourself from P2P fraud in the crypto market. #P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamWarning #Binance55thProject(IO) #P2PTradingTips #p2ptransactions

Crypto P2P transactions can be risky if you're not careful. Scammers may use fake payment screenshot

Crypto P2P transactions can be risky if you're not careful. Scammers may use fake payment screenshots, SMS scams, chargebacks, and impersonation to trick you. To stay safe:
- Check your account to confirm payments before releasing funds or assets.
- Be cautious of requests to release funds before payment confirmation.
- Don't accept payments from third-party accounts.
- Don't share personal information or click on suspicious links.
- Verify transactions and payment receipts before releasing funds or assets.
Common scams include:
- Proof of Payment Scams
- SMS Scams
- Chargeback Scams
- Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Scams
- Triangle Scams
- Crypto Exchange Platform Imposter Scams
Remember to stay vigilant and skeptical to protect yourself from P2P fraud in the crypto market.
#P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamWarning #Binance55thProject(IO) #P2PTradingTips #p2ptransactions
3 Ways to Convert Bitcoin into Cash on Binance#P2P_Binance #p2ptransactions #bitcoin☀️ #P2PTrading Introduction Welcome to this blog, where we will be discussing three ways to convert Bitcoins into cash on Binance. But first, let's understand two important concepts: Binance and Bitcoin. Binance is a platform that allows users to trade digital currencies. It was launched in 2017 and has since become one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchange platforms. On the other hand, Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized network. It was created in 2009 and has since gained massive popularity and acceptance worldwide. Now, why do you need to cash out Bitcoin on Binance? One word: liquidity. Although Bitcoin is a popular investment, it can be challenging to convert it into cash. This is where Binance comes in, offering you different ways to convert your Bitcoin to cash quickly and efficiently. So, if you're looking to cash out your Bitcoins on Binance, keep reading to discover the best ways to do so. Convert Bitcoin to cash using Peer to peer (P2P) trading on Binance Introduction: Like any other cryptocurrency exchange, Binance offers you an opportunity to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Almost every trader out there aims to make profits, but what’s the use if the profits are in digital form? People often search for ways to convert their Bitcoin into cash, but the process can get difficult for newbies. What is Binance? Binance is a top-rated cryptocurrency exchange that stands out in the industry for its quality and reliability. With higher trading volumes, it has managed to get ranked first on CoinMarketCap, one of the largest cryptocurrency data trackers. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency or a digital currency that operates on the blockchain. Unlike the traditional currency, Bitcoin is completely decentralized and operates without a central bank. ] Why do you need to cash out Bitcoin on Binance? Bitcoin was initially created to serve as a financial alternative for users. Over time, however, it has grown to become more of an investment asset. Bitcoin's price keeps fluctuating, and if you've made satisfactory returns, you may want to convert them into cash. Convert Bitcoin to cash using Peer to peer (P2P) trading on Binance: Binance offers P2P trading that connects buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency in a decentralized manner. This means peer-to-peer trading on Binance offers greater privacy, security, and flexibility than other methods. The process of P2P trading is fairly simple on Binance. Start by searching for “P2P Trading” on your Binance app and select “Buy” or “Sell.” Create an order by entering the amount of the cryptocurrency you wish to buy or sell, and choose a payment method that suits you best. Once a match is found, the transactions are completed with ease. Using P2P trading on Binance has its advantages. You won't have to go through rigorous compliance procedures, and with the security protocols in place, your data is safe. If you're not comfortable with the idea of linking your bank account directly to an exchange, P2P trading is your best bet. Convert Bitcoin to cash using Binance trading platform So you've got some Bitcoin and you're looking to cash out? Good news for you, Binance has got your back! One option is to use their trading platform to convert your Bitcoin into cold, hard cash. First things first, you'll need to make sure you have a Binance account and have gone through their verification process. Once that's taken care of, head on over to the trading platform and select the Bitcoin to cash pair that you're interested in. Next, you'll want to set the amount of Bitcoin you'd like to convert, and then select the cash-out method you prefer - this could be via bank transfer, PayPal, or any other supported method. Once you've completed these steps, you'll need to confirm the trade and then sit back and wait for your cash to arrive in your account. It's as simple as that! The beauty of using Binance's trading platform is the ease and efficiency it offers, which means you can cash out your Bitcoin with the click of a button. Plus, with all the different cash-out options available, you're sure to find one that suits your needs. So go ahead, get trading and convert that Bitcoin into some cold, hard cash - thanks to Binance! Convert Bitcoin to cash using Binance Visa Card Are you tired of waiting days or even weeks for a traditional bank to process your Bitcoin transactions? Well, Binance has a solution that may just save you the headache. Enter Binance Visa Card. If you have a Binance Visa card, converting Bitcoin into cash has never been easier. Simply link your Binance account to your Binance Visa Card and voila! You can now convert Bitcoin into cash and use it to purchase groceries, pay bills, or whatever else you please. Oh, did we mention the added perk of getting up to 8% cashback for your purchases? That's right, you can enjoy the benefits of converting Bitcoin into cash while also earning rewards for your spending. And the best part? You don't have to leave the comfort of your home to use your Binance Visa Card. It's accepted worldwide, making it the ultimate solution for quick and easy Bitcoin cash-outs. Say goodbye to the long wait times and hello to a faster, more efficient way of converting your Bitcoin into cash with Binance Visa Card. Conclusion In summary, there are three ways to convert Bitcoin to cash on Binance: P2P trading, Binance trading platform, and Binance Visa Card. Using Binance for Bitcoin cashouts is efficient and easy. With P2P trading, you can buy and sell Bitcoin directly with other individuals. The Binance trading platform offers a range of trading options while the Binance Visa Card allows users to spend their crypto like cash. Binance offers a one-stop solution for cashing out Bitcoin. for more such information follow @Amansaiofficial and stay connected🚀  

3 Ways to Convert Bitcoin into Cash on Binance

#P2P_Binance #p2ptransactions #bitcoin☀️ #P2PTrading

Welcome to this blog, where we will be discussing three ways to convert Bitcoins into cash on Binance. But first, let's understand two important concepts: Binance and Bitcoin. Binance is a platform that allows users to trade digital currencies. It was launched in 2017 and has since become one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchange platforms. On the other hand, Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized network. It was created in 2009 and has since gained massive popularity and acceptance worldwide. Now, why do you need to cash out Bitcoin on Binance? One word: liquidity. Although Bitcoin is a popular investment, it can be challenging to convert it into cash. This is where Binance comes in, offering you different ways to convert your Bitcoin to cash quickly and efficiently.
So, if you're looking to cash out your Bitcoins on Binance, keep reading to discover the best ways to do so.
Convert Bitcoin to cash using Peer to peer (P2P) trading on Binance

Introduction: Like any other cryptocurrency exchange, Binance offers you an opportunity to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Almost every trader out there aims to make profits, but what’s the use if the profits are in digital form? People often search for ways to convert their Bitcoin into cash, but the process can get difficult for newbies. What is Binance? Binance is a top-rated cryptocurrency exchange that stands out in the industry for its quality and reliability. With higher trading volumes, it has managed to get ranked first on CoinMarketCap, one of the largest cryptocurrency data trackers. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency or a digital currency that operates on the blockchain. Unlike the traditional currency, Bitcoin is completely decentralized and operates without a central bank. ]
Why do you need to cash out Bitcoin on Binance? Bitcoin was initially created to serve as a financial alternative for users. Over time, however, it has grown to become more of an investment asset. Bitcoin's price keeps fluctuating, and if you've made satisfactory returns, you may want to convert them into cash. Convert Bitcoin to cash using Peer to peer (P2P) trading on Binance: Binance offers P2P trading that connects buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency in a decentralized manner. This means peer-to-peer trading on Binance offers greater privacy, security, and flexibility than other methods. The process of P2P trading is fairly simple on Binance. Start by searching for “P2P Trading” on your Binance app and select “Buy” or “Sell.” Create an order by entering the amount of the cryptocurrency you wish to buy or sell, and choose a payment method that suits you best. Once a match is found, the transactions are completed with ease. Using P2P trading on Binance has its advantages. You won't have to go through rigorous compliance procedures, and with the security protocols in place, your data is safe. If you're not comfortable with the idea of linking your bank account directly to an exchange, P2P trading is your best bet.
Convert Bitcoin to cash using Binance trading platform

So you've got some Bitcoin and you're looking to cash out? Good news for you, Binance has got your back! One option is to use their trading platform to convert your Bitcoin into cold, hard cash. First things first, you'll need to make sure you have a Binance account and have gone through their verification process. Once that's taken care of, head on over to the trading platform and select the Bitcoin to cash pair that you're interested in.
Next, you'll want to set the amount of Bitcoin you'd like to convert, and then select the cash-out method you prefer - this could be via bank transfer, PayPal, or any other supported method. Once you've completed these steps, you'll need to confirm the trade and then sit back and wait for your cash to arrive in your account.
It's as simple as that! The beauty of using Binance's trading platform is the ease and efficiency it offers, which means you can cash out your Bitcoin with the click of a button. Plus, with all the different cash-out options available, you're sure to find one that suits your needs. So go ahead, get trading and convert that Bitcoin into some cold, hard cash - thanks to Binance!
Convert Bitcoin to cash using Binance Visa Card

Are you tired of waiting days or even weeks for a traditional bank to process your Bitcoin transactions? Well, Binance has a solution that may just save you the headache. Enter Binance Visa Card. If you have a Binance Visa card, converting Bitcoin into cash has never been easier. Simply link your Binance account to your Binance Visa Card and voila! You can now convert Bitcoin into cash and use it to purchase groceries, pay bills, or whatever else you please.
Oh, did we mention the added perk of getting up to 8% cashback for your purchases? That's right, you can enjoy the benefits of converting Bitcoin into cash while also earning rewards for your spending. And the best part? You don't have to leave the comfort of your home to use your Binance Visa Card. It's accepted worldwide, making it the ultimate solution for quick and easy Bitcoin cash-outs.
Say goodbye to the long wait times and hello to a faster, more efficient way of converting your Bitcoin into cash with Binance Visa Card.
In summary, there are three ways to convert Bitcoin to cash on Binance: P2P trading, Binance trading platform, and Binance Visa Card. Using Binance for Bitcoin cashouts is efficient and easy.
With P2P trading, you can buy and sell Bitcoin directly with other individuals. The Binance trading platform offers a range of trading options while the Binance Visa Card allows users to spend their crypto like cash. Binance offers a one-stop solution for cashing out Bitcoin.
for more such information follow @Aman Sai and stay connected🚀

Respected Binance Customer Service Team ☑️I hope this message finds you well. I am writing as a verified merchant on Binance, along with other affected merchants, to raise serious concerns about the recent practice of suspending merchant accounts and blocking withdrawals based on reports from the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) or other local authorities in Pakistan. As you may know, cryptocurrency is unregulated in Pakistan, and this lack of regulation often leads to confusion and exploitation by local authorities. In particular, the FIA has used this gap to target cryptocurrency merchants. Many of us have been subjected to unwarranted demands for money or threats of legal action during their investigations, despite our accounts and transactions being entirely legitimate. The problem arises when Binance acts on these reports without a full investigation, leading to the suspension of accounts and freezing of withdrawals, without giving us a chance to explain or clarify the situation. This creates serious financial distress for merchants who are simply following Binance’s rules. We respectfully request that Binance addresses this issue by: 1. Ensuring that accounts are not suspended or withdrawals blocked solely based on reports from the FIA or local authorities. Suspensions should only occur after a thorough review and investigation of the allegations. Taking action on unverified reports from authorities without full due process is unfair and detrimental to legitimate businesses operating on the platform. 2. Handling these matters internally and directly with the authorities. Binance should take responsibility for resolving these issues directly with local authorities like the FIA to protect its merchants. As a trusted platform, Binance should not penalize merchants for issues beyond their control, especially when dealing with unclear or coercive actions from local officials. 3. Providing better protection for merchants in unregulated regions like Pakistan. We urge Binance to offer better support and guidance to merchants operating in jurisdictions with unclear cryptocurrency regulations. By ensuring that local authorities are held accountable for their actions and protecting legitimate users, Binance can foster a fairer and safer environment for all its merchants. We understand the challenges Binance faces in balancing local regulatory compliance with global operations, but we believe that protecting its merchants from such unjust actions is essential for maintaining trust and fairness on the platform. @richardteng @Binance_Announcement @Binance_South_Asia @Binance_Customer_Support

Respected Binance Customer Service Team ☑️

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing as a verified merchant on Binance, along with other affected merchants, to raise serious concerns about the recent practice of suspending merchant accounts and blocking withdrawals based on reports from the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) or other local authorities in Pakistan.

As you may know, cryptocurrency is unregulated in Pakistan, and this lack of regulation often leads to confusion and exploitation by local authorities. In particular, the FIA has used this gap to target cryptocurrency merchants. Many of us have been subjected to unwarranted demands for money or threats of legal action during their investigations, despite our accounts and transactions being entirely legitimate.

The problem arises when Binance acts on these reports without a full investigation, leading to the suspension of accounts and freezing of withdrawals, without giving us a chance to explain or clarify the situation. This creates serious financial distress for merchants who are simply following Binance’s rules.

We respectfully request that Binance addresses this issue by:
1. Ensuring that accounts are not suspended or withdrawals blocked solely based on reports from the FIA or local authorities. Suspensions should only occur after a thorough review and investigation of the allegations. Taking action on unverified reports from authorities without full due process is unfair and detrimental to legitimate businesses operating on the platform.
2. Handling these matters internally and directly with the authorities. Binance should take responsibility for resolving these issues directly with local authorities like the FIA to protect its merchants. As a trusted platform, Binance should not penalize merchants for issues beyond their control, especially when dealing with unclear or coercive actions from local officials.
3. Providing better protection for merchants in unregulated regions like Pakistan. We urge Binance to offer better support and guidance to merchants operating in jurisdictions with unclear cryptocurrency regulations. By ensuring that local authorities are held accountable for their actions and protecting legitimate users, Binance can foster a fairer and safer environment for all its merchants.

We understand the challenges Binance faces in balancing local regulatory compliance with global operations, but we believe that protecting its merchants from such unjust actions is essential for maintaining trust and fairness on the platform.
@Richard Teng @Binance Announcement @Binance South Asia @Binance Customer Support
P2P Beginner 101 di Aplikasi Binance: Panduan Lengkap untuk PemulaPeer-to-Peer (P2P) adalah salah satu cara termudah untuk membeli dan menjual cryptocurrency langsung dengan pengguna lain tanpa perantara. Di Binance, platform P2P memudahkan kamu untuk berdagang crypto dengan pengguna lain secara langsung menggunakan mata uang lokal. Artikel ini akan memberikan panduan lengkap bagi pemula yang ingin memulai perdagangan P2P di aplikasi Binance, mencakup langkah-langkah cara menggunakan fitur ini serta tips untuk keamanan. Apa Itu Binance P2P? Binance P2P adalah platform perdagangan Peer-to-Peer yang memungkinkan kamu membeli atau menjual cryptocurrency langsung dari pengguna lain. Dalam model P2P, kamu bertransaksi secara langsung dengan pihak lain (penjual atau pembeli) tanpa melibatkan perantara seperti bursa tradisional. Binance bertindak sebagai penengah dengan menyediakan escrow untuk memastikan keamanan transaksi. Keuntungan Menggunakan Binance P2P • Tanpa Biaya: Binance tidak mengenakan biaya perdagangan untuk transaksi P2P, berbeda dengan perdagangan spot biasa. • Mata Uang Lokal: Kamu bisa membeli atau menjual crypto menggunakan mata uang lokal dengan berbagai metode pembayaran yang tersedia. • Pilihan Pedagang: Kamu dapat memilih pedagang berdasarkan reputasi, harga, dan metode pembayaran yang sesuai dengan preferensimu. • Keamanan Escrow: Binance menggunakan sistem escrow, yang menahan cryptocurrency sampai pembayaran dilakukan, sehingga mengurangi risiko penipuan. Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Binance P2P di Aplikasi Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk memulai perdagangan P2P di aplikasi Binance: 1. Unduh dan Instal Aplikasi Binance Langkah pertama adalah mengunduh aplikasi Binance dari Google Play Store (untuk pengguna Android) atau App Store (untuk pengguna iOS). Setelah aplikasi terinstal, daftarkan akun Binance jika kamu belum memiliki akun. 2. Verifikasi Identitas (KYC) Untuk dapat menggunakan fitur P2P, kamu harus melakukan verifikasi identitas atau KYC (Know Your Customer). Langkah ini penting untuk keamanan pengguna dan mematuhi regulasi hukum. • Buka aplikasi Binance dan masuk ke bagian Profil. • Klik pada Verifikasi Identitas dan ikuti petunjuk yang diberikan untuk mengunggah dokumen seperti KTP atau paspor. • Setelah proses verifikasi selesai, kamu dapat mulai menggunakan fitur P2P. 3. Akses Menu P2P Setelah akun kamu diverifikasi, buka aplikasi Binance dan ikuti langkah berikut: • Klik tab Perdagangan (Trade) di bagian bawah layar. • Pilih P2P dari opsi yang tersedia. 4. Pilih Cryptocurrency yang Ingin Dibeli atau Dijual Pada halaman P2P, kamu akan melihat berbagai pilihan cryptocurrency yang bisa diperdagangkan, seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), BNB, dan lainnya. • Untuk membeli crypto, pilih tab Beli. • Untuk menjual crypto, pilih tab Jual. 5. Pilih Penjual atau Pembeli Pada platform P2P, kamu akan melihat daftar penjual atau pembeli yang tersedia, dengan informasi seperti: • Harga: Harga yang mereka tawarkan. • Metode Pembayaran: Pilih metode pembayaran yang paling nyaman, seperti transfer bank, e-wallet, atau metode pembayaran lain. • Reputasi dan Jumlah Transaksi: Binance memberikan informasi tentang reputasi pedagang dan jumlah transaksi yang telah diselesaikan. Sebaiknya pilih penjual atau pembeli dengan reputasi baik dan transaksi yang cukup banyak untuk memastikan keamanan. 6. Masukkan Jumlah yang Ingin Dibeli atau Dijual Setelah memilih penjual atau pembeli, masukkan jumlah cryptocurrency yang ingin kamu beli atau jual. Kamu juga bisa memasukkan jumlah dalam mata uang lokal, dan sistem akan otomatis menghitung nilai cryptocurrency yang akan kamu terima. 7. Selesaikan Pembayaran Jika kamu membeli crypto: • Setelah memilih penjual dan mengonfirmasi jumlah, ikuti instruksi untuk melakukan pembayaran sesuai metode yang telah dipilih (misalnya, transfer bank). • Pastikan untuk membayar sesuai instruksi dalam waktu yang ditentukan (biasanya 15-30 menit). • Setelah pembayaran selesai, klik Sudah Bayar. Jika kamu menjual crypto: • Pembeli akan melakukan transfer uang langsung ke rekeningmu. • Setelah kamu menerima uang, kamu harus mengonfirmasi penerimaan pembayaran dengan menekan tombol Konfirmasi Pelepasan untuk melepaskan crypto dari escrow Binance ke pembeli. 8. Konfirmasi dan Selesaikan Transaksi Setelah pembayaran dikonfirmasi, Binance akan melepaskan cryptocurrency dari escrow ke wallet kamu. Proses ini biasanya memakan waktu beberapa menit, tergantung pada metode pembayaran yang digunakan. 9. Periksa Wallet Kamu Setelah transaksi selesai, cryptocurrency yang kamu beli akan secara otomatis masuk ke dalam wallet spot Binance kamu. Untuk menjual, pastikan saldo fiat kamu masuk ke rekening bank atau e-wallet sesuai instruksi yang kamu berikan. Tips Aman Berdagang P2P di Binance 1. Pilih Pedagang dengan Reputasi Baik: Selalu periksa rating dan jumlah transaksi dari penjual atau pembeli sebelum bertransaksi. Pedagang yang memiliki rating tinggi dan riwayat transaksi yang banyak cenderung lebih dapat dipercaya. 2. Gunakan Escrow Binance: Pastikan selalu menggunakan fitur escrow yang disediakan Binance. Escrow memastikan cryptocurrency tetap aman sampai pembayaran dikonfirmasi. 3. Jangan Pernah Membayar di Luar Platform: Hindari instruksi dari penjual yang meminta kamu untuk membayar melalui jalur komunikasi di luar platform Binance. Ini bisa menjadi tanda penipuan. 4. Simpan Bukti Pembayaran: Selalu simpan bukti pembayaran jika kamu membeli crypto, untuk berjaga-jaga jika terjadi sengketa. 5. Verifikasi Pembayaran dengan Teliti: Jika kamu menjual crypto, pastikan dana sudah masuk ke rekening bank atau e-wallet sebelum melepaskan crypto dari escrow. Kesimpulan Perdagangan P2P di Binance adalah cara yang mudah dan efisien untuk membeli dan menjual cryptocurrency menggunakan mata uang lokal. Platform ini menyediakan banyak pilihan metode pembayaran, biaya transaksi yang nol, dan keamanan dengan sistem escrow. Bagi pemula, mengikuti langkah-langkah yang tepat dan memastikan keamanan selama proses transaksi adalah kunci untuk sukses di dunia perdagangan P2P. Dengan menggunakan panduan ini, kamu dapat memulai perjalanan kamu dalam perdagangan crypto melalui Binance P2P dengan percaya diri. Pastikan selalu melakukan riset, memilih pedagang yang tepat, dan menjaga keamanan transaksi untuk memaksimalkan pengalamanmu dalam perdagangan P2P. #P2Ptutorial #P2PTrading #p2ptransactions

P2P Beginner 101 di Aplikasi Binance: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemula

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) adalah salah satu cara termudah untuk membeli dan menjual cryptocurrency langsung dengan pengguna lain tanpa perantara. Di Binance, platform P2P memudahkan kamu untuk berdagang crypto dengan pengguna lain secara langsung menggunakan mata uang lokal. Artikel ini akan memberikan panduan lengkap bagi pemula yang ingin memulai perdagangan P2P di aplikasi Binance, mencakup langkah-langkah cara menggunakan fitur ini serta tips untuk keamanan.
Apa Itu Binance P2P?
Binance P2P adalah platform perdagangan Peer-to-Peer yang memungkinkan kamu membeli atau menjual cryptocurrency langsung dari pengguna lain. Dalam model P2P, kamu bertransaksi secara langsung dengan pihak lain (penjual atau pembeli) tanpa melibatkan perantara seperti bursa tradisional. Binance bertindak sebagai penengah dengan menyediakan escrow untuk memastikan keamanan transaksi.
Keuntungan Menggunakan Binance P2P
• Tanpa Biaya: Binance tidak mengenakan biaya perdagangan untuk transaksi P2P, berbeda dengan perdagangan spot biasa.
• Mata Uang Lokal: Kamu bisa membeli atau menjual crypto menggunakan mata uang lokal dengan berbagai metode pembayaran yang tersedia.
• Pilihan Pedagang: Kamu dapat memilih pedagang berdasarkan reputasi, harga, dan metode pembayaran yang sesuai dengan preferensimu.
• Keamanan Escrow: Binance menggunakan sistem escrow, yang menahan cryptocurrency sampai pembayaran dilakukan, sehingga mengurangi risiko penipuan.
Langkah-Langkah Menggunakan Binance P2P di Aplikasi
Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk memulai perdagangan P2P di aplikasi Binance:
1. Unduh dan Instal Aplikasi Binance
Langkah pertama adalah mengunduh aplikasi Binance dari Google Play Store (untuk pengguna Android) atau App Store (untuk pengguna iOS). Setelah aplikasi terinstal, daftarkan akun Binance jika kamu belum memiliki akun.
2. Verifikasi Identitas (KYC)
Untuk dapat menggunakan fitur P2P, kamu harus melakukan verifikasi identitas atau KYC (Know Your Customer). Langkah ini penting untuk keamanan pengguna dan mematuhi regulasi hukum.
• Buka aplikasi Binance dan masuk ke bagian Profil.
• Klik pada Verifikasi Identitas dan ikuti petunjuk yang diberikan untuk mengunggah dokumen seperti KTP atau paspor.
• Setelah proses verifikasi selesai, kamu dapat mulai menggunakan fitur P2P.
3. Akses Menu P2P
Setelah akun kamu diverifikasi, buka aplikasi Binance dan ikuti langkah berikut:
• Klik tab Perdagangan (Trade) di bagian bawah layar.
• Pilih P2P dari opsi yang tersedia.
4. Pilih Cryptocurrency yang Ingin Dibeli atau Dijual
Pada halaman P2P, kamu akan melihat berbagai pilihan cryptocurrency yang bisa diperdagangkan, seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), BNB, dan lainnya.
• Untuk membeli crypto, pilih tab Beli.
• Untuk menjual crypto, pilih tab Jual.
5. Pilih Penjual atau Pembeli
Pada platform P2P, kamu akan melihat daftar penjual atau pembeli yang tersedia, dengan informasi seperti:
• Harga: Harga yang mereka tawarkan.
• Metode Pembayaran: Pilih metode pembayaran yang paling nyaman, seperti transfer bank, e-wallet, atau metode pembayaran lain.
• Reputasi dan Jumlah Transaksi: Binance memberikan informasi tentang reputasi pedagang dan jumlah transaksi yang telah diselesaikan. Sebaiknya pilih penjual atau pembeli dengan reputasi baik dan transaksi yang cukup banyak untuk memastikan keamanan.
6. Masukkan Jumlah yang Ingin Dibeli atau Dijual
Setelah memilih penjual atau pembeli, masukkan jumlah cryptocurrency yang ingin kamu beli atau jual. Kamu juga bisa memasukkan jumlah dalam mata uang lokal, dan sistem akan otomatis menghitung nilai cryptocurrency yang akan kamu terima.
7. Selesaikan Pembayaran
Jika kamu membeli crypto:
• Setelah memilih penjual dan mengonfirmasi jumlah, ikuti instruksi untuk melakukan pembayaran sesuai metode yang telah dipilih (misalnya, transfer bank).
• Pastikan untuk membayar sesuai instruksi dalam waktu yang ditentukan (biasanya 15-30 menit).
• Setelah pembayaran selesai, klik Sudah Bayar.
Jika kamu menjual crypto:
• Pembeli akan melakukan transfer uang langsung ke rekeningmu.
• Setelah kamu menerima uang, kamu harus mengonfirmasi penerimaan pembayaran dengan menekan tombol Konfirmasi Pelepasan untuk melepaskan crypto dari escrow Binance ke pembeli.
8. Konfirmasi dan Selesaikan Transaksi
Setelah pembayaran dikonfirmasi, Binance akan melepaskan cryptocurrency dari escrow ke wallet kamu. Proses ini biasanya memakan waktu beberapa menit, tergantung pada metode pembayaran yang digunakan.
9. Periksa Wallet Kamu
Setelah transaksi selesai, cryptocurrency yang kamu beli akan secara otomatis masuk ke dalam wallet spot Binance kamu. Untuk menjual, pastikan saldo fiat kamu masuk ke rekening bank atau e-wallet sesuai instruksi yang kamu berikan.
Tips Aman Berdagang P2P di Binance
1. Pilih Pedagang dengan Reputasi Baik: Selalu periksa rating dan jumlah transaksi dari penjual atau pembeli sebelum bertransaksi. Pedagang yang memiliki rating tinggi dan riwayat transaksi yang banyak cenderung lebih dapat dipercaya.
2. Gunakan Escrow Binance: Pastikan selalu menggunakan fitur escrow yang disediakan Binance. Escrow memastikan cryptocurrency tetap aman sampai pembayaran dikonfirmasi.
3. Jangan Pernah Membayar di Luar Platform: Hindari instruksi dari penjual yang meminta kamu untuk membayar melalui jalur komunikasi di luar platform Binance. Ini bisa menjadi tanda penipuan.
4. Simpan Bukti Pembayaran: Selalu simpan bukti pembayaran jika kamu membeli crypto, untuk berjaga-jaga jika terjadi sengketa.
5. Verifikasi Pembayaran dengan Teliti: Jika kamu menjual crypto, pastikan dana sudah masuk ke rekening bank atau e-wallet sebelum melepaskan crypto dari escrow.
Perdagangan P2P di Binance adalah cara yang mudah dan efisien untuk membeli dan menjual cryptocurrency menggunakan mata uang lokal. Platform ini menyediakan banyak pilihan metode pembayaran, biaya transaksi yang nol, dan keamanan dengan sistem escrow. Bagi pemula, mengikuti langkah-langkah yang tepat dan memastikan keamanan selama proses transaksi adalah kunci untuk sukses di dunia perdagangan P2P.
Dengan menggunakan panduan ini, kamu dapat memulai perjalanan kamu dalam perdagangan crypto melalui Binance P2P dengan percaya diri. Pastikan selalu melakukan riset, memilih pedagang yang tepat, dan menjaga keamanan transaksi untuk memaksimalkan pengalamanmu dalam perdagangan P2P.

#P2Ptutorial #P2PTrading #p2ptransactions
Binance P2P GlossaryTo navigate the Binance P2P platform efficiently, it’s worth getting familiar with some of the key terms: Funding Wallet: Binance accounts have different types of wallets for different trading purposes. The Funding Wallet is a dedicated wallet for P2P trading, where cryptocurrencies obtained from P2P transactions are stored. Ad: A user-generated offer detailing their price and trading requirements, such as asset type, payment methods, and other terms. Order Limit: The specified range of minimum and maximum amounts for buying or selling assets in a particular ad. Order Limit: The specified range of minimum and maximum amounts for buying or selling assets in a particular ad. Average release time: The average duration within which a seller releases cryptocurrency after receiving payment. You can check a user’s Avg Release Time by clicking on their nickname or Ad. Pay time: The deadline for buyers to complete payments. 30d Trades: The total number of completed trades in the past 30 days.  30d Completion Rate: The ratio of completed orders to canceled orders in the last 30 days. You can check the 30d Trades and 30d Completion Rate by visiting a user’s profile page. Appeal: A mechanism for resolving disputes between buyers and sellers with the help of Binance customer support. Maker: A user who creates P2P advertisements on the platform. Taker: A user who executes trades using existing P2P advertisements. P2P Merchant: Users providing liquidity and payment solutions on the platform Advantages of Binance P2P Binance P2P offers a myriad of benefits, including: Escrow service: Secure holding of cryptocurrencies during transactions, mitigating risks of theft and fraud. Diverse payment methods: 800+ payment methods and 100+ fiat currencies supported, ensuring accessibility for users worldwide. Swift transactions: Reduced waiting times, with transactions completed in as little as 15 minutes. Price control: trade crypto with the freedom to choose your seller or set your own price. 24/7 Customer Support: Comprehensive assistance in multiple languages, ensuring a seamless trading experience. #P2PTrading #p2ptransactions #CryptoMarketMoves #MarketDownturn #LowestCPI2021 $BTC $ETH $BNB

Binance P2P Glossary

To navigate the Binance P2P platform efficiently, it’s worth getting familiar with some of the key terms:
Funding Wallet: Binance accounts have different types of wallets for different trading purposes. The Funding Wallet is a dedicated wallet for P2P trading, where cryptocurrencies obtained from P2P transactions are stored.
Ad: A user-generated offer detailing their price and trading requirements, such as asset type, payment methods, and other terms.
Order Limit: The specified range of minimum and maximum amounts for buying or selling assets in a particular ad.
Order Limit: The specified range of minimum and maximum amounts for buying or selling assets in a particular ad.
Average release time: The average duration within which a seller releases cryptocurrency after receiving payment. You can check a user’s Avg Release Time by clicking on their nickname or Ad.
Pay time: The deadline for buyers to complete payments.
30d Trades: The total number of completed trades in the past 30 days. 
30d Completion Rate: The ratio of completed orders to canceled orders in the last 30 days.
You can check the 30d Trades and 30d Completion Rate by visiting a user’s profile page.
Appeal: A mechanism for resolving disputes between buyers and sellers with the help of Binance customer support.
Maker: A user who creates P2P advertisements on the platform.
Taker: A user who executes trades using existing P2P advertisements.
P2P Merchant: Users providing liquidity and payment solutions on the platform
Advantages of Binance P2P
Binance P2P offers a myriad of benefits, including:
Escrow service: Secure holding of cryptocurrencies during transactions, mitigating risks of theft and fraud.
Diverse payment methods: 800+ payment methods and 100+ fiat currencies supported, ensuring accessibility for users worldwide.
Swift transactions: Reduced waiting times, with transactions completed in as little as 15 minutes.
Price control: trade crypto with the freedom to choose your seller or set your own price.
24/7 Customer Support: Comprehensive assistance in multiple languages, ensuring a seamless trading experience. #P2PTrading #p2ptransactions #CryptoMarketMoves #MarketDownturn #LowestCPI2021 $BTC $ETH $BNB
LET’S JUMP INTO P2P TRADING ON BINANCE BTC $68,017.09 -1.09% FOR $0.01892 -0.26% FET $2.246 -0.18% Greetings! If you are new to crypto world or unfamiliar with the exclusive features of Binance - The Top Crypto Exchange In The World, then you are missing a lot! If you want to start your new trading journey and you need funds to deposit into your Binance account - what will you do? Let’s learn ‘HOW TO MAKE DEPOSITS INTO YOUR BINANCE ACCOUNT USING P2P’ But, What is P2P? P2P means 'peer-to-peer'. In Binance, P2P facilitates direct buying and selling of crypto between users without intermediaries. This mode of trading gives users more control over their crypto transactions. Through P2P you can easily make deposits into your accounts. Let's Start 👇🏻 STEP 01 Create Your Account You need to create your account on Binance and get verified by verifying your true identity. OR If you already have a verified account on Binance, open the app and the home page will appear on your screen. STEP 02 Click On Deposit You’ll see ‘Deposit’ in the top right corner of your homepage. Click on it STEP 03 Click On P2P Trading If you don't have assets in your account, you can buy them via P2P trading directly from the users. Click on P2P Trading STEP 04 - A page will appear where you have to click on ‘BUY’ - Then, click on USDT below the BUY command - You have to select the currency you want to buy. I selected BTC STEP 05 For your ease click on the ‘Amount’ and write the amount of currency you want to buy - I wrote 100,000 PKR STEP 06 Then, click on ‘Payment’ and select the payment method you want to use. Anything available to you easily. I have selected ‘Bank Transfer’ By following Step 05 & Step 06, you will easily find a seller to buy crypto on your requirements STEP 07 Select the seller that best suits your requirements STEP 08 Carefully read the advertiser’s terms before placing the order. (I'll share 9 and 10 in next post) HAPPY P2P FIRST TRANSACTION TO YOU 🙌🏻 #P2PTrading #btc #p2ptransactions #SHIB #FET
If you are new to crypto world or unfamiliar with the exclusive features of Binance - The Top Crypto Exchange In The World, then you are missing a lot!
If you want to start your new trading journey and you need funds to deposit into your Binance account - what will you do?
But, What is P2P?
P2P means 'peer-to-peer'. In Binance, P2P facilitates direct buying and selling of crypto between users without intermediaries. This mode of trading gives users more control over their crypto transactions. Through P2P you can easily make deposits into your accounts.
Let's Start 👇🏻
Create Your Account
You need to create your account on Binance and get verified by verifying your true identity.
If you already have a verified account on Binance, open the app and the home page will appear on your screen.
Click On Deposit
You’ll see ‘Deposit’ in the top right corner of your homepage. Click on it
Click On P2P Trading
If you don't have assets in your account, you can buy them via P2P trading directly from the users. Click on P2P Trading
- A page will appear where you have to click on ‘BUY’
- Then, click on USDT below the BUY command
- You have to select the currency you want to buy. I selected BTC
For your ease click on the ‘Amount’ and write the amount of currency you want to buy - I wrote 100,000 PKR
Then, click on ‘Payment’ and select the payment method you want to use. Anything available to you easily.
I have selected ‘Bank Transfer’
By following Step 05 & Step 06, you will easily find a seller to buy crypto on your requirements
Select the seller that best suits your requirements
Carefully read the advertiser’s terms before placing the order.

(I'll share 9 and 10 in next post)

#P2PTrading #btc #p2ptransactions #SHIB #FET
Tim Atom
تم بحمد الله وفضله
توثيق حساب التاجر ابو خالد 👍🏻 #P2P

امانه وسرعة واخلاق وأفضل اسعار صرف


In Pakistan, one of the most common challenges faced during peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions is the frequent freezing of bank accounts. This issue often arises due to misunderstandings between buyers and verified merchants regarding verification requirements. Many Pakistani users become frustrated when merchants request additional verification, such as a copy of their CNIC, selfies, videos, or other supporting documents. The assumption is, "Why do I need to verify myself again when I’ve already completed my KYC with the platform?" Some buyers perceive this request as an accusation of dishonesty, which leads to unnecessary disputes. If a scammer completes a fraudulent transaction and their bank account gets flagged, this triggers a ripple effect. Every account associated with payments linked to that scammer may also face scrutiny, leading to blocked accounts for innocent users. Merchants, therefore, take these precautions to ensure both their safety and yours. A major issue contributing to these problems is impatience. Many buyers expect instant responses from merchants, and if they don’t receive a reply within 10 or 15 minutes, they immediately file a complaint or dispute. What buyers often overlook is that merchants may be handling multiple transactions at the same time. Another contributing factor is the disregard for merchant-specific terms and conditions. Ignoring these guidelines often leads to heated arguments, which further complicate the transaction. Merchants set these terms to streamline their workflow and ensure smoother operations for all parties involved. To reduce the risk of account freezes and improve the overall experience, patience and cooperation are essential. Always read the merchant’s terms and conditions carefully before initiating a transaction. Be prepared to comply with any additional verification requests, as this ensures transparency and safeguards all parties. Most importantly, allow merchants adequate time to respond, and avoid raising disputes prematurely. #p2ptransactions #P2PScamAwareness
In Pakistan, one of the most common challenges faced during peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions is the frequent freezing of bank accounts. This issue often arises due to misunderstandings between buyers and verified merchants regarding verification requirements.

Many Pakistani users become frustrated when merchants request additional verification, such as a copy of their CNIC, selfies, videos, or other supporting documents. The assumption is, "Why do I need to verify myself again when I’ve already completed my KYC with the platform?" Some buyers perceive this request as an accusation of dishonesty, which leads to unnecessary disputes.

If a scammer completes a fraudulent transaction and their bank account gets flagged, this triggers a ripple effect. Every account associated with payments linked to that scammer may also face scrutiny, leading to blocked accounts for innocent users. Merchants, therefore, take these precautions to ensure both their safety and yours.

A major issue contributing to these problems is impatience. Many buyers expect instant responses from merchants, and if they don’t receive a reply within 10 or 15 minutes, they immediately file a complaint or dispute. What buyers often overlook is that merchants may be handling multiple transactions at the same time.

Another contributing factor is the disregard for merchant-specific terms and conditions. Ignoring these guidelines often leads to heated arguments, which further complicate the transaction. Merchants set these terms to streamline their workflow and ensure smoother operations for all parties involved.

To reduce the risk of account freezes and improve the overall experience, patience and cooperation are essential. Always read the merchant’s terms and conditions carefully before initiating a transaction. Be prepared to comply with any additional verification requests, as this ensures transparency and safeguards all parties. Most importantly, allow merchants adequate time to respond, and avoid raising disputes prematurely.

#p2ptransactions #P2PScamAwareness
📢 ALERTA DE ESTAFA 🚨🚨 ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ 🛑Cuidado con las estafas P2P en Binance🛑Los estafadores se dirigen cada vez más a las transacciones P2P. Así es como funciona: 1. Configuración inicial: la víctima realiza un pedido y completa el pago fiduciario al estafador. 2. Tácticas de estafador: el estafador se comunica con la víctima por teléfono o Telegram, instándola a cancelar el pedido para obtener un reembolso. Los usuarios menos vigilantes podrían cumplir, lo que permitiría al estafador transferir o vender rápidamente todas las criptomonedas. 3. Engaño avanzado: para los usuarios más cautelosos, los estafadores se hacen pasar por el servicio de atención al cliente de Binance y convencen a la víctima de escanear un código QR de inicio de sesión web. Esto otorga a los estafadores acceso a la cuenta de la víctima, lo que les permite cancelar el pedido y robar la criptomoneda. Protégete a ti mismo: - Una vez que hayas pagado, nunca canceles el pedido. - Verificar solicitudes de atención al cliente a través de los canales oficiales de Binance. Manténgase alerta y proteja sus activos. #BullBanter #Binance #StaySafe #p2ptransactions #Crytomonedas


🛑Cuidado con las estafas P2P en Binance🛑Los estafadores se dirigen cada vez más a las transacciones P2P. Así es como funciona:

1. Configuración inicial: la víctima realiza un pedido y completa el pago fiduciario al estafador.

2. Tácticas de estafador: el estafador se comunica con la víctima por teléfono o Telegram, instándola a cancelar el pedido para obtener un reembolso. Los usuarios menos vigilantes podrían cumplir, lo que permitiría al estafador transferir o vender rápidamente todas las criptomonedas.

3. Engaño avanzado: para los usuarios más cautelosos, los estafadores se hacen pasar por el servicio de atención al cliente de Binance y convencen a la víctima de escanear un código QR de inicio de sesión web. Esto otorga a los estafadores acceso a la cuenta de la víctima, lo que les permite cancelar el pedido y robar la criptomoneda.
Protégete a ti mismo:

- Una vez que hayas pagado, nunca canceles el pedido.

- Verificar solicitudes de atención al cliente a través de los canales oficiales de Binance.
Manténgase alerta y proteja sus activos.

#BullBanter #Binance #StaySafe #p2ptransactions #Crytomonedas
p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️- Solution 💯Hey Guys :- I want to share something with you i will provide you solution how to solve this issue. I know many people have faced this problem regarding Bank Account Freeze in p2p trading. There is lots of people who gives you different-different solutions and that’s not enough to unfreeze your bank account.I will give you complete information regarding unfreeze your bank accounts and thats 100% working for you.DM me I solve my case so i will share with you what exactly happened.#solutions #P2PScam #IndianRegulation #P2PPayment #p2ptransactions

p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️- Solution 💯

Hey Guys :- I want to share something with you i will provide you solution how to solve this issue. I know many people have faced this problem regarding Bank Account Freeze in p2p trading. There is lots of people who gives you different-different solutions and that’s not enough to unfreeze your bank account.I will give you complete information regarding unfreeze your bank accounts and thats 100% working for you.DM me I solve my case so i will share with you what exactly happened.#solutions #P2PScam #IndianRegulation #P2PPayment #p2ptransactions
#P2PTrading Takeaways***Always remember to check the rating of the sellers for every transaction. 88-99% is good, because they are some of the most trusted traders. ***Check out for the trader's conditions prior to trading. ***Do not cancel an order, unless the system does, because of elapsed stated time. And if already paid, report any issues by contacting the customer service early enough. If the buyer is offline, assets will be released automatically at the lapse of time. ***Remember to mark an order as "paid". For crypto to be released by the seller. ***Leave positive rating for a good trader to encourage more transactions with other traders. Anyway, remember that $DOGS and $TON are the newest kids in the block. Brace yourself for a massive bull run with these coins.. Stay put#DOGSONBINANCE #p2ptransactions {spot}(DOGSUSDT) Follow us for more crypto updates

Takeaways***Always remember to check the rating of the sellers for every transaction. 88-99% is good, because they are some of the most trusted traders.

***Check out for the trader's conditions prior to trading.

***Do not cancel an order, unless the system does, because of elapsed stated time. And if already paid, report any issues by contacting the customer service early enough. If the buyer is offline, assets will be released automatically at the lapse of time.

***Remember to mark an order as "paid". For crypto to be released by the seller.

***Leave positive rating for a good trader to encourage more transactions with other traders.

Anyway, remember that $DOGS and $TON are the newest kids in the block. Brace yourself for a massive bull run with these coins.. Stay put#DOGSONBINANCE #p2ptransactions

Follow us for more crypto updates
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