Binance Square
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⛔⛔PAREM COM AS FAKE NEWS !!!!⛔⛔ - O PIX NÃO será taxado! Apenas as transações que ultrapassarem o valor de 5 mil , deverão ser notificadas à Receita Federal. - NÃO foi Paulo Guedes que criou o PIX . Ele já vinha sendo elaborado no governo Temer, pelo banco central e SEMPRE foi rastreável. Tolo quem achou que poderia se isentar ou burlar o IR , eternamente . Se você está aqui, investindo em criptomoedas , muito me admira , não saber que a rota de seu dinheiro, já era monitorada pelo BC desde o lançamento do mesmo!E se devemos pagar impostos a partir desses valores, não há como escapar. - Open Finance...nunca usei! Sempre soube do problema que isso poderia me causar. - Drex...não pretendo usar, ao menos não tão cedo. Só se eu decida me utilizar de seus contratos inteligentes , em algum caso específico . ⚠️TODOS ESSES SERVIÇOS SÃO OPCIONAIS . TÁ COM MEDO? NÃO USE!!! Pare de falar como se estivesse sendo controlado . Responsabilize-se por suas escolhas ! - Pequenos estabelecimentos brasileiros , NÃO ACEITAM BITCOIN ! Nem os grandes , ainda , pelo que me consta . - SOBRE ESSA REGULAMENTAÇÃO , da qual tanto se tem falado: ELA EXISTE DESDE 2019!!! Também me admira vocês não saberem! O que acontecerá esse ano, são alguns ajustes. Na atual: •Você apenas deve declarar no portal, suas aquisições acima de 5 mil (não precisará pagar NADA , apenas declarar !); •Você só irá pagar, 15% de imposto, sobre vendas acima de 35 mil, e SOMENTE sobre o LUCRO que obtiver nessa venda , NÃO sobre o valor total . Vendas acima de 5 milhões , a taxa é 17%...e...pesquise a tabela ! É só dar um Google ! (No final de março , busque saber quais mudanças acontecerão ) ⚠️ALIÁS ...DÊ UM GOOGLE ANTES DE ACREDITAR E REVERBERAR QUALQUER COISA POR AÍ ! PARE DE FAZER PAPEL DE TOLO E ENVERGONHAR OS DEMAIS! FICA PARECENDO QUE NO BRASIL SÓ TEM DOIDO E IGNORANTE , E ISSO NÃO É VERDADE !!! ⚠️NÃO SOU DE PARTIDO NENHUM , APENAS NÃO GOSTO DE DESINFORMAÇÃO ! #Information #Brasil 🇧🇷 $BTC $USDC $BNB

- O PIX NÃO será taxado! Apenas as transações que ultrapassarem o valor de 5 mil , deverão ser notificadas à Receita Federal.

- NÃO foi Paulo Guedes que criou o PIX . Ele já vinha sendo elaborado no governo Temer, pelo banco central e SEMPRE foi rastreável. Tolo quem achou que poderia se isentar ou burlar o IR , eternamente . Se você está aqui, investindo em criptomoedas , muito me admira , não saber que a rota de seu dinheiro, já era monitorada pelo BC desde o lançamento do mesmo!E se devemos pagar impostos a partir desses valores, não há como escapar.

- Open Finance...nunca usei! Sempre soube do problema que isso poderia me causar.

- Drex...não pretendo usar, ao menos não tão cedo. Só se eu decida me utilizar de seus contratos inteligentes , em algum caso específico .

⚠️TODOS ESSES SERVIÇOS SÃO OPCIONAIS . TÁ COM MEDO? NÃO USE!!! Pare de falar como se estivesse sendo controlado . Responsabilize-se por suas escolhas !

- Pequenos estabelecimentos brasileiros , NÃO ACEITAM BITCOIN ! Nem os grandes , ainda , pelo que me consta .

- SOBRE ESSA REGULAMENTAÇÃO , da qual tanto se tem falado: ELA EXISTE DESDE 2019!!! Também me admira vocês não saberem! O que acontecerá esse ano, são alguns ajustes. Na atual:
•Você apenas deve declarar no portal, suas aquisições acima de 5 mil (não precisará pagar NADA , apenas declarar !);
•Você só irá pagar, 15% de imposto, sobre vendas acima de 35 mil, e SOMENTE sobre o LUCRO que obtiver nessa venda , NÃO sobre o valor total . Vendas acima de 5 milhões , a taxa é 17%...e...pesquise a tabela ! É só dar um Google ! (No final de março , busque saber quais mudanças acontecerão )



#Brasil 🇧🇷

kalango kalanguinho:
🚨🚨Dogecoin y otras criptomonedas: así ha cambiado su valor🚨🚨📍Así se han movido las monedas digitales en las últimas horas Las criptomonedas son un activo digital innovador que han experimentado un crecimiento monumental en los últimos tiempos debido a varios elementos que contribuyen a ello, entre ellos que algunos gobiernos hayan decidido darles una oportunidad como moneda de curso legal; no obstante, también han sufrido descalabros que han puesto en duda su viabilidad, como el más reciente episodio conocido como el "criptoinvierno". Pese a este panorama, cada vez más personas han empezado a adquirir criptomonedas para poder invertir en algo "seguro" y "fiable" tanto a corto como a largo plazo, a pesar de los niveles extremos de inestabilidad que sufre constantemente. Sin embargo, invertir o comprar en criptodivisas es más fácil de lo que parece. Hay que recordar que se trata de monedas virtuales, por lo que serán controladas en carteras o monederos que comparten esa particularidad, pues a diferencia del dinero corriente, no son un objeto físico. El precio de las criptomonedas Esta es la cotización de las criptodivisas más destacadas en este momento. El bitcoin cotiza este día en 93.719,98 dólares, lo que implica un cambio de -3,3% en las últimas horas. Está criptomoneda la puedes encontrar como >>$BTC << {spot}(BTCUSDT) La segunda criptomoneda más popular del mercado, ethereum, ha mostrado un movimiento de -1,93% en las últimas 24 horas, por lo que su valor se ubica en 3.316,33 dólares. Está criptomoneda la puedes encontrar como >>$ETH << {spot}(ETHUSDT) Finalmente, el dogecoin, una de las criptodivisas que ha impulsado el propio Elon Musk, tiene un valor de 0,33 dólares tras presentar un cambio de -4,45% en las últimas 24 horas. Está criptomoneda la puedes encontrar como >>$DOGE << {spot}(DOGEUSDT) ¿Cómo funciona el mercado de las criptomonedas? El mercado de las criptomonedas funciona de manera descentralizada y se basa en la tecnología blockchain que garantiza la seguridad en sus transacciones. Aunque cada una de ellas puede tener reglas y mecanismos específicos de su funcionamiento, hay algunas características generales que se pueden enumerar y que facilitan su entendimiento: Blockchain: a menos que se trate de un token, todas las criptomonedas recurren a la tecnología blockchain, un registro digital descentralizado y seguro que permite realizar operaciones verificadas a través de una red de computadoras llamadas nodos. La blockchain ayuda a registrar y verificar todas las transacciones realizadas con la criptomoneda y cada una de ellas se agrupa a bloques, que a su vez se une a una cadena de bloques de manera secuencial, creando así un historial inmutable y transparente para todos. Criptografía: este tipo de monedas digitales utilizan la técnica de criptografía para proteger la privacidad entre los usuarios, autentifica las transacciones y también controla la emisión de nuevas monedas. Minería: algunas criptomonedas usan el proceso de minería para validar y asegurar las transacciones en la red. Los mineros utilizan su poder computacional y resuelven problemas matemáticos para verificar y asegurar las transacciones a cambio reciben recompensas en forma de nuevas criptomonedas. Sin embargo, muchas criptomonedas tienen una oferta limitada, lo que significa que sólo se crearán un número finito de nuevas unidades, ello para evitar la inflación y mantener el valor de la criptomoneda a largo plazo. La emisión de nuevas puede estar programada o bien puede depender de un consenso de la comunidad. Carteras: las carteras son aplicaciones o dispositivos que permiten a los usuarios almacenar y gestionar criptomonedas. Existen varios tipos: las que están en línea (en la nube); las de software (en la computadora o en un dispositivo móvil); y hardware (dispositivos físicos que almacenan las claves privadas de forma segura). Claves: cada usuario de una criptomoneda tiene una clave pública y privada; la primera sirve para recibir fondos, mientras que la segunda se utiliza para formar digitalmente las transacciones y demostrar la propiedad de los fondos. Monedas digitales en Latinoamérica Criptomonedas en México: el Banco de México (Banxico) ha determinado que ninguna de las instituciones que participan en el sistema financiero nacional podrá hacer uso o deberá permitir operaciones de ninguna clase a través de este medio de pago. Sin embargo, un estudio realizado en el 2022 por la firma Finder, se tiene registro de que en el país hay alrededor de 12 millones de mexicanos que poseen criptomonedas, siendo 59% hombres y 41% mujeres. En México el empresario Ricardo Salinas Pliego, uno de los más ricos del país, ha mostrado interés en las criptomonedas y ha asegurado que varios de sus negocios aceptarán bitcoin en el futuro, incluido su banco; hasta el momento una de sus tiendas más populares ya lo hace. Criptomonedas en Perú: el Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCR) ha dejado en claro que su misión no es ser el primero ni el segundo banco central que regule el uso de las criptomonedas, ello debido a la inestabilidad que las caracteriza. Sin embargo, hace días el presidente del (BCR) aseguró que el BCR trabajaba en un proyecto de moneda digital propia. Criptomonedas en Colombia: en la nación sudamericana hay más de 500 sitios donde es permitido pagar con criptodivisas. Colombia ocupa el puesto 14 entre 26 países de adopción de criptomonedas, según el informe de Finder. Criptomonedas en Centroamérica: en el gobierno de El Salvador, le ha dado su voto de confianza y el pasado 9 de junio de 2021 se convirtió en el primer país en legalizar el bitcoin como moneda legal. Además, el presidente Nayib Bukele anunció su intención de crear la primera Bitcoin City en Conchagua y estaría financiada a través de bonos tokenizados con respaldo en bitcoin. ¿Cómo crear una criptomoneda? Al momento de crear una criptomoneda es importante primero determinar qué se desea tener: una moneda o un token. La primera usa su propia blockchain, mientras que la segunda se basa en una red preexistente. De acuerdo con el sitio de Binance, para crear una criptomoneda se necesita de un gran equipo de desarrolladores y expertos; mientras que para el token sí se requieren conocimientos técnicos pero es posible crearlo en minutos a través del uso de otras blockchains como Ethereum o BNB, que son las más populares. Los costos de creación, el tiempo requerido y el uso de fuerza de trabajo dependerá de si se opta por hacer una moneda virtual o un token. En éste último caso también se puede usar un código establecido para crear tokens o pagar para usar un servicio de creación de monedas. Es importante saber que antes de crear una criptomoneda se debe considerar su utilidad y estado legal. En el caso de elegir crear una criptomoneda, entonces se debe elegir una blockchain, posteriormente se debe hacer un plan acorde al funcionamiento y la funcionalidad de la blockchain para diseñar los nodos y la interfaz. #BinanceAlphaAlert #Information #criptonews #CryptoMarketDip #BullCyclePrediction

🚨🚨Dogecoin y otras criptomonedas: así ha cambiado su valor🚨🚨

📍Así se han movido las monedas digitales en las últimas horas

Las criptomonedas son un activo digital innovador que han experimentado un crecimiento monumental en los últimos tiempos debido a varios elementos que contribuyen a ello, entre ellos que algunos gobiernos hayan decidido darles una oportunidad como moneda de curso legal; no obstante, también han sufrido descalabros que han puesto en duda su viabilidad, como el más reciente episodio conocido como el "criptoinvierno".

Pese a este panorama, cada vez más personas han empezado a adquirir criptomonedas para poder invertir en algo "seguro" y "fiable" tanto a corto como a largo plazo, a pesar de los niveles extremos de inestabilidad que sufre constantemente.

Sin embargo, invertir o comprar en criptodivisas es más fácil de lo que parece. Hay que recordar que se trata de monedas virtuales, por lo que serán controladas en carteras o monederos que comparten esa particularidad, pues a diferencia del dinero corriente, no son un objeto físico.

El precio de las criptomonedas
Esta es la cotización de las criptodivisas más destacadas en este momento.

El bitcoin cotiza este día en 93.719,98 dólares, lo que implica un cambio de -3,3% en las últimas horas. Está criptomoneda la puedes encontrar como >>$BTC <<

La segunda criptomoneda más popular del mercado, ethereum, ha mostrado un movimiento de -1,93% en las últimas 24 horas, por lo que su valor se ubica en 3.316,33 dólares. Está criptomoneda la puedes encontrar como >>$ETH <<
Finalmente, el dogecoin, una de las criptodivisas que ha impulsado el propio Elon Musk, tiene un valor de 0,33 dólares tras presentar un cambio de -4,45% en las últimas 24 horas. Está criptomoneda la puedes encontrar como >>$DOGE <<

¿Cómo funciona el mercado de las criptomonedas?

El mercado de las criptomonedas funciona de manera descentralizada y se basa en la tecnología blockchain que garantiza la seguridad en sus transacciones. Aunque cada una de ellas puede tener reglas y mecanismos específicos de su funcionamiento, hay algunas características generales que se pueden enumerar y que facilitan su entendimiento:

Blockchain: a menos que se trate de un token, todas las criptomonedas recurren a la tecnología blockchain, un registro digital descentralizado y seguro que permite realizar operaciones verificadas a través de una red de computadoras llamadas nodos.

La blockchain ayuda a registrar y verificar todas las transacciones realizadas con la criptomoneda y cada una de ellas se agrupa a bloques, que a su vez se une a una cadena de bloques de manera secuencial, creando así un historial inmutable y transparente para todos.

Criptografía: este tipo de monedas digitales utilizan la técnica de criptografía para proteger la privacidad entre los usuarios, autentifica las transacciones y también controla la emisión de nuevas monedas.

Minería: algunas criptomonedas usan el proceso de minería para validar y asegurar las transacciones en la red. Los mineros utilizan su poder computacional y resuelven problemas matemáticos para verificar y asegurar las transacciones a cambio reciben recompensas en forma de nuevas criptomonedas.

Sin embargo, muchas criptomonedas tienen una oferta limitada, lo que significa que sólo se crearán un número finito de nuevas unidades, ello para evitar la inflación y mantener el valor de la criptomoneda a largo plazo. La emisión de nuevas puede estar programada o bien puede depender de un consenso de la comunidad.

Carteras: las carteras son aplicaciones o dispositivos que permiten a los usuarios almacenar y gestionar criptomonedas. Existen varios tipos: las que están en línea (en la nube); las de software (en la computadora o en un dispositivo móvil); y hardware (dispositivos físicos que almacenan las claves privadas de forma segura).

Claves: cada usuario de una criptomoneda tiene una clave pública y privada; la primera sirve para recibir fondos, mientras que la segunda se utiliza para formar digitalmente las transacciones y demostrar la propiedad de los fondos.

Monedas digitales en Latinoamérica
Criptomonedas en México: el Banco de México (Banxico) ha determinado que ninguna de las instituciones que participan en el sistema financiero nacional podrá hacer uso o deberá permitir operaciones de ninguna clase a través de este medio de pago.

Sin embargo, un estudio realizado en el 2022 por la firma Finder, se tiene registro de que en el país hay alrededor de 12 millones de mexicanos que poseen criptomonedas, siendo 59% hombres y 41% mujeres.

En México el empresario Ricardo Salinas Pliego, uno de los más ricos del país, ha mostrado interés en las criptomonedas y ha asegurado que varios de sus negocios aceptarán bitcoin en el futuro, incluido su banco; hasta el momento una de sus tiendas más populares ya lo hace.

Criptomonedas en Perú: el Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCR) ha dejado en claro que su misión no es ser el primero ni el segundo banco central que regule el uso de las criptomonedas, ello debido a la inestabilidad que las caracteriza. Sin embargo, hace días el presidente del (BCR) aseguró que el BCR trabajaba en un proyecto de moneda digital propia.

Criptomonedas en Colombia: en la nación sudamericana hay más de 500 sitios donde es permitido pagar con criptodivisas. Colombia ocupa el puesto 14 entre 26 países de adopción de criptomonedas, según el informe de Finder.

Criptomonedas en Centroamérica: en el gobierno de El Salvador, le ha dado su voto de confianza y el pasado 9 de junio de 2021 se convirtió en el primer país en legalizar el bitcoin como moneda legal. Además, el presidente Nayib Bukele anunció su intención de crear la primera Bitcoin City en Conchagua y estaría financiada a través de bonos tokenizados con respaldo en bitcoin.

¿Cómo crear una criptomoneda?
Al momento de crear una criptomoneda es importante primero determinar qué se desea tener: una moneda o un token. La primera usa su propia blockchain, mientras que la segunda se basa en una red preexistente.

De acuerdo con el sitio de Binance, para crear una criptomoneda se necesita de un gran equipo de desarrolladores y expertos; mientras que para el token sí se requieren conocimientos técnicos pero es posible crearlo en minutos a través del uso de otras blockchains como Ethereum o BNB, que son las más populares.

Los costos de creación, el tiempo requerido y el uso de fuerza de trabajo dependerá de si se opta por hacer una moneda virtual o un token. En éste último caso también se puede usar un código establecido para crear tokens o pagar para usar un servicio de creación de monedas.

Es importante saber que antes de crear una criptomoneda se debe considerar su utilidad y estado legal.

En el caso de elegir crear una criptomoneda, entonces se debe elegir una blockchain, posteriormente se debe hacer un plan acorde al funcionamiento y la funcionalidad de la blockchain para diseñar los nodos y la interfaz.

#BinanceAlphaAlert #Information #criptonews #CryptoMarketDip #BullCyclePrediction
🔴 [Quick Facts] : 1. Two Fed officials say the fight against inflation is not over yet. 2. Yoon Suk-yeol’s fate deepens political tensions in South Korea. 3. Hamas, Israel resume ceasefire talks but clash over hostage deal. 4. US Fed Chair Barkin remains optimistic about 2025. 5. US ISM manufacturing PMI rose in December. #BinanceMegadropSolv #Information #tradesafely #trainding #GoldenLionSignal
🔴 [Quick Facts] :

1. Two Fed officials say the fight against inflation is not over yet.

2. Yoon Suk-yeol’s fate deepens political tensions in South Korea.

3. Hamas, Israel resume ceasefire talks but clash over hostage deal.

4. US Fed Chair Barkin remains optimistic about 2025.

5. US ISM manufacturing PMI rose in December.

#BinanceMegadropSolv #Information #tradesafely #trainding #GoldenLionSignal
The Seasonality of Crypto: How to Anticipate Market Trends and Ride the WavesThe crypto market is a fascinating beast, full of promise and volatility. As we enter December, the Christmas rush is in full swing, and things are looking decidedly bullish. This time of year often brings increased activity, optimism, and new money flowing into the market. But as with most things, all good runs must eventually come to an end. Over the past five years of trading on Binance, I’ve noticed certain patterns emerge — trends that you can almost set your calendar to. The reality is, crypto, as with most other things, doesn’t subsist in a vacuum. Its ebb and flow are at the mercy of the needs and realizations of its traders, responding to external pressures like global holidays, tax obligations, and even simple hype. Hype, I’ve found, is like the weather: it comes fast, causes small (or significant) changes, and can either ruin you or give you opportunities to ride along if you react quickly enough. However, seasonality is more like the climate: predictable, spanning months, and something you can anticipate with a bit of preparation. Learning to recognize these crypto “seasons” helps you plan better, navigate market swings, and act on opportunities before they pass you by. Bullish or Bearish: It's Not Always What It Seems Before diving into the specific “seasons,” it’s important to understand the terms bullish and bearish: Bullish markets (📈): A rising market feels good but isn’t always positive. If you’re holding assets, you might be tempted by greed or FOMO (fear of missing out), buying into a market top or failing to sell at the right time. Bearish markets (📉): A downward market is often viewed negatively, but this is when opportunities to buy low emerge. If you’re patient and smart, bear markets are where future gains are set. Knowing this distinction keeps you calm during market movements. Up isn’t always good, and down isn’t always bad — what matters is your strategy and preparation. What Seasons Are There, Then? The crypto market, much like the year, cycles through recognizable “seasons.” Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve observed and what you can expect: Christmas Rally and New Year Optimism 📈Timeline: December → JanuaryAs the year ends, optimism takes over. Retail investors often enter the market, fueled by year-end bonuses, media hype, and holiday spending. This period is often bullish, as buying activity increases.Chinese New Year Anticipation 📉Timeline: Late January → Early FebruaryWhile Christmas brings in buyers, the weeks leading up to Chinese New Year see a bearish dip. Traders in Asia cash out crypto holdings for celebrations, gifts, and family obligations. This sell-off creates temporary downward pressure.April Tax Season Sell-Off 📉Timeline: AprilU.S. tax season means many traders need to liquidate assets to cover taxes on gains from the previous year. The result is a bearish market as selling activity spikes.Summer Slowdown ⚠️Timeline: June → AugustSummer is typically quieter. Trading volumes drop as institutional and retail traders alike take vacations or shift focus elsewhere. Price movements slow, and markets enter a neutral or slightly bearish phase.September Slump 📉Timeline: SeptemberIn September, the masses begin to realize the true value of their assets, leading to portfolio corrections and sell-offs. Historically, September tends to be one of the weakest months for crypto, with clear bearish trends emerging.Uptober 📈Timeline: OctoberFollowing the slump, October often brings a bullish recovery. Institutional investors return, optimism picks up, and positive sentiment tends to drive prices upward into Q4. This “Uptober” effect marks the start of a strong year-end rally. Longer-Term Seasonality: Bitcoin Halving and Altcoin Season Beyond the yearly patterns, there are longer market cycles that significantly impact the crypto landscape: Bitcoin Halving (Every 4 Years) What Happens: Bitcoin’s mining rewards are cut in half, reducing the supply of new BTC entering the market. This supply shock historically triggers a bull run that peaks 6-12 months after the halving. Impact: As Bitcoin surges, it lifts the rest of the market, bringing significant opportunities for holders and traders alike. Altcoin Season When It Happens: Following Bitcoin’s bull run, funds tend to shift into altcoins. Investors seek higher returns from smaller, often riskier projects. Signs: Bitcoin dominance falls, and smaller-cap coins see rapid gains as capital flows away from BTC. In fact, the Bitcoin halving season has occurred for this year. It marks a very strong season for altcoins for the remainder of the year, and an overall higher market cap. So make sure to get your slice of the pie while the market is still up until early February! Final Thoughts Understanding these seasonal trends allows you to act strategically rather than emotionally. Whether it’s the bullish Christmas rally, the bearish Chinese New Year dip, or the long-term cycles like Bitcoin halving, being informed and prepared makes all the difference. Remember: crypto markets are influenced by hype, necessity, and opportunity. By recognizing the weather (short-term changes) and preparing for the climate (long-term trends), you can navigate these seasons with confidence. If you found this helpful, like and follow for more insights I’ve gathered over years of observation, research, and self-taught application. Stay wise, stay informed, and ride the seasons. #MarketNewHype #Beginners #Seasonal #DecisionMaking #Information

The Seasonality of Crypto: How to Anticipate Market Trends and Ride the Waves

The crypto market is a fascinating beast, full of promise and volatility. As we enter December, the Christmas rush is in full swing, and things are looking decidedly bullish. This time of year often brings increased activity, optimism, and new money flowing into the market. But as with most things, all good runs must eventually come to an end. Over the past five years of trading on Binance, I’ve noticed certain patterns emerge — trends that you can almost set your calendar to.
The reality is, crypto, as with most other things, doesn’t subsist in a vacuum. Its ebb and flow are at the mercy of the needs and realizations of its traders, responding to external pressures like global holidays, tax obligations, and even simple hype.
Hype, I’ve found, is like the weather: it comes fast, causes small (or significant) changes, and can either ruin you or give you opportunities to ride along if you react quickly enough. However, seasonality is more like the climate: predictable, spanning months, and something you can anticipate with a bit of preparation. Learning to recognize these crypto “seasons” helps you plan better, navigate market swings, and act on opportunities before they pass you by.
Bullish or Bearish: It's Not Always What It Seems
Before diving into the specific “seasons,” it’s important to understand the terms bullish and bearish:
Bullish markets (📈): A rising market feels good but isn’t always positive. If you’re holding assets, you might be tempted by greed or FOMO (fear of missing out), buying into a market top or failing to sell at the right time.
Bearish markets (📉): A downward market is often viewed negatively, but this is when opportunities to buy low emerge. If you’re patient and smart, bear markets are where future gains are set.
Knowing this distinction keeps you calm during market movements. Up isn’t always good, and down isn’t always bad — what matters is your strategy and preparation.
What Seasons Are There, Then?
The crypto market, much like the year, cycles through recognizable “seasons.” Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve observed and what you can expect:
Christmas Rally and New Year Optimism 📈Timeline: December → JanuaryAs the year ends, optimism takes over. Retail investors often enter the market, fueled by year-end bonuses, media hype, and holiday spending. This period is often bullish, as buying activity increases.Chinese New Year Anticipation 📉Timeline: Late January → Early FebruaryWhile Christmas brings in buyers, the weeks leading up to Chinese New Year see a bearish dip. Traders in Asia cash out crypto holdings for celebrations, gifts, and family obligations. This sell-off creates temporary downward pressure.April Tax Season Sell-Off 📉Timeline: AprilU.S. tax season means many traders need to liquidate assets to cover taxes on gains from the previous year. The result is a bearish market as selling activity spikes.Summer Slowdown ⚠️Timeline: June → AugustSummer is typically quieter. Trading volumes drop as institutional and retail traders alike take vacations or shift focus elsewhere. Price movements slow, and markets enter a neutral or slightly bearish phase.September Slump 📉Timeline: SeptemberIn September, the masses begin to realize the true value of their assets, leading to portfolio corrections and sell-offs. Historically, September tends to be one of the weakest months for crypto, with clear bearish trends emerging.Uptober 📈Timeline: OctoberFollowing the slump, October often brings a bullish recovery. Institutional investors return, optimism picks up, and positive sentiment tends to drive prices upward into Q4. This “Uptober” effect marks the start of a strong year-end rally.
Longer-Term Seasonality: Bitcoin Halving and Altcoin Season
Beyond the yearly patterns, there are longer market cycles that significantly impact the crypto landscape:
Bitcoin Halving (Every 4 Years)
What Happens: Bitcoin’s mining rewards are cut in half, reducing the supply of new BTC entering the market. This supply shock historically triggers a bull run that peaks 6-12 months after the halving.
Impact: As Bitcoin surges, it lifts the rest of the market, bringing significant opportunities for holders and traders alike.
Altcoin Season
When It Happens: Following Bitcoin’s bull run, funds tend to shift into altcoins. Investors seek higher returns from smaller, often riskier projects.
Signs: Bitcoin dominance falls, and smaller-cap coins see rapid gains as capital flows away from BTC.
In fact, the Bitcoin halving season has occurred for this year. It marks a very strong season for altcoins for the remainder of the year, and an overall higher market cap. So make sure to get your slice of the pie while the market is still up until early February!
Final Thoughts
Understanding these seasonal trends allows you to act strategically rather than emotionally. Whether it’s the bullish Christmas rally, the bearish Chinese New Year dip, or the long-term cycles like Bitcoin halving, being informed and prepared makes all the difference.
Remember: crypto markets are influenced by hype, necessity, and opportunity. By recognizing the weather (short-term changes) and preparing for the climate (long-term trends), you can navigate these seasons with confidence.

If you found this helpful, like and follow for more insights I’ve gathered over years of observation, research, and self-taught application. Stay wise, stay informed, and ride the seasons.
#MarketNewHype #Beginners #Seasonal #DecisionMaking #Information
🌎 [Quick Facts] : 1. French finance minister expects 2025 deficit to be just above 5%. 2. Japan’s factory activity shrank at slower pace in December. 3. Will the US and UK join Israel in military operations against the Houthis? 4. Gold prices rise as global uncertainty increases demand for safe havens. 5. Bank of Japan meeting minutes point to possible rate hike next month. #facility #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🌎 [Quick Facts] :

1. French finance minister expects 2025 deficit to be just above 5%.

2. Japan’s factory activity shrank at slower pace in December.

3. Will the US and UK join Israel in military operations against the Houthis?

4. Gold prices rise as global uncertainty increases demand for safe havens.

5. Bank of Japan meeting minutes point to possible rate hike next month.

#facility #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
Simple guide to "whales"Let's talk a bit about "whales". In the world of cryptocurrencies, the term "whale" refers to an individual or entity that holds a significant amount of a specific cryptocurrency. As a result, they have a major impact on the market, exerting pressure on prices and asset liquidity. The main characteristic that defines them is their possession of enormous amounts of cryptocurrency in their wallet. Therefore, they can be considered "whales" when they hold enough cryptocurrency to significantly influence its market, either positively or negatively. How does this affect others? They have the power to buy large amounts to inflate the price and then sell abruptly, making a profit while leaving others with losses. Similarly, these actions can create false perceptions of supply and demand, prompting smaller investors to make hasty decisions to buy or sell. In conclusion, whales play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, acting both as a stabilizing force and a source of volatility. Therefore, understanding their movements can be a valuable tool for navigating this world. If you want more tips, guides, and news, don’t forget to follow me and share! #2024withBinance #ballenas #Whale_Crypto #Information #BecomeCreatore

Simple guide to "whales"

Let's talk a bit about "whales".
In the world of cryptocurrencies, the term "whale" refers to an individual or entity that holds a significant amount of a specific cryptocurrency. As a result, they have a major impact on the market, exerting pressure on prices and asset liquidity.
The main characteristic that defines them is their possession of enormous amounts of cryptocurrency in their wallet. Therefore, they can be considered "whales" when they hold enough cryptocurrency to significantly influence its market, either positively or negatively.
How does this affect others?
They have the power to buy large amounts to inflate the price and then sell abruptly, making a profit while leaving others with losses. Similarly, these actions can create false perceptions of supply and demand, prompting smaller investors to make hasty decisions to buy or sell.

In conclusion, whales play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, acting both as a stabilizing force and a source of volatility. Therefore, understanding their movements can be a valuable tool for navigating this world.
If you want more tips, guides, and news, don’t forget to follow me and share!

#2024withBinance #ballenas #Whale_Crypto #Information #BecomeCreatore
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a cryptocurrency that was inspired by the popular doge meme. It has gained a lot of attention and popularity in 2021, reaching an all-time high of $0.00009 in October. However, since then, it has lost most of its value and is currently trading at around $0.00001. Many investors are wondering if Shiba Inu can recover and reach new heights in 2024. According to various sources and experts, the answer is not very optimistic. Most predictions suggest that Shiba Inu will remain below $0.0001 for the next few years, and some even say that it will never reach $0.01 in the foreseeable future. The main challenges that Shiba Inu faces are the lack of innovation, regulation, and competition from other meme coins. Therefore, unless something drastic changes, Shiba Inu may not be a good investment option for long-term holders. 😕 #Write2Earn #information #uma #MANTA #ShibaPricePrediction
Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a cryptocurrency that was inspired by the popular doge meme. It has gained a lot of attention and popularity in 2021, reaching an all-time high of $0.00009 in October. However, since then, it has lost most of its value and is currently trading at around $0.00001. Many investors are wondering if Shiba Inu can recover and reach new heights in 2024. According to various sources and experts, the answer is not very optimistic. Most predictions suggest that Shiba Inu will remain below $0.0001 for the next few years, and some even say that it will never reach $0.01 in the foreseeable future. The main challenges that Shiba Inu faces are the lack of innovation, regulation, and competition from other meme coins. Therefore, unless something drastic changes, Shiba Inu may not be a good investment option for long-term holders. 😕
#Write2Earn #information #uma #MANTA #ShibaPricePrediction
✅🔱 NUEVO DROP DE $DNA 🔱✅ #NewsAboutCrypto #Information Código 6029 El token DNA el cual se encuentra dentro del ecosistema $WLD sigue aumentando su base de usuarios desde el primer día, no te pierdas ningún drop y entra AHORA. A diferencia de $WLD no es necesario tener la verificación de Orb, solo debes descargar la aplicación WorldApp y encontrarás la app llamada DNA en la pestaña de finanzas en su AppStore. Ingresa el código de invitación: 6029 Cuento con verificación de Orb por lo que la recompensa te llega enseguida. Debes ingresar un código si o si, asi que ingresa el mío para que empieces a generar.
#NewsAboutCrypto #Information

Código 6029
El token DNA el cual se encuentra dentro del ecosistema $WLD sigue aumentando su base de usuarios desde el primer día, no te pierdas ningún drop y entra AHORA.
A diferencia de $WLD no es necesario tener la verificación de Orb, solo debes descargar la aplicación WorldApp y encontrarás la app llamada DNA en la pestaña de finanzas en su AppStore.
Ingresa el código de invitación: 6029
Cuento con verificación de Orb por lo que la recompensa te llega enseguida.
Debes ingresar un código si o si, asi que ingresa el mío para que empieces a generar.
✅🔱 NUEVO DROP DE $DNA 🔱✅ #NewsAboutCrypto #Information Código 141875 El token DNA el cual se encuentra dentro del ecosistema $WLD sigue aumentando su base de usuarios desde el primer día, no te pierdas ningún drop y entra AHORA. A diferencia de $WLD no es necesario tener la verificación de Orb, solo debes descargar la aplicación WorldApp y encontrarás la app llamada DNA en la pestaña de finanzas en su AppStore. Ingresa el código de invitación: 141875 Cuento con verificación de Orb por lo que la recompensa te llega enseguida. Debes ingresar un código si o si, asi que ingresa el mío para que empieces a generar. {spot}(WLDUSDT)
#NewsAboutCrypto #Information
Código 141875

El token DNA el cual se encuentra dentro del ecosistema $WLD sigue aumentando su base de usuarios desde el primer día, no te pierdas ningún drop y entra AHORA.

A diferencia de $WLD no es necesario tener la verificación de Orb, solo debes descargar la aplicación WorldApp y encontrarás la app llamada DNA en la pestaña de finanzas en su AppStore.

Ingresa el código de invitación: 141875
Cuento con verificación de Orb por lo que la recompensa te llega enseguida.

Debes ingresar un código si o si, asi que ingresa el mío para que empieces a generar.
🌎 [Quick Facts] : 1. The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects net crude oil imports to fall 20% in 2025. 2. The U.S. Treasury Department announces a $20 billion loan to Ukraine. 3. European countries halt asylum applications for Syrians after the fall of Assad. 4. Janet Yellen says raising tariffs could exacerbate inflationary pressures. 5. Japanese manufacturers’ mood deteriorated further in December. 6. South Korea’s opposition passes a reduced budget without government approval. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🌎 [Quick Facts] :

1. The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects net crude oil imports to fall 20% in 2025.

2. The U.S. Treasury Department announces a $20 billion loan to Ukraine.

3. European countries halt asylum applications for Syrians after the fall of Assad.

4. Janet Yellen says raising tariffs could exacerbate inflationary pressures.

5. Japanese manufacturers’ mood deteriorated further in December.

6. South Korea’s opposition passes a reduced budget without government approval.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
Jangan pernah mendengar influencer kripto, mereka sering kali memiliki kepentingan pribadi. Informasi yang mereka berikan bisa bias atau tidak lengkap.$BTC $ETH $BNB
Jangan pernah mendengar influencer kripto, mereka sering kali memiliki kepentingan pribadi. Informasi yang mereka berikan bisa bias atau tidak lengkap.$BTC $ETH $BNB
Berita Terbaru Aplikasi Binance hilang dari PlayStore dan AppStore Apakah ini berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi binance? Lantas bagaimana cara mendownload aplikasi Binance jika di Play Store dan AppStore tidak ditemukan? #news_update #information
Berita Terbaru
Aplikasi Binance hilang dari PlayStore dan AppStore

Apakah ini berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi binance?

Lantas bagaimana cara mendownload aplikasi Binance jika di Play Store dan AppStore tidak ditemukan?

What is a Crypto AirdropA crypto airdrop is a marketing strategy used primarily by blockchain-based startups to promote their projects and tokens. It involves distributing tokens or coins to numerous wallet addresses for free or in exchange for a small promotional service, like sharing information about the token on social media or signing up on a particular platform. Airdrops are designed to increase awareness about a new cryptocurrency and incentivize potential users to participate in its ecosystem. Types of Crypto Airdrops 1. **Standard Airdrop** In a standard airdrop, tokens are distributed for free to users who sign up and provide their wallet addresses. This type typically has specific requirements such as holding a certain amount of another cryptocurrency or being part of the project's community. 2. **Bounty Airdrop** Bounty airdrops reward users for completing specific tasks such as following social media accounts, sharing posts, joining Telegram groups, or writing blog posts. These tasks are intended to increase the project’s visibility and engagement within the community. 3. **Holder Airdrop** Holder airdrops distribute tokens to holders of a particular cryptocurrency. For instance, if a project wants to reward Ethereum holders, it will snapshot all Ethereum addresses and distribute its tokens proportionally to the amount of Ethereum held in those addresses at the snapshot time. 4. **Exclusive Airdrop** Exclusive airdrops target a specific group of people, such as early adopters, loyal community members, or users who have completed particular actions within the project’s ecosystem. These airdrops are often used to reward loyalty and participation. Real-Life Examples of Successful Airdrops 1. **Uniswap (UNI) Airdrop** In September 2020, Uniswap, a decentralized exchange, conducted one of the most successful airdrops in crypto history. They distributed 400 UNI tokens to each wallet that had used the platform before a certain date. This airdrop not only rewarded early users but also helped establish UNI as a prominent governance token in the DeFi space. 2. **Stellar (XLM) Airdrop** Stellar has conducted several airdrops to promote its XLM token, including a notable one in partnership with, where they distributed $125 million worth of XLM to users of the Blockchain wallet. This significantly boosted Stellar’s user base and increased XLM’s liquidity. 3. **Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Airdrop** When Bitcoin Cash forked from Bitcoin in 2017, all Bitcoin holders received an equivalent amount of BCH. This airdrop was significant because it immediately created a large user base for Bitcoin Cash and established it as a major player in the cryptocurrency market. Strategies for Finding and Participating in Airdrops 1. **Follow Airdrop Aggregator Websites** Websites like Airdrop Alert, Airdrop Bob, and CoinMarketCap Airdrops aggregate information about ongoing and upcoming airdrops. These platforms are valuable resources for staying updated on airdrop opportunities. 2. **Join Cryptocurrency Forums and Social Media Groups** Participate in forums like Bitcointalk, Reddit (especially subreddits like r/CryptoAirdrops), and join Telegram groups dedicated to airdrops. These communities often share information about new airdrops and how to participate. 3. **Subscribe to Project Newsletters** Many blockchain projects announce airdrops through their newsletters. By subscribing to these newsletters, you can receive timely notifications about airdrop events. 4. **Engage with Projects on Social Media** Follow cryptocurrency projects on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Projects frequently announce airdrops and other promotional events through their social media channels. 5. **Participate in Bounty Programs** Engaging in bounty programs can be an effective way to earn tokens through airdrops. These programs often involve simple tasks that promote the project and, in return, you receive tokens. Conclusion Crypto airdrops represent an innovative way for blockchain projects to distribute their tokens, attract new users, and reward loyal community members. By understanding the different types of airdrops and following strategies to find and participate in them, you can capitalize on these opportunities to diversify your crypto portfolio. Remember, while airdrops can be lucrative, it’s essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research to avoid scams and ensure you’re participating in legitimate projects. Happy airdropping! #AirdropGuide #Bitcoin #BinanceTournament #BTC #information

What is a Crypto Airdrop

A crypto airdrop is a marketing strategy used primarily by blockchain-based startups to promote their projects and tokens. It involves distributing tokens or coins to numerous wallet addresses for free or in exchange for a small promotional service, like sharing information about the token on social media or signing up on a particular platform. Airdrops are designed to increase awareness about a new cryptocurrency and incentivize potential users to participate in its ecosystem.

Types of Crypto Airdrops

1. **Standard Airdrop**
In a standard airdrop, tokens are distributed for free to users who sign up and provide their wallet addresses. This type typically has specific requirements such as holding a certain amount of another cryptocurrency or being part of the project's community.

2. **Bounty Airdrop**
Bounty airdrops reward users for completing specific tasks such as following social media accounts, sharing posts, joining Telegram groups, or writing blog posts. These tasks are intended to increase the project’s visibility and engagement within the community.

3. **Holder Airdrop**
Holder airdrops distribute tokens to holders of a particular cryptocurrency. For instance, if a project wants to reward Ethereum holders, it will snapshot all Ethereum addresses and distribute its tokens proportionally to the amount of Ethereum held in those addresses at the snapshot time.

4. **Exclusive Airdrop**
Exclusive airdrops target a specific group of people, such as early adopters, loyal community members, or users who have completed particular actions within the project’s ecosystem. These airdrops are often used to reward loyalty and participation.

Real-Life Examples of Successful Airdrops

1. **Uniswap (UNI) Airdrop**
In September 2020, Uniswap, a decentralized exchange, conducted one of the most successful airdrops in crypto history. They distributed 400 UNI tokens to each wallet that had used the platform before a certain date. This airdrop not only rewarded early users but also helped establish UNI as a prominent governance token in the DeFi space.

2. **Stellar (XLM) Airdrop**
Stellar has conducted several airdrops to promote its XLM token, including a notable one in partnership with, where they distributed $125 million worth of XLM to users of the Blockchain wallet. This significantly boosted Stellar’s user base and increased XLM’s liquidity.

3. **Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Airdrop**
When Bitcoin Cash forked from Bitcoin in 2017, all Bitcoin holders received an equivalent amount of BCH. This airdrop was significant because it immediately created a large user base for Bitcoin Cash and established it as a major player in the cryptocurrency market.

Strategies for Finding and Participating in Airdrops

1. **Follow Airdrop Aggregator Websites**
Websites like Airdrop Alert, Airdrop Bob, and CoinMarketCap Airdrops aggregate information about ongoing and upcoming airdrops. These platforms are valuable resources for staying updated on airdrop opportunities.

2. **Join Cryptocurrency Forums and Social Media Groups**
Participate in forums like Bitcointalk, Reddit (especially subreddits like r/CryptoAirdrops), and join Telegram groups dedicated to airdrops. These communities often share information about new airdrops and how to participate.

3. **Subscribe to Project Newsletters**
Many blockchain projects announce airdrops through their newsletters. By subscribing to these newsletters, you can receive timely notifications about airdrop events.

4. **Engage with Projects on Social Media**
Follow cryptocurrency projects on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Projects frequently announce airdrops and other promotional events through their social media channels.

5. **Participate in Bounty Programs**
Engaging in bounty programs can be an effective way to earn tokens through airdrops. These programs often involve simple tasks that promote the project and, in return, you receive tokens.


Crypto airdrops represent an innovative way for blockchain projects to distribute their tokens, attract new users, and reward loyal community members. By understanding the different types of airdrops and following strategies to find and participate in them, you can capitalize on these opportunities to diversify your crypto portfolio. Remember, while airdrops can be lucrative, it’s essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research to avoid scams and ensure you’re participating in legitimate projects. Happy airdropping!

🔵 This week will be very important in terms of economic data and we will witness great fluctuations.. Here are the most important things to come: • Tomorrow, Monday, the PMI data for both the manufacturing and services sectors in the United States of America will be released in the afternoon. • On Tuesday, the US retail sales data will be released in the afternoon. • Wednesday will be the most important of all as the markets await the US interest rate decision and the speech of Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. • On Thursday, the Japanese interest rate decision will be released at dawn, then at noon the British interest rate decision, then in the afternoon the US GDP statement. • On Friday, the markets will await the US Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index statement in the afternoon, which is one of the Federal Reserve's favorite inflation indicators and will have a major impact on market movement. #Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
🔵 This week will be very important in terms of economic data and we will witness great fluctuations.. Here are the most important things to come:

• Tomorrow, Monday, the PMI data for both the manufacturing and services sectors in the United States of America will be released in the afternoon.

• On Tuesday, the US retail sales data will be released in the afternoon.

• Wednesday will be the most important of all as the markets await the US interest rate decision and the speech of Jerome Powell, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve.

• On Thursday, the Japanese interest rate decision will be released at dawn, then at noon the British interest rate decision, then in the afternoon the US GDP statement.

• On Friday, the markets will await the US Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index statement in the afternoon, which is one of the Federal Reserve's favorite inflation indicators and will have a major impact on market movement.

#Informational #Information #informercrypto #infographic #InformedChoices
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