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واحدة من عمليات الأحتيال في تداول #P2P تسمى بالطرف الثالث و هي مؤلفة من ثلاث أفراد : تاجر ال#P2P و المحتال و طرف ثالث ليس له علاقة بالتداول : المحتال يتواصل مع الطرف الثالث خارج المنصة أو عن طريق منصات أخرى، ويقنعه بالدفع مقابل خدمة أو سلعة معينة. في نفس الوقت، يقوم المحتال بطلب شراء #USDT على منصة التداول من التاجر ، و يقوم المحتال بإرسال معلومات الدفع الخاصة بالتاجر للطرف الثالث فيقوم الأخير بالدفع على حساب التاجر . هنا سيقوم التاجر بتحرير ال usdt للمحتال لأنه بالفعل حصل على المال . 🔴 النتيجة : سيكتشف الطرف الثالث أن السلعة التي دفع ثمنها لم تصله و أنه قد تعرض للأحتيال ، سيلاحق صاحب الحساب ( التاجر ) قانونياً ، بذالك يكون المحتال قد حصل على ال#USDT بدون دفع أي مبلغ ، تاركاً ورائه ضحيتان هما الطرف الثالث و التاجر . 🔴 الحل : الحل الوحيد لتفادي هذا الأحتيال هو أنك كتاجر p2p تضع شرط في الوصف أنك لا تقبل بالدفع عن طريق طرف ثالث و أن على المشتري أن يدفع بوسيلة دفع تحمل نفس إسمه المصرح به على منصة التداول . #P2PScam
واحدة من عمليات الأحتيال في تداول #P2P تسمى بالطرف الثالث و هي مؤلفة من ثلاث أفراد : تاجر ال#P2P و المحتال و طرف ثالث ليس له علاقة بالتداول :

المحتال يتواصل مع الطرف الثالث خارج المنصة أو عن طريق منصات أخرى، ويقنعه بالدفع مقابل خدمة أو سلعة معينة.

في نفس الوقت، يقوم المحتال بطلب شراء #USDT على منصة التداول من التاجر ، و يقوم المحتال بإرسال معلومات الدفع الخاصة بالتاجر للطرف الثالث فيقوم الأخير بالدفع على حساب التاجر .

هنا سيقوم التاجر بتحرير ال usdt للمحتال لأنه بالفعل حصل على المال .

🔴 النتيجة :

سيكتشف الطرف الثالث أن السلعة التي دفع ثمنها لم تصله و أنه قد تعرض للأحتيال ، سيلاحق صاحب الحساب ( التاجر ) قانونياً ، بذالك يكون المحتال قد حصل على ال#USDT بدون دفع أي مبلغ ، تاركاً ورائه ضحيتان هما الطرف الثالث و التاجر .

🔴 الحل :

الحل الوحيد لتفادي هذا الأحتيال هو أنك كتاجر p2p تضع شرط في الوصف أنك لا تقبل بالدفع عن طريق طرف ثالث و أن على المشتري أن يدفع بوسيلة دفع تحمل نفس إسمه المصرح به على منصة التداول .

Hamidou 2020:
شكراً على التنبيه..
عندما تقوم بإعلان بيع #USDT في تداول #P2P و يقوم الطرف الآخر بالدفع و تحويل المال على وسيلة الدفع الخاصة بك ، ستقوم تلقائياً بفحص محفظتك و ترى بالفعل أنك استلمت المال و ستحرر له ال #USDT . لكن هنا يجب الإنتباه أنه يوجد بعض عمليات الإحتيال و هي أن الطرف الآخر يقوم بالتواصل مع مركز دعم وسيلة الدفع و يخبرهم أنه أرسل المال عن طريق الخطأ و يريد إلغاء الطلب ، ستكون قد خسرت ال#USDT الخاص بك و هو استرجع ماله . 🔴 الحل : أن تقوم بإخبار مركز الدعم للشركة التي تستخدمها لتلقي المال بأن لا تقوم الشركة بإلغاء أي مال قد وصل إلى محفظتك دون مراجعتك . ملاحظة : ليس كل وائل الدفع تقوم بألغاء الطلب دون العودة للعميل . #P2PScam
عندما تقوم بإعلان بيع #USDT في تداول #P2P و يقوم الطرف الآخر بالدفع و تحويل المال على وسيلة الدفع الخاصة بك ، ستقوم تلقائياً بفحص محفظتك و ترى بالفعل أنك استلمت المال و ستحرر له ال #USDT . لكن هنا يجب الإنتباه أنه يوجد بعض عمليات الإحتيال و هي أن الطرف الآخر يقوم بالتواصل مع مركز دعم وسيلة الدفع و يخبرهم أنه أرسل المال عن طريق الخطأ و يريد إلغاء الطلب ، ستكون قد خسرت ال#USDT الخاص بك و هو استرجع ماله .

🔴 الحل : أن تقوم بإخبار مركز الدعم للشركة التي تستخدمها لتلقي المال بأن لا تقوم الشركة بإلغاء أي مال قد وصل إلى محفظتك دون مراجعتك .
ملاحظة : ليس كل وائل الدفع تقوم بألغاء الطلب دون العودة للعميل .
Omar abdallah:
لا يمكنهم الغاء الطلب واسترجاع الاموال هذه ميزة الامركزية ..لكن المشكلة انه يتم تجميد حسابك بسبب انهم لا يعترفو بالعملات الرقمية ..والحين اموالي محجوزة هل هناك طريقة ؟ افيدونا
🔴 نصيحة في تداول #P2P : إذا قمت بالدفع للبائع و لم يحرر لك ال #USDT بحجة أنك لم تدفع رسوم إضافية ، قم بطلب مركز الدعم لأن هذا العمل مخالف لقوانين بايننس ، و ستقوم المنصة بتحرير العملات لك ، لا تقبل بدفع أي رسوم إضافية للبائع . #P2PScam #P2PTrading #p2ptransactions
🔴 نصيحة في تداول #P2P :

إذا قمت بالدفع للبائع و لم يحرر لك ال #USDT بحجة أنك لم تدفع رسوم إضافية ، قم بطلب مركز الدعم لأن هذا العمل مخالف لقوانين بايننس ، و ستقوم المنصة بتحرير العملات لك ، لا تقبل بدفع أي رسوم إضافية للبائع .

قلة خبرة لاني جديد في منصة باينناس
🔴 نصيحة في تداول ال #P2P : إذا كنت تقوم في عملية بيع أو عملية شراء لا تغادر إلى منصة أخرى للدردشة مع الطرف الآخر مثل الواتسب و غيره ، لتحفظ حقوقك لأن إذا تعرضت لعملية إحتيال فبايننس لا تعترف إلا بالدردشة التي هي على منصتها . #توعية #P2P #P2PScam
🔴 نصيحة في تداول ال #P2P :

إذا كنت تقوم في عملية بيع أو عملية شراء لا تغادر إلى منصة أخرى للدردشة مع الطرف الآخر مثل الواتسب و غيره ، لتحفظ حقوقك لأن إذا تعرضت لعملية إحتيال فبايننس لا تعترف إلا بالدردشة التي هي على منصتها .

إحدى أكثر عمليات الأحتيال شيوعاً في تداول #P2P : 🔴 إرسال إثبات دفع مزيف: يقوم المحتال بإرسال إيصال مزور أو إثبات دفع وهمي لإقناع الطرف الآخر أنه أتم عملية الدفع، بينما لم يتم تحويل الأموال فعليًا. لذالك لا تعتمد فقد على الوصل ، عليك التأكد بنفسك من محفضتك إذا تم إستلام المال . #P2PScam
إحدى أكثر عمليات الأحتيال شيوعاً في تداول #P2P :

🔴 إرسال إثبات دفع مزيف:

يقوم المحتال بإرسال إيصال مزور أو إثبات دفع وهمي لإقناع الطرف الآخر أنه أتم عملية الدفع، بينما لم يتم تحويل الأموال فعليًا. لذالك لا تعتمد فقد على الوصل ، عليك التأكد بنفسك من محفضتك إذا تم إستلام المال .

ابوسليم الامير:
يجب التأكد من الحساب اولا قبل التحرير .ولا تعتمد على ما يتم إرساله اليك . تعامل مع الجميع على أنهم لصوص وخذ حذرك وحيطتك
واحدة من عمليات الأحتيال في تداول #P2P تسمى بالطرف الثالث و هي مؤلفة من ثلاث أفراد : تاجر ال#P2P و المحتال و طرف ثالث ليس له علاقة بالتداول : المحتال يتواصل مع الطرف الثالث خارج المنصة أو عن طريق منصات أخرى، ويقنعه بالدفع مقابل خدمة أو سلعة معينة. في نفس الوقت، يقوم المحتال بطلب شراء #USDT على منصة التداول من التاجر ، و يقوم المحتال بإرسال معلومات الدفع الخاصة بالتاجر للطرف الثالث فيقوم الأخير بالدفع على حساب التاجر . هنا سيقوم التاجر بتحرير ال usdt للمحتال لأنه بالفعل حصل على المال . 🔴 النتيجة : سيكتشف الطرف الثالث أن السلعة التي دفع ثمنها لم تصله و أنه قد تعرض للأحتيال ، سيلاحق صاحب الحساب ( التاجر ) قانونياً ، بذالك يكون المحتال قد حصل على ال#USDT بدون دفع أي مبلغ ، تاركاً ورائه ضحيتان هما الطرف الثالث و التاجر . 🔴 الحل : الحل الوحيد لتفادي هذا الأحتيال هو أنك كتاجر p2p تضع شرط في الوصف أنك لا تقبل بالدفع عن طريق طرف ثالث و أن على المشتري أن يدفع بوسيلة دفع تحمل نفس إسمه المصرح به على منصة التداول . #P2PScam
واحدة من عمليات الأحتيال في تداول #P2P تسمى بالطرف الثالث و هي مؤلفة من ثلاث أفراد : تاجر ال#P2P و المحتال و طرف ثالث ليس له علاقة بالتداول :
المحتال يتواصل مع الطرف الثالث خارج المنصة أو عن طريق منصات أخرى، ويقنعه بالدفع مقابل خدمة أو سلعة معينة.
في نفس الوقت، يقوم المحتال بطلب شراء #USDT على منصة التداول من التاجر ، و يقوم المحتال بإرسال معلومات الدفع الخاصة بالتاجر للطرف الثالث فيقوم الأخير بالدفع على حساب التاجر .
هنا سيقوم التاجر بتحرير ال usdt للمحتال لأنه بالفعل حصل على المال .
🔴 النتيجة :
سيكتشف الطرف الثالث أن السلعة التي دفع ثمنها لم تصله و أنه قد تعرض للأحتيال ، سيلاحق صاحب الحساب ( التاجر ) قانونياً ، بذالك يكون المحتال قد حصل على ال#USDT بدون دفع أي مبلغ ، تاركاً ورائه ضحيتان هما الطرف الثالث و التاجر .
🔴 الحل :
الحل الوحيد لتفادي هذا الأحتيال هو أنك كتاجر p2p تضع شرط في الوصف أنك لا تقبل بالدفع عن طريق طرف ثالث و أن على المشتري أن يدفع بوسيلة دفع تحمل نفس إسمه المصرح به على منصة التداول .
عندما تقوم بإعلان بيع #USDT في تداول #P2PScam و يقوم الطرف الآخر بالدفع و تحويل المال على وسيلة الدفع الخاصة بك ، ستقوم تلقائياً بفحص محفظتك و ترى بالفعل أنك استلمت المال و ستحرر له ال #USDT . لكن هنا يجب الإنتباه أنه يوجد بعض عمليات الإحتيال و هي أن الطرف الآخر يقوم بالتواصل مع مركز دعم وسيلة الدفع و يخبرهم أنه أرسل المال عن طريق الخطأ و يريد إلغاء الطلب ، ستكون قد خسرت ال#USDT الخاص بك و هو استرجع ماله . 🔴 الحل : أن تقوم بإخبار مركز الدعم للشركة التي تستخدمها لتلقي المال بأن لا تقوم الشركة بإلغاء أي مال قد وصل إلى محفظتك دون مراجعتك . ملاحظة : ليس كل وائل الدفع تقوم بألغاء الطلب دون العودة للعميل . #P2PScam
عندما تقوم بإعلان بيع #USDT في تداول #P2PScam و يقوم الطرف الآخر بالدفع و تحويل المال على وسيلة الدفع الخاصة بك ، ستقوم تلقائياً بفحص محفظتك و ترى بالفعل أنك استلمت المال و ستحرر له ال #USDT . لكن هنا يجب الإنتباه أنه يوجد بعض عمليات الإحتيال و هي أن الطرف الآخر يقوم بالتواصل مع مركز دعم وسيلة الدفع و يخبرهم أنه أرسل المال عن طريق الخطأ و يريد إلغاء الطلب ، ستكون قد خسرت ال#USDT الخاص بك و هو استرجع ماله .
🔴 الحل : أن تقوم بإخبار مركز الدعم للشركة التي تستخدمها لتلقي المال بأن لا تقوم الشركة بإلغاء أي مال قد وصل إلى محفظتك دون مراجعتك .
ملاحظة : ليس كل وائل الدفع تقوم بألغاء الطلب دون العودة للعميل .
To protect yourself from P2P scams on Binance, it's essential to take a proactive approach. $BTC $ETH $XRP Start by verifying the buyer/seller's profile, checking for verified badges, high reputation scores, and a sufficient number of successful trades. Research the user's feedback, reading comments from other users to identify any potential red flags. Be cautious of users with low reputation scores or a history of negative feedback. When engaging in a trade, use Binance's escrow service to ensure the transaction is protected. This holds the payment until the trade is confirmed, providing an added layer of security. Communicate with the buyer/seller through Binance's chat, avoiding sharing personal contact information or communicating outside of the platform. Be wary of unusual payment requests, such as making payments outside of Binance's platform or using unconventional payment methods. Scammers often try to create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into making hasty decisions. Be cautious of low prices, as they may be a scam. Watch for urgent or threatening messages, and be wary of fake or photoshopped images. Verify the authenticity of any images or documents shared by the buyer/seller. In addition to these precautions, set up 2-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security to your Binance account. Use strong passwords and keep them confidential, protecting your account credentials from unauthorized access. Regularly monitor your account activity, checking for any suspicious transactions or activity. If you do fall victim to a scam, report the incident to Binance support immediately. Provide detailed information, including chat logs and transaction IDs, and cooperate with Binance's investigation to help prevent future scams. By staying vigilant and taking these necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to P2P scams on Binance. #P2PScam #P2PScamAwareness #P2P #P2PTrading
To protect yourself from P2P scams on Binance, it's essential to take a proactive approach.
Start by verifying the buyer/seller's profile, checking for verified badges, high reputation scores, and a sufficient number of successful trades. Research the user's feedback, reading comments from other users to identify any potential red flags. Be cautious of users with low reputation scores or a history of negative feedback.
When engaging in a trade, use Binance's escrow service to ensure the transaction is protected. This holds the payment until the trade is confirmed, providing an added layer of security. Communicate with the buyer/seller through Binance's chat, avoiding sharing personal contact information or communicating outside of the platform. Be wary of unusual payment requests, such as making payments outside of Binance's platform or using unconventional payment methods.
Scammers often try to create a sense of urgency to pressure victims into making hasty decisions. Be cautious of low prices, as they may be a scam. Watch for urgent or threatening messages, and be wary of fake or photoshopped images. Verify the authenticity of any images or documents shared by the buyer/seller.
In addition to these precautions, set up 2-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security to your Binance account. Use strong passwords and keep them confidential, protecting your account credentials from unauthorized access. Regularly monitor your account activity, checking for any suspicious transactions or activity.
If you do fall victim to a scam, report the incident to Binance support immediately. Provide detailed information, including chat logs and transaction IDs, and cooperate with Binance's investigation to help prevent future scams. By staying vigilant and taking these necessary precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to P2P scams on Binance.
#P2PScam #P2PScamAwareness #P2P #P2PTrading
#Novatos atiendan bien de quien van a comprar en P2P está lleno de estafadores no compres sin averiguar bien primero de quien cada dia veo a varios lamentandose por que les pasó eso 🤦‍♂️ #P2PScamWarning #P2PScam
#Novatos atiendan bien de quien van a comprar en P2P está lleno de estafadores no compres sin averiguar bien primero de quien
cada dia veo a varios lamentandose por que les pasó eso 🤦‍♂️
🛑🛑P2P SCAM ALERT 🛑 🛑 Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment platforms like Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, and Cash App offer convenient ways to transfer money but have become targets for various scams. It's crucial to be aware of common schemes to protect yourself. Common P2P Scams: Accidental Payment Scam: A scammer sends you money, claiming it was a mistake, and asks for a refund. The initial funds are often from stolen accounts, and when reversed, you're left out of pocket. citeturn0search0 Overpayment Scam: Fraudsters overpay for an item you're selling and request the excess amount back. Later, the original payment is found to be fraudulent, causing a loss. citeturn0search3 Fake Business Transactions: Scammers pose as legitimate businesses, requesting P2P payments for goods or services that don't exist, leaving you without recourse. citeturn0search0 Impersonation Scams: Fraudsters pretend to be from your bank's fraud department, asking for sensitive information to "verify" your identity, then use it to access your accounts. citeturn0search1 Recent Incidents: Fake ScotRail Promotions: Scammers created a fake ScotRail Facebook page, offering unrealistic travel deals to steal bank details from unsuspecting commuters. citeturn0news9 Uber Ride Scam: In Melbourne, a woman reported an Uber driver canceling her ride and requesting direct payment, bypassing the app to potentially scam her. citeturn0news10 Protective Measures: Verify Recipients: Only send money to people you know and trust. Be Skeptical of Unexpected Payments: If you receive money from an unknown source, contact the P2P platform's support instead of refunding directly. Avoid Sharing Sensitive Information: Legitimate organizations won't ask for your login credentials or verification codes. #P2PScam #wrte2earn

Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment platforms like Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, and Cash App offer convenient ways to transfer money but have become targets for various scams. It's crucial to be aware of common schemes to protect yourself.

Common P2P Scams:

Accidental Payment Scam: A scammer sends you money, claiming it was a mistake, and asks for a refund. The initial funds are often from stolen accounts, and when reversed, you're left out of pocket. citeturn0search0

Overpayment Scam: Fraudsters overpay for an item you're selling and request the excess amount back. Later, the original payment is found to be fraudulent, causing a loss. citeturn0search3

Fake Business Transactions: Scammers pose as legitimate businesses, requesting P2P payments for goods or services that don't exist, leaving you without recourse. citeturn0search0

Impersonation Scams: Fraudsters pretend to be from your bank's fraud department, asking for sensitive information to "verify" your identity, then use it to access your accounts. citeturn0search1

Recent Incidents:

Fake ScotRail Promotions: Scammers created a fake ScotRail Facebook page, offering unrealistic travel deals to steal bank details from unsuspecting commuters. citeturn0news9

Uber Ride Scam: In Melbourne, a woman reported an Uber driver canceling her ride and requesting direct payment, bypassing the app to potentially scam her. citeturn0news10

Protective Measures:

Verify Recipients: Only send money to people you know and trust.

Be Skeptical of Unexpected Payments: If you receive money from an unknown source, contact the P2P platform's support instead of refunding directly.

Avoid Sharing Sensitive Information: Legitimate organizations won't ask for your login credentials or verification codes.
P2P Scam : Bank Account Unfreeze SolutionHello, If anyone need help i’ll assist you how to unfreeze you bank account and remove cyber complaint from your bank account 🏦. I already share some important information on this topic you can check my other articles.Comment your problems i’ll definitely reply you what to do this is totally free so don’t be shy just asked what you want to know. I solved my own case and some of my friends its helps you 💯 %.Thank You 😊 #help #P2PScam #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #TrendingTopic

P2P Scam : Bank Account Unfreeze Solution

Hello, If anyone need help i’ll assist you how to unfreeze you bank account and remove cyber complaint from your bank account 🏦. I already share some important information on this topic you can check my other articles.Comment your problems i’ll definitely reply you what to do this is totally free so don’t be shy just asked what you want to know. I solved my own case and some of my friends its helps you 💯 %.Thank You 😊 #help #P2PScam #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #TrendingTopic
p2p scam alert! ایزی پیسہ سے ٹریڈ کرنے والے خبردار ہو جائیں میں نے ایک بندے ( اکاؤنٹ نام باخان ، اصل نام: محمد اسلم) نامی شخص کو 85000 روپے کے ڈالر بیچے p2p اس نے مجھے میزان بنک سے میرے ایزی اکاؤنٹ میں ادائیگی کی یہ بندہ سکیمر تھا اس نے چارج بیک لگا دیا جس کے بعد ایزی پیسہ نے میرا اکاؤنٹ بلاک کر دیا اس کے بعد میں نے بائنانس کو بتایا انہوں نے ثبوت مانگا میں نے ایمل دیکھائی پھر بائنانس ٹیم نے اس یوز کو بلاک کر دیا۔ لیکن وہ بندہ تب تک اپنا سارا بیلنس لے کر فرار ہو گیا۔ اس کے بعد بائنانس نے مجھے ٹریڈ سلپ دی جو کہ میں نے اپنے لیٹر کے ساتھ اٹیچ کر کے ایزی پیسہ کو ای میل کی۔ اس کے بعد مجھے کوئی جواب ایزی پیسہ نے نہیں دیا۔ جب میں نے ان سے دوبارہ سوشل میڈٰیا اکاؤنٹ پر شکایت نمبر لکھ کر پوچھا کہ میرے اکاؤنٹ بحالی کی کیا اپڈیٹ ہیں تو مجھے بتاتا گیا کہ میرا اکاؤنٹ بحال نہیں کیا جا سکتا اور نہ ہی میں اپنے پیسے نکلوا سکتا ہوں افسوس ہے کہ پاکستان کے گندے ترین ای وائلٹ اکاؤنٹ سے میں نے ٹریڈ کی اور اس طرح میرا سات لاکھ سے زیادہ کا بیلنس ایزی پیسہ نے ضبط کر لیا ۔ براہ کرم ۔ اگر کوئی شخص ایزی پیسہ میں واقفیت رکھتا ہے یا بینک کے سسٹم کو سجھتا ہے اور میرے اکاؤنٹ کو بحال کروانے میں مدد کرنا چاہے تو مجھ سے رابطہ کرے۔ شکریہ #easypaisa #p2p #p2pscam #scam #pakistan
p2p scam alert!
ایزی پیسہ سے ٹریڈ کرنے والے خبردار ہو جائیں
میں نے ایک بندے ( اکاؤنٹ نام باخان ، اصل نام: محمد اسلم) نامی شخص کو 85000 روپے کے ڈالر بیچے p2p اس نے مجھے میزان بنک سے میرے ایزی اکاؤنٹ میں ادائیگی کی یہ بندہ سکیمر تھا اس نے چارج بیک لگا دیا
جس کے بعد ایزی پیسہ نے میرا اکاؤنٹ بلاک کر دیا
اس کے بعد میں نے بائنانس کو بتایا انہوں نے ثبوت مانگا میں نے ایمل دیکھائی پھر بائنانس ٹیم نے اس یوز کو بلاک کر دیا۔
لیکن وہ بندہ تب تک اپنا سارا بیلنس لے کر فرار ہو گیا۔
اس کے بعد بائنانس نے مجھے ٹریڈ سلپ دی جو کہ میں نے اپنے لیٹر کے ساتھ اٹیچ کر کے ایزی پیسہ کو ای میل کی۔
اس کے بعد مجھے کوئی جواب ایزی پیسہ نے نہیں دیا۔ جب میں نے ان سے دوبارہ سوشل میڈٰیا اکاؤنٹ پر شکایت نمبر لکھ کر پوچھا کہ میرے اکاؤنٹ بحالی کی کیا اپڈیٹ ہیں تو مجھے بتاتا گیا کہ میرا اکاؤنٹ بحال نہیں کیا جا سکتا اور نہ ہی میں اپنے پیسے نکلوا سکتا ہوں
افسوس ہے کہ پاکستان کے گندے ترین ای وائلٹ اکاؤنٹ سے میں نے ٹریڈ کی اور اس طرح میرا سات لاکھ سے زیادہ کا بیلنس ایزی پیسہ نے ضبط کر لیا ۔

براہ کرم ۔ اگر کوئی شخص ایزی پیسہ میں واقفیت رکھتا ہے یا بینک کے سسٹم کو سجھتا ہے اور میرے اکاؤنٹ کو بحال کروانے میں مدد کرنا چاہے تو مجھ سے رابطہ کرے۔ شکریہ
#easypaisa #p2p #p2pscam #scam #pakistan
p2p Scam 🔔 Alert 🚨 ‼️ & Solution (Bank Account Unfreeze - Solution) 💯 Part 1:- I know many people are facing this problem regarding account freeze by the cyber crime department complaint and debit blocked by the bank.So, I'll share some tips and useful information with what exactly to do if you are in the same problem. Guys , first you need to visit your bank and ask them about why your bank account freeze or debit blocked. If the bank said you got a cyber complaint thats why your account was debit blocked or freeze.Tell them please provide me the complete information from which cyber department ordered you to freeze or debit blocked my account and if you can't visit the bank any reason you also asked for the information by email but make sure your email register with your bank account.The bank provides you information and in that information you got cyber department Email Address and Phone Number.This Process take time atleast 1 week or 10 days minimum.Now, you have to contact cyber crime department and by email or phone call or WhatsApp and ask the same question “Why my bank account on freeze” Don’t be shy or scared just asked them your are not do anything wrong.The cyber crime officer tell you, You received a payment on‼️(Date 📅 Which was a fraudulent transaction). Match that transaction with your p2p Trade and provide them receipt and other proof why these transactions you received and what exactly you do explain in detail. If you receive clear funds not done any 3rd party payment just provide all screenshots and conversation between you and buy all the legal information and screenshots or buy ID send to the department. This process take maybe 10-20 days to solve your case. Don’t waste your time and money on the online service provider who said they help they also follow the same step and process. If Cyber department was satisfied with your proof and evidence they released your bank account and your bank account was unfreeze. There is One more thing happened with you if you are 💯% innocent or all documents are correct but cyber department not unfreeze your account. Then what happened with you and what to do if you are in this problem I’ll Explain in Part 2 Like, share and comment for this information so i know you also need part 2. #p2p #india #alt #scam #P2PScam

p2p Scam 🔔 Alert 🚨 ‼️ & Solution (Bank Account Unfreeze - Solution) 💯

Part 1:- I know many people are facing this problem regarding account freeze by the cyber crime department complaint and debit blocked by the bank.So, I'll share some tips and useful information with what exactly to do if you are in the same problem. Guys , first you need to visit your bank and ask them about why your bank account freeze or debit blocked. If the bank said you got a cyber complaint thats why your account was debit blocked or freeze.Tell them please provide me the complete information from which cyber department ordered you to freeze or debit blocked my account and if you can't visit the bank any reason you also asked for the information by email but make sure your email register with your bank account.The bank provides you information and in that information you got cyber department Email Address and Phone Number.This Process take time atleast 1 week or 10 days minimum.Now, you have to contact cyber crime department and by email or phone call or WhatsApp and ask the same question “Why my bank account on freeze” Don’t be shy or scared just asked them your are not do anything wrong.The cyber crime officer tell you, You received a payment on‼️(Date 📅 Which was a fraudulent transaction). Match that transaction with your p2p Trade and provide them receipt and other proof why these transactions you received and what exactly you do explain in detail. If you receive clear funds not done any 3rd party payment just provide all screenshots and conversation between you and buy all the legal information and screenshots or buy ID send to the department. This process take maybe 10-20 days to solve your case. Don’t waste your time and money on the online service provider who said they help they also follow the same step and process. If Cyber department was satisfied with your proof and evidence they released your bank account and your bank account was unfreeze. There is One more thing happened with you if you are 💯% innocent or all documents are correct but cyber department not unfreeze your account. Then what happened with you and what to do if you are in this problem I’ll Explain in Part 2 Like, share and comment for this information so i know you also need part 2. #p2p #india #alt #scam #P2PScam
🔥 What's P2P Scam? How to safe your self during P2P trading! ⚠️👀 UNDERSTANDING P2P SCAMS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM DURING P2P TRADING ON BINANCE: 🎯 Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading allows users to buy or sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other, offering convenience and flexibility. However, this decentralized approach can sometimes attract scammers looking to exploit unsuspecting traders. Understanding P2P scams and knowing how to avoid them is crucial for safe trading on Binance. COMMON P2P SCAMS: ⚠️ 1. Payment Fraud: Scammers claim they’ve sent payment but use fake transaction slips to deceive sellers. 2. Chargeback Fraud: After a legitimate payment is made, scammers reverse the transaction through their bank, leaving the seller unpaid. 3. Impersonation: Scammers impersonate Binance support or legitimate buyers/sellers to steal funds or information. 4. Third-Party Payments: Scammers use stolen bank accounts or third-party payment methods, which may lead to legal complications. HOW TO AVOID P2P SCAMS: 🚨 1. Trade with Verified Users: Binance provides a rating and verification system. Always prioritize trading with users who have high ratings and positive feedback. 2. Double-Check Payment Details: Ensure the payment is received in your account before releasing the crypto. Avoid relying on screenshots as proof of payment. 3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Protect your account from unauthorized access by enabling 2FA on Binance. 4. Use Binance Escrow: Binance’s escrow service holds the crypto during transactions, releasing it only after both parties confirm payment. 5. Avoid Off-Platform Communication: Scammers often lure traders away from Binance’s platform. Stick to in-app chat for communication and dispute resolution. 6. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect foul play, report the user immediately through Binance’s support system. 📢 By staying vigilant and adhering to these guidelines, you can enjoy a secure and seam less P2P trading experience on Binance. #BinanceNextWave #Write2Earn $BTC $BNB #P2PScam #P2PScamAwareness

🔥 What's P2P Scam? How to safe your self during P2P trading! ⚠️

Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading allows users to buy or sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other, offering convenience and flexibility. However, this decentralized approach can sometimes attract scammers looking to exploit unsuspecting traders. Understanding P2P scams and knowing how to avoid them is crucial for safe trading on Binance.
1. Payment Fraud: Scammers claim they’ve sent payment but use fake transaction slips to deceive sellers.
2. Chargeback Fraud: After a legitimate payment is made, scammers reverse the transaction through their bank, leaving the seller unpaid.
3. Impersonation: Scammers impersonate Binance support or legitimate buyers/sellers to steal funds or information.
4. Third-Party Payments: Scammers use stolen bank accounts or third-party payment methods, which may lead to legal complications.

1. Trade with Verified Users: Binance provides a rating and verification system. Always prioritize trading with users who have high ratings and positive feedback.
2. Double-Check Payment Details: Ensure the payment is received in your account before releasing the crypto. Avoid relying on screenshots as proof of payment.
3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Protect your account from unauthorized access by enabling 2FA on Binance.
4. Use Binance Escrow: Binance’s escrow service holds the crypto during transactions, releasing it only after both parties confirm payment.
5. Avoid Off-Platform Communication: Scammers often lure traders away from Binance’s platform. Stick to in-app chat for communication and dispute resolution.
6. Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect foul play, report the user immediately through Binance’s support system.

📢 By staying vigilant and adhering to these guidelines, you can enjoy a secure and seam
less P2P trading experience on Binance.

#BinanceNextWave #Write2Earn $BTC $BNB #P2PScam #P2PScamAwareness
p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️& Solution (Bank Account Unfreeze - Solution) 💯 Information Part :- 1I know many people are facing this problem regarding account freeze by the cyber crime department complaint and debit blocked by the bank.So, I'll share some tips and useful information with what exactly to do if you are in the same problem.Guys, first you need to visit your bank and ask them about why your bank account freeze or debit blocked.If the bank said you got a cyber complaint thats why your account was debit blocked or freeze.Tell them please provide me the complete information from which cyber department ordered you to freeze or debit blocked my account and if you can't visit the bank any reason you also asked for the information by email but make sure your email register with your bank account.The bank provides you information and in that information you got cyber department Email Address and Phone Number.This Process take time at-least 1 week or 10 days minimum.Now, you have to contact cyber crime department and by email or phone call or WhatsApp and ask the same question "Why my bank account on freeze" Don't be shy or scared just asked them your are not do anything wrong.The cyber crime officer tell you, You received a payment on(on Date - Which was a fraudulent transaction).Match that transaction with your p2p Trade and provide them receipt and other proof why these transactions you received and what exactly you do explain in detail.If you receive clear funds not done any 3rd party payment just provide all screenshots and conversation between you and buy all the legal information and screenshots or buy ID send to the department.This process take maybe 10-20 days to solve your case.Don't waste your time and money on the online service provider who said they help they also tollow the same step and process.If Cyber department was satisfied with your proof and evidence they released your bank account and your bank account was unfreeze.There is One more thing happened with you if you are 100% innocent or all documents are correct but cyber department not unfreeze your account. Then what happened with you and what to do if you are in this Problem.I'll Explain in Part 2 🔜 Like, share and comment for this information so i know you also need part 2.#P2PScam #cybersecurity #P2PTradingTips #p2p

p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️& Solution (Bank Account Unfreeze - Solution) 💯

Information Part :- 1I know many people are facing this problem regarding account freeze by the cyber crime department complaint and debit blocked by the bank.So, I'll share some tips and useful information with what exactly to do if you are in the same problem.Guys, first you need to visit your bank and ask them about why your bank account freeze or debit blocked.If the bank said you got a cyber complaint thats why your account was debit blocked or freeze.Tell them please provide me the complete information from which cyber department ordered you to freeze or debit blocked my account and if you can't visit the bank any reason you also asked for the information by email but make sure your email register with your bank account.The bank provides you information and in that information you got cyber department Email Address and Phone Number.This Process take time at-least 1 week or 10 days minimum.Now, you have to contact cyber crime department and by email or phone call or WhatsApp and ask the same question "Why my bank account on freeze" Don't be shy or scared just asked them your are not do anything wrong.The cyber crime officer tell you, You received a payment on(on Date - Which was a fraudulent transaction).Match that transaction with your p2p Trade and provide them receipt and other proof why these transactions you received and what exactly you do explain in detail.If you receive clear funds not done any 3rd party payment just provide all screenshots and conversation between you and buy all the legal information and screenshots or buy ID send to the department.This process take maybe 10-20 days to solve your case.Don't waste your time and money on the online service provider who said they help they also tollow the same step and process.If Cyber department was satisfied with your proof and evidence they released your bank account and your bank account was unfreeze.There is One more thing happened with you if you are 100% innocent or all documents are correct but cyber department not unfreeze your account. Then what happened with you and what to do if you are in this Problem.I'll Explain in Part 2 🔜 Like, share and comment for this information so i know you also need part 2.#P2PScam #cybersecurity #P2PTradingTips #p2p
SCAM ALERT 🚨🚨 ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ 🛑Beware of P2P Scams on Binance🛑 Scammers are increasingly targeting P2P transactions. Here's how it works: 1. Initial Setup: The victim places an order and completes the fiat payment to the scammer. 2. Scammer Tactics: The scammer contacts the victim via phone or Telegram, urging them to cancel the order for a refund. Less vigilant users might comply, allowing the scammer to quickly transfer or sell all the cryptocurrency. 3. Advanced Deception: For more cautious users, scammers impersonate Binance customer support, convincing the victim to scan a Web Login QR code. This grants scammers access to the victim's account, enabling them to cancel the order and steal the cryptocurrency. Protect Yourself: - Once you’ve paid, never cancel the order. - Verify customer service requests through Binance's official channels. Stay vigilant and protect your assets. #CryptoSafety #BullBanter #Binance #P2PScam #StaySafe
🛑Beware of P2P Scams on Binance🛑
Scammers are increasingly targeting P2P transactions. Here's how it works:
1. Initial Setup: The victim places an order and completes the fiat payment to the scammer.
2. Scammer Tactics: The scammer contacts the victim via phone or Telegram, urging them to cancel the order for a refund. Less vigilant users might comply, allowing the scammer to quickly transfer or sell all the cryptocurrency.
3. Advanced Deception: For more cautious users, scammers impersonate Binance customer support, convincing the victim to scan a Web Login QR code. This grants scammers access to the victim's account, enabling them to cancel the order and steal the cryptocurrency.
Protect Yourself:
- Once you’ve paid, never cancel the order.
- Verify customer service requests through Binance's official channels.
Stay vigilant and protect your assets.
#CryptoSafety #BullBanter #Binance #P2PScam #StaySafe
📢 SCAM ALERT 🚨🚨 ⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔⛔ 🛑Beware of P2P Scams on Binance🛑 Scammers are increasingly targeting P2P transactions. Here's how it works: 1. Initial Setup: The victim places an order and completes the fiat payment to the scammer. 2. Scammer Tactics: The scammer contacts the victim via phone or Telegram, urging them to cancel the order for a refund. Less vigilant users might comply, allowing the scammer to quickly transfer or sell all the cryptocurrency. 3. Advanced Deception: For more cautious users, scammers impersonate Binance customer support, convincing the victim to scan a Web Login QR code. This grants scammers access to the victim's account, enabling them to cancel the order and steal the cryptocurrency. Protect Yourself: - Once you’ve paid, never cancel the order. - Verify customer service requests through Binance's official channels. Stay vigilant and protect your assets. #CryptoSafety #BullBanter #Binance #P2PScam #StaySafe


🛑Beware of P2P Scams on Binance🛑

Scammers are increasingly targeting P2P transactions. Here's how it works:

1. Initial Setup: The victim places an order and completes the fiat payment to the scammer.
2. Scammer Tactics: The scammer contacts the victim via phone or Telegram, urging them to cancel the order for a refund. Less vigilant users might comply, allowing the scammer to quickly transfer or sell all the cryptocurrency.
3. Advanced Deception: For more cautious users, scammers impersonate Binance customer support, convincing the victim to scan a Web Login QR code. This grants scammers access to the victim's account, enabling them to cancel the order and steal the cryptocurrency.

Protect Yourself:
- Once you’ve paid, never cancel the order.
- Verify customer service requests through Binance's official channels.

Stay vigilant and protect your assets.

#CryptoSafety #BullBanter #Binance #P2PScam #StaySafe
Debe ser comunicativo tu contraparte!!! Si o si debe ser comunicativo para tener pruebas . Si es posible siempre compromete en las conversaciones al otro . Es tu seguro .
How to Stay Aware of P2P Scams on Binance 🚨P2P (Peer-to-Peer) trading on Binance allows you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with other users, but it also comes with potential risks. To avoid falling victim to scams, follow these practical tips to ensure a safe trading experience on Binance P2P. 1. Use Binance’s Trusted P2P Platform Always trade through Binance P2P. The platform offers security features like escrow services, where your crypto is securely held by Binance until both parties fulfill their part of the transaction. This minimizes the risk of scams. 2. Verify the Seller or Buyer’s Profile Before initiating a transaction, check the trader’s reputation. Look at the following: Ratings and feedback from previous trades. Completed trades to see their trading history. Verified identity: Make sure the user’s ID has been verified by Binance. If the user has a low rating, limited trades, or hasn’t completed many transactions, be cautious. $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) 3. Always Use Binance’s Escrow Service Binance’s escrow service ensures that the cryptocurrency is held by Binance until both parties fulfill the trade agreement. Never release the funds before confirming the transaction is complete. This adds an extra layer of security and prevents scams. 4. Avoid Deals That Seem Too Good to Be True Be wary of offers with unusually low prices or attractive terms. Scammers often try to lure you in with tempting deals, but these are usually designed to trick you into making a risky trade. Always compare prices with others and ensure the offer is legitimate. 5. Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) Scammers often use phishing tactics to trick you into revealing your personal information. Be cautious of suspicious emails or messages asking for your Binance account details or login credentials. Always double-check the official Binance website and app for communication, and never click on links from unknown sources. 6. Never Release Funds Before Confirmation Do not release your cryptocurrency or fiat funds until you have confirmed that the other party has completed the transaction. Always wait for the payment or crypto deposit to show up in your account before finalizing the deal. 7. Check Payment Proofs Carefully Some scammers send fake payment proof (screenshots) to make you think the payment was successful. However, always verify the transaction within the Binance platform. Do not rely on screenshots or third-party payment methods outside the Binance system. 8. Be Careful with Payment Methods $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) Choose secure payment methods that are traceable and recognized by Binance. Avoid anonymous or hard-to-track options like gift cards or money transfer services. Binance offers various secure methods, such as bank transfers and payment platforms, to protect both parties. 9. Report Suspicious Users If you suspect a scam or encounter suspicious behavior during a trade, report the user to Binance. Binance has a support team that investigates fraud and scams. By reporting such incidents, you can help protect other traders and prevent future scams. 10. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Enable 2FA on your Binance account for added security. This will help protect your account from unauthorized access and reduce the risk of your account being compromised. Conclusion Trading on Binance P2P can be safe and profitable when you take the proper precautions. Always use Binance’s trusted platform, verify the other party’s credentials, and never release funds before confirming the transaction. Stay alert, and you’ll be able to trade securely and avoid falling for scams. Stay safe, and trade responsibly! 🚨 #CryptoScamAlert #P2PScamAwareness #P2PScam #Crypto2025Trends #StaySafeInTheCryptoWorld

How to Stay Aware of P2P Scams on Binance 🚨

P2P (Peer-to-Peer) trading on Binance allows you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with other users, but it also comes with potential risks. To avoid falling victim to scams, follow these practical tips to ensure a safe trading experience on Binance P2P.

1. Use Binance’s Trusted P2P Platform

Always trade through Binance P2P. The platform offers security features like escrow services, where your crypto is securely held by Binance until both parties fulfill their part of the transaction. This minimizes the risk of scams.

2. Verify the Seller or Buyer’s Profile

Before initiating a transaction, check the trader’s reputation. Look at the following:

Ratings and feedback from previous trades.

Completed trades to see their trading history.

Verified identity: Make sure the user’s ID has been verified by Binance. If the user has a low rating, limited trades, or hasn’t completed many transactions, be cautious.

3. Always Use Binance’s Escrow Service

Binance’s escrow service ensures that the cryptocurrency is held by Binance until both parties fulfill the trade agreement. Never release the funds before confirming the transaction is complete. This adds an extra layer of security and prevents scams.

4. Avoid Deals That Seem Too Good to Be True

Be wary of offers with unusually low prices or attractive terms. Scammers often try to lure you in with tempting deals, but these are usually designed to trick you into making a risky trade. Always compare prices with others and ensure the offer is legitimate.

5. Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams
Scammers often use phishing tactics to trick you into revealing your personal information. Be cautious of suspicious emails or messages asking for your Binance account details or login credentials. Always double-check the official Binance website and app for communication, and never click on links from unknown sources.

6. Never Release Funds Before Confirmation

Do not release your cryptocurrency or fiat funds until you have confirmed that the other party has completed the transaction. Always wait for the payment or crypto deposit to show up in your account before finalizing the deal.

7. Check Payment Proofs Carefully

Some scammers send fake payment proof (screenshots) to make you think the payment was successful. However, always verify the transaction within the Binance platform. Do not rely on screenshots or third-party payment methods outside the Binance system.

8. Be Careful with Payment Methods
Choose secure payment methods that are traceable and recognized by Binance. Avoid anonymous or hard-to-track options like gift cards or money transfer services. Binance offers various secure methods, such as bank transfers and payment platforms, to protect both parties.

9. Report Suspicious Users

If you suspect a scam or encounter suspicious behavior during a trade, report the user to Binance. Binance has a support team that investigates fraud and scams. By reporting such incidents, you can help protect other traders and prevent future scams.

10. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable 2FA on your Binance account for added security. This will help protect your account from unauthorized access and reduce the risk of your account being compromised.


Trading on Binance P2P can be safe and profitable when you take the proper precautions. Always use Binance’s trusted platform, verify the other party’s credentials, and never release funds before confirming the transaction. Stay alert, and you’ll be able to trade securely and avoid falling for scams.

Stay safe, and trade responsibly! 🚨

#CryptoScamAlert #P2PScamAwareness #P2PScam #Crypto2025Trends #StaySafeInTheCryptoWorld
p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️- Solution 💯Hey Guys :- I want to share something with you i will provide you solution how to solve this issue. I know many people have faced this problem regarding Bank Account Freeze in p2p trading. There is lots of people who gives you different-different solutions and that’s not enough to unfreeze your bank account.I will give you complete information regarding unfreeze your bank accounts and thats 100% working for you.DM me I solve my case so i will share with you what exactly happened.#solutions #P2PScam #IndianRegulation #P2PPayment #p2ptransactions

p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️- Solution 💯

Hey Guys :- I want to share something with you i will provide you solution how to solve this issue. I know many people have faced this problem regarding Bank Account Freeze in p2p trading. There is lots of people who gives you different-different solutions and that’s not enough to unfreeze your bank account.I will give you complete information regarding unfreeze your bank accounts and thats 100% working for you.DM me I solve my case so i will share with you what exactly happened.#solutions #P2PScam #IndianRegulation #P2PPayment #p2ptransactions
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