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#swap_crypto #mpc #PartisiaBlockchain #Launchpads Day 8: Announcing Partisia Blockchain’s first launchpad in collaboration with @TrustSwap! We’re thrilled to announce Partisia Blockchain’s first launchpad, created in collaboration with @TrustSwap, a leader in launchpad technology and tokenized solutions. Why TrustSwap? 🔹Proven Expertise: TrustSwap has facilitated over $1.5 billion in project launches, supporting hundreds of projects across the Web3 ecosystem. 🔹Global Reach: Boasts a community of over 1.2 million users across 150+ countries, making it one of the most trusted launchpads globally. 🔹Comprehensive Ecosystem: Offers a full suite of services including token creation, locking, staking, and launch strategies - providing startups with everything they need to succeed. 🔹Seasoned Team: Backed by a team of blockchain veterans with years of experience in scaling Web3 businesses. This launchpad will empower developers and projects on Partisia Blockchain to: 🔹Secure funding with streamlined token launches. 🔹Access a global community of engaged investors. 🔹Scale quickly with expert guidance from Partisia and TrustSwap teams. Launchpad applications open soon 📢
#swap_crypto #mpc #PartisiaBlockchain #Launchpads

Day 8: Announcing Partisia Blockchain’s first launchpad in collaboration with @TrustSwap!

We’re thrilled to announce Partisia Blockchain’s first launchpad, created in collaboration with @TrustSwap, a leader in launchpad technology and tokenized solutions.

Why TrustSwap?

🔹Proven Expertise: TrustSwap has facilitated over $1.5 billion in project launches, supporting hundreds of projects across the Web3 ecosystem.
🔹Global Reach: Boasts a community of over 1.2 million users across 150+ countries, making it one of the most trusted launchpads globally.
🔹Comprehensive Ecosystem: Offers a full suite of services including token creation, locking, staking, and launch strategies - providing startups with everything they need to succeed.
🔹Seasoned Team: Backed by a team of blockchain veterans with years of experience in scaling Web3 businesses.

This launchpad will empower developers and projects on Partisia Blockchain to:

🔹Secure funding with streamlined token launches.
🔹Access a global community of engaged investors.
🔹Scale quickly with expert guidance from Partisia and TrustSwap teams.

Launchpad applications open soon 📢
#LendingPlatform #mpc #PartisiaBlockchain #Web3 Day 5: Privacy-Enhanced Money Markets Are on the Way! @BoostyLabs is launching a money market protocol on Partisia blockchain, offering privacy-first borrowing and lending. Money markets for secure borrowing and lending is core to any DeFi ecosystem. We’re thrilled to support Boostylab in creating a unique lending protocol that leverages the robust features of Partisa Blockchain. Phase 1: Leverage assets in the BYOC portfolio (BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, POL etc). Phase 2: Incorporate MPC technology for secure, private user interactions. Set to launch Q1 2025 - follow @BoostyLabs for updates!💎💎🚀🚀🚀
#LendingPlatform #mpc #PartisiaBlockchain #Web3

Day 5: Privacy-Enhanced Money Markets Are on the Way!

@BoostyLabs is launching a money market protocol on Partisia blockchain, offering privacy-first borrowing and lending.

Money markets for secure borrowing and lending is core to any DeFi ecosystem. We’re thrilled to support Boostylab in creating a unique lending protocol that leverages the robust features of Partisa Blockchain.

Phase 1: Leverage assets in the BYOC portfolio (BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, POL etc).

Phase 2: Incorporate MPC technology for secure, private user interactions.

Set to launch Q1 2025 - follow @BoostyLabs for updates!💎💎🚀🚀🚀
#buycrypto #mpc #bitcoin #blockchain #PartisiaBlockchain Day 4: Fiat-to-MPC made seamless with @Transak Purchase MPC directly using bank transfers, Visa, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. This integration improves access and simplifies onboarding for new users and developers. Builders: Add fiat on-ramps for MPC to your applications to streamline access to the Partisia ecosystem. We’re thrilled to provide more options for our community to acquire MPC. No longer do you need to go through a CEX to get MPC for staking or participating within the developing ecosystem.
#buycrypto #mpc #bitcoin #blockchain #PartisiaBlockchain

Day 4: Fiat-to-MPC made seamless with @Transak

Purchase MPC directly using bank transfers, Visa, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. This integration improves access and simplifies onboarding for new users and developers.

Builders: Add fiat on-ramps for MPC to your applications to streamline access to the Partisia ecosystem.

We’re thrilled to provide more options for our community to acquire MPC.

No longer do you need to go through a CEX to get MPC for staking or participating within the developing ecosystem.
#mpc #PartisiaBlockchain #gateway #blockchain. Day 1: New Grant Alert for our Community of Builders 🚨 We’re thrilled to announce a Fast Track Grant awarded to @_Crypto_Factor for initial work on their Interchain Gateway utilizing Partisia’s MPC and ZK technology! What is it? 🤔 A secure cross-chain gateway connecting DeFiChain and Polygon via Partisia Blockchain, laying the groundwork for a transformative DeFi ecosystem leveraging our privacy-first architecture. Why does this matter? 👀 ✦ Enables seamless asset movement across chains. ✦ Further phases will attract new users, liquidity, and tokens to Partisia. ✦ Positions Partisia as a multi-chain DeFi hub. Backed by this initial MPC grant, this initiative aims to drive innovation, adoption, and the expansion of Partisia’s role in DeFi. Stay tuned for updates as @_Crypto_Factor builds the future of multi-chain ecosystems!
#mpc #PartisiaBlockchain #gateway #blockchain.

Day 1: New Grant Alert for our Community of Builders 🚨

We’re thrilled to announce a Fast Track Grant awarded to @_Crypto_Factor for initial work on their Interchain Gateway utilizing Partisia’s MPC and ZK technology!

What is it? 🤔
A secure cross-chain gateway connecting DeFiChain and Polygon via Partisia Blockchain, laying the groundwork for a transformative DeFi ecosystem leveraging our privacy-first architecture.

Why does this matter? 👀
✦ Enables seamless asset movement across chains.
✦ Further phases will attract new users, liquidity, and tokens to Partisia.
✦ Positions Partisia as a multi-chain DeFi hub.

Backed by this initial MPC grant, this initiative aims to drive innovation, adoption, and the expansion of Partisia’s role in DeFi.

Stay tuned for updates as @_Crypto_Factor builds the future of multi-chain ecosystems!
Vly 简介 - 问答Vly 是什么? Vly 是所有社交网络之上的价值层,Vly 钱包是其首款产品,具有以下特点: 使用社交媒体账号向人们付款,而不是钱包地址;无需创建钱包即可接收加密货币;去中心化且无需托管,Passkey 可实现硬件级安全性;利用现有的社会关系和社会行为进行价值分配;通过统一的支付网关在一个地方支持所有链和所有代币;基于 Web 的 SDK 兼容任何现有的 APP / 平台。 如何开始使用 Vly 钱包? 访问网站:;点击社交媒体图标(例如通过您的社交帐户进行身份验证;将您的设备密钥与 Vly 钱包链接起来;开始发送 / 接收资金。 Vly 钱包与其他加密钱包有何不同? Vly 钱包不仅仅是一个普通的加密钱包,它改变了支付方式,使用传统钱包,发送付款可能是一个繁琐的过程,收款人需要下载钱包应用程序或浏览器扩展程序,创建钱包,然后通过安全的通信渠道安全地与您共享他们的钱包地址,只有这样,您才能继续付款。 Vly 钱包大大简化了付款流程,使用 Vly,您只需要收款人的社交账号或用户名即可立即付款,无需他们创建钱包地址或执行其他步骤,也无需现有的沟通渠道,这种简化的方法消除了摩擦,使交易对付款人和收款人来说都更快、更轻松、更方便。 Vly 如何工作? Vly 使用底层的几种关键技术来实现简化的支付体验: DIDA:确定性标识符派生地址(DIDA)技术是一种允许基于唯一标识符(例如社交媒体名称、电话号码、信用卡号,甚至是政府颁发的身份证件,如社会安全号码)生成钱包地址的系统,该技术无需用户记住或交换复杂的钱包地址,从而大大简化了发送和接收付款的过程。阈值签名:Vly 钱包利用互联网计算机(ICP)提供的阈值 ECDSA / EdDSA 签名方案来安全高效地生成数字签名,这种加密方法通过使用大量 ICP 子网节点共同执行签名计算来生成有效签名,因此,用户无需存储传统的私钥 / 助记符,这里的关键区别在于整个签名生成过程完全在链上进行,确保它保持透明、安全和防篡改。密钥:Vly 钱包利用密钥技术进行用户身份验证,确保安全访问钱包,当用户将其社交帐户与钱包关联时,将在用户设备上创建一个密钥,并在 Vly 智能合约中将其安全地绑定到用户钱包,从那时起,钱包的安全性完全取决于用户密钥的强度,该系统的一个关键优势是可以使用 Apple iCloud 或 Google 帐户等服务在多个设备之间同步密钥,如果用户丢失了设备,他们可以通过在新设备上同步密钥轻松恢复对钱包的访问,此外,Vly 支持将多个密钥绑定到单个钱包,从而实现社交恢复等功能,这允许用户通过注册多个密钥来增强钱包的安全性,在设备丢失或泄露的情况下提供更大的灵活性和安全性。Vlink:Vlink 是一款功能强大的工具,可通过简单的链接将 Web3 交易无缝集成到任何社交媒体应用中,用户可以直接从移动应用内调用 Vlink 来执行区块链交易,而无需离开平台,无论是转移资金、与智能合约交互还是执行其他区块链活动,Vlink 都可以以用户友好的方式对这些操作进行编程和嵌入,借助 Vlink,开发人员可以构建各种基于区块链的交互,让用户完全在应用的原生环境中完成交易或参与 Web3 活动,这增强了用户体验,让用户留在熟悉的社交应用中,同时仍可访问区块链的全部功能。 Vly 钱包与 MPC、AA 等其他钱包技术有何区别? 具有社交登录功能的 MPC 钱包 MPC(多方计算)钱包通常使用社交账户作为身份验证方法,允许用户通过 Google、Facebook 或 Twitter 等平台登录,然而,MPC 系统中生成的钱包地址通常与社交登录用户名无关,相反,这些钱包出于安全目的根据跨多方管理的加密密钥生成地址,与用户的社交身份没有直接联系。 相比之下,Vly 钱包采用了不同的方法,直接从用户的社交媒体账户中获取钱包地址,这意味着,与 MPC 钱包不同,在 MPC 钱包中,社交登录仅用于身份验证,与钱包地址无关,而 Vly 则根据用户在社交平台(如 Twitter 或 Instagram)上的账户计算钱包地址,因此,用户可以直接将资金发送到收件人的社交媒体账户(例如 Google 电子邮件或 X 用户名),而无需询问他们的钱包地址。 预生成钱包 使用 MPC 等技术预生成加密钱包本质上是一个中心化和托管的过程,因为在创建钱包期间,用户无法控制任何密钥份额,虽然一些密钥份额可能会在之后交给用户,但 MPC 提供商是否保留这些份额的副本仍不确定,这引发了人们对提供商是否可能访问或花费用户资金的担忧,从而破坏真正的自我托管。 AA 钱包 从技术上讲,Vly 充当帐户抽象(AA)钱包,因为它使用智能合约(canister)来管理交易签名过程,然而,与部署在 EVM 链上的典型 AA 钱包不同,Vly 的智能合约是在互联网计算机(ICP)上构建和部署的。 此外,Vly 利用阈值 ECDSA / EdDSA 方案为多个链生成数字签名,因此,虽然传统的基于 EVM 的 AA 钱包仅限于与 EVM 兼容的链,但 Vly 可以在所有区块链网络中使用,从而提供更大的灵活性。 Blink 和 Vlink 有什么区别? 两个主要区别: Vlink 可以用于所有链,而不仅仅是 Solana;Blink 需要浏览器钱包扩展才能运行,因此无法在移动应用中使用,相比之下,Vly 可以在任何社交媒体移动应用中直接打开和使用。 Vly 钱包有多安全? 与传统钱包相比,Vly 钱包的安全性更高,主要原因如下: 不会泄露私钥或助记词:Vly 使用阈值签名技术进行交易签名,这意味着私钥永远不会完全构建或存储在一个地方,这消除了密钥或助记词泄露的风险,这是传统钱包中常见的漏洞。密钥安全:Vly 采用密钥技术,该技术受移动设备上的安全芯片保护,提供军用级保护,这种基于硬件的安全性可确保即使软件受到攻击,密钥仍是安全的。完全链上架构:Vly 完全基于互联网计算机(ICP)构建,其前端和智能合约逻辑全部托管在链上,这种架构使其具有防篡改和高度抗黑客攻击性,因为它不受链下组件经常出现的漏洞的影响。安全审计:Vly 已通过一家大型审计公司的审计,确保其安全模型和实施经过彻底审查并确认为稳健的。 这种阈值签名和密码技术、链上架构以及第三方安全审计的结合使得 Vly 成为管理加密交易的高度安全的解决方案。 #Vly #Blink #Vlink #MPC 你关心的 IC 内容 技术进展 | 项目信息 | 全球活动 收藏关注 IC 币安频道 掌握最新资讯

Vly 简介 - 问答

Vly 是什么?
Vly 是所有社交网络之上的价值层,Vly 钱包是其首款产品,具有以下特点:
使用社交媒体账号向人们付款,而不是钱包地址;无需创建钱包即可接收加密货币;去中心化且无需托管,Passkey 可实现硬件级安全性;利用现有的社会关系和社会行为进行价值分配;通过统一的支付网关在一个地方支持所有链和所有代币;基于 Web 的 SDK 兼容任何现有的 APP / 平台。
如何开始使用 Vly 钱包?
访问网站:;点击社交媒体图标(例如通过您的社交帐户进行身份验证;将您的设备密钥与 Vly 钱包链接起来;开始发送 / 接收资金。
Vly 钱包与其他加密钱包有何不同?
Vly 钱包不仅仅是一个普通的加密钱包,它改变了支付方式,使用传统钱包,发送付款可能是一个繁琐的过程,收款人需要下载钱包应用程序或浏览器扩展程序,创建钱包,然后通过安全的通信渠道安全地与您共享他们的钱包地址,只有这样,您才能继续付款。
Vly 钱包大大简化了付款流程,使用 Vly,您只需要收款人的社交账号或用户名即可立即付款,无需他们创建钱包地址或执行其他步骤,也无需现有的沟通渠道,这种简化的方法消除了摩擦,使交易对付款人和收款人来说都更快、更轻松、更方便。

Vly 如何工作?
Vly 使用底层的几种关键技术来实现简化的支付体验:
DIDA:确定性标识符派生地址(DIDA)技术是一种允许基于唯一标识符(例如社交媒体名称、电话号码、信用卡号,甚至是政府颁发的身份证件,如社会安全号码)生成钱包地址的系统,该技术无需用户记住或交换复杂的钱包地址,从而大大简化了发送和接收付款的过程。阈值签名:Vly 钱包利用互联网计算机(ICP)提供的阈值 ECDSA / EdDSA 签名方案来安全高效地生成数字签名,这种加密方法通过使用大量 ICP 子网节点共同执行签名计算来生成有效签名,因此,用户无需存储传统的私钥 / 助记符,这里的关键区别在于整个签名生成过程完全在链上进行,确保它保持透明、安全和防篡改。密钥:Vly 钱包利用密钥技术进行用户身份验证,确保安全访问钱包,当用户将其社交帐户与钱包关联时,将在用户设备上创建一个密钥,并在 Vly 智能合约中将其安全地绑定到用户钱包,从那时起,钱包的安全性完全取决于用户密钥的强度,该系统的一个关键优势是可以使用 Apple iCloud 或 Google 帐户等服务在多个设备之间同步密钥,如果用户丢失了设备,他们可以通过在新设备上同步密钥轻松恢复对钱包的访问,此外,Vly 支持将多个密钥绑定到单个钱包,从而实现社交恢复等功能,这允许用户通过注册多个密钥来增强钱包的安全性,在设备丢失或泄露的情况下提供更大的灵活性和安全性。Vlink:Vlink 是一款功能强大的工具,可通过简单的链接将 Web3 交易无缝集成到任何社交媒体应用中,用户可以直接从移动应用内调用 Vlink 来执行区块链交易,而无需离开平台,无论是转移资金、与智能合约交互还是执行其他区块链活动,Vlink 都可以以用户友好的方式对这些操作进行编程和嵌入,借助 Vlink,开发人员可以构建各种基于区块链的交互,让用户完全在应用的原生环境中完成交易或参与 Web3 活动,这增强了用户体验,让用户留在熟悉的社交应用中,同时仍可访问区块链的全部功能。
Vly 钱包与 MPC、AA 等其他钱包技术有何区别?
具有社交登录功能的 MPC 钱包
MPC(多方计算)钱包通常使用社交账户作为身份验证方法,允许用户通过 Google、Facebook 或 Twitter 等平台登录,然而,MPC 系统中生成的钱包地址通常与社交登录用户名无关,相反,这些钱包出于安全目的根据跨多方管理的加密密钥生成地址,与用户的社交身份没有直接联系。
相比之下,Vly 钱包采用了不同的方法,直接从用户的社交媒体账户中获取钱包地址,这意味着,与 MPC 钱包不同,在 MPC 钱包中,社交登录仅用于身份验证,与钱包地址无关,而 Vly 则根据用户在社交平台(如 Twitter 或 Instagram)上的账户计算钱包地址,因此,用户可以直接将资金发送到收件人的社交媒体账户(例如 Google 电子邮件或 X 用户名),而无需询问他们的钱包地址。
使用 MPC 等技术预生成加密钱包本质上是一个中心化和托管的过程,因为在创建钱包期间,用户无法控制任何密钥份额,虽然一些密钥份额可能会在之后交给用户,但 MPC 提供商是否保留这些份额的副本仍不确定,这引发了人们对提供商是否可能访问或花费用户资金的担忧,从而破坏真正的自我托管。
AA 钱包
从技术上讲,Vly 充当帐户抽象(AA)钱包,因为它使用智能合约(canister)来管理交易签名过程,然而,与部署在 EVM 链上的典型 AA 钱包不同,Vly 的智能合约是在互联网计算机(ICP)上构建和部署的。
此外,Vly 利用阈值 ECDSA / EdDSA 方案为多个链生成数字签名,因此,虽然传统的基于 EVM 的 AA 钱包仅限于与 EVM 兼容的链,但 Vly 可以在所有区块链网络中使用,从而提供更大的灵活性。

Blink 和 Vlink 有什么区别?
Vlink 可以用于所有链,而不仅仅是 Solana;Blink 需要浏览器钱包扩展才能运行,因此无法在移动应用中使用,相比之下,Vly 可以在任何社交媒体移动应用中直接打开和使用。
Vly 钱包有多安全?
与传统钱包相比,Vly 钱包的安全性更高,主要原因如下:
不会泄露私钥或助记词:Vly 使用阈值签名技术进行交易签名,这意味着私钥永远不会完全构建或存储在一个地方,这消除了密钥或助记词泄露的风险,这是传统钱包中常见的漏洞。密钥安全:Vly 采用密钥技术,该技术受移动设备上的安全芯片保护,提供军用级保护,这种基于硬件的安全性可确保即使软件受到攻击,密钥仍是安全的。完全链上架构:Vly 完全基于互联网计算机(ICP)构建,其前端和智能合约逻辑全部托管在链上,这种架构使其具有防篡改和高度抗黑客攻击性,因为它不受链下组件经常出现的漏洞的影响。安全审计:Vly 已通过一家大型审计公司的审计,确保其安全模型和实施经过彻底审查并确认为稳健的。
这种阈值签名和密码技术、链上架构以及第三方安全审计的结合使得 Vly 成为管理加密交易的高度安全的解决方案。

#Vly #Blink #Vlink #MPC

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$BTC Kriptoda ekosistemlere yatırım yapmak uzun vaddede her zaman kar verir çünkü ekosistemler oluşturulması oldukça güç olan projelerdir… gerek ağı gerek cüzdanı gerekse ilerlemesi olarak… tabi özellikle daha fiyatlanmamış ucuz güzel ekosistemler var… örnek #mpc Parsia blokchain ön satışı 0.4 olan bu yeni ekosistem oldukça güzel bir proje ağ ücreti 0.6 dolar ve şu anda çok ucuz… ben testlerini yaptım gayet başarılı bir proje… solana avax tan eksiği yok varsa yazın öğrenelim ytd… hızlı olun ve ucuzken alın… Ytd
$BTC Kriptoda ekosistemlere yatırım yapmak uzun vaddede her zaman kar verir çünkü ekosistemler oluşturulması oldukça güç olan projelerdir… gerek ağı gerek cüzdanı gerekse ilerlemesi olarak… tabi özellikle daha fiyatlanmamış ucuz güzel ekosistemler var… örnek #mpc Parsia blokchain ön satışı 0.4 olan bu yeni ekosistem oldukça güzel bir proje ağ ücreti 0.6 dolar ve şu anda çok ucuz… ben testlerini yaptım gayet başarılı bir proje… solana avax tan eksiği yok varsa yazın öğrenelim ytd… hızlı olun ve ucuzken alın… Ytd
The next generation in data protection and security, using multi-partition computing technology #MPC
The next generation in data protection and security, using multi-partition computing technology #MPC
🚀RWA coins to watchout for this bull run🚀 👀 Watchlist: - 🔥$ICP - 🔥$MPC - 🔥$ORAI - 🔥$CREDI - 🔥$Propy - 🔥$ONDO - 🔥$RIO Exciting potential awaits! Stay tuned for updates. 🚀💼 #RWACoins #CryptoWatchlist#MPC #Propy
🚀RWA coins to watchout for this bull run🚀
👀 Watchlist:
- 🔥$ICP
- 🔥$MPC
- 🔥$ORAI
- 🔥$Propy
- 🔥$ONDO
- 🔥$RIO

Exciting potential awaits! Stay tuned for updates. 🚀💼 #RWACoins #CryptoWatchlist#MPC #Propy
#mpc #security #web3 Partisia x AI? 👀 What happens to the data inside LLMs and machine learning models? There’s an extreme amount of privacy risk for both the owner and the users of the models. AI is transforming science and privacy, Watch how MPC protocols can be used to train AI models 💎💎🚀🚀
#mpc #security #web3

Partisia x AI? 👀

What happens to the data inside LLMs and machine learning models? There’s an extreme amount of privacy risk for both the owner and the users of the models.

AI is transforming science and privacy, Watch how MPC protocols can be used to train AI models
Bitcoin: Redefining Money, Data Privacy: Shaping the Future $BTC Bitcoin has proven to be a groundbreaking revolution for money. From being an undervalued innovation to becoming the backbone of decentralized finance, it has reshaped how we think about currency. But as the world generates ever-growing amounts of data—fingerprints, biometrics, and sensitive personal information—it’s clear that data privacy is the next frontier. Think about it: data breaches, crypto scams, wallet hacks, and other forms of digital theft are rising rapidly. The need to safeguard data is more pressing than ever. Imagine a future where even your credit cards become obsolete, replaced by secure, data-driven solutions powered by revolutionary technologies. This is where Partisia Blockchain MPC steps in. Its foundation lies in a vision discussed by Hal Finney during a conference in 1998, where he acknowledged the groundbreaking work of cryptographer Ivan Damgård. Damgård’s pioneering contributions to cryptography laid the foundation for Multi-Party Computation ($MPC), a technology that ensures data privacy and security. Today, his vision has come to life through the highly advanced Partisia Blockchain—a next-generation platform developed by some of the world’s leading experts in blockchain and cryptography. Much like Bitcoin in its infancy, MPC and Partisia Blockchain are undervalued innovations today. Few recognize the potential they hold in a world where data is increasingly invaluable. But as the importance of securing data becomes undeniable, the true value of MPC will emerge—just as Bitcoin’s did. Imagine a future where the price of Partisia MPC soars, driven by its role in securing the most critical asset of the digital age: your data. The future of blockchain isn't just about money—it's about privacy, security, and trust. Join the revolution. Recognize the potential of Partisia Blockchain MPC now, before the world catches on. #Bitcoin #DataPrivacy #MPC #Technology #blockchaintechnolo
Bitcoin: Redefining Money, Data Privacy: Shaping the Future

$BTC Bitcoin has proven to be a groundbreaking revolution for money. From being an undervalued innovation to becoming the backbone of decentralized finance, it has reshaped how we think about currency. But as the world generates ever-growing amounts of data—fingerprints, biometrics, and sensitive personal information—it’s clear that data privacy is the next frontier.

Think about it: data breaches, crypto scams, wallet hacks, and other forms of digital theft are rising rapidly. The need to safeguard data is more pressing than ever. Imagine a future where even your credit cards become obsolete, replaced by secure, data-driven solutions powered by revolutionary technologies.

This is where Partisia Blockchain MPC steps in. Its foundation lies in a vision discussed by Hal Finney during a conference in 1998, where he acknowledged the groundbreaking work of cryptographer Ivan Damgård. Damgård’s pioneering contributions to cryptography laid the foundation for Multi-Party Computation ($MPC), a technology that ensures data privacy and security. Today, his vision has come to life through the highly advanced Partisia Blockchain—a next-generation platform developed by some of the world’s leading experts in blockchain and cryptography.

Much like Bitcoin in its infancy, MPC and Partisia Blockchain are undervalued innovations today. Few recognize the potential they hold in a world where data is increasingly invaluable. But as the importance of securing data becomes undeniable, the true value of MPC will emerge—just as Bitcoin’s did.

Imagine a future where the price of Partisia MPC soars, driven by its role in securing the most critical asset of the digital age: your data. The future of blockchain isn't just about money—it's about privacy, security, and trust.

Join the revolution. Recognize the potential of Partisia Blockchain MPC now, before the world catches on.

#Bitcoin #DataPrivacy #MPC #Technology #blockchaintechnolo
Interview with Adrienne Youngman, CEO of Partisia, about Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Partisia.Partisia Blockchain (MPC) is redefining the crypto ecosystem with cutting-edge multi-party computation (MPC) technology that enables secure and privacy-preserving collaborations. Its scalable solutions are transforming DeFi, secure voting, and confidential computing. CEO Adrienne Youngman answered our questions about the MPC token and Partisia’s vision. What drives Partia Blockchain, and what long-term impact does it aim to achieve? Partisia Blockchain is to data what Bitcoin is to money: a revolution in trust and control. Before Bitcoin, you had to entrust financial institutions with your money or hide it under the mattress. Similarly, before Partisia, you either shared your data indiscriminately or disconnected from the digital world entirely. Using Multi-Party Computation (MPC), individuals and organizations can retain ownership of their data while enabling secure, selective interactions. For instance, a bank could perform a custom Know Your Customer (KYC) check that meets regulatory standards without requiring users to upload sensitive information into another opaque system. Where Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Proofs allow you to query a single data point for a binary yes/no response, MPC enables queries across multiple secure data sources and supports rich computations. Examples: A ZK Proof could verify if someone holds a credential proving they’re over 18.MPC could calculate a credit score from encrypted financial data or run AI models on prompts containing an encrypted file for private information.Retaining ownership of data empowers us, enabling us to control what we reveal. At Partisia Blockchain, we enable data owners to safely embrace technological advances, for a more empowered digital future. How does Partia Blockchain stand out in the competitive blockchain ecosystem? Our unmatched expertise in privacy-enhancing technologies sets us apart. One of our founders authored the first paper on Multi-Party Computation (MPC) in 1988 and co-invented the Merkle-Damgård hash function, a cornerstone of modern cryptography. Since then, we've published over 1,000 research papers and helped shape regulations like the European Digital Identity regulation (eIDAS) and emerging standards for tokenized real-world assets (ERC-3643). For over 16 years, our development company has implemented privacy enhancing technologies at scale, delivering solutions for clients like the Danish government (Project Oscar), enterprises such as Bosch, and organizations like the Red Cross. As AI continues its exponential growth, privacy-enhancing technology like MPC will be critical. Only Partisia combines the depth of expertise and technology necessary to empower developers to create the solutions that will re-empower humanity. What mechanisms are in place to protect users' data and ensure platform security? Partisia Blockchain employs advanced cryptographic techniques to secure data at every stage. MPC ensures data remains encrypted during computations, preventing unauthorized access while enabling seamless interactions. Combined with robust consensus protocols, these mechanisms deliver unparalleled data security without compromising usability. Key Use Cases: As blockchain expands into real-world use cases, MPC will play a pivotal role at that real-world intersect. This might include: Sovereign Identity Solutions: increasing trust in decentralized environments.Privacy-Preserving Compliance: enabling KYC, KYB, and AML without compromising privacy.Confidential Data Sharing: enabling confidential information to come on-chain. MPC allows data owners to retain custody of their information while selectively sharing insights and information with those who need them. However, in the mid to long term, MPC’s greatest potential lies in its intersection with AI.  Our lack of concern about our digital footprint could have grave consequences in a world where data can be scraped, organised, and analysed like never before. When it can be harnessed within models that increasingly control access to services and products. As AI evolves, retaining control over our digital footprint will be essential. Privacy Preserving Inference could enable us to interact with models on encrypted data - gaining the insight we need without surrendering sensitive information In future we may even be able to train AI models on encrypted datasets, unlocking innovation without sacrificing privacy. What consensus protocol powers Partia Blockchain, and why was it chosen? Partisia Blockchain utilizes the FastTrack consensus protocol, designed for high-speed transaction finalization and robust network security. FastTrack employs an optimistic "trust but verify" model. A designated proposer generates blocks that are immediately executed by nodes once signed. When two-thirds of nodes sign off, the network achieves Proof-of-Justification (PoJ), ensuring block validity. This approach delivers real-time transaction finalization while addressing limitations of traditional Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) systems, offering both speed and scalability. How does the platform handle high transaction volumes and ensure seamless scalability? Partisia Blockchain’s complete sharding architecture enables each shard to operate as an independent blockchain, processing transactions in parallel. Horizontal scaling ensures new shards can be added dynamically to meet demand, maintaining performance even during peak activity. Combined with the FastTrack consensus protocol, this design delivers unparalleled scalability and throughput, ensuring seamless user experiences under heavy load. Which partnerships have been crucial, and how do they enhance the ecosystem? Partisia Blockchain was designed to deliver MPC-as-a-Service across chains. We support multiple tokens for gas (e.g., POL, ETH, wBTC, BNB, USDC, USDT), enabling projects to leverage our privacy infrastructure while driving value to the primary chain. Examples of collaboration: Profila (built on Cardano): Utilizing Partisia for privacy-preserving data interactions. Varmeta (on BNB): Implementing data privacy solutions for their ecosystem. For native projects, we’ve partnered with DeFi builders, including: zkCross: Launching a DEX.Boosty Labs: Developing a lending protocol.A liquid staking protocol (launching soon). Our hybrid approach, combining private and public blockchain solutions through partnership with our Development Company (Partisia Inc), has also attracted large Web2 enterprise discussions. We anticipate announcing high-impact partnerships in the coming months. What exciting developments or expansions can we expect in the near future? The primary focus for the next 6 months is facilitating and accelerating adoption. Key initiatives include: Streamlining user journeys for node operations and delegated stakers.Relaunching documentation and toolkits to better empower developers.Following a successful proof of concept for running AI models on encrypted data, we’re expanding functionality and engaging with partners to explore new applications. What initiatives are in place to empower developers and engage the community We’re currently reviewing and expanding our community initiatives, with significant announcements expected before Christmas. #MPC #Partisia #PartisiaBlockchain #AdrienneYoungman #MultiPartyComputation

Interview with Adrienne Youngman, CEO of Partisia, about Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Partisia.

Partisia Blockchain (MPC) is redefining the crypto ecosystem with cutting-edge multi-party computation (MPC) technology that enables secure and privacy-preserving collaborations. Its scalable solutions are transforming DeFi, secure voting, and confidential computing. CEO Adrienne Youngman answered our questions about the MPC token and Partisia’s vision.
What drives Partia Blockchain, and what long-term impact does it aim to achieve?

Partisia Blockchain is to data what Bitcoin is to money: a revolution in trust and control.
Before Bitcoin, you had to entrust financial institutions with your money or hide it under the mattress. Similarly, before Partisia, you either shared your data indiscriminately or disconnected from the digital world entirely.
Using Multi-Party Computation (MPC), individuals and organizations can retain ownership of their data while enabling secure, selective interactions. For instance, a bank could perform a custom Know Your Customer (KYC) check that meets regulatory standards without requiring users to upload sensitive information into another opaque system.
Where Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Proofs allow you to query a single data point for a binary yes/no response, MPC enables queries across multiple secure data sources and supports rich computations.
A ZK Proof could verify if someone holds a credential proving they’re over 18.MPC could calculate a credit score from encrypted financial data or run AI models on prompts containing an encrypted file for private information.Retaining ownership of data empowers us, enabling us to control what we reveal. At Partisia Blockchain, we enable data owners to safely embrace technological advances, for a more empowered digital future.

How does Partia Blockchain stand out in the competitive blockchain ecosystem?
Our unmatched expertise in privacy-enhancing technologies sets us apart.
One of our founders authored the first paper on Multi-Party Computation (MPC) in 1988 and co-invented the Merkle-Damgård hash function, a cornerstone of modern cryptography. Since then, we've published over 1,000 research papers and helped shape regulations like the European Digital Identity regulation (eIDAS) and emerging standards for tokenized real-world assets (ERC-3643).
For over 16 years, our development company has implemented privacy enhancing technologies at scale, delivering solutions for clients like the Danish government (Project Oscar), enterprises such as Bosch, and organizations like the Red Cross.
As AI continues its exponential growth, privacy-enhancing technology like MPC will be critical. Only Partisia combines the depth of expertise and technology necessary to empower developers to create the solutions that will re-empower humanity.
What mechanisms are in place to protect users' data and ensure platform security?
Partisia Blockchain employs advanced cryptographic techniques to secure data at every stage. MPC ensures data remains encrypted during computations, preventing unauthorized access while enabling seamless interactions. Combined with robust consensus protocols, these mechanisms deliver unparalleled data security without compromising usability.

Key Use Cases:
As blockchain expands into real-world use cases, MPC will play a pivotal role at that real-world intersect. This might include:
Sovereign Identity Solutions: increasing trust in decentralized environments.Privacy-Preserving Compliance: enabling KYC, KYB, and AML without compromising privacy.Confidential Data Sharing: enabling confidential information to come on-chain.
MPC allows data owners to retain custody of their information while selectively sharing insights and information with those who need them.
However, in the mid to long term, MPC’s greatest potential lies in its intersection with AI. 
Our lack of concern about our digital footprint could have grave consequences in a world where data can be scraped, organised, and analysed like never before. When it can be harnessed within models that increasingly control access to services and products. As AI evolves, retaining control over our digital footprint will be essential.
Privacy Preserving Inference could enable us to interact with models on encrypted data - gaining the insight we need without surrendering sensitive information In future we may even be able to train AI models on encrypted datasets, unlocking innovation without sacrificing privacy.
What consensus protocol powers Partia Blockchain, and why was it chosen?
Partisia Blockchain utilizes the FastTrack consensus protocol, designed for high-speed transaction finalization and robust network security.
FastTrack employs an optimistic "trust but verify" model. A designated proposer generates blocks that are immediately executed by nodes once signed. When two-thirds of nodes sign off, the network achieves Proof-of-Justification (PoJ), ensuring block validity.
This approach delivers real-time transaction finalization while addressing limitations of traditional Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) systems, offering both speed and scalability.

How does the platform handle high transaction volumes and ensure seamless scalability?
Partisia Blockchain’s complete sharding architecture enables each shard to operate as an independent blockchain, processing transactions in parallel.
Horizontal scaling ensures new shards can be added dynamically to meet demand, maintaining performance even during peak activity. Combined with the FastTrack consensus protocol, this design delivers unparalleled scalability and throughput, ensuring seamless user experiences under heavy load.
Which partnerships have been crucial, and how do they enhance the ecosystem?
Partisia Blockchain was designed to deliver MPC-as-a-Service across chains. We support multiple tokens for gas (e.g., POL, ETH, wBTC, BNB, USDC, USDT), enabling projects to leverage our privacy infrastructure while driving value to the primary chain.
Examples of collaboration:
Profila (built on Cardano): Utilizing Partisia for privacy-preserving data interactions.
Varmeta (on BNB): Implementing data privacy solutions for their ecosystem.
For native projects, we’ve partnered with DeFi builders, including:
zkCross: Launching a DEX.Boosty Labs: Developing a lending protocol.A liquid staking protocol (launching soon).
Our hybrid approach, combining private and public blockchain solutions through partnership with our Development Company (Partisia Inc), has also attracted large Web2 enterprise discussions. We anticipate announcing high-impact partnerships in the coming months.
What exciting developments or expansions can we expect in the near future?
The primary focus for the next 6 months is facilitating and accelerating adoption.
Key initiatives include:
Streamlining user journeys for node operations and delegated stakers.Relaunching documentation and toolkits to better empower developers.Following a successful proof of concept for running AI models on encrypted data, we’re expanding functionality and engaging with partners to explore new applications.
What initiatives are in place to empower developers and engage the community

We’re currently reviewing and expanding our community initiatives, with significant announcements expected before Christmas.

#MPC #Partisia #PartisiaBlockchain #AdrienneYoungman #MultiPartyComputation
#MarketPullback #security #mpc If 3 people can input their salaries, calculate the group average, and never reveal a single salary, that’s not magic, it’s MPC. When it comes to your financial data, some things are meant to be private 🤝
#MarketPullback #security #mpc

If 3 people can input their salaries, calculate the group average, and never reveal a single salary, that’s not magic, it’s MPC.

When it comes to your financial data, some things are meant to be private 🤝
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