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PancakeSwap introduces the PancakeSwap Bridge #PancakeSwap launches the #PancakeSwapBridge that allows users to move assets seamlessly between 8 major chains like #Ethereum, #BNBChain , #Base , #Linea , #opBNB, #Arbitrum One, #zkSync Era and #Polygon zkEVM. PancakeSwap Bridge is powered by BNB Chain's Cross-Chain Tech. Pancake Swap is a decentralized exchange based on the Binance Smart Chain, built to trade BEP-20 tokens without relying on centralized platforms. 👉
PancakeSwap introduces the PancakeSwap Bridge

#PancakeSwap launches the #PancakeSwapBridge that allows users to move assets seamlessly between 8 major chains like #Ethereum, #BNBChain , #Base , #Linea , #opBNB, #Arbitrum One, #zkSync Era and #Polygon zkEVM. PancakeSwap Bridge is powered by BNB Chain's Cross-Chain Tech.

Pancake Swap is a decentralized exchange based on the Binance Smart Chain, built to trade BEP-20 tokens without relying on centralized platforms.

2024年10月主流空投项目查询汇总,看看有没有你参与过的项目 1、Swell空投查询: --》空投比例:8.5% 的代币将用于 Voyage 空投, --》数据参考:5月10日存入,0.25E给了300个左右(路径:Karak+Swell)、0.25E给了140个(路径:Swell+Eigepie+Karak),也就是你存入的第三方项目系数加成不同,最终空投数量不同 2、Op第五期查询: --》空投标准较高,2024年3月5日~2024年9月15日,在OP超级链至少20个合约交互,且合约交互占比至少为10%。 3、Carv空投查询: 4、Grass空投查询(重新分配): 5、Linea 最新空投LXP查询(老叶工具): 6、Scroll 积分批量查询: #空投月 #scroll #GRASSAirdrop #CARV空投 #linea


--》空投比例:8.5% 的代币将用于 Voyage 空投,





5、Linea 最新空投LXP查询(老叶工具):

6、Scroll 积分批量查询:

#空投月 #scroll #GRASSAirdrop #CARV空投 #linea
腾讯会议线上一对一教学是我们空投训练营的特色,让每一位学员都快速学会撸空投,学会链上知识!#strk #linea
腾讯会议线上一对一教学是我们空投训练营的特色,让每一位学员都快速学会撸空投,学会链上知识!#strk #linea
欢迎来到Linea Park:您的Web3游戏冒险开始之地 linea空投教程(一)按头做!GM Linea社区(参与链接在最下方) 我们很高兴欢迎您来到Linea Park,Linea的旗舰生态系统将在2024年彻底改变web3游戏和社交去中心化应用程序(dapps)。 最新的Linea的航行,Linea公园遵循2023年秋季Linea娱乐航行的巨大成功。首个娱乐之旅吸引了超过114,000个独立用户,并积累了1100万的页面浏览量。现在,Linea Park正准备重新定义web3空间,提供改进的、重新命名的体验,承诺乐趣、参与度和奖励。 Linea公园代表了web3游戏和社交dapps的巅峰,一个充满活力和动态的空间,用户可以发现,参与,并享受尖端的项目,同时赚取Linea LXP。它不只是一个平台,而是一个社区驱动的冒险,旨在让每个人都能访问和享受web3 该冒险将于2024年2月20日美国东部时间上午9点启动,持续六周,直到2024年4月2日。我们在Linea Park的探索合作伙伴是Layer3他们帮助我们建立了一个完全虚拟的世界,在那里你可以探索游戏和网络社交的所有令人兴奋的方面。 你可以在这里参加这次最新的Linea航行。 潜入利尼亚公园 Linea Park将以10个不同的区域为特色,每个区域都精心设计,以增强您的旅程。有四个行政区指导你和六个主题区充满了身临其境的任务,有一些为每一个冒险家。我们将每周开放一个新的探索公园区域,带领你穿越RPG和MMO、动作和策略社交、迷你游戏、NFT等令人兴奋的主题,并带来无数惊喜! 让我们来了解一下每个区域的详细情况: 行政区 公园入口:这个区域是你的冒险之门。它将作为一个信息中心,您可以了解乐园的运营情况,完成人道证明 (PoH) 流程,并接受有关钱包安全的基本教育。您将需要完成在此区域中分配的任务,以便能够进展到其他区域。 贵宾区: Linea公园的VIP区为那些在过去的Linea之旅中达到特定里程碑的用户提供独家福利和特权。获得VIP身份后,您将收到一张兑换券,让您在任务中的LXP收益翻倍。 这个区域有三层。要成为1级VIP,您需要拥有Testnet Voyage NFT(仅限Alpha、Beta、Gamma、Delta版本) 或钱包中有超过1700 LXP。如果你有资格进入这个等级,你会得到三张“优惠券”,可以让你获得下个奖励任务的双倍LXP。2级VIP身份适用于钱包中持有至少1200LXP的Linea Voyagers旅行者。这一层获得两个“优惠券”,这将使你得到双倍的LXP的下一个奖金任务。如果您的钱包中至少有600LXP,您就可以成为第3层VIP。这一层得到一个“优惠券”,这将允许你得到你的下一个奖金任务的两倍LXP。 推荐区:这是您可以传播关于Linea Park的信息并赚取奖励的地方。邀请朋友并获得LXP为每一个成功的推荐。你可以通过2个下线获得15LXP,5个下线获得30LXP,10个下线获得50LXP,20个下线获得75LXP,50个下线获得100LXP,100个下线获得150LXP,200或更多下线获得200LXP。您可以通过推荐获得的最大LXP数量是 200.LXP是非累积的。例如,如果你推荐10个朋友,你只会收集50LXP。 请注意,所有的转介必须由PoH验证,用户才能收到LXP的转介。如果您推荐朋友去Linea Park,您还必须通过PoH。 主题区域 RPG和MMO的世界:如果你是一个游戏玩家,你不会陌生到角色扮演游戏 (RPG)和多人在线(MMO)游戏。在Linea Park开设的第一个主题区将致力于这两个关键的游戏元素。在这个区域,你可以进入网络游戏的广阔世界,在那里新的视角和社会关系在等待着你。 行动和战略街机:这不是你的平均商场拱廊或角落电脑爆炸!在这个区域,你将被迫在高风险的游戏中测试你的战略敏锐性。 社交世界:Web3是一个关于社区的世界,我们设计这个区域是为了确保你可以在这个旅程中与其他建设者和玩家联系。探索专注于消息传递、社交网络和社区建设体验的数据应用程序。 体验东方:深入体验独特的游戏玩法和幻想元素,这些往往是东半球游戏所独有的。本专区将向您介绍为数字内容带来更多色彩、奇幻和有趣的游戏体验的游戏。 迷你游戏晚会:在这个区域,您将庆祝迷你游戏,这往往是通往游戏生态系统的门户 NFTLand:NFT在web3中扮演着举足轻重的角色,这个区域是关于探索他们与社交和游戏的相互作用。它将是一个围绕NFT的市场和游戏的混合体,提供铸造和交易体验。 每周,我们将推出一个新的公园区域,该区域的游戏和数据应用程序将介绍任务。这些任务将包括两个任务-一个基本任务和一个奖励任务-在那里你可以赢得LXP。奖励任务将只在一周内的有限时间内可用。然而,如果你错过了额外的任务,你将再得到一次机会来完成它并在任务的最后一周赢得lxp,届时您将重新打开所有的任务。 LineaPark的第一周将于美国东部时间2月20日上午9点推出,届时将带您探索RPG和MMO的迷人世界。dapps利用Linea的zk-roll-up技术提供无与伦比的性能、可扩展性和更低的交易成本,体验前所未有的区块链游戏。从Battlemon到Space Falcon,您可以沉浸在一系列旨在吸引和娱乐的游戏中。 让我们来看看本周我们为您准备的游戏: 超能力猿:《元猿》是一款免费玩、赢者通吃的MMO策略游戏,游戏背景设定在后世界末日时代,人类已经灭亡,猿族统治世界。下一个议程是太空统治。每个灵长类动物将不得不与他们的帮派密切合作,成为最强的氏族,并赢得最终的比赛空间。玩这个游戏有机会赚取NFT文物,提高您的游戏中的能力和NFT社区徽章。您可以参考本入门指南开始游戏,并查看本游戏指南了解更多信息。阅读本教程以获取Linea Park中MetaApes任务所需的所有详细信息。 不受约束的:不受约束的是一个AA级的灵魂类RPG开发与虚幻引擎5的尖端技术。游戏独特的故事围绕着主人公鲁拉展开,他是阿什塔娜得救的最后希望!不受约束的是不受约束的生态系统的主要游戏,将区块链解决方案集成到其游戏中,以实现无缝的web3体验。这里是一个任务演练,以帮助您更好地准备游戏,以及有关如何下载和玩游戏的更多信息。 空间猎鹰-飞行器:Space Falcon是一家游戏工作室和创业公司,正在开发多个游戏,扩展web3游戏体验,并通过GameFi计划革新虚拟冒险。作为Linea Park的一部分,您可以下载他们的游戏Aviatrix,并在此过程中获得NFT。查看本教程,详细了解Aviatrix在Linea Park的游戏体验。(当前参与人数391832)#空投即将上线 #linea 参与链接

欢迎来到Linea Park:您的Web3游戏冒险开始之地 linea空投教程(一)按头做!

GM Linea社区(参与链接在最下方)
我们很高兴欢迎您来到Linea Park,Linea的旗舰生态系统将在2024年彻底改变web3游戏和社交去中心化应用程序(dapps)。
最新的Linea的航行,Linea公园遵循2023年秋季Linea娱乐航行的巨大成功。首个娱乐之旅吸引了超过114,000个独立用户,并积累了1100万的页面浏览量。现在,Linea Park正准备重新定义web3空间,提供改进的、重新命名的体验,承诺乐趣、参与度和奖励。
Linea公园代表了web3游戏和社交dapps的巅峰,一个充满活力和动态的空间,用户可以发现,参与,并享受尖端的项目,同时赚取Linea LXP。它不只是一个平台,而是一个社区驱动的冒险,旨在让每个人都能访问和享受web3
该冒险将于2024年2月20日美国东部时间上午9点启动,持续六周,直到2024年4月2日。我们在Linea Park的探索合作伙伴是Layer3他们帮助我们建立了一个完全虚拟的世界,在那里你可以探索游戏和网络社交的所有令人兴奋的方面。
Linea Park将以10个不同的区域为特色,每个区域都精心设计,以增强您的旅程。有四个行政区指导你和六个主题区充满了身临其境的任务,有一些为每一个冒险家。我们将每周开放一个新的探索公园区域,带领你穿越RPG和MMO、动作和策略社交、迷你游戏、NFT等令人兴奋的主题,并带来无数惊喜!
公园入口:这个区域是你的冒险之门。它将作为一个信息中心,您可以了解乐园的运营情况,完成人道证明 (PoH) 流程,并接受有关钱包安全的基本教育。您将需要完成在此区域中分配的任务,以便能够进展到其他区域。
贵宾区: Linea公园的VIP区为那些在过去的Linea之旅中达到特定里程碑的用户提供独家福利和特权。获得VIP身份后,您将收到一张兑换券,让您在任务中的LXP收益翻倍。
这个区域有三层。要成为1级VIP,您需要拥有Testnet Voyage NFT(仅限Alpha、Beta、Gamma、Delta版本) 或钱包中有超过1700 LXP。如果你有资格进入这个等级,你会得到三张“优惠券”,可以让你获得下个奖励任务的双倍LXP。2级VIP身份适用于钱包中持有至少1200LXP的Linea Voyagers旅行者。这一层获得两个“优惠券”,这将使你得到双倍的LXP的下一个奖金任务。如果您的钱包中至少有600LXP,您就可以成为第3层VIP。这一层得到一个“优惠券”,这将允许你得到你的下一个奖金任务的两倍LXP。
推荐区:这是您可以传播关于Linea Park的信息并赚取奖励的地方。邀请朋友并获得LXP为每一个成功的推荐。你可以通过2个下线获得15LXP,5个下线获得30LXP,10个下线获得50LXP,20个下线获得75LXP,50个下线获得100LXP,100个下线获得150LXP,200或更多下线获得200LXP。您可以通过推荐获得的最大LXP数量是
请注意,所有的转介必须由PoH验证,用户才能收到LXP的转介。如果您推荐朋友去Linea Park,您还必须通过PoH。
RPG和MMO的世界:如果你是一个游戏玩家,你不会陌生到角色扮演游戏 (RPG)和多人在线(MMO)游戏。在Linea Park开设的第一个主题区将致力于这两个关键的游戏元素。在这个区域,你可以进入网络游戏的广阔世界,在那里新的视角和社会关系在等待着你。
LineaPark的第一周将于美国东部时间2月20日上午9点推出,届时将带您探索RPG和MMO的迷人世界。dapps利用Linea的zk-roll-up技术提供无与伦比的性能、可扩展性和更低的交易成本,体验前所未有的区块链游戏。从Battlemon到Space Falcon,您可以沉浸在一系列旨在吸引和娱乐的游戏中。
超能力猿:《元猿》是一款免费玩、赢者通吃的MMO策略游戏,游戏背景设定在后世界末日时代,人类已经灭亡,猿族统治世界。下一个议程是太空统治。每个灵长类动物将不得不与他们的帮派密切合作,成为最强的氏族,并赢得最终的比赛空间。玩这个游戏有机会赚取NFT文物,提高您的游戏中的能力和NFT社区徽章。您可以参考本入门指南开始游戏,并查看本游戏指南了解更多信息。阅读本教程以获取Linea Park中MetaApes任务所需的所有详细信息。
空间猎鹰-飞行器:Space Falcon是一家游戏工作室和创业公司,正在开发多个游戏,扩展web3游戏体验,并通过GameFi计划革新虚拟冒险。作为Linea Park的一部分,您可以下载他们的游戏Aviatrix,并在此过程中获得NFT。查看本教程,详细了解Aviatrix在Linea Park的游戏体验。(当前参与人数391832)#空投即将上线 #linea
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🏧Polygon and BNB Making Changes

Leave a comment and like. I will gift 🎁 you my trading strategy and risk management plan. Polygon, heavyweights in the crypto industry, are making waves with their latest developments. Polygon's Layer 2 scaling solutions have been gaining immense traction, providing a lifeline for decentralized applications struggling with high gas fees on the Ethereum network. This surge in adoption underscores the growing need for efficient blockchain infrastructure.#pol #sbf #linea #etf #BTC $BNB $MATIC $BTC 🌎Leave a comments, if you are losing money.
【Linea奥德赛Linea Park第一周】超详细教程+额外获得200LXP预估成本:9刀,获得LXP数量:200LXP除了最后那个PC端的25LXP没拿其余的都拿了全部满分的话应该是225LXP #撸毛 #空投 #linea #Layer2 #Portal 活动地址: 教程开始 1:前提纪要 先通过POH认证,才能获得LXP A组一个,B组两个 活动增加了双倍卡,分3个等级 VIP1有3张卡,只需要持有之前 测试网NFT中前4个中的任何一个就可以成为1级 或者有1700LXP也可以是1级 VIP2有2张卡,至少持有 1200 LXP VIP3有1张卡,至少 600 LXP  如果想买NFT的可以在Element操作, 不过感觉不划算 2:Linea Park的welcome任务(30LXP) 4个简单任务,一个一个点就行 前两个任务的选择题全选all 第三个任务中的选择题选NO 第四个是关于小狐狸钱包的任务 需要去下一个安全的插件 点击Install Snaps会进行跳转, 然后下载个Wallet Guard添加到钱包中 然后回来点击验证就可以了  验证地址: 3:RPG&MMO任务 这里有6个任务,一个一个来 3-1 :Space Falcon Ecosystem and Aviatrix Game (25LXP) (1)mint NFT 打开下边的网站,点击第一个连接钱包  官网: 然后点击mint Linea pass卡 输入数量1 然后点击mint 钱包内确认,gas 0.97刀 3-1 :Space Falcon Ecosystem and Aviatrix Game (2)质押NFT 点击右上角的登录,可以直接用谷歌邮箱登录 设置好名字和密码就可以了,然后网页会跳转 点击第三个的add NFT,然后继续点击add 钱包内批准,gas 0.28刀 接着钱包内确认,gas 1刀左右 加入DC: 最后去任务页面验证就可以了 4-2 :GamerBoom (40LXP) (1)注册GamerBoom 点击开始后一步一步来, 到达Sign up for Genesis Proof这里 点击下边的OPEN GamerBoom页面会跳转 接着点击右上角连接钱包,Linea网络 接着在弹出来的对话框点击Yes, 如果没有弹对话框就点击sign in 钱包内确认,gas 0.18刀 接着输入邮箱,填入验证码 输入名字和密码,上传头像完成注册 最后去任务页面点击验证 4-2 :GamerBoom (2)mint一个OAT 直接到下面网站去mint个OAT,钱包内确认 官网: gas 0.8刀,完成后去进行验证 最后加入DC: 进行验证 得到20LXP 4-3 :Claim Nidum Mystery Box 2(30LXP) (1)claim box @galaxy_sidus 直接到下边的网站去mint一个NFT 官网: 用小狐狸登录 钱包内确认,gas 0.82刀 4-3 :Claim Nidum Mystery Box 2(30LXP) (2)开盒子 左侧点击NIDUM,然后选择NIDUM MYSTERY BOX 2 点击下边的Release,输入数量1 继续点击Release,钱包内确认 gas 0.18刀 最后去到活动页面,一直点下一步 遇到需要验证的直接点击验证就可以了 一共获得30LXP 4-4 :Galactic Exploration: Unlock Your Linea Travelbag (35LXP) (1)创建账户 打开下边的网站,选择Linea,连接好钱包 会提示让你创建账户,钱包内确认 gas 2.85刀 官网: 4-4 :Galactic Exploration: Unlock Your Linea Travelbag(2)Linea旅行包 进入游戏后,找到地图上的鞭炮 会有一束光,找到一个并打开就可以停了 然后去下边的网站mint一个背包 官网: 钱包内确认,gas 0.58刀 最后去任务页面验证所有任务 得到35 LXP 4-5 :Meta Apes City Developer(40LXP) (1) 绑定钱包 这个需要下游戏到手机 这个建议使用苹果,安卓的谷歌搜索不到 进去游戏以后,先点击自己左上角的猩猩头像 然后点击NFT,选择Linea 绑定下钱包 4-5 :Meta Apes City Developer (2) mintNFT 根据提示一步一步来,把基地升级到5级 升级基地的同时,将城墙升级到4级, 然后才能升级基地5级 升级过程有等待时间,点击加速升级就行 升级到5级之后,打开下边的网站 mint一个盒子NFT,钱包内确认 gas 2.1刀左右 官网: 4-5 :Meta Apes City Developer(40LXP)(3)mint一个大师NFT 需要先将基地从5级升级到8级  然后到下面官网,去mint大师NFT gas大概1.94刀左右 想快速升级,要用加速包 加速包可以在邮件里边,把能领的都领下 然后去酒吧也可以领取加速包, 右上角的香蕉那里也可以领取加速包 反正是能领的全部领了,不然升级到8级时间会非常非常长 单单是从7级升级到8级就需要2个小时 官网: 4-6 :The Unfettered Quest(25LXP) (1)下载游戏 打开下面官网,点击下载就行了 完成后,安装,注意:360会报毒 介意的同学可不做此任务, 安装完后打开,用钱包登录 左侧商店那里找到Unfettered这款游戏,然后添加 左侧打开游戏列表,找到刚才添加的Unfettered 点击下载,整个游戏8个G,完全释放18.5个G 注意留好空间 4-6 :The Unfettered Quest (2)任务部分 如果最后这个PC端游戏查设备码 那多号的就要小心了  手机端的游戏可以用手机模拟解决 主要是PC端 今天内容到此结束。记得转发分享给撸毛的朋友们。更多项目空投交互教程,请关注卡卡加密研究社,谢谢~

【Linea奥德赛Linea Park第一周】超详细教程+额外获得200LXP

#撸毛 #空投 #linea #Layer2 #Portal

VIP2有2张卡,至少持有 1200 LXP
VIP3有1张卡,至少 600 LXP 

2:Linea Park的welcome任务(30LXP)
点击Install Snaps会进行跳转,
然后下载个Wallet Guard添加到钱包中

3-1 :Space Falcon Ecosystem and Aviatrix Game (25LXP)
(1)mint NFT
然后点击mint Linea pass卡 输入数量1
然后点击mint 钱包内确认,gas 0.97刀

3-1 :Space Falcon Ecosystem and Aviatrix Game
点击第三个的add NFT,然后继续点击add
钱包内批准,gas 0.28刀
接着钱包内确认,gas 1刀左右

4-2 :GamerBoom (40LXP)
到达Sign up for Genesis Proof这里
点击下边的OPEN GamerBoom页面会跳转
如果没有弹对话框就点击sign in
钱包内确认,gas 0.18刀

4-2 :GamerBoom
gas 0.8刀,完成后去进行验证
进行验证 得到20LXP

4-3 :Claim Nidum Mystery Box 2(30LXP)
(1)claim box @galaxy_sidus

钱包内确认,gas 0.82刀

4-3 :Claim Nidum Mystery Box 2(30LXP)
gas 0.18刀

4-4 :Galactic Exploration: Unlock Your Linea Travelbag (35LXP)
gas 2.85刀

4-4 :Galactic Exploration: Unlock Your Linea Travelbag(2)Linea旅行包

钱包内确认,gas 0.58刀
最后去任务页面验证所有任务 得到35 LXP

4-5 :Meta Apes City Developer(40LXP)
(1) 绑定钱包
然后点击NFT,选择Linea 绑定下钱包

4-5 :Meta Apes City Developer
(2) mintNFT
gas 2.1刀左右

4-5 :Meta Apes City Developer(40LXP)(3)mint一个大师NFT

4-6 :The Unfettered Quest(25LXP)
点击下载,整个游戏8个G,完全释放18.5个G 注意留好空间

4-6 :The Unfettered Quest
$LINEA Airdrop is around the corner! It would be the biggest airdrop ever, it raised $725M Discover step-by-step guide 🧵👇 ➢ @LineaBuild LineaBuild is a developer-ready zk rollup powered by @Consensys, paving the way for the next generation of Ethereum builders. This initiative aims to enhance decentralization by facilitating the widespread distribution of Airdrops. Raised: $726M ➢ Linea Metrics Now is the best time to do airdrops, because GWEI is extremely low, and transactions are cheap. Discover the dashboard with some metrics: • Total TXs: 44,79M • Linea TV Bridged: 384,099 ETH • Unique addresses: 2,7M Airdrop Strategy👇 1/➢ Bridge to Linea 1/2 • Go to • Connect your wallet • Choose the "Native bridge" option • Set the desired amount to bridge and click on "Start Bridging" It's worth using at least once. 2/➢ Bridge to Linea 2/2 • Go to • Bridge ETH to the Linea network Other Bridges (optional): • @StargateFinance • @layerswap • @CelerNetwork 3/➢ Swap and Pool • Go to • Connect your wallet • Make at least 5 swaps • Add Liquidity Some other DEXs: • @horizondex_io • @izumi_Finance 4/➢ Criteria for Linea airdrop ➤ Bridged to ZkSync ➤ Transaction count: 25/50/100 ➤ Transactions over time: 3/6/9 months ➤ Volume: $1000/$5000/$25000 ➤ TOP 600.000 wallets in leaderboard #Write2Earn #Airdrop🪂 #AirdropAlert #linea #TrendingTopic
$LINEA Airdrop is around the corner!

It would be the biggest airdrop ever, it raised $725M

Discover step-by-step guide

➢ @LineaBuild

LineaBuild is a developer-ready zk rollup powered by @Consensys, paving the way for the next generation of Ethereum builders.

This initiative aims to enhance decentralization by facilitating the widespread distribution of Airdrops.

Raised: $726M

➢ Linea Metrics

Now is the best time to do airdrops, because GWEI is extremely low, and transactions are cheap. Discover the dashboard with some metrics:

• Total TXs: 44,79M
• Linea TV Bridged: 384,099 ETH
• Unique addresses: 2,7M

Airdrop Strategy👇

1/➢ Bridge to Linea 1/2

• Go to
• Connect your wallet
• Choose the "Native bridge" option
• Set the desired amount to bridge and click on "Start Bridging"

It's worth using at least once.

2/➢ Bridge to Linea 2/2

• Go to
• Bridge ETH to the Linea network

Other Bridges (optional):




3/➢ Swap and Pool

• Go to
• Connect your wallet
• Make at least 5 swaps
• Add Liquidity

Some other DEXs:



4/➢ Criteria for Linea airdrop

➤ Bridged to ZkSync
➤ Transaction count: 25/50/100
➤ Transactions over time: 3/6/9 months
➤ Volume: $1000/$5000/$25000
➤ TOP 600.000 wallets in leaderboard

#Write2Earn #Airdrop🪂 #AirdropAlert #linea #TrendingTopic
LynexFi IDO - A Quick Guide. ℹ️ ◾Whitelist Period: Ends on 12th Feb, 11 AM UTC ◾General Allocation (GA): 12th Feb 2024, 11 AM UTC (8 hrs) ◾FCFS Round 1: 12th Feb 2024, 19 PM UTC (1 hr) ◾Token: $LYNX ◾Price: $0.06 ◾Allocation: $250,000 ◾Chain: Linea ◾Vesting: 20% TGE, 1-Month Cliff, 4 Months Linear ◾7-Day Protection from TGE: Increased from 3 days ◾AMA (Ask Me Anything): 9th Feb 2024, 4 PM UTC 🔸How to Participate: 🔸Learn about Decubate’s crosschain IDOs #dyor #LYNX #LynexFi #linea #Decubate
LynexFi IDO - A Quick Guide. ℹ️

◾Whitelist Period: Ends on 12th Feb, 11 AM UTC

◾General Allocation (GA): 12th Feb 2024, 11 AM UTC (8 hrs)

◾FCFS Round 1: 12th Feb 2024, 19 PM UTC (1 hr)

◾Token: $LYNX

◾Price: $0.06

◾Allocation: $250,000

◾Chain: Linea

◾Vesting: 20% TGE, 1-Month Cliff, 4 Months Linear

◾7-Day Protection from TGE: Increased from 3 days

◾AMA (Ask Me Anything): 9th Feb 2024, 4 PM UTC

🔸How to Participate:

🔸Learn about Decubate’s crosschain IDOs

#dyor #LYNX #LynexFi #linea #Decubate
LynexFi's Revolutionary Entry into DeFi: A Glimpse into the Future. 🏦🆕

I'am excited to announce LynexFi's groundbreaking Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on the Linea ecosystem, hosted by Decubate. LynexFi is a pioneer in DeFi innovation, offering tailored solutions to meet the dynamic demands of the decentralized finance space.


🔹Advanced DeFi Solutions:
LynexFi delivers cutting-edge solutions, adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of DeFi.

🔹Dynamic Liquidity Model:
Harness the power of Lynex's self-optimizing liquidity system for more efficient and stable DeFi transactions.

🔹Robust Security:
LynexFi prioritizes the highest standards of safety, ensuring secure transactions for all users.

◼️IDO Details:

🔹IDO Date: Q1 2024
🔹Allocation: $250,000
🔹3-Day Protection following TGE: Claim or refund 100%
🔹Ticker: $LYNX

Explore the future of decentralized finance with LynexFi! Join their revolutionary journey in reshaping the financial landscape.

Stay updated and gear up to be part of LynexFi's groundbreaking venture into the world of decentralized finance.

#DCB #Decubate #LYNX #LynexFi #IDO
Linea has launched Culture SZN, a new ecosystem journey focused on communities and NFTs. The initiative aims to connect collectors and creators, with users invited to mint NFTs and vote for their favorite communities. The process is free, with only gas fees applicable. The program runs from July 1st to August 1st, with daily minting periods lasting 24 hours. #linea #LineaBuild #nft #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Linea has launched Culture SZN, a new ecosystem journey focused on communities and NFTs.

The initiative aims to connect collectors and creators, with users invited to mint NFTs and vote for their favorite communities. The process is free, with only gas fees applicable.

The program runs from July 1st to August 1st, with daily minting periods lasting 24 hours.

#linea #LineaBuild #nft #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
$LINEA is a gem among airdrops that is poised to become one of the most profitable in history $LINEA has CONFIRMED the token release. ✦Cost - $10 ✦Potential - $6000+ Enjoy the branch with video guides 👇🧵 Linea is a type 2 Ethereum zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkEVM). Linea enables the deployment of any smart contract, utilization of any tool, and development as if on Ethereum. For users, this provides the experience and security guarantees of Ethereum Investors @LineaBuild has secured investments totaling $725 million from top venture capitalists, including @coinbase, @Microsoft, @SoftBank, and others. Airdrop Strategy ✦Deposit 1,000 USDT to your OKX exchange account. ✦Buy ETH with all available USDT. ✦ Withdraw the funds to your wallet on the Linea. Swap ✦Head to: ✦Swap ETH on WETH (approximately 96% of the amount). Volume $10,000 | ($10 fee) ✦ Head to: ✦ Connect the wallet, deposit ETH, and then withdraw it back, thereby increasing our volume. ✦Do 10 repetitions to achieve a volume of $10,000. Unique contracts by @zkstars_io ✦Head to: ✦ Connect your wallet and mint all available NFTs. ✦ 20 NFT = 20 unique smart contract Conclusion ✦By following this path, your commission expenses should be approximately $15. ✦In return, you gain $10,000 in volume and access to 20 unique smart contracts. #Write2Earn #linea #Airdrop🪂 #AirdropAlert #ZkSync
$LINEA is a gem among airdrops that is poised to become one of the most profitable in history

$LINEA has CONFIRMED the token release.

✦Cost - $10
✦Potential - $6000+

Enjoy the branch with video guides

Linea is a type 2 Ethereum zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkEVM).

Linea enables the deployment of any smart contract, utilization of any tool, and development as if on Ethereum.

For users, this provides the experience and security guarantees of Ethereum


@LineaBuild has secured investments totaling $725 million from top venture capitalists, including @coinbase, @Microsoft, @SoftBank, and others.

Airdrop Strategy

✦Deposit 1,000 USDT to your OKX exchange account.
✦Buy ETH with all available USDT.
✦ Withdraw the funds to your wallet on the Linea.


✦Head to:
✦Swap ETH on WETH (approximately 96% of the amount).

Volume $10,000 | ($10 fee)

✦ Head to:
✦ Connect the wallet, deposit ETH, and then withdraw it back, thereby increasing our volume.
✦Do 10 repetitions to achieve a volume of $10,000.

Unique contracts by

✦Head to:
✦ Connect your wallet and mint all available NFTs.
✦ 20 NFT = 20 unique smart contract


✦By following this path, your commission expenses should be approximately $15.

✦In return, you gain $10,000 in volume and access to 20 unique smart contracts.

#Write2Earn #linea #Airdrop🪂 #AirdropAlert #ZkSync
#LynX tiếp tục listing trên Bing - X. Hiện tại vẫn đang là top 1 bên #linea Trong đợt vừa rồi thì Linea mới ra mắt MEME coin là Foxy. Dù mới listing Cap 50M. Con số này cũng khá là lớn ở thời điểm hiện tại. Hệ sinh thái #Linea rất tiềm năng đặc biệt là nên chú ý vào #DEX top 1 bên các hệ sinh thái. Hãy nhìn vào các sàn #DEX mà mình đã share vào tháng 10 - 11 tính tới thới điểm hiện tại. Bất chấp thị trường giảm mạnh thì giá của các sàn DEX vẫn rất ổn và giảm không hề nhiều. Nếu nhìn xa hơn vào chu kỳ tăng thì các DEX đâu đó có thể x20 - 30 lần so với giá hiện tại thì cũng không khó.
#LynX tiếp tục listing trên Bing - X.
Hiện tại vẫn đang là top 1 bên #linea
Trong đợt vừa rồi thì Linea mới ra mắt MEME coin là Foxy.
Dù mới listing Cap 50M.
Con số này cũng khá là lớn ở thời điểm hiện tại.
Hệ sinh thái #Linea rất tiềm năng đặc biệt là nên chú ý vào #DEX top 1 bên các hệ sinh thái.
Hãy nhìn vào các sàn #DEX mà mình đã share vào tháng 10 - 11 tính tới thới điểm hiện tại.
Bất chấp thị trường giảm mạnh thì giá của các sàn DEX vẫn rất ổn và giảm không hề nhiều.
Nếu nhìn xa hơn vào chu kỳ tăng thì các DEX đâu đó có thể x20 - 30 lần so với giá hiện tại thì cũng không khó.
Linea Park $LXP Distribution Underway 🛬 Confirm Your POH Status Before 5 June ⏰ #linea #Megadrop
Linea Park $LXP Distribution Underway 🛬

Confirm Your POH Status Before 5 June ⏰

#linea #Megadrop
知名二层网络linea的经验值(LXP)已经陆续发放,小狐狸钱包地址添加合约地址即可查看,去年开始linea官方推出多期任务,完成任务即可获得LXP,LXP不可以转让,大概率和未来linea的空投挂钩,目前场外已经有人在收购LXP,我们空投训练营从去年就开始布局linea的交互,linea的空投应该是大肉,我们期待这一天早点到来。#linea #空投教程 #空投训练营 #lxp
知名二层网络linea的经验值(LXP)已经陆续发放,小狐狸钱包地址添加合约地址即可查看,去年开始linea官方推出多期任务,完成任务即可获得LXP,LXP不可以转让,大概率和未来linea的空投挂钩,目前场外已经有人在收购LXP,我们空投训练营从去年就开始布局linea的交互,linea的空投应该是大肉,我们期待这一天早点到来。#linea #空投教程 #空投训练营 #lxp
Sounds like an incredible week for Lynex! 🔊 The rise to the top as the No.1 Native DEX, breaking trading volume records, and rewarding voters with over $60K – impressive achievements! Exciting times ahead with Lynex's partnership with LineaBuild. Keep the momentum going! 💪 #LynexFi #lynex #LYNX #linea #LineaBuild
Sounds like an incredible week for Lynex! 🔊

The rise to the top as the No.1 Native DEX, breaking trading volume records, and rewarding voters with over $60K – impressive achievements!

Exciting times ahead with Lynex's partnership with LineaBuild.

Keep the momentum going! 💪

#LynexFi #lynex #LYNX #linea #LineaBuild
Hello Binance user I have 500$ Which coin is best for now investment For 20x in 2025 Plz comment #BTC #linea #pol
Hello Binance user

I have 500$

Which coin is best for now investment

For 20x in 2025

Plz comment

#BTC #linea #pol
Airdrop Farm List and Earnings Review. 🪂💰💸 🪂 Let's Review Airdrop Gains! 1. Arbitrum - Individuals averaging a single wallet earned $8,000. - Collaborators averaged $15,000 in earnings. 2. Zksync - No airdrop yet, but potential future value. 3. Starknet - Snapshot received, awaiting developments. 4. Linea - Ongoing tasks, high expectations. 5. Tia - Received 760 tokens (approx. $5,000) with three wallets without any action. - Awaiting stake, node application submitted. - Those who set up nodes earned $140,000 today. 6. Sui - Participated in the presale, earning $1,000 with one wallet. 7. Scroll - NFT deployment done, expectations are high. 8. Layerzero - Used for an extended period, airdrop expected. Currently not in regular use. 9. 5irechain - Tasks completed, snapshot received, awaiting further updates. 10. Zetachain - Testnet successfully completed. 11. Shardeum - Usage and monitoring dropped due to poor management. 12. Base - Currently in use and being tracked. A brief review of earnings, project statuses, and expectations for these airdrops! 🚀 source: LoseyiDcArtWork #loseyidcartwork #linea
Airdrop Farm List and Earnings Review. 🪂💰💸

🪂 Let's Review Airdrop Gains!

1. Arbitrum
- Individuals averaging a single wallet earned $8,000.
- Collaborators averaged $15,000 in earnings.

2. Zksync
- No airdrop yet, but potential future value.

3. Starknet
- Snapshot received, awaiting developments.

4. Linea
- Ongoing tasks, high expectations.

5. Tia
- Received 760 tokens (approx. $5,000) with three wallets without any action.
- Awaiting stake, node application submitted.
- Those who set up nodes earned $140,000 today.

6. Sui
- Participated in the presale, earning $1,000 with one wallet.

7. Scroll
- NFT deployment done, expectations are high.

8. Layerzero
- Used for an extended period, airdrop expected. Currently not in regular use.

9. 5irechain
- Tasks completed, snapshot received, awaiting further updates.

10. Zetachain
- Testnet successfully completed.

11. Shardeum
- Usage and monitoring dropped due to poor management.

12. Base
- Currently in use and being tracked.

A brief review of earnings, project statuses, and expectations for these airdrops! 🚀

source: LoseyiDcArtWork #loseyidcartwork #linea
Binance News
Forbes Launches Under 30 List on Ethereum Blockchain
According to CryptoPotato, Forbes has announced the launch of its prestigious Under 30 list on the Ethereum blockchain. This move marks a significant milestone, merging traditional media's reputation with the transformative power of blockchain technology. The Under 30 list, known for showcasing the world's most promising young entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders, now takes a significant step forward by utilizing the Ethereum blockchain to ensure the achievements and stories of these exceptional individuals are preserved forever.

Vadim Supitskiy, Forbes' Chief Digital and Information Officer, said, 'Forbes stands at the intersection of traditional media and cutting-edge technology. The introduction of the Under 30 list on the Ethereum blockchain is more than an acknowledgment of young influential leaders; it's a testament to the immense possibilities blockchain technology holds in data preservation.' This initiative is part of Forbes' ongoing efforts to pioneer and adopt technological advancements, particularly in the Web3 space.

Taha Ahmed, Forbes' Chief Growth Officer, added, 'The blockchain-enabled Under 30 list is just our starting point. We are thrilled to delve deeper into how blockchain and Web3 technologies can revolutionize the ways we disseminate, store, and protect vital information.' The Under 30 series covers 20 diverse categories, including art, entertainment, retail, e-commerce, finance, and investment, reflecting the wide range of fields where young talents are making an impact. The '30 Under 30 Finance 2024' list features notable personalities from the crypto industry, such as SEI Labs, Injective Labs, Fractal co-founder, Blockchain Capital, Layer3, and Bitcoin Depot, signaling Forbes' recognition of the growing influence of the digital currency sector. This year's selection process was overseen by a panel of esteemed judges, including Circle co-founder and CEO Jeremy Allaire, prominent Web3 figures like Injective Labs founders Eric Chen and Albert Chon, and Fractal co-founder and co-CEO Aya Kantorovich. This diverse group of judges reflects Forbes' commitment to embracing a wide range of expertise and perspectives in its selection process.
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