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6 proyectos DePIN para vigilar y obtener ganancias en 2025A medida que el universo criptográfico evoluciona, un término comienza a ganar fuerza: DePIN (Redes de Infraestructura Física Descentralizadas).  Este concepto apuesta por la idea de llevar la descentralización más allá del mundo puramente digital, conectando recursos físicos (almacenamiento de datos, informática, transmisión de vídeo o incluso redes inalámbricas) con la tecnología blockchain. En lugar de depender de un único proveedor, estas redes aprovechan el potencial colectivo de diversos participantes, creando ecosistemas más seguros, rentables y resilientes. En 2025, se espera que esta tendencia se [consolide](, con proyectos que busquen resolver cuellos de botella en el suministro de energía, informática, renderizado gráfico, entrega de contenidos y mucho más. Al observar cuidadosamente este sector, existe la oportunidad de monitorear de cerca el desarrollo de la infraestructura del futuro digital y, como beneficio adicional, identificar inversiones potenciales interesantes. ¿Qué es un proyecto DePIN? DePIN es el acrónimo de "Redes de Infraestructura Física Descentralizadas". Estos proyectos unen el mundo físico con blockchain, creando un entorno donde la infraestructura vital, como el almacenamiento de datos, la informática intensiva o la transmisión de vídeo, se gestiona de forma distribuida y transparente.  Entonces, en lugar de depender de un centro de datos centralizado o de un único proveedor, depende de una red global de nodos, cada uno de los cuales contribuye y recibe incentivos en forma de tokens. La magia de DePIN está en eliminar intermediarios y distribuir el control. Imagine compartir la potencia de procesamiento de su computadora para representar gráficos u ofrecer espacio de almacenamiento no utilizado a otros usuarios y recibir tokens a cambio. O piense en una red de distribución de video más barata y ágil que recompense a sus participantes y reduzca los costos. Es una descentralización que se extiende al mundo real, construyendo puentes sólidos entre Web3 y las infraestructuras tangibles. A continuación, enumeramos seis proyectos DePIN que merecen su atención en 2025, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como el valor de mercado actual, la adopción y el impacto potencial en el ecosistema. Este artículo es una actualización del listado que mostramos en 2024, también aquí en Square. 1. Internet Computer (ICP) Internet Computer busca crear una “computadora mundial” totalmente descentralizada en la que aplicaciones complejas y servicios completos se ejecuten directamente en una red global de centros de datos independientes.  En lugar de depender de grandes proveedores de nube, los desarrolladores pueden alojar sus aplicaciones de forma distribuida, con seguridad criptográfica y una escalabilidad sólida. A medida que el ecosistema Web3 madura, la necesidad de una infraestructura confiable sin puntos únicos de falla crece exponencialmente.  [ICP]( se posiciona como la base para múltiples servicios y soluciones, asegurando que la ejecución y el almacenamiento de datos se realicen en un entorno confiable y altamente integrado con la lógica blockchain. 2. Render (RENDER) [Render]( Network conecta a quienes necesitan potencia informática para la renderización de gráficos, como estudios de animación y creadores de contenido 3D, con personas y empresas que tienen GPU inactivas.  Este matrimonio reduce costos, democratiza el acceso y agiliza la producción de contenidos digitales. En un mundo cada vez más ávido de gráficos ricos, películas de alta definición y experiencias inmersivas, Render Network crea un mercado global, distribuido y confiable para satisfacer estas demandas, ofreciendo flexibilidad y oportunidades de ingresos a quienes brindan recursos. 3. Bittensor (TAO) [Bittensor]( combina inteligencia artificial y blockchain, creando un mercado colaborativo de aprendizaje automático. En lugar de un único proveedor que ofrezca modelos de IA, tenemos un ecosistema en el que cada participante aporta datos, capacidad de procesamiento o conocimientos y recibe tokens a cambio. Esto convierte la carrera por la inteligencia artificial en un esfuerzo colectivo, reduciendo los costos de investigación y haciendo más accesible el desarrollo de algoritmos sofisticados.  Dada la creciente importancia de la IA, Bittensor ofrece un camino descentralizado, escalable y meritocrático, asegurando que no haya monopolio sobre el conocimiento o los recursos computacionales. 4. Filecoin (FIL) [Filecoin]( es un mercado de almacenamiento de datos descentralizado. Los usuarios que necesitan almacenar información de forma segura pagan a proveedores independientes (cualquiera que tenga espacio en disco de sobra) en FIL.  El resultado es un sistema sin intermediarios, donde los datos se cifran, fragmentan y distribuyen por todo el mundo. En una era marcada por la explosión en la cantidad de datos generados y consumidos, contar con una alternativa más barata, segura y escalable al almacenamiento tradicional en la nube se vuelve esencial. Filecoin promete precisamente eso, combinar reducción de costos y mayor resiliencia. 5. The Graph (GRT) [Graph]( es un protocolo de consulta e indexación de datos en cadena que permite a los desarrolladores acceder a la información almacenada en múltiples cadenas de bloques de una manera rápida y organizada.  Aunque no se ocupa directamente de la infraestructura física, su capacidad para hacer que los datos sean fácilmente accesibles es esencial para el funcionamiento de muchos proyectos DePIN. A medida que la Web3 crezca, las aplicaciones necesitarán consultar datos de numerosas fuentes.  The Graph simplifica esta tarea, asegurando agilidad y confiabilidad en el acceso a la información, lo que beneficia a todo el ecosistema. 6. Theta Network (THETA) [Theta]( Network descentraliza la distribución de videos y transmisiones en vivo. Los usuarios comparten su ancho de banda y potencia de procesamiento inactivo a cambio de tokens, formando una red capaz de entregar contenido de alta calidad a un costo menor.  En un mundo sediento de streaming, películas, series, juegos online y eventos en vivo, reducir la dependencia de redes centralizadas y costosas es estratégico. Theta ofrece un modelo en el que todos ganan: creadores, espectadores y proveedores de infraestructura. Mirando hacia el futuro de la infraestructura descentralizada El auge de los proyectos DePIN es una clara señal de que el mundo de las criptomonedas no se limitará a las finanzas. Al combinar la infraestructura física (informática, almacenamiento, transmisión) con el poder de blockchain, estas iniciativas abren la puerta a una Web3 más robusta, democrática y eficiente. De cara al 2025, soluciones como ICP, RENDER, Bittensor, Filecoin, The Graph y Theta Network forman la vanguardia de esta transformación. Al centrarse en diferentes verticales (computación, almacenamiento, datos, transmisión de video, inteligencia artificial), dejan en claro que la descentralización puede afectar, y afectará, a una gama cada vez más amplia de servicios. Para inversores, desarrolladores y entusiastas, seguir estos proyectos no es sólo una forma de comprender el futuro de la infraestructura digital: también es una oportunidad de estar a la vanguardia de un movimiento capaz de redefinir la economía y la forma en que interactuamos con las tecnologías fundamentales del mundo. mundo día a día. En 2025, hay mucho en juego y cualquiera que preste atención a los pasos de DePIN podría obtener importantes recompensas. #DePIN #icp --- Foto de mockupstrend, disponible en Freepik.

6 proyectos DePIN para vigilar y obtener ganancias en 2025

A medida que el universo criptográfico evoluciona, un término comienza a ganar fuerza: DePIN (Redes de Infraestructura Física Descentralizadas). 
Este concepto apuesta por la idea de llevar la descentralización más allá del mundo puramente digital, conectando recursos físicos (almacenamiento de datos, informática, transmisión de vídeo o incluso redes inalámbricas) con la tecnología blockchain. En lugar de depender de un único proveedor, estas redes aprovechan el potencial colectivo de diversos participantes, creando ecosistemas más seguros, rentables y resilientes.
En 2025, se espera que esta tendencia se consolide, con proyectos que busquen resolver cuellos de botella en el suministro de energía, informática, renderizado gráfico, entrega de contenidos y mucho más. Al observar cuidadosamente este sector, existe la oportunidad de monitorear de cerca el desarrollo de la infraestructura del futuro digital y, como beneficio adicional, identificar inversiones potenciales interesantes.
¿Qué es un proyecto DePIN?
DePIN es el acrónimo de "Redes de Infraestructura Física Descentralizadas". Estos proyectos unen el mundo físico con blockchain, creando un entorno donde la infraestructura vital, como el almacenamiento de datos, la informática intensiva o la transmisión de vídeo, se gestiona de forma distribuida y transparente. 
Entonces, en lugar de depender de un centro de datos centralizado o de un único proveedor, depende de una red global de nodos, cada uno de los cuales contribuye y recibe incentivos en forma de tokens.
La magia de DePIN está en eliminar intermediarios y distribuir el control. Imagine compartir la potencia de procesamiento de su computadora para representar gráficos u ofrecer espacio de almacenamiento no utilizado a otros usuarios y recibir tokens a cambio. O piense en una red de distribución de video más barata y ágil que recompense a sus participantes y reduzca los costos. Es una descentralización que se extiende al mundo real, construyendo puentes sólidos entre Web3 y las infraestructuras tangibles.
A continuación, enumeramos seis proyectos DePIN que merecen su atención en 2025, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como el valor de mercado actual, la adopción y el impacto potencial en el ecosistema. Este artículo es una actualización del listado que mostramos en 2024, también aquí en Square.
1. Internet Computer (ICP)
Internet Computer busca crear una “computadora mundial” totalmente descentralizada en la que aplicaciones complejas y servicios completos se ejecuten directamente en una red global de centros de datos independientes. 
En lugar de depender de grandes proveedores de nube, los desarrolladores pueden alojar sus aplicaciones de forma distribuida, con seguridad criptográfica y una escalabilidad sólida. A medida que el ecosistema Web3 madura, la necesidad de una infraestructura confiable sin puntos únicos de falla crece exponencialmente. 
ICP se posiciona como la base para múltiples servicios y soluciones, asegurando que la ejecución y el almacenamiento de datos se realicen en un entorno confiable y altamente integrado con la lógica blockchain.
2. Render (RENDER)
Render Network conecta a quienes necesitan potencia informática para la renderización de gráficos, como estudios de animación y creadores de contenido 3D, con personas y empresas que tienen GPU inactivas. 
Este matrimonio reduce costos, democratiza el acceso y agiliza la producción de contenidos digitales. En un mundo cada vez más ávido de gráficos ricos, películas de alta definición y experiencias inmersivas, Render Network crea un mercado global, distribuido y confiable para satisfacer estas demandas, ofreciendo flexibilidad y oportunidades de ingresos a quienes brindan recursos.
3. Bittensor (TAO)
Bittensor combina inteligencia artificial y blockchain, creando un mercado colaborativo de aprendizaje automático. En lugar de un único proveedor que ofrezca modelos de IA, tenemos un ecosistema en el que cada participante aporta datos, capacidad de procesamiento o conocimientos y recibe tokens a cambio. Esto convierte la carrera por la inteligencia artificial en un esfuerzo colectivo, reduciendo los costos de investigación y haciendo más accesible el desarrollo de algoritmos sofisticados. 
Dada la creciente importancia de la IA, Bittensor ofrece un camino descentralizado, escalable y meritocrático, asegurando que no haya monopolio sobre el conocimiento o los recursos computacionales.
4. Filecoin (FIL)
Filecoin es un mercado de almacenamiento de datos descentralizado. Los usuarios que necesitan almacenar información de forma segura pagan a proveedores independientes (cualquiera que tenga espacio en disco de sobra) en FIL. 
El resultado es un sistema sin intermediarios, donde los datos se cifran, fragmentan y distribuyen por todo el mundo. En una era marcada por la explosión en la cantidad de datos generados y consumidos, contar con una alternativa más barata, segura y escalable al almacenamiento tradicional en la nube se vuelve esencial. Filecoin promete precisamente eso, combinar reducción de costos y mayor resiliencia.
5. The Graph (GRT)
Graph es un protocolo de consulta e indexación de datos en cadena que permite a los desarrolladores acceder a la información almacenada en múltiples cadenas de bloques de una manera rápida y organizada. 
Aunque no se ocupa directamente de la infraestructura física, su capacidad para hacer que los datos sean fácilmente accesibles es esencial para el funcionamiento de muchos proyectos DePIN. A medida que la Web3 crezca, las aplicaciones necesitarán consultar datos de numerosas fuentes. 
The Graph simplifica esta tarea, asegurando agilidad y confiabilidad en el acceso a la información, lo que beneficia a todo el ecosistema.
6. Theta Network (THETA)
Theta Network descentraliza la distribución de videos y transmisiones en vivo. Los usuarios comparten su ancho de banda y potencia de procesamiento inactivo a cambio de tokens, formando una red capaz de entregar contenido de alta calidad a un costo menor. 
En un mundo sediento de streaming, películas, series, juegos online y eventos en vivo, reducir la dependencia de redes centralizadas y costosas es estratégico. Theta ofrece un modelo en el que todos ganan: creadores, espectadores y proveedores de infraestructura.
Mirando hacia el futuro de la infraestructura descentralizada
El auge de los proyectos DePIN es una clara señal de que el mundo de las criptomonedas no se limitará a las finanzas. Al combinar la infraestructura física (informática, almacenamiento, transmisión) con el poder de blockchain, estas iniciativas abren la puerta a una Web3 más robusta, democrática y eficiente.
De cara al 2025, soluciones como ICP, RENDER, Bittensor, Filecoin, The Graph y Theta Network forman la vanguardia de esta transformación. Al centrarse en diferentes verticales (computación, almacenamiento, datos, transmisión de video, inteligencia artificial), dejan en claro que la descentralización puede afectar, y afectará, a una gama cada vez más amplia de servicios.
Para inversores, desarrolladores y entusiastas, seguir estos proyectos no es sólo una forma de comprender el futuro de la infraestructura digital: también es una oportunidad de estar a la vanguardia de un movimiento capaz de redefinir la economía y la forma en que interactuamos con las tecnologías fundamentales del mundo. mundo día a día. En 2025, hay mucho en juego y cualquiera que preste atención a los pasos de DePIN podría obtener importantes recompensas.
#DePIN #icp
Foto de mockupstrend, disponible en Freepik.
The #ICP Pulse - S03 E68 - 09/01/2025Gmgmgmgm Square Fam! Welcome to the 68th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 3, your daily dose of all things ICP. In this episode, we discuss Technical Analysis, on-chain Metrics, and ecosystem updates. But, before we start... I've put a lot of effort and time into this series, so if you don't mind, please consider liking this episode and supporting me by subscribing. This will help me provide you with more quality information, thank you🫶 Now, without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀 1/ $ICP Price Action Well, we are still testing this range which I have now marked as a Black Box. This is a minor support zone, which has held the price action historically. So, in terms of numbers, these are the ones I am still having my eyes on. Support: 10.5 -10.7 USD Major Resistance: 11.6 -12.2 USD Other Conditions: support from the 100 and 200 EMAs should be noted, as the price action is gradually heading towards the 100 EMA. Now, have a look at this ICP Futures Open Interest Chart from Coinglass👇 As both the metrics have diverged, we can assume that deleveraging has already occurred and settled as of press time. In addition, The Futures funding rate at Binance sat at 0.01% indicating bullish sentiment. Now, we wait 🫡 As always, Not Financial Advice, So DYOR🫡 2/ Onchain Stats Sources: IC Dashboard and ICTerminal 🟪Internet Identity Count Very nice. As of press time, we were able to have an impressive 1.24K users onboarding the internet computer. 🟪Burned ICP Stats Hmm, a slight increment compared to yesterday looks great. Within the last 24 hours, that was 7.73K ICP, worth 81.9K USD vanishing from the circulation supply. In case you are new here, ICP gets burned when developers convert ICP into cycles, which are computational units similar to fuel that powers canister smart contracts. In addition, community members run Blockchain on Blockchain applications, which also look similar to the dev approach I've described above. Finally, a portion of gas fees on each transaction on the IC also gets burned. 🟪Neurons Stats Today, we saw around 329 new neurons being activated in order to prepare for governance. Also, let me enlighten you on how this works in case you are new here. So, in the IC, users are required to lock up their ICP tokens in neurons, which are locked ICP baskets that allow participation in governance. The minimum lockup period is from 6 months to a maximum of 8 years🤯 Once a person locks up their ICP, let's say for 6 months the ICP will be locked until the user decides to dissolve the neuron. Let's say a user named Alice, locks up 5 ICP on the 1st of January 2025 and sets the dissolve delay to 6 months, then the neuron will be dissolved exactly 6 months after that date which is the 1st of July 2025, which would make the tokens Alice had locked liquid again. 3/ NFT Stats Sources: toniqMarket, bioniqMarket and yukuapp 1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 30 ICP 2️⃣BTC Flower --> 31 ICP 3️⃣ETH Flower --> 6.2 ICP 4️⃣icbucks by EgidoVal--> 1.19 ICP 5️⃣Poked Bots Mutant Army by pokedstudiouk --> 37 ICP 6️⃣ Goated Gamer by The_Swop --> 2K sats ckBTC 7️⃣Motoko Sentinels--> 🔺0.00069 ckBTC 8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 9.5 ICP 9️⃣Distrikt PODs --> 2.4 ICP 🔟ICP flower --> 6 ICP 4/ Gainers and Losers Source: ICPcoins and ICPTokens 🟣Gainers ➡️Elna DeAI --> 0.0415 USD @ 10.4M USD Marketcap (🔺6.8%) ➡️ICPGhost --> 0.000160 USD @ 1.4M USD Marketcap (🔺5.7%) 🟣Losers ➡️ICLighthouse --> 0.112 USD @ 22.6M USD Marketcap (🔻18.9%) ➡️CryptoClouds --> 0.00247 USD @ 987K USD Marketcap (🔻9.8%) ➡️BoB --> 1.32 USD @ 16.8M USD Marketcap (🔻9.8%) 5/ Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀 🟪11 Voting Proposals in the NNS. 🟪1 Voting Proposal in the OpenChat SNS. 🟪TVL on NNS: 2.527 Billion USD [🔻11.2%] 🟪TVL on ICP DeFi By DefiLlama: 49.38M USD [🔻1.84%] 🟪ICTO SNS Swap is live [Ends in 2 days, 12 hours] ICTO aims to allow the automation of tasks related to tokenomics. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 38.4K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 40K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B ICTO ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 250M ICTO 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 5 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3,6,9 and 12 months respectively 🟪Canistore SNS Swap is live [Ends in 5 days, 7 hours] CANI is an ecosystem of dapps and services to revolutionize the creator economy. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 8.37K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 50K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B CANI ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M CANI 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 4 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,6,12 and 24 months respectively 🟪 FomoWell SNS Swap is live [Ends in 9 days, 7 hours] Fomowell aims to be the fair launch platform for Web3 projects on the ICP blockchain. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 100K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 22.6K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 20K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B WELL ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M WELL 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 3 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3 and 6 months respectively NFA SO DYOR 🤝 🟪Updates from the DFINITY Foundation🔮 ➡️A short video where the foundation's TracyTrachsler explains how the IC is working to empower governments across the globe has been published. ➡️Dom ships an exciting video on the Self Writing Internet. ➡️The Decentralized Artificial Intelligence technical team of the foundation will be live today at 17:00 UTC in the foundation's discord. ➡️The foundation is working on some changes to the base library for the Motoko Programming Language. 6/ Updates from the ICP ecosystem ➡️junobuild to ship a new upgrade to their UI. ➡️kongswap ships TX history feature to production ➡️RuBaRu shakes hands with Cload ➡️Trax publishes their roadmap for 2025 ➡️WaterNeuron publishes known neurons ➡️The Swop ships their latest video with Shaw and Lucid ➡️Seb from Motoko Bootcamp to lead icp_cc as Education Lead. So, Here I wrap up for the day😇 Hats off for staying this far🫡 Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially to our #USJoblessClaimsDrop fam. I'll see ya tomorrow with your weekly recap on ICP :) Until then, Take care👋

The #ICP Pulse - S03 E68 - 09/01/2025

Gmgmgmgm Square Fam!
Welcome to the 68th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 3, your daily dose of all things ICP.
In this episode, we discuss Technical Analysis, on-chain Metrics, and ecosystem updates.

But, before we start...
I've put a lot of effort and time into this series, so if you don't mind, please consider liking this episode and supporting me by subscribing.
This will help me provide you with more quality information, thank you🫶
Now, without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀

1/ $ICP Price Action

Well, we are still testing this range which I have now marked as a Black Box.
This is a minor support zone, which has held the price action historically.
So, in terms of numbers, these are the ones I am still having my eyes on.
Support: 10.5 -10.7 USD
Major Resistance: 11.6 -12.2 USD
Other Conditions: support from the 100 and 200 EMAs should be noted, as the price action is gradually heading towards the 100 EMA.
Now, have a look at this ICP Futures Open Interest Chart from Coinglass👇

As both the metrics have diverged, we can assume that deleveraging has already occurred and settled as of press time.
In addition, The Futures funding rate at Binance sat at 0.01% indicating bullish sentiment.
Now, we wait 🫡
As always, Not Financial Advice, So DYOR🫡

2/ Onchain Stats
Sources: IC Dashboard and ICTerminal

🟪Internet Identity Count

Very nice.
As of press time, we were able to have an impressive 1.24K users onboarding the internet computer.

🟪Burned ICP Stats

Hmm, a slight increment compared to yesterday looks great.
Within the last 24 hours, that was 7.73K ICP, worth 81.9K USD vanishing from the circulation supply.
In case you are new here, ICP gets burned when developers convert ICP into cycles, which are computational units similar to fuel that powers canister smart contracts.
In addition, community members run Blockchain on Blockchain applications, which also look similar to the dev approach I've described above.
Finally, a portion of gas fees on each transaction on the IC also gets burned.

🟪Neurons Stats

Today, we saw around 329 new neurons being activated in order to prepare for governance.
Also, let me enlighten you on how this works in case you are new here.
So, in the IC, users are required to lock up their ICP tokens in neurons, which are locked ICP baskets that allow participation in governance.
The minimum lockup period is from 6 months to a maximum of 8 years🤯
Once a person locks up their ICP, let's say for 6 months the ICP will be locked until the user decides to dissolve the neuron.
Let's say a user named Alice, locks up 5 ICP on the 1st of January 2025 and sets the dissolve delay to 6 months, then the neuron will be dissolved exactly 6 months after that date which is the 1st of July 2025, which would make the tokens Alice had locked liquid again.

3/ NFT Stats
Sources: toniqMarket, bioniqMarket and yukuapp
1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 30 ICP
2️⃣BTC Flower --> 31 ICP
3️⃣ETH Flower --> 6.2 ICP
4️⃣icbucks by EgidoVal--> 1.19 ICP
5️⃣Poked Bots Mutant Army by pokedstudiouk --> 37 ICP
6️⃣ Goated Gamer by The_Swop --> 2K sats ckBTC
7️⃣Motoko Sentinels--> 🔺0.00069 ckBTC
8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 9.5 ICP

9️⃣Distrikt PODs --> 2.4 ICP
🔟ICP flower --> 6 ICP

4/ Gainers and Losers
Source: ICPcoins and ICPTokens
➡️Elna DeAI --> 0.0415 USD @ 10.4M USD Marketcap (🔺6.8%)
➡️ICPGhost --> 0.000160 USD @ 1.4M USD Marketcap (🔺5.7%)
➡️ICLighthouse --> 0.112 USD @ 22.6M USD Marketcap (🔻18.9%)
➡️CryptoClouds --> 0.00247 USD @ 987K USD Marketcap (🔻9.8%)
➡️BoB --> 1.32 USD @ 16.8M USD Marketcap (🔻9.8%)

5/ Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀
🟪11 Voting Proposals in the NNS.
🟪1 Voting Proposal in the OpenChat SNS.

🟪TVL on NNS: 2.527 Billion USD [🔻11.2%]
🟪TVL on ICP DeFi By DefiLlama: 49.38M USD [🔻1.84%]

🟪ICTO SNS Swap is live [Ends in 2 days, 12 hours]
ICTO aims to allow the automation of tasks related to tokenomics.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 38.4K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 40K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B ICTO
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 250M ICTO

🟣Participants of the swap will receive 5 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3,6,9 and 12 months respectively

🟪Canistore SNS Swap is live [Ends in 5 days, 7 hours]
CANI is an ecosystem of dapps and services to revolutionize the creator economy.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 8.37K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 50K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B CANI
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M CANI
🟣Participants of the swap will receive 4 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,6,12 and 24 months respectively

🟪 FomoWell SNS Swap is live [Ends in 9 days, 7 hours]
Fomowell aims to be the fair launch platform for Web3 projects on the ICP blockchain.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 100K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 22.6K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 20K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B WELL
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M WELL
🟣Participants of the swap will receive 3 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3 and 6 months respectively

🟪Updates from the DFINITY Foundation🔮
➡️A short video where the foundation's TracyTrachsler explains how the IC is working to empower governments across the globe has been published.
➡️Dom ships an exciting video on the Self Writing Internet.
➡️The Decentralized Artificial Intelligence technical team of the foundation will be live today at 17:00 UTC in the foundation's discord.
➡️The foundation is working on some changes to the base library for the Motoko Programming Language.

6/ Updates from the ICP ecosystem
➡️junobuild to ship a new upgrade to their UI.
➡️kongswap ships TX history feature to production
➡️RuBaRu shakes hands with Cload
➡️Trax publishes their roadmap for 2025
➡️WaterNeuron publishes known neurons
➡️The Swop ships their latest video with Shaw and Lucid
➡️Seb from Motoko Bootcamp to lead icp_cc as Education Lead.

So, Here I wrap up for the day😇
Hats off for staying this far🫡
Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially to our #USJoblessClaimsDrop fam.

I'll see ya tomorrow with your weekly recap on ICP :)

Until then, Take care👋
📈LONG: $ICP /USDT(1D) {spot}(ICPUSDT) ICPUSDT is breaking out from a falling wedge pattern on the daily chart, a potential bullish signal. After a breakout, a pullback is expected to build momentum. A stop-loss is advised below support to manage risk and maximize potential gains from this setup. Price Targets: The primary target is set at $15.200, aligning with key resistance levels. Keep an eye on price action and volume as they approach this target. Managing risk effectively can make this trade a rewarding opportunity. Good luck! #icp #Write2Earn #AIMarketCapDip #BullCyclePrediction

ICPUSDT is breaking out from a falling wedge pattern on the daily chart, a potential bullish signal. After a breakout, a pullback is expected to build momentum. A stop-loss is advised below support to manage risk and maximize potential gains from this setup.

Price Targets:
The primary target is set at $15.200, aligning with key resistance levels. Keep an eye on price action and volume as they approach this target. Managing risk effectively can make this trade a rewarding opportunity. Good luck!
#icp #Write2Earn #AIMarketCapDip #BullCyclePrediction
👉 #Entrypoints I am very satisfied that everything is currently working out exactly as intended, not gonna lie. I am just sorry that many are experiencing a heavy loss right now. If you need help finding entry points, here is some transparency on what I am personally looking for: - for many smaller coins like #ICP and #Near and my main invests like #POL and #SOL I just want to be on the safe side and am invested again already (admittedly due to a bit of FOMO, but reentering 15% lower is nice already) - for $ADA I am looking roughly for $0.95 USDT as my entry point and an inverse SKS formation - for $RENDER I want to see $7.2 USDT - for $FET I want to see $1.35 USDT - MAIN REFERENCE for everything is for me still ETHEREUM which I used (together with NSDQ100) to predict this drop. I believe we will see an inverse SKS here, bringing us to a new ATH in the next weeks (after dropping a bit more) - and I am looking for a reversal between $2900 and $3000. Hope this helps! {spot}(FETUSDT) {spot}(RENDERUSDT) {spot}(ADAUSDT)
👉 #Entrypoints
I am very satisfied that everything is currently working out exactly as intended, not gonna lie. I am just sorry that many are experiencing a heavy loss right now.

If you need help finding entry points, here is some transparency on what I am personally looking for:

- for many smaller coins like #ICP and #Near and my main invests like #POL and #SOL I just want to be on the safe side and am invested again already (admittedly due to a bit of FOMO, but reentering 15% lower is nice already)

- for $ADA I am looking roughly for $0.95 USDT as my entry point and an inverse SKS formation
- for $RENDER I want to see $7.2 USDT
- for $FET I want to see $1.35 USDT

- MAIN REFERENCE for everything is for me still ETHEREUM which I used (together with NSDQ100) to predict this drop. I believe we will see an inverse SKS here, bringing us to a new ATH in the next weeks (after dropping a bit more) - and I am looking for a reversal between $2900 and $3000.

Hope this helps!

The #ICP Pulse - S03 E67 - 08/01/2025Gmgmgmgm Square Fam! Welcome to the 67th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 3, your daily dose of all things on ICP. Today, we will discuss some interesting facts on on-chain metrics and many other technical stuff. But, before we start... I've put a lot of effort and time into this series, so if you don't mind, please consider liking this episode and supporting me by subscribing. This will help me provide you with more quality information, thank you🫶 Now, without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀 1/ $ICP Price Action Meh, BTC decided to take some profits and flash crash. But, what is interesting to see is that we are gradually back to an interesting liquidity zone which is between 10.0 -11.2 USD So for now, these are the numbers that I will have my eyes on [in terms of upside] Support: 10.5 - 11.0 USD Resistance: 11.0 -11.3 USD Potential lower wicks: 10.2 -10.4 USD [in case of a deleveraging] Other Conditions: mid to high volume levels and maybe chopping in the support zone to accumulate some volume. Now, we wait🫡 As, always, This is NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, SO DYOR 👀 2/ Onchain Stats Sources: IC Dashboard and ICTerminal 🟪Internet Identity Count Impressive steady growth within this metric. Within the last 24 hours, the IC was able to absorb around 932 entities into the network. 🟪Burned ICP Stats Great! The IC saw around 6.3K ICP worth approximately 63K USD at these price levels vanishing from the circulating supply. Currently, the Cycles burn rate is at around 970 Billion, which means around 430 ICP is being burned at this pace per hour💪 🟪Neurons Stats Today, around 411 neurons were activated by locking up ICP tokens, unlocking the path towards participating in governance in the protocol. 🟪 Daily active addresses Well, that's almost 5 days in a row making an ATH in this metric. So, as of press time, there were 11.3K users actively roaming in Mainnet. 3/ NFT Stats Sources: toniqMarket, bioniqMarket and yukuapp 1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 30 ICP 2️⃣BTC Flower --> 31 ICP 3️⃣ETH Flower --> 6.2 ICP 4️⃣icbucks by EgidoVal--> 1.19 ICP 5️⃣Poked Bots Mutant Army by pokedstudiouk --> 37 ICP 6️⃣ Goated Gamer by The_Swop --> 2K sats ckBTC 7️⃣Motoko Sentinels--> 0.00052 ckBTC 8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 9.5 ICP 9️⃣Distrikt PODs --> 2.4 ICP 🔟ICP flower --> 6 ICP 4/ Gainers and Losers Source: ICPcoins and ICPTokens 🟣Gainers ➡️CryptoClouds --> 0.00269 USD @ 1M USD Marketcap (🔺10.4%) 🟣Losers ➡️Elna DeAI --> 0.0374 USD @ 9.4M USD Marketcap (🔻27.9%) ➡️OpenChat --> 0.325 USD @ 33M USD Marketcap (🔻15.7%) ➡️Kinic --> 1.68 USD @ 10.2M USD Marketcap (🔻1.6%) 5/ Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀 🟪7 Voting Proposals in the NNS. 🟪2 Voting Proposals in the Sonic SNS. 🟪1 Voting Proposal each in the OpenChat, GoldDAO, and BoomDAO SNSs. 🟪TVL on NNS: 2.846 Billion USD [🔻9.8%] 🟪TVL on ICP DeFi By DefiLlama: 49.38M USD [🔻9.93%] 🟪ICTO SNS Swap is live [Ends in 3 days, 12 hours] ICTO aims to allow the automation of tasks related to tokenomics. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 38.3K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 40K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B ICTO ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 250M ICTO 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 5 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3,6,9 and 12 months respectively 🟪Canistore SNS Swap is live [Ends in 6 days, 7 hours] CANI is an ecosystem of dapps and services to revolutionize the creator economy. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 8.23K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 50K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B CANI ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M CANI 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 4 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,6,12 and 24 months respectively 🟪 FomoWell SNS Swap is live [Ends in 10 days, 7 hours] Fomowell aims to be the fair launch platform for Web3 projects on the ICP blockchain. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 100K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 21.5K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 20K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B WELL ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M WELL 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 3 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3 and 6 months respectively NFA SO DYOR 🤝 🟪Updates from the DFINITY Foundation🔮 ➡️A new library named ClassPlus, which aims to reduce the boilerplates around actor classes for the Motoko Programming Language has been shipped. ➡️The Foundation is all set for EthereumDenver ➡️The foundation will host two office hours sessions at 8 AM UTC and 18:30 UTC today. ➡️Dom had an interview with TheW3Journal. 6/ Updates from the ICP ecosystem ➡️Bitfinity will be at Nubit's X Space today at 10 AM EST ➡️Omnity Network completes the 29th episode of their Community Call session ➡️JunoBuild completes timestamps integration to their live stream videos. ➡️kongswap announces plans to increase LP ➡️icphub_PT to conduct an AMA session with NFIDWallet this Friday. So, Here I wrap up for the day😇 Hats off for staying this far🫡 Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially to our #BNBBhutanReserves fam. I'll see ya tomorrow with your daily dose on ICP :) Until then, Take care👋

The #ICP Pulse - S03 E67 - 08/01/2025

Gmgmgmgm Square Fam!
Welcome to the 67th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 3, your daily dose of all things on ICP.
Today, we will discuss some interesting facts on on-chain metrics and many other technical stuff.

But, before we start...
I've put a lot of effort and time into this series, so if you don't mind, please consider liking this episode and supporting me by subscribing.
This will help me provide you with more quality information, thank you🫶
Now, without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀

1/ $ICP Price Action

Meh, BTC decided to take some profits and flash crash.
But, what is interesting to see is that we are gradually back to an interesting liquidity zone which is between 10.0 -11.2 USD
So for now, these are the numbers that I will have my eyes on [in terms of upside]
Support: 10.5 - 11.0 USD
Resistance: 11.0 -11.3 USD
Potential lower wicks: 10.2 -10.4 USD [in case of a deleveraging]
Other Conditions: mid to high volume levels and maybe chopping in the support zone to accumulate some volume.
Now, we wait🫡

2/ Onchain Stats
Sources: IC Dashboard and ICTerminal

🟪Internet Identity Count

Impressive steady growth within this metric.
Within the last 24 hours, the IC was able to absorb around 932 entities into the network.

🟪Burned ICP Stats

The IC saw around 6.3K ICP worth approximately 63K USD at these price levels vanishing from the circulating supply.
Currently, the Cycles burn rate is at around 970 Billion, which means around 430 ICP is being burned at this pace per hour💪

🟪Neurons Stats

Today, around 411 neurons were activated by locking up ICP tokens, unlocking the path towards participating in governance in the protocol.

🟪 Daily active addresses

Well, that's almost 5 days in a row making an ATH in this metric.
So, as of press time, there were 11.3K users actively roaming in Mainnet.

3/ NFT Stats
Sources: toniqMarket, bioniqMarket and yukuapp
1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 30 ICP
2️⃣BTC Flower --> 31 ICP
3️⃣ETH Flower --> 6.2 ICP
4️⃣icbucks by EgidoVal--> 1.19 ICP
5️⃣Poked Bots Mutant Army by pokedstudiouk --> 37 ICP
6️⃣ Goated Gamer by The_Swop --> 2K sats ckBTC
7️⃣Motoko Sentinels--> 0.00052 ckBTC
8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 9.5 ICP

9️⃣Distrikt PODs --> 2.4 ICP
🔟ICP flower --> 6 ICP

4/ Gainers and Losers
Source: ICPcoins and ICPTokens
➡️CryptoClouds --> 0.00269 USD @ 1M USD Marketcap (🔺10.4%)
➡️Elna DeAI --> 0.0374 USD @ 9.4M USD Marketcap (🔻27.9%)
➡️OpenChat --> 0.325 USD @ 33M USD Marketcap (🔻15.7%)
➡️Kinic --> 1.68 USD @ 10.2M USD Marketcap (🔻1.6%)

5/ Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀
🟪7 Voting Proposals in the NNS.
🟪2 Voting Proposals in the Sonic SNS.
🟪1 Voting Proposal each in the OpenChat, GoldDAO, and BoomDAO SNSs.

🟪TVL on NNS: 2.846 Billion USD [🔻9.8%]
🟪TVL on ICP DeFi By DefiLlama: 49.38M USD [🔻9.93%]

🟪ICTO SNS Swap is live [Ends in 3 days, 12 hours]
ICTO aims to allow the automation of tasks related to tokenomics.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 38.3K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 40K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B ICTO
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 250M ICTO

🟣Participants of the swap will receive 5 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3,6,9 and 12 months respectively

🟪Canistore SNS Swap is live [Ends in 6 days, 7 hours]
CANI is an ecosystem of dapps and services to revolutionize the creator economy.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 8.23K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 50K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B CANI
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M CANI
🟣Participants of the swap will receive 4 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,6,12 and 24 months respectively

🟪 FomoWell SNS Swap is live [Ends in 10 days, 7 hours]
Fomowell aims to be the fair launch platform for Web3 projects on the ICP blockchain.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 100K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 21.5K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 20K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B WELL
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M WELL
🟣Participants of the swap will receive 3 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3 and 6 months respectively

🟪Updates from the DFINITY Foundation🔮
➡️A new library named ClassPlus, which aims to reduce the boilerplates around actor classes for the Motoko Programming Language has been shipped.
➡️The Foundation is all set for EthereumDenver
➡️The foundation will host two office hours sessions at 8 AM UTC and 18:30 UTC today.
➡️Dom had an interview with TheW3Journal.

6/ Updates from the ICP ecosystem

➡️Bitfinity will be at Nubit's X Space today at 10 AM EST
➡️Omnity Network completes the 29th episode of their Community Call session
➡️JunoBuild completes timestamps integration to their live stream videos.
➡️kongswap announces plans to increase LP
➡️icphub_PT to conduct an AMA session with NFIDWallet this Friday.

So, Here I wrap up for the day😇
Hats off for staying this far🫡
Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially to our #BNBBhutanReserves fam.

I'll see ya tomorrow with your daily dose on ICP :)

Until then, Take care👋
$ICP {spot}(ICPUSDT) Although the major (3) is forced. #ICP is having a bullish scenario as long as it's above the invalidation red lines. Breaking $9.72 then $6.83 cancels this idea. Passing $15.89 is a bullish confirmation and takes the price to $40 : $60 as a start. #InternetComputer

Although the major (3) is forced. #ICP is having a bullish scenario as long as it's above the invalidation red lines.

Breaking $9.72 then $6.83 cancels this idea.
Passing $15.89 is a bullish confirmation and takes the price to $40 : $60 as a start.
34 is the first target to take profit partially
oldeage coin #icp No correction
oldeage coin #icp No correction
$ICP {spot}(ICPUSDT) ICP/USDT Trading Signal with High Profit Gain: Buy, Sell, and Stop Limit Targets 🎯 Current Price: $12.21 $ICP Target 1: $12.30 Target 2: $12.50 Target 3: $12.55 Stop Loss: $12.05 Pro Tip: ICP is showing a slight increase of 0.85%, currently testing key resistance levels. The SAR value at $12.012 indicates potential support if the price retraces. A break above $12.30 can lead to further upside toward the higher targets. Ensure to manage risk with a stop loss at $12.05 for optimal gains. #ICP #BTC100KTrumpEffect #BinanceMegadropSolv #MicroStrategyAcquiresBTC #NonFarmPayrollsImpact
ICP/USDT Trading Signal with High Profit Gain: Buy, Sell, and Stop Limit Targets 🎯

Current Price: $12.21


Target 1: $12.30
Target 2: $12.50
Target 3: $12.55

Stop Loss: $12.05

Pro Tip:
ICP is showing a slight increase of 0.85%, currently testing key resistance levels. The SAR value at $12.012 indicates potential support if the price retraces. A break above $12.30 can lead to further upside toward the higher targets. Ensure to manage risk with a stop loss at $12.05 for optimal gains.

#ICP #BTC100KTrumpEffect #BinanceMegadropSolv #MicroStrategyAcquiresBTC #NonFarmPayrollsImpact
$STEEM ist schnell ja, aber bitte nicht schreiben SCHNELLSTE der Welt das ist #ICP gibt's was schnelleres als Geschwindigkeit von Internet :) alle zusammen sind nicht so schnell wie #ICP Und Transaktionen sind ebenfalls *fast* gratis.. Unglaublich das #SOLANA so ein Glück hat und die Leute gehen dort am Risiken statt über #ICP und mit Glasfaserkabel Internet Ihre Transaktionen erledigen können. viel günstiger schneller und keine Ausfälle.. und sicherheit ist auch besser!
$STEEM ist schnell ja, aber bitte nicht schreiben SCHNELLSTE der Welt das ist #ICP gibt's was schnelleres als Geschwindigkeit von Internet :) alle zusammen sind nicht so schnell wie #ICP

Und Transaktionen sind ebenfalls *fast* gratis..

Unglaublich das #SOLANA so ein Glück hat und die Leute gehen dort am Risiken statt über #ICP und mit Glasfaserkabel Internet Ihre Transaktionen erledigen können. viel günstiger schneller und keine Ausfälle.. und sicherheit ist auch besser!
$Tectum Plus rapide que $icp
Best chance oder in #icp come on
Best chance oder in #icp come on
The #ICP Pulse - S03 E66 - 07/01/2025Gmgmgmgm Square Fam! Welcome to the 66th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 3, your daily dose of all things on ICP. But, before we start... I've put a lot of effort and time into this series, so if you don't mind, please consider liking this episode and supporting me by subscribing. This will help me provide you with more quality information, thank you🫶 Now, without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀 1️⃣ $ICP Price action Hmm, profit-taking continues today as well. Actually, it looks very healthy as deleveraging is essential for healthy upsides. In terms of numbers [upside] Major Support: still sitting around 11.7 -12.1 USD [historically proven to be a support zone + look into the VPVR indicator] Minor Resistance: 12.3 -12.68 USD [due to the fib level] A potential setup would be to chop within the 12 -12.2 USD, crack through the minor resistance zone, and straightly head to the 13.7 -13.9 USD zone. Now, we wait🫡 As always, Not Financial Advice, So DYOR👀 2️⃣Onchain Stats Sources: IC Dashboard and ICTerminal 🟪Internet Identity Count Nice, the parabolic approach continues, while the IC was able to onboard around 985 entities [as of press time] into the ecosystem. Tbh, way back in 2023 when I started this newsletter, the norm was 250-300 entities, maybe lowering to 200-250 ranges in the peak of the bear. It's wonderful to see that this metric has now been 3x ed since then. 🟪Burned ICP Stats Yay! The ICP community and devs collectively burned around 6.2K ICP worth 74K USD within the last 24 hours. Full send the cycle burn rate to 1.5 Trillion and above sers🫡 🟪Canisters stats Thought of bringing this bad boy again after some time. Within the last 24 hours, the ICP devs + community folks who are running BoB [Blockchain on blockchain] applications were able to successfully spawn an impressive 1.6K new canisters. In case you are new here, canisters are the native smart contracts on the internet computer that can process HTTPS outcalls and also use a reverse gas fee model, where devs are needed to topup their canisters with cycles that are computational units that run these smart contracts, ensuring users pay zero gas fees. These canisters are cryptographically secured, making web3 hacks almost obsolete. 🟪Neurons Stats Neurons are simply locked up in ICP baskets, which in return allows participation in governance. As the NNS is autonomous, once a proposal passes it automatically gets executed. Within the last 24 hours, the IC saw around 338 neurons being activated. 🟪Daily active addresses So, according to this chart from icterminal, we are seeing history being made folks. Today, the IC saw around 11.2K new addresses, actively roaming the mainnet. 3️⃣NFT Stats Sources: toniqMarket, bioniqMarket and yukuapp 1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 🔺30 ICP 2️⃣BTC Flower --> 🔺31 ICP 3️⃣ETH Flower --> 🔻6.2 ICP 4️⃣icbucks by EgidoVal--> 🔺1.19 ICP 🆕5️⃣Poked Bots Mutant Army by pokedstudiouk --> 37 ICP 6️⃣ Goated Gamer by The_Swop --> 2K sats ckBTC 7️⃣Motoko Sentinels--> 0.00052 ckBTC 8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 🔻9.5 ICP 9️⃣Distrikt PODs --> 2.4 ICP 🔟ICP flower --> 🔻6 ICP 4️⃣Gainers and Losers Source: ICPcoins and ICPTokens 🟣Gainers ➡️DecideAI --> 0.0490 USD @ 48.1M USD Marketcap (🔺20%) ➡️Elna_DeAi --> 0.0448 USD @ 11.3M USD Marketcap (🔺10.1%) ➡️Kongswap --> 0.0666 USD @ 66.6M USD Marketcap (🔺6.7%) 🟣Losers ➡️OpenFPL --> 0.00937 USD @ 942K USD Marketcap (🔻14.8%) ➡️windoge98 --> 0.854 USD @ 8.3M USD Marketcap (🔻4.24%) ➡️GoldDAO --> 0.0395 USD @ 39.4M USD Marketcap (🔻2.49%) 5️⃣Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀 🟪8 Voting Proposals in the NNS. 🟪8 Voting Proposals in the OpenChat SNS. 🟪2 Voting Proposals in the ICLighthouse SNS. 🟪1 Voting Proposal in the Kinic SNS. 🟪TVL on NNS: 2.846 Billion USD [🔺14.15%] 🟪TVL on ICP DeFi By DefiLlama: 54.83M USD [🔺15.4%] 🟪ICTO SNS Swap is live [Ends in 4 days, 12 hours] ICTO aims to allow the automation of tasks related to tokenomics. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 37.6K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 40K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B ICTO ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 250M ICTO 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 5 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3,6,9 and 12 months respectively 🟪Canistore SNS Swap is live [Ends in 7 days, 7 hours] CANI is an ecosystem of dapps and services to revolutionize the creator economy. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 8.02K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 50K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B CANI ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M CANI 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 4 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,6,12 and 24 months respectively 🟪 FomoWell SNS Swap is live [Ends in 11 days, 7 hours] Fomowell aims to be the fair launch platform for Web3 projects on the ICP blockchain. ➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP ➡️Maximum commitment: 100K ICP ➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 20.62K ICP ➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 20K ICP ➡️Total supply: 1B WELL ➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M WELL 🟣Participants of the swap will receive 3 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3 and 6 months respectively NFA SO DYOR 🤝 🟪Updates from the DFINITY Foundation🔮 ➡️The foundation ships a short video, where the VP of growth lomeshdutta explains the power Chain Fusion. ➡️Hints on the Caffeine Artificial Intelligence model launch were published. ➡️Dom tweets on the importance of a self-sovereign blockchain infrastructure. 6️⃣Updates from the ICP ecosystem ➡️ DecideAI_ surpasses 30k verified users. ➡️Bitfinity publishes the latest weekly report. ➡️The weekly registration count on OpenChat cracks 5K, according to tokenterminal metrics. ➡️OmnityNetwork to conduct a few exciting events this January, and also to conduct an AMA on BTCFi this Thursday. ➡️GrindWalletCom to activate beta launch. ➡️Kinic ships blog post on their plans for 2025. ➡️mops_one ships a new async development package for the Motoko programming language. ➡️Kongswap ships light mode for their UI. ➡️OpenFPL Ships latest developer updates. ➡️icp_japan to conduct their 1st hackathon for 2025 ➡️icphub_CA announces The Chain Chapters series. ➡️icphub_IN to conduct a 7-day incubation program. So, Here I wrap up for the day😇 Hats off for staying this far🫡 Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially to our #BTC100KTrumpEffect fam. I'll see ya tomorrow with your daily dose on ICP :) Until then, Take care👋

The #ICP Pulse - S03 E66 - 07/01/2025

Gmgmgmgm Square Fam!
Welcome to the 66th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 3, your daily dose of all things on ICP.

But, before we start...
I've put a lot of effort and time into this series, so if you don't mind, please consider liking this episode and supporting me by subscribing.
This will help me provide you with more quality information, thank you🫶
Now, without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀

1️⃣ $ICP Price action

Hmm, profit-taking continues today as well.
Actually, it looks very healthy as deleveraging is essential for healthy upsides.
In terms of numbers [upside]
Major Support: still sitting around 11.7 -12.1 USD [historically proven to be a support zone + look into the VPVR indicator]
Minor Resistance: 12.3 -12.68 USD [due to the fib level]
A potential setup would be to chop within the 12 -12.2 USD, crack through the minor resistance zone, and straightly head to the 13.7 -13.9 USD zone.
Now, we wait🫡
As always, Not Financial Advice, So DYOR👀

2️⃣Onchain Stats

Sources: IC Dashboard and ICTerminal

🟪Internet Identity Count

Nice, the parabolic approach continues, while the IC was able to onboard around 985 entities [as of press time] into the ecosystem.
Tbh, way back in 2023 when I started this newsletter, the norm was 250-300 entities, maybe lowering to 200-250 ranges in the peak of the bear.
It's wonderful to see that this metric has now been 3x ed since then.

🟪Burned ICP Stats

Yay! The ICP community and devs collectively burned around 6.2K ICP worth 74K USD within the last 24 hours.

Full send the cycle burn rate to 1.5 Trillion and above sers🫡

🟪Canisters stats

Thought of bringing this bad boy again after some time.
Within the last 24 hours, the ICP devs + community folks who are running BoB [Blockchain on blockchain] applications were able to successfully spawn an impressive 1.6K new canisters.
In case you are new here, canisters are the native smart contracts on the internet computer that can process HTTPS outcalls and also use a reverse gas fee model, where devs are needed to topup their canisters with cycles that are computational units that run these smart contracts, ensuring users pay zero gas fees.
These canisters are cryptographically secured, making web3 hacks almost obsolete.

🟪Neurons Stats

Neurons are simply locked up in ICP baskets, which in return allows participation in governance.
As the NNS is autonomous, once a proposal passes it automatically gets executed.
Within the last 24 hours, the IC saw around 338 neurons being activated.

🟪Daily active addresses

So, according to this chart from icterminal, we are seeing history being made folks.
Today, the IC saw around 11.2K new addresses, actively roaming the mainnet.

3️⃣NFT Stats
Sources: toniqMarket, bioniqMarket and yukuapp
1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 🔺30 ICP
2️⃣BTC Flower --> 🔺31 ICP
3️⃣ETH Flower --> 🔻6.2 ICP
4️⃣icbucks by EgidoVal--> 🔺1.19 ICP
🆕5️⃣Poked Bots Mutant Army by pokedstudiouk --> 37 ICP
6️⃣ Goated Gamer by The_Swop --> 2K sats ckBTC
7️⃣Motoko Sentinels--> 0.00052 ckBTC
8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 🔻9.5 ICP

9️⃣Distrikt PODs --> 2.4 ICP
🔟ICP flower --> 🔻6 ICP

4️⃣Gainers and Losers
Source: ICPcoins and ICPTokens
➡️DecideAI --> 0.0490 USD @ 48.1M USD Marketcap (🔺20%)
➡️Elna_DeAi --> 0.0448 USD @ 11.3M USD Marketcap (🔺10.1%)
➡️Kongswap --> 0.0666 USD @ 66.6M USD Marketcap (🔺6.7%)

➡️OpenFPL --> 0.00937 USD @ 942K USD Marketcap (🔻14.8%)
➡️windoge98 --> 0.854 USD @ 8.3M USD Marketcap (🔻4.24%)
➡️GoldDAO --> 0.0395 USD @ 39.4M USD Marketcap (🔻2.49%)

5️⃣Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀
🟪8 Voting Proposals in the NNS.
🟪8 Voting Proposals in the OpenChat SNS.
🟪2 Voting Proposals in the ICLighthouse SNS.
🟪1 Voting Proposal in the Kinic SNS.

🟪TVL on NNS: 2.846 Billion USD [🔺14.15%]
🟪TVL on ICP DeFi By DefiLlama: 54.83M USD [🔺15.4%]

🟪ICTO SNS Swap is live [Ends in 4 days, 12 hours]
ICTO aims to allow the automation of tasks related to tokenomics.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 37.6K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 40K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B ICTO
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 250M ICTO

🟣Participants of the swap will receive 5 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3,6,9 and 12 months respectively

🟪Canistore SNS Swap is live [Ends in 7 days, 7 hours]
CANI is an ecosystem of dapps and services to revolutionize the creator economy.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 20K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 8.02K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 50K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B CANI
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M CANI
🟣Participants of the swap will receive 4 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,6,12 and 24 months respectively

🟪 FomoWell SNS Swap is live [Ends in 11 days, 7 hours]
Fomowell aims to be the fair launch platform for Web3 projects on the ICP blockchain.

➡️Minimum commitment: 1 ICP
➡️Maximum commitment: 100K ICP
➡️Overall commitment [including Neurons Fund]: 20.62K ICP
➡️Minimum direct commitment to complete the swap: 20K ICP
➡️Total supply: 1B WELL
➡️Supply allocated to the Swap: 200M WELL
🟣Participants of the swap will receive 3 equal value neurons, each with a dissolve delay of 0,3 and 6 months respectively

🟪Updates from the DFINITY Foundation🔮
➡️The foundation ships a short video, where the VP of growth lomeshdutta explains the power Chain Fusion.
➡️Hints on the Caffeine Artificial Intelligence model launch were published.
➡️Dom tweets on the importance of a self-sovereign blockchain infrastructure.

6️⃣Updates from the ICP ecosystem

➡️ DecideAI_ surpasses 30k verified users.
➡️Bitfinity publishes the latest weekly report.
➡️The weekly registration count on OpenChat cracks 5K, according to tokenterminal metrics.
➡️OmnityNetwork to conduct a few exciting events this January, and also to conduct an AMA on BTCFi this Thursday.
➡️GrindWalletCom to activate beta launch.
➡️Kinic ships blog post on their plans for 2025.
➡️mops_one ships a new async development package for the Motoko programming language.
➡️Kongswap ships light mode for their UI.
➡️OpenFPL Ships latest developer updates.
➡️icp_japan to conduct their 1st hackathon for 2025
➡️icphub_CA announces The Chain Chapters series.
➡️icphub_IN to conduct a 7-day incubation program.

So, Here I wrap up for the day😇
Hats off for staying this far🫡
Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially to our #BTC100KTrumpEffect fam.

I'll see ya tomorrow with your daily dose on ICP :)

Until then, Take care👋
Dont invest in #icp they like only downd site
Dont invest in #icp they like only downd site
“天亡”项目ICP,有望重回100美金吗? ICP是上一波牛市里面的明星币,因为:上线即巅峰 上波牛市喜欢买新不买旧的人,可谓是被套麻了 这波牛市依然很多人喜欢买新不买旧,结果会不会一样,只有追新币的人才知道 当然,今天我们要讲的不是这个 ICP从2023年开始,走势就逐步在变强,而且每一波的多军都在不断放量,这点相比fil来说是要强上很多 最近icp也再度止跌了,对于之前有被套的人来说是一个好事 不过,何时见顶非常重要!今天也从技术面看看ICP真正的关键压力位在多少? 从上波牛市到熊市整个3年的下跌来看,最主要的压力区间是在40美金之上,属于重度套牢盘 2024年的这波上涨高点去到了21美金之后再没突破过,这和40美金还差一个翻倍行情,足以说明很多人已经提前割肉离场了 ICP的各方面数据都是很OK的,唯一最大的弊端就是套牢盘很多,不过从2024年一整年的走势看,很多人已经选择割肉离场了,车轻了上涨空间就出来了 上周的这根阳线,属于很强势的止跌信号,虽然会失去一定的低价位,但是能换来资金安全,这种投资还是值得做的 #icp











垃圾币 背后都没大机构扶持拉盘,靠什么涨
#icp cross the etheriem look
#icp cross the etheriem look
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