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A remarkable incident has unfolded in the Ethereum ecosystem. After a 9.4-year period of inactivity, an early Ethereum ICO participant recently stirred, transferring a negligible 0.01 ETH to a new wallet. This individual was among the fortunate ones who participated in Ethereum's genesis ICO, receiving a substantial allocation of 1,940 ETH. At the time of the ICO, the investment totaled $601. Fast-forward to the present, and this stake is now valued at a staggering $6.56 million. $ETH #Eth #Ethereum #binance
A remarkable incident has unfolded in the Ethereum ecosystem. After a 9.4-year period of inactivity, an early Ethereum ICO participant recently stirred, transferring a negligible 0.01 ETH to a new wallet.

This individual was among the fortunate ones who participated in Ethereum's genesis ICO, receiving a substantial allocation of 1,940 ETH. At the time of the ICO, the investment totaled $601. Fast-forward to the present, and this stake is now valued at a staggering $6.56 million.

$ETH #Eth #Ethereum #binance
创世鲸鱼清仓倒计时,8年ETH抛售接近尾声!” 链上数据显示,一位从以太坊创世区块拿到20万枚ETH的大佬,9小时前又转移了3,370枚ETH(价值1137万美元)到 Kraken。今年他已经累计转入48,687枚ETH,总价值高达1.7178亿美元,平均出货价格在 $3,528 左右。 经过8年的漫长清仓之旅,这位鲸鱼的库存只剩下 7,594 枚ETH(约2572万美元),按照目前节奏,再卖个 1-2 次就能彻底清空仓位。 这位“老玩家”用时间兑现财富,也许是对市场信心的考验,又或是一场精妙的资金调配。清仓完成后,市场是否会迎来新的波动?盯住链上动态,关注猎手,下一个机会点绝不放过! #ETH #ATA #sol #gmt #xrp $ETH $BNB $SUI
链上数据显示,一位从以太坊创世区块拿到20万枚ETH的大佬,9小时前又转移了3,370枚ETH(价值1137万美元)到 Kraken。今年他已经累计转入48,687枚ETH,总价值高达1.7178亿美元,平均出货价格在 $3,528 左右。
经过8年的漫长清仓之旅,这位鲸鱼的库存只剩下 7,594 枚ETH(约2572万美元),按照目前节奏,再卖个 1-2 次就能彻底清空仓位。
#ETH #ATA #sol #gmt #xrp $ETH $BNB $SUI
ETH行情走势分析20241229以太坊的走势依然是在同步比特币走,小时级别也是震荡偏上行的走势,日线收了一根带有短上下影线的小阳线,成交量只有前一天的一半,属于缩量震荡的形态。 日线的MACD在零轴下方近点贴近零轴呈现下跌动能减弱的走势,今天再震荡一天,明天后天出现一根实体比较长的阳线伴随成交量放大就会出现快慢线金叉的形态,那么短期就会有一波上涨。 上涨的压力位是日线MA30线,到这个位置肯定还要下跌回踩,所以MA30线是短期的多单止盈位置。 以太坊如果能够回踩红色框区域都是很好的上车机会,千万不要错过。 只要以太坊上涨,那么机会带动山寨币上涨。 日线级别压力位3520-3665-3825-4200,支撑位3220-3020-2870-2750 小时级别走的是4小时反抽回到4小时EMA52线压力位里面的15分钟反弹走势。 短线上可以在3360和3300做短多,在3490和3550做短空,日内有效 从以太坊的清算热图数据我们可以看到 价格上涨,在3432-3516区域有大量的大额空单等待清算 价格下跌,在3300-3190区域有大量的大额和超大额多单等待清算 #ETH #ETH走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


以太坊如果能够回踩红色框区域都是很好的上车机会,千万不要错过。 只要以太坊上涨,那么机会带动山寨币上涨。



#ETH #ETH走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
12.29早间思路 我们回顾今日行情 凌晨大饼由94300一带,震荡上行一点到95245,随后小幅回踩。两点四十逐步上行,直至六点左右再度上探95300一带。 我们关注市场情绪,先看MACD量能指标,多时间级别,多头主导市场情绪。 再看布林带,可以看到短线价格均在布林带上轨运行。多空争夺95300一带中枢。 短期我们延续周末震荡思路 大饼95250空  94200多,区间内先来回做两轮。 行情走出震康看震荡上行,95500一带多 上看97800 二饼关注3420一带,两次不破,看诱多,下看3375。三次破位,我们趁势追涨,上看3480。 #BTC☀ #ETH #2025加密趋势预测 #“圣诞老人行情”再现 #加密市场调整 $BTC $ETH



大饼95250空  94200多,区间内先来回做两轮。

#BTC☀ #ETH #2025加密趋势预测 #“圣诞老人行情”再现 #加密市场调整 $BTC $ETH
Ceola Koulavongsa ze8Y:
12.29早间策略,年关倒计时,震荡不止。 年关倒计时了,今年得行情到这里差不多就已经结束了,不会再有太大的波动,在以往每年过年期间,都还不会出现较大的单边式行情,短期就去看一个震荡,大区间的震荡点位已经给到大家了,放心在里面去操作就行,短期的空间波动,在早间结合市场各方面的影响会在再次给大家更新一篇,持续关注。早间可以看一下回撤哆,但这一轮的震荡下行未到达底位,带好止损,如有破可下看到920附近再去埋伏多单。 来看到短期,小时级级别,比价已经来到上轨附近,布林带通道油有向外扩张的趋势,MACD多头持续放量,RSI交易量整体向下拐头。短期布局围绕回撤哆。 二饼方面,价格来到上轨下方,布林带通道向上伸展,MACD多头有所缩量,KDJ呈死叉向下延伸,布局依旧围绕回撤哆。 操作: 大饼围绕942-948哆,目标上看956-962。 以太围绕333-337哆,目标上看343-346。#加密ETF申请热潮涌现 #加密市场调整 #美国加密立法或将重启 #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $SOL





以太围绕333-337哆,目标上看343-346。#加密ETF申请热潮涌现 #加密市场调整 #美国加密立法或将重启 #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $SOL
Ceola Koulavongsa ze8Y:
#ETH 以太的观点 以汇率为主要参考 汇率周线级别的位置,现货和山寨都能做,就是这么任性 以太走强的关键位 依然是3550 这里不过去就 短期以图表结构 运行规律去参考走势
以太的观点 以汇率为主要参考
以太走强的关键位 依然是3550 这里不过去就
短期以图表结构 运行规律去参考走势
ETH的左侧行为,3050 3250进场在上周就讲了3600你可以减仓,可以止损移动,重回再进即可。
上方压力拐点 不变3550 -3600
突破就去做突破的玩法,不突破就做结构玩法 分左右侧进场即可。
以太坊 ETF 月度流入翻倍,2025 年目标直指 6,000 美元!以太坊市场传来重大利好!尽管假期期间交易冷清,但以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF)在 12 月份录得 21 亿美元净流入,创下历史新高。这一趋势不仅增强了市场信心,也为以太坊在未来两年内的反弹提供了重要支撑。 ETF 流入爆发:以太坊迎来牛市前奏? 根据 Farside Investors 数据,12 月份以太坊 ETF 净流入金额高达 21 亿美元,是 11 月份的两倍以上。自 2024 年 7 月 23 日 ETH ETF 首次上市交易以来,短短五个月,累计流入已突破 25 亿美元。这一强劲增长反映了机构投资者对以太坊的长期信心。 然而,尽管流入量创纪录,以太坊价格目前仍处于下行趋势。截至撰稿时,其价格为 3,353 美元,月跌幅达 8.4%。这一表现也让部分精明交易员抓住了做空机会——一位高倍杠杆玩家在两天内从做空 ETH 中获利 110 万美元,堪称经典的反向操作案例。 3,500 美元成关键阻力位:清算风暴在即? 以太坊当前面临的最大挑战是突破 3,500 美元 的关键阻力。根据 CoinGlass 数据,如果 ETH 价格成功突破这一水平,将引发 超过 10 亿美元 的杠杆空头清算,可能形成强劲的多头推动力。 著名加密货币分析师 TMV 在其 X 帖子中乐观预测,以太坊正在经历新一轮的“累积浪潮”,目标价格锁定 4,400 美元。他直言: “第五波累积正在发生。即使再经历一次回调,我仍会选择买入,目标直指 4,400 美元!” 不过,他也警告称,如果 ETH 跌破 2,914 美元,当前的技术结构将被打破,可能带来新一轮调整。 2025 年:以太坊的爆发之年? 展望未来,资产管理巨头 VanEck 预测以太坊将在 2025 年迎来周期顶部,价格或将攀升至 6,000 美元。这一预期得到了 ETF 不断增长的资金流入的有力支持,同时也反映了机构投资者对以太坊在智能合约、去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和链上应用中的核心地位的认可。 此外,Bybit 的市场发言人也表示,随着 2025 年美国经济政策进一步明朗,加密市场将迎来新一轮机遇。他们预计,以太坊可能在 2025 年第一季度 冲破 4,000 美元,为更大的涨幅铺平道路。 总结:以太坊的下一个巅峰在路上 以太坊 ETF 的流入数据翻倍,为市场注入了新的活力。虽然短期内面临一定阻力,但从机构资金的态度来看,ETH 的未来似乎充满光明。3,500 美元 是短期战场,而 6,000 美元 则是终极目标。 别被短期波动迷了眼,唐哥教你目标锁定,步步为营,笑着见证财富爆发!关注唐哥,带你从迷茫到自由! #加密ETF申请热潮涌现 #加密市场调整 #ETH #etf以太坊 #etf $ETH $XRP $SOL

以太坊 ETF 月度流入翻倍,2025 年目标直指 6,000 美元!

以太坊市场传来重大利好!尽管假期期间交易冷清,但以太坊交易所交易基金(ETF)在 12 月份录得 21 亿美元净流入,创下历史新高。这一趋势不仅增强了市场信心,也为以太坊在未来两年内的反弹提供了重要支撑。
ETF 流入爆发:以太坊迎来牛市前奏?
根据 Farside Investors 数据,12 月份以太坊 ETF 净流入金额高达 21 亿美元,是 11 月份的两倍以上。自 2024 年 7 月 23 日 ETH ETF 首次上市交易以来,短短五个月,累计流入已突破 25 亿美元。这一强劲增长反映了机构投资者对以太坊的长期信心。
然而,尽管流入量创纪录,以太坊价格目前仍处于下行趋势。截至撰稿时,其价格为 3,353 美元,月跌幅达 8.4%。这一表现也让部分精明交易员抓住了做空机会——一位高倍杠杆玩家在两天内从做空 ETH 中获利 110 万美元,堪称经典的反向操作案例。

3,500 美元成关键阻力位:清算风暴在即?
以太坊当前面临的最大挑战是突破 3,500 美元 的关键阻力。根据 CoinGlass 数据,如果 ETH 价格成功突破这一水平,将引发 超过 10 亿美元 的杠杆空头清算,可能形成强劲的多头推动力。
著名加密货币分析师 TMV 在其 X 帖子中乐观预测,以太坊正在经历新一轮的“累积浪潮”,目标价格锁定 4,400 美元。他直言:
“第五波累积正在发生。即使再经历一次回调,我仍会选择买入,目标直指 4,400 美元!”
不过,他也警告称,如果 ETH 跌破 2,914 美元,当前的技术结构将被打破,可能带来新一轮调整。

2025 年:以太坊的爆发之年?
展望未来,资产管理巨头 VanEck 预测以太坊将在 2025 年迎来周期顶部,价格或将攀升至 6,000 美元。这一预期得到了 ETF 不断增长的资金流入的有力支持,同时也反映了机构投资者对以太坊在智能合约、去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和链上应用中的核心地位的认可。
此外,Bybit 的市场发言人也表示,随着 2025 年美国经济政策进一步明朗,加密市场将迎来新一轮机遇。他们预计,以太坊可能在 2025 年第一季度 冲破 4,000 美元,为更大的涨幅铺平道路。
以太坊 ETF 的流入数据翻倍,为市场注入了新的活力。虽然短期内面临一定阻力,但从机构资金的态度来看,ETH 的未来似乎充满光明。3,500 美元 是短期战场,而 6,000 美元 则是终极目标。

#加密ETF申请热潮涌现 #加密市场调整 #ETH #etf以太坊 #etf $ETH $XRP $SOL
Karie Sveen kNaG:
ETH 剑指新高!2025 Q1 或将见证历史性突破! 交易员 Eugene Ng Ah Sio 的最新观点振聋发聩:ETH 可能在 2025 年第一季度直冲历史新高!支撑这一激进预判的,是三股澎湃的力量: 1. 美国加密友好政策:拜别阴霾,资本的春天正在回归。 2. 特朗普政府的“数字黄金”情怀:从战略储备到政策护航,比特币点燃信心,以太坊点燃想象力! 3. Base 生态爆发:Layer 2 带来的全新叙事,吸引的不只是眼球,还有资本流入! ETH 的技术面也在悄然发力,资金流入明显增加,市场活跃地址数再创新高。以太坊不仅是智能合约的领军者,更是未来 Web3 的基石! 洞察市场节奏,才是掌控财富的开始!跟紧老谭,提前布局,让下一个巅峰,属于你的账户!关注老谭,绝不让机会溜走! #币安LaunchpoolBIO预测 #ETH #etf #xrp #sol $ETH $XRP $SOL
ETH 剑指新高!2025 Q1 或将见证历史性突破!
交易员 Eugene Ng Ah Sio 的最新观点振聋发聩:ETH 可能在 2025 年第一季度直冲历史新高!支撑这一激进预判的,是三股澎湃的力量:
1. 美国加密友好政策:拜别阴霾,资本的春天正在回归。
2. 特朗普政府的“数字黄金”情怀:从战略储备到政策护航,比特币点燃信心,以太坊点燃想象力!
3. Base 生态爆发:Layer 2 带来的全新叙事,吸引的不只是眼球,还有资本流入!
ETH 的技术面也在悄然发力,资金流入明显增加,市场活跃地址数再创新高。以太坊不仅是智能合约的领军者,更是未来 Web3 的基石!
#币安LaunchpoolBIO预测 #ETH #etf #xrp #sol $ETH $XRP $SOL
Конечно! Вот прогноз с добавлением смайликов: 📊 Прогноз цены XRP на ближайшие 5 дней 📉📈 1. День 1 (сегодня): Цена останется в диапазоне $2,12–$2,25 🟢. Возможен небольшой рост 📈, так как уровень поддержки выглядит устойчивым 🛡️. 2. День 2: Прорыв сопротивления на уровне $2,25 🔥. Возможность роста до $2,30 или даже выше 🚀! 3. День 3: Консолидация 🌀 в зоне $2,25–$2,30. Небольшая фиксация прибыли может создать откат 💵. 4. День 4: Если рынок останется "бычьим" 🐂, есть шансы увидеть уровень $2,35–$2,40 🌟. 5. День 5: Возможный откат до $2,20 🔻, если трейдеры начнут фиксировать прибыль 💰. 🚀 Рекомендации: Дождитесь подтверждения прорыва $2,30 💥, чтобы входить в рынок с уверенностью! ✅ Устанавливайте стоп-лосс ниже $2,10 ⚠️ для минимизации рисков. Следите за новостями 📰, так как рынок криптовалют может сильно зависеть от них. 🌐 💡 Не забывайте: криптовалюты — это рискованная инвестиция! ⚡ Инвестируйте только те средства, которые готовы потерять. Удачных торгов! 📈✨ #BTC #ETH #bnb #PEPE‏ #xrp $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
Конечно! Вот прогноз с добавлением смайликов:

📊 Прогноз цены XRP на ближайшие 5 дней 📉📈

1. День 1 (сегодня): Цена останется в диапазоне $2,12–$2,25 🟢. Возможен небольшой рост 📈, так как уровень поддержки выглядит устойчивым 🛡️.

2. День 2: Прорыв сопротивления на уровне $2,25 🔥. Возможность роста до $2,30 или даже выше 🚀!

3. День 3: Консолидация 🌀 в зоне $2,25–$2,30. Небольшая фиксация прибыли может создать откат 💵.

4. День 4: Если рынок останется "бычьим" 🐂, есть шансы увидеть уровень $2,35–$2,40 🌟.

5. День 5: Возможный откат до $2,20 🔻, если трейдеры начнут фиксировать прибыль 💰.

🚀 Рекомендации:

Дождитесь подтверждения прорыва $2,30 💥, чтобы входить в рынок с уверенностью! ✅

Устанавливайте стоп-лосс ниже $2,10 ⚠️ для минимизации рисков.

Следите за новостями 📰, так как рынок криптовалют может сильно зависеть от них. 🌐

💡 Не забывайте: криптовалюты — это рискованная инвестиция! ⚡ Инвестируйте только те средства, которые готовы потерять. Удачных торгов! 📈✨
#BTC #ETH #bnb #PEPE‏ #xrp $XRP
12.29张历辉:低多布局思路再次应验,以太坊今日重要压力与支撑区间分析#加密市场调整 #ETH $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) 历辉昨日布局的低多再次被踏空,行情没有给到机会上车,本想回调力度深度多少会摸一次3300下方,奈何币价依旧很坚挺,不过预想的多头目标3410依然到了,行情也验证了历辉的思路是没有问题的;可以看到早间行情上摸1小时EMA180后再次回头,也就是昨日说的3420-3450刚好是EMA180-EMA220区间压制;那么今日回调支撑点就继续看下轨与EMA30-EMA60重合处;MACD中0轴上方缩量减少,快慢线收口,如果日内回调依旧走的很慢,那么EMA30,60及下轨位置依旧可以考虑低多轻仓布局入场; 4小时图中k线在摸到上轨后出现回调,日内上方第一压力考虑EMA60,突破了上方就是EMA80与EMA220,EMA180与EMA120这两个节点;下方支撑考虑中轨处,防守放在下轨位置即可;MACD中0轴上方继续放量增加,快慢线金叉开口继续,多头有望再次向上冲击,就看下周能否突破日线3550-3600关键压制了,憋了两周的行情大概率在月底会进场有效突破,迎来多头反转机遇; 日线级别可以看到布林带上轨已经结束多日下行姿态开始平行,现在就等短线冲击把他抬高了;那么顶部压力也是看向了上轨及EMA30关键位置,下方支撑考虑EMA60,EMA80及下轨支撑区间; 综上历辉以太继续在底部形成震荡企稳,继续等待机会冲破阻力,思路上历辉坚定不变依旧考虑低多布局! 北京时间12月29日8点22分编辑:建议在3370-3350区间继续轻仓试多;下方预留3280-3300补仓;止损3250下方;目标看3420-3490-3530;上破3550-3580区间可继续持有; 高空入场点位继续等行情反弹力度再安排入场,具体操作可根据实盘变化来咨询历辉入场!
12.29张历辉:低多布局思路再次应验,以太坊今日重要压力与支撑区间分析#加密市场调整 #ETH $ETH
Invest in Ethereum Today: Your Once-in-a-Lifetime OpportunityEthereum (ETH) is currently trading at $3,397.47, showing a promising increase of 1.56% over the last 24 hours. This surge is not just a fleeting moment; it's a signal for a significant opportunity that investors should not miss. Let’s dive into why today is the perfect day to invest in Ethereum and how this decision could potentially multiply your investment tenfold. $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) The Perfect Timing Analyzing the 4-hour ETH chart reveals a clear pattern of recovery and growth. After reaching a low of $3,101.90, Ethereum has steadily climbed back, demonstrating resilience and potential for further upward movement. The 24-hour high of $3,428.68 indicates a strong bullish trend, suggesting that ETH is on the verge of a significant breakout. Key Indicators: Moving Averages: The 7-day (yellow), 25-day (pink), and 99-day (purple) moving averages are showing signs of convergence, which often precedes a major price movement.Volume: The trading volume has been robust, with significant spikes indicating strong buying interest. Why Invest Today? Historical Performance: Ethereum has a proven track record of growth and innovation. It is the backbone of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, which are revolutionizing industries globally.Future Potential: With the continuous development of Ethereum 2.0, the network is becoming more scalable, secure, and sustainable, making it an even more attractive investment.Market Sentiment: The current market sentiment is bullish, with experts predicting that ETH could easily surpass its previous all-time highs. The convergence of moving averages and rising trading volume further solidify this outlook. The 10x Investment Promise Imagine if your investment could grow tenfold. With Ethereum's current trajectory and the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, this is not just a dream but a plausible reality. Here’s how you can benefit: Short-Term Gains: By investing today, you can ride the upcoming bullish wave and potentially see significant short-term profits.Long-Term Growth: Holding ETH for the long term can yield even greater returns as the Ethereum network continues to evolve and integrate into more applications. The Risk of Missing Out If you delay, you risk losing out on one of the most lucrative investment opportunities of our time. The crypto market moves swiftly, and the window for making a substantial profit can close quickly. Those who invest in Ethereum today will be at the forefront of the next financial revolution. Final Thoughts Investing in Ethereum today could be the decision that transforms your financial future. The stars are aligning, and the indicators are pointing towards a significant upward movement. Don't let this opportunity slip away. By making a move now, you are positioning yourself to potentially increase your investment by ten times. Take action today, invest in Ethereum, and watch your wealth grow. This is more than an investment; it's your gateway to financial freedom. Don't wait—seize the moment now! #ETH #Ethereum #CryptoRegulation2025 #Write2Earn

Invest in Ethereum Today: Your Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Ethereum (ETH) is currently trading at $3,397.47, showing a promising increase of 1.56% over the last 24 hours. This surge is not just a fleeting moment; it's a signal for a significant opportunity that investors should not miss. Let’s dive into why today is the perfect day to invest in Ethereum and how this decision could potentially multiply your investment tenfold.
The Perfect Timing
Analyzing the 4-hour ETH chart reveals a clear pattern of recovery and growth. After reaching a low of $3,101.90, Ethereum has steadily climbed back, demonstrating resilience and potential for further upward movement. The 24-hour high of $3,428.68 indicates a strong bullish trend, suggesting that ETH is on the verge of a significant breakout.
Key Indicators:
Moving Averages: The 7-day (yellow), 25-day (pink), and 99-day (purple) moving averages are showing signs of convergence, which often precedes a major price movement.Volume: The trading volume has been robust, with significant spikes indicating strong buying interest.
Why Invest Today?
Historical Performance: Ethereum has a proven track record of growth and innovation. It is the backbone of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts, which are revolutionizing industries globally.Future Potential: With the continuous development of Ethereum 2.0, the network is becoming more scalable, secure, and sustainable, making it an even more attractive investment.Market Sentiment: The current market sentiment is bullish, with experts predicting that ETH could easily surpass its previous all-time highs. The convergence of moving averages and rising trading volume further solidify this outlook.
The 10x Investment Promise
Imagine if your investment could grow tenfold. With Ethereum's current trajectory and the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, this is not just a dream but a plausible reality. Here’s how you can benefit:
Short-Term Gains: By investing today, you can ride the upcoming bullish wave and potentially see significant short-term profits.Long-Term Growth: Holding ETH for the long term can yield even greater returns as the Ethereum network continues to evolve and integrate into more applications.
The Risk of Missing Out
If you delay, you risk losing out on one of the most lucrative investment opportunities of our time. The crypto market moves swiftly, and the window for making a substantial profit can close quickly. Those who invest in Ethereum today will be at the forefront of the next financial revolution.
Final Thoughts
Investing in Ethereum today could be the decision that transforms your financial future. The stars are aligning, and the indicators are pointing towards a significant upward movement. Don't let this opportunity slip away. By making a move now, you are positioning yourself to potentially increase your investment by ten times.
Take action today, invest in Ethereum, and watch your wealth grow. This is more than an investment; it's your gateway to financial freedom. Don't wait—seize the moment now!
#ETH #Ethereum #CryptoRegulation2025 #Write2Earn
$ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) 🔥 ETH/USDT Prediction 🔥 Price: $3,400.25 (+2.05%) 🚀 Key Levels: 🔼 Resistance: $3,545 - $3,553 🔽 Support: $3,300 - $3,200 📊 Prediction: 📈 Bullish: Break above $3,553 could push ETH toward $3,700 (+4.35%). 📉 Bearish: Failure to hold $3,400 may lead to a drop toward $3,300 or $3,200. 💡 Insight: Price has broken the descending trendline—watch for a breakout confirmation at resistance! #ETH
🔥 ETH/USDT Prediction 🔥
Price: $3,400.25 (+2.05%)

🚀 Key Levels:
🔼 Resistance: $3,545 - $3,553
🔽 Support: $3,300 - $3,200

📊 Prediction:
📈 Bullish: Break above $3,553 could push ETH toward $3,700 (+4.35%).
📉 Bearish: Failure to hold $3,400 may lead to a drop toward $3,300 or $3,200.

💡 Insight:
Price has broken the descending trendline—watch for a breakout confirmation at resistance!
#ETH  wakes up. Ethereum has formed a higher low which is a strong short-term bullish signal and is displaying encouraging signs of recovery. This change implies that the market may be preparing for a period of recovery which could reverse the recent downward trend. The lack of substantial trading volume further supports the waning selling pressure highlighted by the higher lows formation. Lower volume may at first glance seem alarming but it also means that bearish momentum is waning. Bulls may be able to regain control in the upcoming weeks as a result particularly if January sees new capital entering the market. The 50 EMA, a crucial indicator of short-term market trends, is one of the critical support levels that ETH is currently holding above. The asset may soon test the $3,544 resistance level if it keeps moving higher. Ethereum's reputation would probably be restored if it broke above this level opening the door for a test of the $3,800 range. But the general downward trend of the market is still a cause for concern. A full-fledged recovery of Ethereum is still hampered by broader market sentiment. A rise in trading volume and increased buyer participation are necessary for ETH to keep up its upward trajectory. Ethereum may experience a turning point in January. Historically there has been a resurgence of interest in the cryptocurrency market at the beginning of the year. ETH might pave the way for a stronger recovery if it can maintain its current trajectory and stay above $3,000. {spot}(ETHUSDT)
#ETH  wakes up.
Ethereum has formed a higher low which is a strong short-term bullish signal and is displaying encouraging signs of recovery. This change implies that the market may be preparing for a period of recovery which could reverse the recent downward trend. The lack of substantial trading volume further supports the waning selling pressure highlighted by the higher lows formation.
Lower volume may at first glance seem alarming but it also means that bearish momentum is waning. Bulls may be able to regain control in the upcoming weeks as a result particularly if January sees new capital entering the market. The 50 EMA, a crucial indicator of short-term market trends, is one of the critical support levels that ETH is currently holding above. The asset may soon test the $3,544 resistance level if it keeps moving higher.
Ethereum's reputation would probably be restored if it broke above this level opening the door for a test of the $3,800 range. But the general downward trend of the market is still a cause for concern. A full-fledged recovery of Ethereum is still hampered by broader market sentiment.
A rise in trading volume and increased buyer participation are necessary for ETH to keep up its upward trajectory. Ethereum may experience a turning point in January. Historically there has been a resurgence of interest in the cryptocurrency market at the beginning of the year. ETH might pave the way for a stronger recovery if it can maintain its current trajectory and stay above $3,000.
$ETH Short Liquidation Analysis In a dramatic market shift, a significant short liquidation has occurred for $ETH, totaling $26.728K at an entry point of $3401.33. This development signals an urgent call to action for traders and investors. Entry Point: The entry point for this short liquidation was set at $3401.33 for $ETH . Target: A potential upside target based on current trends suggests resistance levels around $3500, where profit-taking could potentially come into play. Stop Loss: To manage risk effectively, a stop loss should be placed at $3350. This protects against further adverse moves in the volatile $ETH market. Win-Loss Ratio: Given the recent price fluctuations and market dynamics, the current win-loss ratio stands at approximately 2:1, favoring strategic long positions over shorts. Traders should closely monitor emerging price action around these levels. As the market continues to evolve, staying alert to market signals and adjusting positions accordingly will be essential for capitalizing on potential gains with ETH. Investment Disclaimer Investments are subject to high market risks, including extreme volatility, regulatory changes, and the potential loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Always assess your risk tolerance, conduct thorough research, and consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. #ETH #CryptoETFMania #BitwiseBitcoinETF #Crypto2025Trends #MarketRebound {spot}(ETHUSDT)
$ETH Short Liquidation Analysis

In a dramatic market shift, a significant short liquidation has occurred for $ETH , totaling $26.728K at an entry point of $3401.33.
This development signals an urgent call to action for traders and investors.

Entry Point:
The entry point for this short liquidation was set at $3401.33 for $ETH .

A potential upside target based on current trends suggests resistance levels around $3500, where profit-taking could potentially come into play.

Stop Loss:
To manage risk effectively, a stop loss should be placed at $3350. This protects against further adverse moves in the volatile $ETH market.

Win-Loss Ratio:
Given the recent price fluctuations and market dynamics, the current win-loss ratio stands at approximately 2:1, favoring strategic long positions over shorts.

Traders should closely monitor emerging price action around these levels.

As the market continues to evolve, staying alert to market signals and adjusting positions accordingly will be essential for capitalizing on potential gains with ETH.

Investment Disclaimer
Investments are subject to high market risks, including extreme volatility, regulatory changes, and the potential loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Always assess your risk tolerance, conduct thorough research, and consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.





Hola, me gustaría que me dijerais Quetal veis mi cartera. Tengo 1 eth, compré 1500€ de btc cuando estaba en 100.000… lo hice mal lose pero ya es lo que hay, y luego 2 solanas y casi 1000 usual. Espero un año y espero las ganancias o que me recomendáis? Escucho a la gente y gracias! #eth #btc #usual #solana
Hola, me gustaría que me dijerais Quetal veis mi cartera. Tengo 1 eth, compré 1500€ de btc cuando estaba en 100.000… lo hice mal lose pero ya es lo que hay, y luego 2 solanas y casi 1000 usual. Espero un año y espero las ganancias o que me recomendáis? Escucho a la gente y gracias!
#eth #btc #usual #solana
Cornelia Amstutz YJ1W:
vendelas una vez en ganancia, enserio ni dudes, te aviso porque o sino te quedas atrapado por casi 4 años, las ganancias no seran muchos ya que compraste demasiado arriba
$ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) /USDT Technical Analysis: Key Price Targets 🎯 As Ethereum continues to show strength, let's dive into the current technical setup for ETH/USDT and what traders should keep an eye on. 1. Target 1: $3,400 Ethereum is currently testing the $3,400 resistance level. A successful break above this point could signal further bullish momentum. Watch for any upward pressure here to confirm continuation. 2. Target 2: $3,450 If ETH clears $3,400, the next key target lies at $3,450. This level could be a critical pivot for more aggressive buying, potentially propelling ETH into a higher range. 3. Target 3: $3,500 A strong push beyond $3,450 could bring us to the next major resistance at $3,500. This psychological level is significant, and a breach here may mark the start of a new upward phase for Ethereum. 🔍 Current Price: $3,379.97 (+1.13%) 📊 Keep an eye on the 24-hour volume of 222,432.70 ETH, as increased trading activity could signal further moves in either direction. The market sentiment looks bullish, but remember to manage risk and stay updated on any changes in momentum! #ETH #Ethereum #Binance #CryptoTrading #TechnicalAnalysis #CryptoTargets
/USDT Technical Analysis: Key Price Targets 🎯

As Ethereum continues to show strength, let's dive into the current technical setup for ETH/USDT and what traders should keep an eye on.

1. Target 1: $3,400
Ethereum is currently testing the $3,400 resistance level. A successful break above this point could signal further bullish momentum. Watch for any upward pressure here to confirm continuation.

2. Target 2: $3,450
If ETH clears $3,400, the next key target lies at $3,450. This level could be a critical pivot for more aggressive buying, potentially propelling ETH into a higher range.

3. Target 3: $3,500
A strong push beyond $3,450 could bring us to the next major resistance at $3,500. This psychological level is significant, and a breach here may mark the start of a new upward phase for Ethereum.

🔍 Current Price: $3,379.97 (+1.13%)

📊 Keep an eye on the 24-hour volume of 222,432.70 ETH, as increased trading activity could signal further moves in either direction. The market sentiment looks bullish, but remember to manage risk and stay updated on any changes in momentum!

#ETH #Ethereum #Binance #CryptoTrading #TechnicalAnalysis #CryptoTargets
#ETH $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) Ethereum's current price is around $3,337.53, with a 24-hour high of $3,444.16 and a low of $3,306.60.¹ As for the end-of-year predictions, experts foresee Ethereum trading between $2,534 to $3,965 by the end of 2024.² Looking ahead to 2025, Ethereum's price is predicted to range from $2,670 to $5,990, with an average price of $4,330. Some experts even predict that Ethereum could reach $6,660 or higher if institutional adoption accelerates. Here's a brief overview of Ethereum's price predictions for the next few years: - *2025*: $2,670 to $5,990 - *2026*: $5,133 to $9,852 - *2027*: $7,482 - *2028*: $10,000 - *2029*: $11,000 - *2030*: $12,000 Keep in mind that these predictions are subject to change and should not be taken as investment advice.

Ethereum's current price is around $3,337.53, with a 24-hour high of $3,444.16 and a low of $3,306.60.¹ As for the end-of-year predictions, experts foresee Ethereum trading between $2,534 to $3,965 by the end of 2024.²

Looking ahead to 2025, Ethereum's price is predicted to range from $2,670 to $5,990, with an average price of $4,330. Some experts even predict that Ethereum could reach $6,660 or higher if institutional adoption accelerates.

Here's a brief overview of Ethereum's price predictions for the next few years:

- *2025*: $2,670 to $5,990
- *2026*: $5,133 to $9,852
- *2027*: $7,482
- *2028*: $10,000
- *2029*: $11,000
- *2030*: $12,000

Keep in mind that these predictions are subject to change and should not be taken as investment advice.
#ETH /USDT Ethereum is now trading around 3390$. Ethereum consolidating within a symmetrical triangle pattern. Bullish breakout: If ETH breaks above $3,400 with increased volume, the next target could be $3,600 or higher. Bearish breakdown: A fall below $3,350 might push the price toward $3,250 or lower. Keep eye on it👀

Ethereum is now trading around 3390$. Ethereum consolidating within a symmetrical triangle pattern. Bullish breakout: If ETH breaks above $3,400 with increased volume, the next target could be $3,600 or higher.

Bearish breakdown: A fall below $3,350 might push the price toward $3,250 or lower. Keep eye on it👀
12.29行情分析,目前大饼币价位于95200附近,即将收月线、年线。谨慎做哆,前面大饼99500,以太2550的孔已经止盈一部分。目前还是看回调,震荡下行,有反弹是正常的,没有空单的,建议反弹97000-100000还可以入。#BTC走势分析 #ETH $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)
12.29行情分析,目前大饼币价位于95200附近,即将收月线、年线。谨慎做哆,前面大饼99500,以太2550的孔已经止盈一部分。目前还是看回调,震荡下行,有反弹是正常的,没有空单的,建议反弹97000-100000还可以入。#BTC走势分析 #ETH $BTC
ETH thoughts ETH/USDT Trade Setup 1. Entry Price: $3,389 (current level is consolidating above EMA levels). 2. Stop Loss (SL): $3,310 (below the 4-hour EMA support and previous low, minimizing downside risk). 3. Take Profit 1 (TP1): $3,520 (near previous resistance, short-term profit). 4. Take Profit 2 (TP2): $3,680 (next Fibonacci level and breakout target). Probability Analysis • TP1 Hit Probability: 75% (bullish consolidation with RSI in a healthy range). • TP2 Hit Probability: 60% (requires breakout above $3,520). • Stop Loss Trigger Probability: 20% (market sentiment and EMA levels are strongly supportive). Key Observations: • Volume Surge: The volume is increasing, indicating buyer activity. • MACD Crossover: Positive MACD on the 4-hour chart signals bullish momentum. • RSI Analysis: RSI is in the neutral to slightly overbought range, supporting further upside. • Market Sentiment: Positive news about Ethereum ETFs and strong institutional inflows support bullish momentum. #eth
ETH thoughts
ETH/USDT Trade Setup
1. Entry Price: $3,389 (current level is consolidating above EMA levels).
2. Stop Loss (SL): $3,310 (below the 4-hour EMA support and previous low, minimizing downside risk).
3. Take Profit 1 (TP1): $3,520 (near previous resistance, short-term profit).
4. Take Profit 2 (TP2): $3,680 (next Fibonacci level and breakout target).

Probability Analysis
• TP1 Hit Probability: 75% (bullish consolidation with RSI in a healthy range).
• TP2 Hit Probability: 60% (requires breakout above $3,520).
• Stop Loss Trigger Probability: 20% (market sentiment and EMA levels are strongly supportive).

Key Observations:
• Volume Surge: The volume is increasing, indicating buyer activity.
• MACD Crossover: Positive MACD on the 4-hour chart signals bullish momentum.
• RSI Analysis: RSI is in the neutral to slightly overbought range, supporting further upside.
• Market Sentiment: Positive news about Ethereum ETFs and strong institutional inflows support bullish momentum.

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