• DOGS is a Ton memecoin born within Telegram community.

  • DOGS is designed to leverage Telegram's vast user base and native meme culture. Centered around a beloved dog mascot originally drawn by Telegram's founder, DOGS aims to introduce millions of people to blockchain through the app and tokenized stickers, fostering a fun and engaging ecosystem with a focus on community ownership and fair rewards distribution.

  • Initial distribution was based on users Telegram account age, wallet reputation and other criteria that verify users.

  • As at August 20, 2024, the total supply of $DOGS is 550,000,000,000, and the circulating supply upon listing will be 516,750,000,000 (93.95% of the total token supply).

  • Please note that 93.95% circulation upon listing does not mean that all of the tokens will enter trading immediately. There is uncertainty about the time when tokens enter into secondary market.

Key metrics (as at August 20, 2024)

Token Name


Token Type

TON Jetton

Initial Circ. Supply When Listed on Binance

516,750,000,000  (93.95% of total supply)

Total and Maximum Token Supply


Binance Launchpool Allocation

22,000,000,000  (4% of total supply)

Binance Launchpool Start Date

August 23rd, 2024

Token Distribution

Token Name


Binance Launchpool

4.00%  of the total token supply

Community Airdrop

72.73%  of the total token supply


5.45%  of the total token supply


9.18%  of the total token supply


3.27%  of the total token supply


5.36%  of the total token supply

Token Allocation

Token Release Schedule


  • Twitter

  • Telegram