Today, sell your currencies or parts of them. The losses will start from now This is a personal opinion Always buy on the downside They sold on the rise
اليوم بيعوا عملاتكم او أجزاء منها الخسائر ستبدأ من الان هذا رأي شخصي اشتروا عند الهبوط دائما وبيعوا عند الارتفاع Today, sell your currencies or parts of them. The losses will start from now This is a personal opinion Always buy on the downside They sold on the rise
#العملات_الرقمية لا يتداولها الا المحترفون او تتعلم من الخطأ بعملات صغيرة وبدون مغامرة #Cryptocurrencies are only traded by professionals, or you learn from mistakes in small currencies and without adventure