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今天刀口舔血,做多$TIA ,点位在6.3。
#tia $TIA
今天刀口舔血,做多$TIA ,点位在6.3。 虽说近日已经到达日线级别阻力, 有人看它负费率就想一股脑的合伙做空, 但是, 我选择做多它, 赌它一定会突破8, 其实做错大不了止损而已,概率高的事情为什么不赌呢? 资金费率作为一个指标除非高到夸张否则大多数情况下没什么参考性,其他指标大多数情况下都要让步于K线。 #tia $TIA {future}(TIAUSDT)
今天刀口舔血,做多$TIA ,点位在6.3。
#tia $TIA
{future}(1000SATSUSDT) $1000SATS 空它,已经涨这么,叠加周五下跌,来人一起速空!!!!
#Lista 之前空投质押了,现在发现取不出。大家我这种情况吗?有什么办法可以取出来 #ListaDAO
#Lista 之前空投质押了,现在发现取不出。大家我这种情况吗?有什么办法可以取出来
探索Lista DAO:起航新纪元的金融创新随着区块链技术的飞速发展,去中心化金融(DeFi)领域迎来了前所未有的创新浪潮。今天,我们聚焦于一个新兴的DeFi项目——Lista DAO,它以其独特的治理代币LISTA和创新的流动性质押机制slisBNB,为用户带来了全新的投资和参与机会。 LISTA代币:治理与激励的双重力量 LISTA代币不仅是Lista DAO生态系统的治理工具,更是连接用户与平台发展的核心纽带。持有LISTA代币的用户可以参与到协议的关键决策中,包括但不限于抵押品的选择和代币排放策略的制定。更重要的是,LISTA代币的持有者可以通过将其转换为veLISTA来进一步增强自己的投票权,同时享受协议收益的分享。 slisBNB:流动性与收益的完美结合 slisBNB作为BNB的收益性和流动性质押代币,为用户提供了一个既能够获得收益又能够保持流动性的解决方案。在Lista DAO质押的BNB数量已经达到了39.4万枚,市值高达2.25亿美金,这一数字不仅反映了slisBNB的市场需求,也展现了其在BNB chain生态系统中的重要作用。 Lista DAO的Liquidity Staking:未来的展望 在Liquidity Staking领域,Lista DAO展现出了巨大的潜力。通过提供多样化的抵押资产和相关的LST借贷服务,Lista DAO正在构建一个更加开放和高效的金融生态系统。随着DeFi的不断成熟,我们可以预见到Lista DAO将在流动性质押领域扮演更加重要的角色,为用户提供更多的投资机会和更高的资本效率。 结语 随着LISTA代币的正式上市和veLISTA锁仓机制的推出,Lista DAO正在开启一个新的时代。作为DeFi领域的参与者,我们有理由相信,Lista DAO将以其创新的治理结构、高效的流动性质押解决方案,以及多元化的激励机制,引领我们进入一个更加繁荣和充满活力的金融新纪元。 我们诚邀您分享对Lista DAO未来发展的看法。您认为LISTA代币和slisBNB将如何塑造DeFi的未来?请在评论区留下您的宝贵意见,并不要忘记点赞和分享这篇文章,让我们一起见证并参与这一激动人心的金融革新。$LISTA {future}(LISTAUSDT) #Lista启航新纪元

探索Lista DAO:起航新纪元的金融创新

随着区块链技术的飞速发展,去中心化金融(DeFi)领域迎来了前所未有的创新浪潮。今天,我们聚焦于一个新兴的DeFi项目——Lista DAO,它以其独特的治理代币LISTA和创新的流动性质押机制slisBNB,为用户带来了全新的投资和参与机会。
LISTA代币不仅是Lista DAO生态系统的治理工具,更是连接用户与平台发展的核心纽带。持有LISTA代币的用户可以参与到协议的关键决策中,包括但不限于抵押品的选择和代币排放策略的制定。更重要的是,LISTA代币的持有者可以通过将其转换为veLISTA来进一步增强自己的投票权,同时享受协议收益的分享。
slisBNB作为BNB的收益性和流动性质押代币,为用户提供了一个既能够获得收益又能够保持流动性的解决方案。在Lista DAO质押的BNB数量已经达到了39.4万枚,市值高达2.25亿美金,这一数字不仅反映了slisBNB的市场需求,也展现了其在BNB chain生态系统中的重要作用。
Lista DAO的Liquidity Staking:未来的展望
在Liquidity Staking领域,Lista DAO展现出了巨大的潜力。通过提供多样化的抵押资产和相关的LST借贷服务,Lista DAO正在构建一个更加开放和高效的金融生态系统。随着DeFi的不断成熟,我们可以预见到Lista DAO将在流动性质押领域扮演更加重要的角色,为用户提供更多的投资机会和更高的资本效率。
随着LISTA代币的正式上市和veLISTA锁仓机制的推出,Lista DAO正在开启一个新的时代。作为DeFi领域的参与者,我们有理由相信,Lista DAO将以其创新的治理结构、高效的流动性质押解决方案,以及多元化的激励机制,引领我们进入一个更加繁荣和充满活力的金融新纪元。
我们诚邀您分享对Lista DAO未来发展的看法。您认为LISTA代币和slisBNB将如何塑造DeFi的未来?请在评论区留下您的宝贵意见,并不要忘记点赞和分享这篇文章,让我们一起见证并参与这一激动人心的金融革新。$LISTA
以下是在 Revox 上赚取积分的两种方法!! 伙计们,Revox RGT 是一个由币安支持的人工智能项目。 收集积分以获得 $RGT 代币。他们已经筹集了 600 万美元。 I- 第一种方法1。 打开币安 Web3 并点击 Revox 横幅。 2. 输入代码:XJBCFM。 3. 完成简单任务。 4. 每天签到 14 天。 5. 完成。 注意:您的 web3 钱包中必须有 BNB Smart Chain 和 Opbnb。 II- 第二种方法 从您收集积分的页面向下滚动,然后: 1. 单击 REVOX Lens EXPERIENCE 2. 连接您的钱包 3. 单击 REWARD4。 向下滚动并完成简单任务以收集积分。 不要忘记在评论中分享您的邀请码,以允许一些人参与空投。 #AirdropGuide #revox
以下是在 Revox 上赚取积分的两种方法!!
伙计们,Revox RGT 是一个由币安支持的人工智能项目。
收集积分以获得 $RGT 代币。他们已经筹集了 600 万美元。
I- 第一种方法1。
打开币安 Web3 并点击 Revox 横幅。
2. 输入代码:XJBCFM。
3. 完成简单任务。
4. 每天签到 14 天。
5. 完成。
注意:您的 web3 钱包中必须有 BNB Smart Chain 和 Opbnb。
II- 第二种方法
2. 连接您的钱包
3. 单击 REWARD4。
如果把A股当做虚拟货币抄现货,你会选哪个持有?$BTC #bnb历史新高
如果把A股当做虚拟货币抄现货,你会选哪个持有?$BTC #bnb历史新高
An Inside Look: The Dilemma of VC-Backed Tokens and the Quest for a Solution in the Web3 EcosystemBinance has also issued a report specifically exploring the "culprit" behind the non-reciprocal bull market - VC tokens, and it is quite fair-minded. First and foremost, let's focus on the key point: the entire market will unlock $155 billion by 2030 based on current market capitalization, which is an incredibly terrifying dump. The main reason for this is the extremely high opening FDV and the extremely low initial circulation, and at least according to the report issued by Binance, the reason is that VCs have pushed valuations to absurd prices before TGE. A few days ago, I also posted a long tweet discussing this topic and potential countermeasures. Those interested can take a look. Actually, I feel that the market is currently experiencing a very distorted and false prosperity. On one hand, the public is抵制VC tokens, and on the other hand, a large number of VC friends I've come into contact with are constantly complaining that they can't make money. Both project parties and investors are suffering losses due to being locked up (I've even seen sales at a 10% discount) and trying to sell tokens OTC to find someone to take over. Let's go over the logic again: project parties need financing - VCs push up valuations - TGE opens at its peak - retail investors get slashed - VCs sell tokens OTC at a discount. Doesn't it seem magical? After going through so much trouble to create a project with a valuation of tens of billions of dollars, it seems no one in the entire industry chain can truly benefit from it, and everyone is busy "cutting losses"? And as the "culprits" of VC tokens, they're being criticized and scolded. At this point, everyone asks, "What are you guys trying to achieve?" I myself have participated in several "VC token" projects, including some that got seed funding at very low prices. You ask me if I'm happy? Of course, I'm happy to see my assets on paper rising round after round, but it's useless if I can't sell them. Finally, after enduring the hardship for several years, it's not bad to be able to keep 10% of the assets. So I also ask, "What are you guys trying to achieve?" If VCs had not "pampered" entrepreneurs by accepting such high valuations in the beginning, if TGE hadn't been so expensive and followed an upward curve, they could have unlocked more tokens early anyway. After all, ultimately, 10% would be left regardless. What's the difference between peaking at the opening and enduring hardship for three years? As both a victim (getting slashed in the secondary market) and a beneficiary (participating in the primary market) of VC tokens, I have also been thinking about this issue frequently recently. But gradually, I realized that this is a dead end, at least for now. The reasons for this dead end are: The prosperity of the Web3 capital market development is greatly mismatched with the scarcity of quality projects. The prosperity of the Web3 capital market development is greatly mismatched with its ability to truly create value. Let's talk about the first point. I tweeted about this just a few days ago. In just two months, more than 1 million tokens have been issued. Due to the extremely low threshold for asset issuance in Web3, the threshold for creating projects and issuing tokens is also very low. Most of them will eventually fail. In the short term, because of the economic downturn in traditional industries and the significant "wealth creation effect" and exit speed of Web3, a lot of money is pouring in. There's a lot of money and a lot of projects, but very few good ones. Therefore, all the money will concentrate on a few projects, bidding for shares at high prices, leading to rising prices. We can see that the typical portrait of this round of projects that can truly obtain super-financing levels of tens of millions of dollars is that they are led by executives from major companies and professors from prestigious universities. With the support of top-tier VCs, precisely such "heavenly" projects "must" be listed on exchanges, ultimately leading to this situation. Many "naive and innocent" entrepreneurs who have just entered Web3 hoping to make a quick buck are deceived by appearances. After seeing too many financing news, they really believe that starting a business in the crypto world is just about three programmers making a demo in three months and easily raising $3 million. Good projects have high valuations, and a lot of bad projects follow suit. Now let's talk about the second point. No one is talking about Mass Adoption anymore in this round. The term "value coin" has also become a "joke." Oh? Mr. Kong Yiji, you're here again talking about value investing? As a revolutionary technology, blockchain has always been expected to change the old world. In the previous bull market, everyone was looking forward to a world where everything could be assetized. In the last bull market, everyone was looking forward to a world of fair, trustworthy, and tamper-proof rights confirmation. But in this bull market, what kind of new world are you expecting? What I see is a world where everyone wants to launch their own blockchain but can't explain why they must do so. The lack of innovation and external value has created a PVP world where everyone is competing to see who can run faster, and once there is no positive value, it becomes a race to see who can run faster. Even teams that genuinely want to work hard and encounter irreversible declines in token prices will only think about starting a new project. After all, the threshold for issuing tokens and getting listed isn't that high. In the traditional world, Apple, Google, and Amazon cherish their hard-won listing opportunities and have no confidence in being able to continuously launch several projects on Nasdaq. Therefore, even during the darkest moments of downturns, they persevere and ultimately create businesses that truly change the world and are reflected in their stock prices. Ultimately, multiple factors have contributed to this awkward dead end. Who will resolve it? Who is the resolver? We don't know. It seems that VCs are the culprits behind the non-reciprocal bull market, but VCs are also just one of the many players in this dead end. I am, and you are too#5月市场关键事件 #内容挖矿 #山寨币热点 $BTC $ETH $SOL

An Inside Look: The Dilemma of VC-Backed Tokens and the Quest for a Solution in the Web3 Ecosystem

Binance has also issued a report specifically exploring the "culprit" behind the non-reciprocal bull market - VC tokens, and it is quite fair-minded. First and foremost, let's focus on the key point: the entire market will unlock $155 billion by 2030 based on current market capitalization, which is an incredibly terrifying dump. The main reason for this is the extremely high opening FDV and the extremely low initial circulation, and at least according to the report issued by Binance, the reason is that VCs have pushed valuations to absurd prices before TGE. A few days ago, I also posted a long tweet discussing this topic and potential countermeasures. Those interested can take a look. Actually, I feel that the market is currently experiencing a very distorted and false prosperity. On one hand, the public is抵制VC tokens, and on the other hand, a large number of VC friends I've come into contact with are constantly complaining that they can't make money. Both project parties and investors are suffering losses due to being locked up (I've even seen sales at a 10% discount) and trying to sell tokens OTC to find someone to take over.

Let's go over the logic again: project parties need financing - VCs push up valuations - TGE opens at its peak - retail investors get slashed - VCs sell tokens OTC at a discount. Doesn't it seem magical? After going through so much trouble to create a project with a valuation of tens of billions of dollars, it seems no one in the entire industry chain can truly benefit from it, and everyone is busy "cutting losses"? And as the "culprits" of VC tokens, they're being criticized and scolded. At this point, everyone asks, "What are you guys trying to achieve?"

I myself have participated in several "VC token" projects, including some that got seed funding at very low prices. You ask me if I'm happy? Of course, I'm happy to see my assets on paper rising round after round, but it's useless if I can't sell them. Finally, after enduring the hardship for several years, it's not bad to be able to keep 10% of the assets. So I also ask, "What are you guys trying to achieve?"

If VCs had not "pampered" entrepreneurs by accepting such high valuations in the beginning, if TGE hadn't been so expensive and followed an upward curve, they could have unlocked more tokens early anyway. After all, ultimately, 10% would be left regardless. What's the difference between peaking at the opening and enduring hardship for three years?

As both a victim (getting slashed in the secondary market) and a beneficiary (participating in the primary market) of VC tokens, I have also been thinking about this issue frequently recently. But gradually, I realized that this is a dead end, at least for now. The reasons for this dead end are:

The prosperity of the Web3 capital market development is greatly mismatched with the scarcity of quality projects.

The prosperity of the Web3 capital market development is greatly mismatched with its ability to truly create value.

Let's talk about the first point. I tweeted about this just a few days ago. In just two months, more than 1 million tokens have been issued. Due to the extremely low threshold for asset issuance in Web3, the threshold for creating projects and issuing tokens is also very low. Most of them will eventually fail. In the short term, because of the economic downturn in traditional industries and the significant "wealth creation effect" and exit speed of Web3, a lot of money is pouring in. There's a lot of money and a lot of projects, but very few good ones. Therefore, all the money will concentrate on a few projects, bidding for shares at high prices, leading to rising prices. We can see that the typical portrait of this round of projects that can truly obtain super-financing levels of tens of millions of dollars is that they are led by executives from major companies and professors from prestigious universities. With the support of top-tier VCs, precisely such "heavenly" projects "must" be listed on exchanges, ultimately leading to this situation. Many "naive and innocent" entrepreneurs who have just entered Web3 hoping to make a quick buck are deceived by appearances. After seeing too many financing news, they really believe that starting a business in the crypto world is just about three programmers making a demo in three months and easily raising $3 million. Good projects have high valuations, and a lot of bad projects follow suit.

Now let's talk about the second point. No one is talking about Mass Adoption anymore in this round. The term "value coin" has also become a "joke." Oh? Mr. Kong Yiji, you're here again talking about value investing? As a revolutionary technology, blockchain has always been expected to change the old world. In the previous bull market, everyone was looking forward to a world where everything could be assetized. In the last bull market, everyone was looking forward to a world of fair, trustworthy, and tamper-proof rights confirmation. But in this bull market, what kind of new world are you expecting? What I see is a world where everyone wants to launch their own blockchain but can't explain why they must do so. The lack of innovation and external value has created a PVP world where everyone is competing to see who can run faster, and once there is no positive value, it becomes a race to see who can run faster. Even teams that genuinely want to work hard and encounter irreversible declines in token prices will only think about starting a new project. After all, the threshold for issuing tokens and getting listed isn't that high. In the traditional world, Apple, Google, and Amazon cherish their hard-won listing opportunities and have no confidence in being able to continuously launch several projects on Nasdaq. Therefore, even during the darkest moments of downturns, they persevere and ultimately create businesses that truly change the world and are reflected in their stock prices.

Ultimately, multiple factors have contributed to this awkward dead end. Who will resolve it? Who is the resolver? We don't know. It seems that VCs are the culprits behind the non-reciprocal bull market, but VCs are also just one of the many players in this dead end. I am, and you are too#5月市场关键事件 #内容挖矿 #山寨币热点 $BTC $ETH $SOL
#BTC bao仓日记 bao仓几天,今天终于有点勇气,写点东西。 说实话,bao仓之后,我简直要崩溃了。你知道吗,那时候的感觉就像是从云端一下子摔到了谷底,所有的希望和期待都化为了泡影。 说实话,当初我带着1W,满怀信心地进入这个市场,觉得自己能大赚一笔。但随着市场的波动,我渐渐迷失了方向,心里充满了贪婪和恐惧。结果,就那么一瞬间,我的账户bao仓了,所有的钱都化为乌有。 说真的,bao仓在牛市,说出来有点在说笑话一样 那一刻,我真是痛苦得无法形容。晚上躺在床上,我辗转反侧,怎么也睡不着。脑海里不断回荡着bao仓的那一幕,心里充满了自责和后悔。我开始怀疑自己的能力,觉得自己一无是处。 那段时间,我的生活也变得一团糟。原本热爱的工作和社交活动,现在都变得索然无味。我甚至开始暴饮暴食,用食物来填补内心的空虚和痛苦。 然而,我逐渐意识到,这样下去只会让自己陷入更深的困境。我开始尝试调整自己的心态,让自己从bao仓的阴影中走出来。我重新规划了自己的生活,逐渐找回了工作和社交的乐趣。 我也开始关注自己的身体健康。每天坚持锻炼,让自己的身体保持最佳状态。同时,我也学会了放松自己,不再让压力和焦虑占据我的内心。 慢慢地,我重新找回了自己的信心和勇气。虽然bao仓给我带来了很大的打击,但它也让我更加珍惜现在的生活和身边的人。我明白了,钱虽然重要,但更重要的是自己的心态和健康。 总的来说,bao仓之后,我在睡眠、生活、身体等方面都经历了很大的起伏。但正是这些经历,让我更加明白了自己的不足和需要改进的地方。我会珍惜这次经历,努力让自己变得更加成熟和稳定。在未来的日子里,我相信自己会走得更远、更稳健。 #热门话题 #内容挖矿











#热门话题 #内容挖矿
30U起家第六天 目前资金39U 昨天一天没发动态,大概率你们是以为我爆仓了吧。 毕竟,币圈一天,人间一年。 其实,主要是昨天确实亏多了,没心情发。 好不容易搞到70多U,因为太贪了,浮盈又加仓。结果行情回调,一波带走。 心情一下就没有了, 后来操作了几波短线,回了一点。 MLGB 以前千U开单,一天亏百u,心情都没现在浮动的大 现在亏10U,就受不了。 我知道是回本的欲望太过强烈。 短期回本已是不太可能,平复心情,接受现实。 对抗内心的魔障。 回本在路上 我有一个百万梦。 #热门话题 #内容挖矿
#热门话题 #内容挖矿
一直玩不懂什么是滚仓的可以看下。 滚仓, 简单来说就是多试多亏, 一把赚够。 举个例子,你送外卖半年赚了五千块, 那么你就用三百美金大约两千块开始。 每次十美金开百倍,你没看错,就是十美金。开前你就判断好是涨还是跌,不要来 回换,就根据自己的判断认准-个,五十次都输了说明你判断错了,那就回去继续 送外卖,等到涨跌趋势逆转。 如果你输了二十次后,趋势对了,恭喜你,只要涨跌 1% 多点就变成 20,取利润 10 块出来继续百倍开,这叫滚仓,再来 1%就会变 40,涨跌 11%左右就近一万美金了,不要额外投入任何钱,就滚仓。比特币 10%的涨跌幅一个月能来三四次。 给自己一个目标,到了五千或者一万就不再滚仓,单纯的取利润,如果贪心管不住,最后铁定爆仓。 这波结束了,很可能有了好几万美金,然后等,等到一个你自认为很确定的涨跌趋势(也许要好几个月),再拿五百美金开始开,你没看错,还是五百美金,还是每次开十美金。运气好碰到一次单边行情,几天赚到几百万是很有可能的,但-两年 也不见得等得到自己完全判断准确并且恰好躲过了上下波动。忍不住,管不住手, 没耐心,没有严格的执行计划,玩合约百分之一百爆仓爆到倾家荡产。 抄录一下,明白理解坚决执行,就离暴负不远了。 #热门话题 #内容挖矿 #tradenell

简单来说就是多试多亏, 一把赚够。
举个例子,你送外卖半年赚了五千块, 那么你就用三百美金大约两千块开始。
每次十美金开百倍,你没看错,就是十美金。开前你就判断好是涨还是跌,不要来 回换,就根据自己的判断认准-个,五十次都输了说明你判断错了,那就回去继续 送外卖,等到涨跌趋势逆转。
如果你输了二十次后,趋势对了,恭喜你,只要涨跌 1% 多点就变成 20,取利润 10 块出来继续百倍开,这叫滚仓,再来 1%就会变 40,涨跌 11%左右就近一万美金了,不要额外投入任何钱,就滚仓。比特币 10%的涨跌幅一个月能来三四次。
这波结束了,很可能有了好几万美金,然后等,等到一个你自认为很确定的涨跌趋势(也许要好几个月),再拿五百美金开始开,你没看错,还是五百美金,还是每次开十美金。运气好碰到一次单边行情,几天赚到几百万是很有可能的,但-两年 也不见得等得到自己完全判断准确并且恰好躲过了上下波动。忍不住,管不住手, 没耐心,没有严格的执行计划,玩合约百分之一百爆仓爆到倾家荡产。

#热门话题 #内容挖矿 #tradenell
30U起家第四天,目前53u 昨天看到好$AI ,果断开仓买去。 本金少,赚的也少, 不过能赚就行,我不贪。 因为实在看好,所以在广场上喊了下。 有人说我运气好,其实运气也是实力的象征。 昨晚又再次实践了涨幅超30%,闭眼买#WLD 。 因为广场很多人喊单,涨很猛。 直接开仓,20倍杆杠,翻倍下车。 相当很刺激, 效果不错,大家可以看着用下,小仓位玩下。 风险与收益并存。 回本在路上,相信自己。 我有一个百万梦 #tradenell #内容挖矿

昨天看到好$AI ,果断开仓买去。


#tradenell #内容挖矿
$AI 广场上全是说AI,相信持续上涨,虽然此ai非彼Ai #tradenell
$AI 广场上全是说AI,相信持续上涨,虽然此ai非彼Ai
昨天lpt涨势太猛了, 广场上前辈说涨幅30%,闭眼开涨。 果断实践,20倍开干,吃翻一倍赶紧下车。 目前还是30u 我还在努力。。。
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