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Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction
Sobajaswap is the first AMM/DEX on zkSync Era with Native Account Abstraction which offers the most seamless UX to onboard the next billion users. AA-Paymaster.
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Recap Binance Live: Sobajaswap with Moonlight UltiverseExplore the potential of crypto in 2024On January 12th, 2024, Sobajaswap and Moonlight Ultiverse jointly explored the 2024 Cryptocurrency landscape, unveiling insights and forecasts from Clovie and Ivan. 1.Navigating the Crypto Landscape: A Glimpse into the Future of 2024: Moonlight: As we know Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency network by market capitalization after Bitcoin. The Ethereum blockchain is more versatile than Bitcoin, serving as a “world computer” of sorts. It supports decentralized programs called smart contracts that let anyone spin up new tokens and run applications. Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), is popular among speculators but also serves a practical purpose. It is used to pay “gas fees” — industry lingo for transaction fees on the Ethereum blockchain. Most actions on Ethereum, such as sending tokens or buying an NFT, cost “gas” that’s paid for in ETH, with the amount varying according to network congestion. 众所周知,以太坊是继比特币之后市值第二大的加密货币网络。以太坊区块链比比特币更具多功能性,充当了一种“世界计算机”。它支持名为智能合约的去中心化程序,使任何人都能创建新代币并运行应用程序。 以太坊的本地加密货币Ether(ETH)在投机者中很受欢迎,同时也有实际用途。它用于支付“燃气费” — — 是指以太坊区块链上的交易费用的行业术语。在以太坊上进行的大多数操作,例如发送代币或购买NFT,都需要支付以ETH计算的“燃气费”,其金额根据网络拥塞程度而变化。 Ivan: The Ethereum blockchain/, the massive development of decentralized finance (DeFi)/ smart contracts and the acceptance of nonfungible tokens (NFTs)/ have attracted much attention to the network. Despite being very valuable, DeFi and NFTs use significant energy with each transaction. Ethereum uses a proof-of-stack (PoS) consensus, which was popular for a while. 以太坊区块链在去中心化金融(DeFi)、智能合约和非同质化代币(NFTs)的大规模发展引起了广泛关注。尽管有很大价值,但DeFi和NFTs在每笔交易中消耗大量能源。以太坊曾采用过一段时间的权益证明(PoS)共识。 Clovie: As Ethereum continues to gain momentum as a leading blockchain platform for decentralized applications (DApps), the need for scalable solutions has become increasingly apparent. Ethereum’s native network has faced congestion and high transaction fees, prompting layer 2 scaling solutions to emerge. and…layer-2 scaling solutions, which is a set of protocols and technologies, are developed to address the scalability limitations of blockchain networks, specifically Ethereum. So the matter of layer 2 such as Optimistic, Arbitrum, Base, Mantle, Linea, and zkSync, etc has garnered significant attention as promising options to address Ethereum’s scaling limitations. 随着以太坊在去中心化应用(DApps)领域不断崛起,对可扩展解决方案的需求也在增加。以太坊本地网络面临拥堵和高交易费的问题,促使了层2扩展解决方案的出现,包括Optimistic、Arbitrum、Base、Mantle、Linea和zkSync等,以解决扩展限制。 Moonlight: There are various layer 2 solutions, including rollups, plasma chains, state channels, and sidechains. Rollups, such as optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge rollups (ZK rollups), bundle multiple transactions into a single batch and then submit a summary of those transactions to the main chain. Plasma chains and state channels offer similar functionality by providing frameworks for off-chain transaction processing and periodic settlement on the main chain. On the other hand, sidechains are independent blockchains that operate alongside the main chain, processing transactions and periodically syncing with the main chain. The development and adoption of layer 2 solutions are crucial for blockchain networks to accommodate the growing demand for decentralized applications (DApps), reduce congestion, and provide a better user experience. These solutions unlock the potential for broader adoption of blockchain technology by overcoming the limitations of scalability and transaction costs associated with layer 1 chains. However, together with the high gas prices, it has emerged as Ethereum’s central issue? 不同的二层解决方案包括Rollups、Plasma链、状态通道和侧链,它们解决了可扩展性和交易成本问题。Rollups,如乐观Rollups和零知识Rollups(ZK Rollups),将多个交易捆绑成一个批次,然后将这些交易的摘要提交到主链。Plasma链和状态通道通过提供链外交易处理和主链定期结算的框架,提供类似的功能。另一方面,侧链是独立的区块链,与主链一起运行,处理交易并定期与主链同步。 二层解决方案的开发和采用对于区块链网络来说至关重要,以满足对去中心化应用程序(DApps)不断增长的需求,减轻拥堵,并提供更好的用户体验。这些解决方案通过克服与一层链相关的可扩展性和交易成本的局限,释放了区块链技术更广泛应用的潜力。 然而,与燃气价格居高不下一同,它已成为以太坊的核心问题? Clovie: To my knowledge learned from sources and experts. These solutions aim to improve the transaction throughput, reduce fees, and enhance the overall user experience by processing transactions off-chain while leveraging the security and decentralization of the underlying layer 1 blockchain. Layer-2 solutions handle transaction processing, smart contract execution, and data storage outside the main chain. By moving these operations off-chain, layer 2 solutions alleviate the burden on the main blockchain, enabling faster and more cost-effective transactions. 根据我从各方和专家了解到的知识,层2解决方案旨在提高交易吞吐量,降低费用,并通过在链外处理交易来增强整体用户体验,同时利用底层链的安全性和去中心化 Moonlight: To address the concerns associated with low scalability and high transaction fees, an Ethereum consensus layer was created to salvage the situation. It focused on solutions like zero-knowledge rollups, zkSync and Optimistic Rollups. zkSync zkEVM project is a protocol that combines two cutting-edge technologies in the blockchain space: zero-knowledge proofs (zk) and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is designed to enable scalable and privacy-preserving smart contracts on the Ethereum network. Users can take advantage of the speed and cost benefits of zkSync’s off-chain batching, while also benefiting from the privacy and security provided by zkEVM’s zero-knowledge proofs. This opens up new possibilities for building decentralized applications (dApps) that require both scalability and privacy, making zkSync zkEVM an exciting innovation in the blockchain space. 为了解决与低可扩展性和高交易费用相关的问题,创建了以太坊共识层来挽救这种情况。它专注于零知识汇总、zkSync 和 Optimistic Rollups 等解决方案。 zkSync zkEVM 项目是一个结合了区块链领域两种尖端技术的协议:零知识证明(zk)和以太坊虚拟机(EVM)。它旨在在以太坊网络上实现可扩展且保护隐私的智能合约。 用户可以利用 zkSync 链下批处理的速度和成本优势,同时还受益于 zkEVM 零知识证明提供的隐私和安全性。 这为构建既需要可扩展性又需要隐私的去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 开辟了新的可能性,使 zkSync zkEVM 成为区块链领域令人兴奋的创新。 Ivan: That is also the reason/ why we built the Sobajaswap protocol on zkSync Our team has done thorough research/ and agrees that /ZkSync is well-suited for use cases/ that involve frequent transactions with low fees. It is ideal for applications such as micropayments, remittances, and decentralized finance (DeFi) transactions. ZkSync offers low gas fees and high transaction throughput, efficiently handling many transactions. My developer team builds decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that operate off-chain for order book management and on-chain settlement, enhancing the trading experience by reducing fees and improving transaction speed. 这也是为什么我们选择在zkSync上构建Sobajaswap协议的原因。我们的团队进行了深入的研究,并确定zkSync特别适用于涉及频繁、低费用交易的场景。它非常适用于微支付、汇款和去中心化金融(DeFi)交易等应用。通过低燃气费用和高交易吞吐量,zkSync有效地处理了大量交易。我们的开发团队构建了在链外进行订单簿管理和在链上结算的去中心化交易所(DEXs),通过降低费用和提高交易速度来增强交易体验。 Moonlight: If diving into the exciting world of cryptocurrency and Ethereum, zkSync Era deserves the spotlight. 5 compelling reasons for you to consider ZKSync are: 1.Preserving Ethereum’s Core Values 2. Hyper Scalability for Web3 3. Uncompromising Security 4. Low Gas Costs 5. High Throughput Compared to other solutions like Optimistic Rollups, Arbitrum, and Polygon (formerly Matic Network), ZKSync shines with its unique blend of scalability, security, and adherence to blockchain principles. Sooo, can you share what makes Sobjaswap a special protocol? 如果深入探讨加密货币和以太坊的激动人心的世界,zkSync Era 值得关注。您考虑 ZKSync 的 5 个令人信服的理由是: 1.维护以太坊的核心价值 2. Web3 的超可扩展性 3. 毫不妥协的安全性 4. 天然气成本低 5. 高通量 与 Optimism Rollups、Arbitrum 和 Polygon(以前称为 Matic Network)等其他解决方案相比,ZKSync 以其独特的可扩展性、安全性和对区块链原则的遵守而脱颖而出。 Sooo,你能分享一下是什么让 Sobjaswap 成为一个特殊的协议吗? 2.Account Abstraction and Sobajaswap Clovie: I have to say that Sobajaswap stands out as the pioneering decentralized exchange that introduces the seamless one-click UX of native Account Abstraction. While other platforms may incorporate some certain AA features, Sobajaswap is being built with native technology. For example, some other protocols may integrate Paymaster by SDK. However Sobajaswap builds our own SDK for not only paymaster but other AA features as well. Paymaster is just one of the AA features that we have integrated including Smart Account functionality, Social Login, Social Recovery, Batch transactions, and the innovative Paymaster. On our platform, AA is applied to remove Web3 UX complexities, while seamlessly executing essential blockchain operations. This results in intuitive user flows, secure transactions, and better UX overall. ✨ Please check out our current features: Trade > SwapPool > Liquidity PoolEarn > Earning Program (Staking + Farming)Trade NFTsLaunchpadCross-chain bridges In late Q1 2024, we are introducing upcoming features: Fiat-crypto on/off ramp, Limit order, Perp DEX 我必须说,Sobajaswap是一家开创性的去中心化交易所,引入了本地Account Abstraction(AA)的无缝一键用户体验。与其他平台可能整合某些AA功能不同,Sobajaswap采用本地技术构建。我们开发了自己的SDK,集成了Paymaster以及Smart Account功能、Social Login、Social Recovery、Batch transactions等多个AA特性的创新性Paymaster。 在我们的平台上,AA被应用于简化Web3用户体验,同时无缝执行重要的区块链操作,实现直观的用户流程、安全的交易,以及整体用户体验的提升。 ✨ 请查看我们当前的功能: 交换 流动性池 收益计划(质押 + 农场) 交易NFT 发射台 跨链桥梁 在2024年第一季度末,我们将推出的新功能包括:法币与加密货币的兑换通道、限价订单、永续交易所。 Moonlight: Account Abstraction is a term highly talked about in the crypto and DeFi community these days. What is account abstraction and why is it hyped up so much? 账户抽象是当今加密货币和 DeFi 社区中备受关注的一个术语。什么是账户抽象?为什么它被如此大肆宣传? Ivan: Account Abstraction is the next evolution in the process of digital assets ownership and handling. To explain in simpler terms, this process is the next upgrade towards the usage of non-custodial/self-custodial wallets. In today’s crypto world, all digital assets are stored in wallets which can be categorized as Externally Owned Accounts (EOA). Be it an on-chain software wallet or an off-chain cold storage hardware wallet — both can be categorized under EOA. EOA acts as an external entity that exists outside of a blockchain network. This is a type of account created using a combination of public and private keys that act as unique reference IDs to store and access data from the blockchain network. Each EOA (wallet) is essentially mapped directly to an individual user on a one-to-one basis and is accessed via a private key. If a user loses access to his private key, they completely lose access to all data/tokens stored in the EOA. 账户抽象是数字资产所有权和处理过程中的下一步演进。简单来说,这一过程是迈向非托管/自托管钱包使用的下一个升级。在当今的加密货币世界中,所有数字资产都存储在钱包中,可以归类为外部拥有账户(EOA),无论是在链上的软件钱包还是在链外的冷存储硬件钱包。 EOA,即外部拥有账户,是独立于区块链网络之外的外部实体。它是通过公钥和私钥的组合创建的账户,作为唯一的参考 ID,用于存储和访问区块链上的数据。每个EOA(钱包)直接映射到一个独立用户,通过私钥访问。如果用户丢失私钥访问权限,就会完全失去对存储在EOA中的所有数据/代币的访问。 Moonlight: The blockchain and cryptocurrency space is undergoing a subtle transformation. The novelty effect is waning. People are rightfully seeking more practical grounds to support the space. Before this, the early adopters managed with subpar user experience, thanks to the initial WOW factor, genuine technological curiosity, and However, it is very difficult to log in and protect the seed phase key 区块链和加密货币领域正在经历微妙的变革,新奇效应逐渐减弱。初期采用者容忍了次优用户体验,受到初步兴奋和真正的技术好奇心的推动。然而,问题如登录困难和种子短语密钥的保护需要解决。 Clovie: That is why we implemented account abstraction technology which makes the web3 UX simpler and more practical. Unlike EOAs, smart accounts do not wholly rely on a single private key or seed phrase. They allow users to generate a new key to access the same account in case they lose their original key. Social recovery feature lets users create a multi-signature setup with trusted guardians (including trusted devices or users). If a user loses their keys, they can have the guardians sign a transaction and then regain access to the wallet. 这就是为什么我们采用了账户抽象技术,使web3用户体验更简单实用。 与EOA不同,智能账户不完全依赖于单一的私钥或种子短语。它们允许用户在丢失原始密钥时生成新的密钥来访问相同的账户。 社会恢复功能允许用户与受信任的监护人(包括受信任的设备或用户)创建多重签名设置。如果用户丢失了密钥,他们可以让监护人签署一笔交易,然后重新获得对钱包的访问权限。 Ivan: Basically, dubbed ‘smart accounts’ negate the need for users to manage a single private key or seed phrase and allow for various types of complex transactions. 基本上,被称为“智能账户”的这些账户消除了用户管理单一私钥或种子短语的需要,允许进行各种复杂交易。 Moonlight: However, the most important thing in web3 is simplicity and functionality. In this pursuit, account abstraction is leading the charge to transform blockchain and cryptocurrency from being exceptional tech to everyday tools. Does that mean smart contracts can now function as standalone web3 wallets without the need for an EOA to trigger or approve transactions? 然而,web3 最重要的是简单性和功能性。 在这一追求中,账户抽象正在引领区块链和加密货币从特殊技术转变为日常工具的潮流。 这是否意味着智能合约现在可以充当独立的 web3 钱包,而不需要 EOA 来触发或批准交易? Ivan: Customizable Smart Contract Interactions allow users to interact with Sobajaswap dApp like that. Using smart accounts, anyone can set up multi-signature transactions in a wallet. That means, a transaction would only execute from a multi-sig wallet when a minimum specified number of entities or people sign the transaction. When using a DEX to swap a new token, you first need to approve the token and then approve batch transactions. With the ‘multi-call’ function in smart accounts, users can batch actions like these into a single transaction. So, when you go to a DEX, you can approve the token and execute the swap in a single transaction instead of approving two separate ones. Apart from improving the user experience, this can also significantly reduce the overall gas consumption for transactions. 可定制的智能合约互动使用户能够与Sobajaswap dApp进行无缝互动。通过使用智能账户,任何人都可以在钱包中设置多重签名交易,即仅在多签钱包获得特定数量的签名时才执行交易。此外,智能账户中的“多调用”功能允许将诸如代币批准和交换之类的操作批处理到单个交易中,提高用户体验并显著减少交易的整体燃气消耗。 Moonlight: Wow more secure Web3 experiences? 哇,更安全的 Web3 体验? Clovie: Before, anyone with the seed phrase or private key could access the corresponding web3 account at any time. But now, users can set up temporary access keys called session keys that an authorized user can use for a pre-defined duration or number of transactions. Session keys, being temporary, reduce the risk associated with key exposure. Even if a session key is compromised, it would only provide access for a limited time or a restricted set of actions, safeguarding the assets linked to the primary key. To be safer, the session keys can be programmed with a revoke access function, which can be called either from a single account or through a multi-sign transaction. 以前,任何人都可以随时使用种子短语或私钥访问相应的web3账户。但现在,用户可以设置临时访问密钥,称为会话密钥,授权用户可以在预定义的时间段或交易次数内使用。 由于会话密钥是临时的,因此降低了与密钥曝光相关的风险。即使会话密钥受到威胁,它也只能提供有限的时间或一组受限的操作权限,保护与主密钥关联的资产。 为了更安全,可以为会话密钥编程添加吊销访问功能,可以从单个账户或通过多重签名交易调用。 Ivan: Another utility of AA is the ability to set spending limits for smart accounts. So user can define how much funds can be transacted or withdrawn in a set period. With spending limits in place, even if a malicious actor gains access to the account, the potential damage they can inflict is contained. Users can also tailor the spending limit in a way that for a larger transaction, they need multisig approvals. Or they can define spend limits for specific dApps to avoid overspending. AA的另一个用途是为智能账户设置消费限额。因此,用户可以定义在一定时间内可以交易或提取多少资金。有了设定的消费限额,即使恶意行为者获得账户访问权限,其潜在危害也受到限制。 用户还可以根据需要调整消费限额,对于较大的交易,他们需要多重签名的批准。或者他们可以为特定的dApps定义消费限额,以避免过度消费。 Moonlight: In addition to great experiences and safety capabilities, how do Account Abstraction with dApp attract new users? as by as One of the major restrictions within Ethereum has been the inability to use any other token apart from ETH to pay for transaction gas. Does account abstraction change that? 除了出色的体验和安全功能之外,dApp 的账户抽象如何吸引新用户? 以太坊的主要限制之一是无法使用除 ETH 之外的任何其他代币来支付交易 Gas。帐户抽象会改变这一点吗? Clovie: Lemme introduce another extremely important amazing feature is Paymaster. Sobajaswap protocol leverages Paymaster to make it easier for new users to participate in the web3 space. With account abstraction, transactions within rollups can adopt flexible gas models, allow third parties to sponsor gas fee, then facilitate smooth interaction between cross-Layer-2 chains. With Paymaster feature, users can choose flexible gas options or customize fee logic. You can choose your preferred ERC-20 token to pay the gas fees. So, even if you do not own ETH in your account, you are still able to execute transactions. 让我介绍另一个极其重要的神奇功能,就是Paymaster。 Sobajaswap协议利用Paymaster使新用户更容易参与到web3空间中。 精简后的版本: 重要的Paymaster功能介绍:Sobajaswap使用Paymaster简化新用户进入web3空间的过程。通过账户抽象,Rollup交易提供了灵活的Gas模型,允许第三方赞助Gas费用,从而实现Layer-2链之间的顺畅互动。Paymaster功能还允许用户选择灵活的Gas选项或自定义费用逻辑,使用首选的ERC-20代币支付Gas费用,确保在账户中没有ETH的情况下仍能执行交易。 Moonlight: That is to say, dApps or companies in web3 can choose to pay for the network fees that users incur when conducting a transaction on their platform. 也就是说,dApp 或 web3 中的公司可以选择支付用户在其平台上进行交易时产生的网络费用。 Clovie: That’s correct. Vitalik Buterin once said that the Paymaster within the Account Abstraction mechanism is a valuable tool for abstracting the payment of transaction fees on the Ethereum network. That’s why we believe that Account Abstraction is a genuine breakthrough for both crypto and non-crypto users. 确实。Vitalik Buterin曾表示,账户抽象机制内的Paymaster是在以太坊网络上抽象交易费用支付的有价值工具。 这就是为什么我们相信账户抽象对于加密和非加密用户都是一项真正的突破. Ivan: This January 18th, please mark your calendar for our private sale IDO for our Sobajaswap’s native token — $SOBA. This is your chance to not only engage with the SobajaSwap community but also score some incredible incentives. Please stay tuned to our social media, we will announce the exciting news to our users and communities soon! 今年 1 月 18 日,请在您的日历上标记我们 Sobajaswap 原生代币 $SOBA 的私募 IDO。您不仅有机会参与 SobajaSwap 社区,还可以获得一些令人难以置信的奖励。请继续关注我们的社交媒体,我们将很快向我们的用户和社区宣布激动人心的消息! In conclusion, the insights concluded with Ethereum’s versatility, layer-2 scaling solutions, and Sobajaswap’s pioneering use of zkSync and Account Abstraction. The latter’s smart accounts, social recovery, and session keys promise improved user experiences and asset security. The upcoming $SOBA token private sale on January 18th adds anticipation, offering users unique incentives. Sobajaswap’s innovative approach and commitment to mass adoption make it a standout player in the evolving DeFi space. The AMA serves as a valuable resource for the community to explore Sobajaswap’s features and contributions to decentralized finance. Sobajaswap Protocol — Pioneers of Account Abstraction 🚀🚀🚀

Recap Binance Live: Sobajaswap with Moonlight UltiverseExplore the potential of crypto in 2024

On January 12th, 2024, Sobajaswap and Moonlight Ultiverse jointly explored the 2024 Cryptocurrency landscape, unveiling insights and forecasts from Clovie and Ivan.

1.Navigating the Crypto Landscape: A Glimpse into the Future of 2024:
As we know Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency network by market capitalization after Bitcoin. The Ethereum blockchain is more versatile than Bitcoin, serving as a “world computer” of sorts. It supports decentralized programs called smart contracts that let anyone spin up new tokens and run applications.
Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), is popular among speculators but also serves a practical purpose. It is used to pay “gas fees” — industry lingo for transaction fees on the Ethereum blockchain. Most actions on Ethereum, such as sending tokens or buying an NFT, cost “gas” that’s paid for in ETH, with the amount varying according to network congestion.
以太坊的本地加密货币Ether(ETH)在投机者中很受欢迎,同时也有实际用途。它用于支付“燃气费” — — 是指以太坊区块链上的交易费用的行业术语。在以太坊上进行的大多数操作,例如发送代币或购买NFT,都需要支付以ETH计算的“燃气费”,其金额根据网络拥塞程度而变化。
The Ethereum blockchain/, the massive development of decentralized finance (DeFi)/ smart contracts and the acceptance of nonfungible tokens (NFTs)/ have attracted much attention to the network. Despite being very valuable, DeFi and NFTs use significant energy with each transaction. Ethereum uses a proof-of-stack (PoS) consensus, which was popular for a while.
As Ethereum continues to gain momentum as a leading blockchain platform for decentralized applications (DApps), the need for scalable solutions has become increasingly apparent. Ethereum’s native network has faced congestion and high transaction fees, prompting layer 2 scaling solutions to emerge.
and…layer-2 scaling solutions, which is a set of protocols and technologies, are developed to address the scalability limitations of blockchain networks, specifically Ethereum.
So the matter of layer 2 such as Optimistic, Arbitrum, Base, Mantle, Linea, and zkSync, etc has garnered significant attention as promising options to address Ethereum’s scaling limitations.
There are various layer 2 solutions, including rollups, plasma chains, state channels, and sidechains. Rollups, such as optimistic rollups and zero-knowledge rollups (ZK rollups), bundle multiple transactions into a single batch and then submit a summary of those transactions to the main chain. Plasma chains and state channels offer similar functionality by providing frameworks for off-chain transaction processing and periodic settlement on the main chain. On the other hand, sidechains are independent blockchains that operate alongside the main chain, processing transactions and periodically syncing with the main chain.
The development and adoption of layer 2 solutions are crucial for blockchain networks to accommodate the growing demand for decentralized applications (DApps), reduce congestion, and provide a better user experience. These solutions unlock the potential for broader adoption of blockchain technology by overcoming the limitations of scalability and transaction costs associated with layer 1 chains.
However, together with the high gas prices, it has emerged as Ethereum’s central issue?
不同的二层解决方案包括Rollups、Plasma链、状态通道和侧链,它们解决了可扩展性和交易成本问题。Rollups,如乐观Rollups和零知识Rollups(ZK Rollups),将多个交易捆绑成一个批次,然后将这些交易的摘要提交到主链。Plasma链和状态通道通过提供链外交易处理和主链定期结算的框架,提供类似的功能。另一方面,侧链是独立的区块链,与主链一起运行,处理交易并定期与主链同步。
To my knowledge learned from sources and experts. These solutions aim to improve the transaction throughput, reduce fees, and enhance the overall user experience by processing transactions off-chain while leveraging the security and decentralization of the underlying layer 1 blockchain.
Layer-2 solutions handle transaction processing, smart contract execution, and data storage outside the main chain. By moving these operations off-chain, layer 2 solutions alleviate the burden on the main blockchain, enabling faster and more cost-effective transactions.

To address the concerns associated with low scalability and high transaction fees, an Ethereum consensus layer was created to salvage the situation. It focused on solutions like zero-knowledge rollups, zkSync and Optimistic Rollups.
zkSync zkEVM project is a protocol that combines two cutting-edge technologies in the blockchain space: zero-knowledge proofs (zk) and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It is designed to enable scalable and privacy-preserving smart contracts on the Ethereum network.
Users can take advantage of the speed and cost benefits of zkSync’s off-chain batching, while also benefiting from the privacy and security provided by zkEVM’s zero-knowledge proofs.
This opens up new possibilities for building decentralized applications (dApps) that require both scalability and privacy, making zkSync zkEVM an exciting innovation in the blockchain space.
为了解决与低可扩展性和高交易费用相关的问题,创建了以太坊共识层来挽救这种情况。它专注于零知识汇总、zkSync 和 Optimistic Rollups 等解决方案。
zkSync zkEVM 项目是一个结合了区块链领域两种尖端技术的协议:零知识证明(zk)和以太坊虚拟机(EVM)。它旨在在以太坊网络上实现可扩展且保护隐私的智能合约。
用户可以利用 zkSync 链下批处理的速度和成本优势,同时还受益于 zkEVM 零知识证明提供的隐私和安全性。
这为构建既需要可扩展性又需要隐私的去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 开辟了新的可能性,使 zkSync zkEVM 成为区块链领域令人兴奋的创新。
That is also the reason/ why we built the Sobajaswap protocol on zkSync
Our team has done thorough research/ and agrees that /ZkSync is well-suited for use cases/ that involve frequent transactions with low fees. It is ideal for applications such as micropayments, remittances, and decentralized finance (DeFi) transactions. ZkSync offers low gas fees and high transaction throughput, efficiently handling many transactions. My developer team builds decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that operate off-chain for order book management and on-chain settlement, enhancing the trading experience by reducing fees and improving transaction speed.

If diving into the exciting world of cryptocurrency and Ethereum, zkSync Era deserves the spotlight. 5 compelling reasons for you to consider ZKSync are:
1.Preserving Ethereum’s Core Values
2. Hyper Scalability for Web3
3. Uncompromising Security
4. Low Gas Costs
5. High Throughput
Compared to other solutions like Optimistic Rollups, Arbitrum, and Polygon (formerly Matic Network), ZKSync shines with its unique blend of scalability, security, and adherence to blockchain principles.
Sooo, can you share what makes Sobjaswap a special protocol?
如果深入探讨加密货币和以太坊的激动人心的世界,zkSync Era 值得关注。您考虑 ZKSync 的 5 个令人信服的理由是:
2. Web3 的超可扩展性
3. 毫不妥协的安全性
4. 天然气成本低
5. 高通量
与 Optimism Rollups、Arbitrum 和 Polygon(以前称为 Matic Network)等其他解决方案相比,ZKSync 以其独特的可扩展性、安全性和对区块链原则的遵守而脱颖而出。
Sooo,你能分享一下是什么让 Sobjaswap 成为一个特殊的协议吗?

2.Account Abstraction and Sobajaswap
I have to say that Sobajaswap stands out as the pioneering decentralized exchange that introduces the seamless one-click UX of native Account Abstraction. While other platforms may incorporate some certain AA features, Sobajaswap is being built with native technology. For example, some other protocols may integrate Paymaster by SDK. However Sobajaswap builds our own SDK for not only paymaster but other AA features as well.
Paymaster is just one of the AA features that we have integrated including Smart Account functionality, Social Login, Social Recovery, Batch transactions, and the innovative Paymaster.
On our platform, AA is applied to remove Web3 UX complexities, while seamlessly executing essential blockchain operations. This results in intuitive user flows, secure transactions, and better UX overall.
✨ Please check out our current features:
Trade > SwapPool > Liquidity PoolEarn > Earning Program (Staking + Farming)Trade NFTsLaunchpadCross-chain bridges
In late Q1 2024, we are introducing upcoming features: Fiat-crypto on/off ramp, Limit order, Perp DEX
我必须说,Sobajaswap是一家开创性的去中心化交易所,引入了本地Account Abstraction(AA)的无缝一键用户体验。与其他平台可能整合某些AA功能不同,Sobajaswap采用本地技术构建。我们开发了自己的SDK,集成了Paymaster以及Smart Account功能、Social Login、Social Recovery、Batch transactions等多个AA特性的创新性Paymaster。
✨ 请查看我们当前的功能:
收益计划(质押 + 农场)

Account Abstraction is a term highly talked about in the crypto and DeFi community these days. What is account abstraction and why is it hyped up so much?
账户抽象是当今加密货币和 DeFi 社区中备受关注的一个术语。什么是账户抽象?为什么它被如此大肆宣传?
Account Abstraction is the next evolution in the process of digital assets ownership and handling. To explain in simpler terms, this process is the next upgrade towards the usage of non-custodial/self-custodial wallets. In today’s crypto world, all digital assets are stored in wallets which can be categorized as Externally Owned Accounts (EOA). Be it an on-chain software wallet or an off-chain cold storage hardware wallet — both can be categorized under EOA.
EOA acts as an external entity that exists outside of a blockchain network. This is a type of account created using a combination of public and private keys that act as unique reference IDs to store and access data from the blockchain network. Each EOA (wallet) is essentially mapped directly to an individual user on a one-to-one basis and is accessed via a private key. If a user loses access to his private key, they completely lose access to all data/tokens stored in the EOA.
EOA,即外部拥有账户,是独立于区块链网络之外的外部实体。它是通过公钥和私钥的组合创建的账户,作为唯一的参考 ID,用于存储和访问区块链上的数据。每个EOA(钱包)直接映射到一个独立用户,通过私钥访问。如果用户丢失私钥访问权限,就会完全失去对存储在EOA中的所有数据/代币的访问。

The blockchain and cryptocurrency space is undergoing a subtle transformation. The novelty effect is waning. People are rightfully seeking more practical grounds to support the space.
Before this, the early adopters managed with subpar user experience, thanks to the initial WOW factor, genuine technological curiosity, and However, it is very difficult to log in and protect the seed phase key
That is why we implemented account abstraction technology which makes the web3 UX simpler and more practical.
Unlike EOAs, smart accounts do not wholly rely on a single private key or seed phrase. They allow users to generate a new key to access the same account in case they lose their original key.
Social recovery feature lets users create a multi-signature setup with trusted guardians (including trusted devices or users). If a user loses their keys, they can have the guardians sign a transaction and then regain access to the wallet.
Basically, dubbed ‘smart accounts’ negate the need for users to manage a single private key or seed phrase and allow for various types of complex transactions.

However, the most important thing in web3 is simplicity and functionality.
In this pursuit, account abstraction is leading the charge to transform blockchain and cryptocurrency from being exceptional tech to everyday tools.
Does that mean smart contracts can now function as standalone web3 wallets without the need for an EOA to trigger or approve transactions?
然而,web3 最重要的是简单性和功能性。
这是否意味着智能合约现在可以充当独立的 web3 钱包,而不需要 EOA 来触发或批准交易?
Customizable Smart Contract Interactions allow users to interact with Sobajaswap dApp like that.
Using smart accounts, anyone can set up multi-signature transactions in a wallet. That means, a transaction would only execute from a multi-sig wallet when a minimum specified number of entities or people sign the transaction.
When using a DEX to swap a new token, you first need to approve the token and then approve batch transactions.
With the ‘multi-call’ function in smart accounts, users can batch actions like these into a single transaction. So, when you go to a DEX, you can approve the token and execute the swap in a single transaction instead of approving two separate ones.
Apart from improving the user experience, this can also significantly reduce the overall gas consumption for transactions.
可定制的智能合约互动使用户能够与Sobajaswap dApp进行无缝互动。通过使用智能账户,任何人都可以在钱包中设置多重签名交易,即仅在多签钱包获得特定数量的签名时才执行交易。此外,智能账户中的“多调用”功能允许将诸如代币批准和交换之类的操作批处理到单个交易中,提高用户体验并显著减少交易的整体燃气消耗。

Wow more secure Web3 experiences?
哇,更安全的 Web3 体验?
Before, anyone with the seed phrase or private key could access the corresponding web3 account at any time. But now, users can set up temporary access keys called session keys that an authorized user can use for a pre-defined duration or number of transactions.
Session keys, being temporary, reduce the risk associated with key exposure. Even if a session key is compromised, it would only provide access for a limited time or a restricted set of actions, safeguarding the assets linked to the primary key.
To be safer, the session keys can be programmed with a revoke access function, which can be called either from a single account or through a multi-sign transaction.
Another utility of AA is the ability to set spending limits for smart accounts. So user can define how much funds can be transacted or withdrawn in a set period. With spending limits in place, even if a malicious actor gains access to the account, the potential damage they can inflict is contained.
Users can also tailor the spending limit in a way that for a larger transaction, they need multisig approvals. Or they can define spend limits for specific dApps to avoid overspending.

In addition to great experiences and safety capabilities, how do Account Abstraction with dApp attract new users?
as by as One of the major restrictions within Ethereum has been the inability to use any other token apart from ETH to pay for transaction gas. Does account abstraction change that?
除了出色的体验和安全功能之外,dApp 的账户抽象如何吸引新用户?
以太坊的主要限制之一是无法使用除 ETH 之外的任何其他代币来支付交易 Gas。帐户抽象会改变这一点吗?
Lemme introduce another extremely important amazing feature is Paymaster.
Sobajaswap protocol leverages Paymaster to make it easier for new users to participate in the web3 space.
With account abstraction, transactions within rollups can adopt flexible gas models, allow third parties to sponsor gas fee, then facilitate smooth interaction between cross-Layer-2 chains.
With Paymaster feature, users can choose flexible gas options or customize fee logic.
You can choose your preferred ERC-20 token to pay the gas fees. So, even if you do not own ETH in your account, you are still able to execute transactions.

That is to say, dApps or companies in web3 can choose to pay for the network fees that users incur when conducting a transaction on their platform.
也就是说,dApp 或 web3 中的公司可以选择支付用户在其平台上进行交易时产生的网络费用。
That’s correct. Vitalik Buterin once said that the Paymaster within the Account Abstraction mechanism is a valuable tool for abstracting the payment of transaction fees on the Ethereum network.
That’s why we believe that Account Abstraction is a genuine breakthrough for both crypto and non-crypto users.
确实。Vitalik Buterin曾表示,账户抽象机制内的Paymaster是在以太坊网络上抽象交易费用支付的有价值工具。
This January 18th, please mark your calendar for our private sale IDO for our Sobajaswap’s native token — $SOBA. This is your chance to not only engage with the SobajaSwap community but also score some incredible incentives. Please stay tuned to our social media, we will announce the exciting news to our users and communities soon!
今年 1 月 18 日,请在您的日历上标记我们 Sobajaswap 原生代币 $SOBA 的私募 IDO。您不仅有机会参与 SobajaSwap 社区,还可以获得一些令人难以置信的奖励。请继续关注我们的社交媒体,我们将很快向我们的用户和社区宣布激动人心的消息!
In conclusion, the insights concluded with Ethereum’s versatility, layer-2 scaling solutions, and Sobajaswap’s pioneering use of zkSync and Account Abstraction. The latter’s smart accounts, social recovery, and session keys promise improved user experiences and asset security.
The upcoming $SOBA token private sale on January 18th adds anticipation, offering users unique incentives. Sobajaswap’s innovative approach and commitment to mass adoption make it a standout player in the evolving DeFi space. The AMA serves as a valuable resource for the community to explore Sobajaswap’s features and contributions to decentralized finance.

Sobajaswap Protocol — Pioneers of Account Abstraction 🚀🚀🚀
CRYPTO CAFE RECAP AMA on Binance Live Sobajaswap & Tomket Lovers DEX on zkSync 🎉Experience Account Abstraction a Revolution in Web3 User Experience in Just One Click🚀 Native Account Abstraction on zkSync Era with unrivaled scalability Layer-2 protocol that scales Ethereum with cutting-edge ZK tech. 🎯 Link Recap: 👉 Stay up to date with the latest trends in Crypto and more 🏆 #Sobajaswap #zkSync #DeFi #AccountAbstraction
AMA on Binance Live Sobajaswap & Tomket Lovers

DEX on zkSync 🎉Experience Account Abstraction a Revolution in Web3 User Experience in Just One Click🚀
Native Account Abstraction on zkSync Era with unrivaled scalability Layer-2 protocol that scales Ethereum with cutting-edge ZK tech.

🎯 Link Recap:

👉 Stay up to date with the latest trends in Crypto and more 🏆

#Sobajaswap #zkSync #DeFi #AccountAbstraction
⛩ Experience Account Abstraction 🔥 How to Look for an NFTs whitelist before the IDO launchpad? How to get an NFT whitelist? By joining and contributing to the project via its Discord server, X, Telegram group, etc., you can get onto the whitelist for NFTs 🏆 ✅ Follow @sobajaswap Like RT, and Tag 3 Friends ✅ Join Twitter @sobajaswap ✅ Join Discord: 🚀 Most NFT initiatives involve community members who help raise awareness and reward participants in return. Stay updated with the latest trends in NFTs and more.🏆 #Sobajaswap #zkSync #DeFi #AccountAbstraction
⛩ Experience Account Abstraction 🔥

How to Look for an NFTs whitelist before the IDO launchpad?
How to get an NFT whitelist?

By joining and contributing to the project via its Discord server, X, Telegram group, etc., you can get onto the whitelist for NFTs 🏆

✅ Follow @Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction Like RT, and Tag 3 Friends

✅ Join Twitter @Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction

✅ Join Discord:

🚀 Most NFT initiatives involve community members who help raise awareness and reward participants in return.
Stay updated with the latest trends in NFTs and more.🏆

#Sobajaswap #zkSync #DeFi #AccountAbstraction
Live AMA with Tomket Lovers & Sobajaswap! 🚀 Join us for Crypto Cafe, a Live Discussion on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies by Tomket Lovers. 🌐 In this episode, we dive into the decentralized exchange on the ZkSync network! 📅 Date & Time: 9th Jan 2024 | 17:00 UTC 📍 Venue: Binance Live ✨ Event Rules: 1️⃣ Join Tomket Lovers & Sobajaswap 2️⃣ Like & Retweet Twitter Post 3️⃣ Follow Tomket Lovers & Sobajaswap on Twitter Sobajaswap, the pioneer DEX on zkSync Era with Native Account Abstraction, brings a seamless one-click UX to onboard the next billion users! 🚀 Don't miss out on the future of decentralized exchanges! #Sobajaswap #zkSync
Live AMA with Tomket Lovers & Sobajaswap!
🚀 Join us for Crypto Cafe, a Live Discussion on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies by Tomket Lovers. 🌐 In this episode, we dive into the decentralized exchange on the ZkSync network!

📅 Date & Time: 9th Jan 2024 | 17:00 UTC
📍 Venue: Binance Live

✨ Event Rules:
1️⃣ Join Tomket Lovers & Sobajaswap
2️⃣ Like & Retweet Twitter Post
3️⃣ Follow Tomket Lovers & Sobajaswap on Twitter

Sobajaswap, the pioneer DEX on zkSync Era with Native Account Abstraction, brings a seamless one-click UX to onboard the next billion users! 🚀 Don't miss out on the future of decentralized exchanges!
#Sobajaswap #zkSync
⛩Magical UX🎉 🎉The Sobajaswap Protocol boasts the Native Account Abstraction in the current L2 landscape. 🎉This will enable a new “smart account” type to solve this issue by providing a better user experience, the user benefits from the gas-less call data in our Sobajaswap Protocol. #AccountAbstraction, #DeFi, #Sobajaswap, @ZKSYNC
⛩Magical UX🎉

🎉The Sobajaswap Protocol boasts the Native Account Abstraction in the current L2 landscape.
🎉This will enable a new “smart account” type to solve this issue by providing a better user experience, the user benefits from the gas-less call data in our Sobajaswap Protocol.
#AccountAbstraction, #DeFi, #Sobajaswap,
Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction
Native Account abstraction seamlessly on dApp transactions, making them intuitive for users.⛩
Native Account abstraction seamlessly on dApp transactions, making them intuitive for users.⛩
LOVE LOVE JAPAN “Arigatou” meaning "thank you" in Japanese “It is often said that the distance between people around the world and Japan is far, but our hearts are close,” We will overcome difficulties together.” We are close to each other, what we call ‘one heart’ in Soba for those who like Japanese food and who like Japanese culture. #Soba, #Sobaja, zksync
“Arigatou” meaning "thank you" in Japanese
“It is often said that the distance between people around the world and Japan is far, but our hearts are close,” We will overcome difficulties together.”
We are close to each other, what we call ‘one heart’ in Soba for those who like Japanese food and who like Japanese culture.
#Soba, #Sobaja, zksync
🚀🌟 Cheers to a fresh start and a year filled with exciting adventures. Hatsu Soba 2024 symbolizes renewal and aspiration. New Year Campaign🎉✨ 🏆Prizes Pool: 1000 USDC for 50 lucky members 💸 🚀How to Win: 1 Follow @sobajaswap on Twitter, Like and Repost 2 Join Sobajaswap Discord: sobajaswap 3 Join @Sobajaswap on Telegram: sobajaswap Refer friends to boost your chances 🌐Complete all tasks for max chances. ⏰ End date: January 06, 2024 Embrace the New Year with optimism and determination. A year of positive transformations and extraordinary accomplishments with sobajaswap #Sobajswap #PrizePool #AccountAbstraction #zkSync
Cheers to a fresh start and a year filled with exciting adventures.
Hatsu Soba 2024 symbolizes renewal and aspiration.
New Year Campaign🎉✨
🏆Prizes Pool: 1000 USDC for 50 lucky members
🚀How to Win:
1 Follow @sobajaswap on Twitter, Like and Repost

2 Join Sobajaswap Discord: sobajaswap

3 Join @Sobajaswap on Telegram: sobajaswap

Refer friends to boost your chances
🌐Complete all tasks for max chances.

End date: January 06, 2024
Embrace the New Year with optimism and determination.
A year of positive transformations and extraordinary accomplishments with sobajaswap

#Sobajswap #PrizePool #AccountAbstraction #zkSync
⛩ Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉 ✍️ ✍️ ✍️ Strategic Goals for 2024🎉🎉🎉 Vitalik Buterin highlighted that rollups, zero-knowledge proofs, account abstraction, and second-generation privacy solutions have become more mainstream. ❇️ Account abstraction completely transforms Web3 UX – enabling the removal of seed phrases, gasless transactions, and enhanced security. ❇️ Paymasters will allow users to pay for gas fees using whichever coins they are using to make the transaction. Native Account Abstraction Paves the Way for Mass Adoption Protocol-level Solutions on L2s. This provides a significant improvement in user experience, particularly for dApp Users. 🚀🎊 The joy, renewal, and good with the start of a new year. 明けましておめでとうございます #Sobajaswap #zkSync #AccountAbstraction
⛩ Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉
✍️ ✍️ ✍️ Strategic Goals for 2024🎉🎉🎉
Vitalik Buterin highlighted that rollups, zero-knowledge proofs, account abstraction, and second-generation privacy solutions have become more mainstream.
❇️ Account abstraction completely transforms Web3 UX – enabling the removal of seed phrases, gasless transactions, and enhanced security.
❇️ Paymasters will allow users to pay for gas fees using whichever coins they are using to make the transaction.

Native Account Abstraction Paves the Way for Mass Adoption Protocol-level Solutions on L2s. This provides a significant improvement in user experience, particularly for dApp Users. 🚀🎊

The joy, renewal, and good with the start of a new year.
#Sobajaswap #zkSync #AccountAbstraction
Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction
✍️ ✍️ ✍️ Strategic Goals for 2024🎉🎉🎉

✍️ ✍️ ✍️ Strategic Goals for 2024🎉🎉🎉
New Year, new beginnings! Welcome "Hatsuhinode " The First Sunrise of the New Year A prosperous New Year filled with happiness and new opportunities. May Sobajaswap's journey be filled with positivity, and success and happiness be your constant companions throughout the year. あけましておめでと う 乾杯と未来へのトースト #Nengajo #Sobajaswap #AccountAbstraction @ZKSYNC
New Year, new beginnings!
Welcome "Hatsuhinode "
The First Sunrise of the New Year
A prosperous New Year filled with happiness and new opportunities. May Sobajaswap's journey be filled with positivity, and success and happiness be your constant companions throughout the year.
あけましておめでと う
#Sobajaswap #AccountAbstraction
Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction
2024 恭喜发财 -新年快乐 2024 年明けましておめでとうございます Happy New Year!🎉🎉🎉🎉
2024 恭喜发财 -新年快乐 2024 年明けましておめでとうございます
Happy New Year!🎉🎉🎉🎉
@VitalikButerin noted that decentralized exchanges have provided a solution to hacks on centralized exchanges, while Cowswap, Flashbots Protect, and MEV Blocker have helped limit the severity of sandwich attacks on Ethereum users by maximum extractable value exploiters. @zkSyncDevs,
@VitalikButerin noted that decentralized exchanges have provided a solution to hacks on centralized exchanges, while Cowswap, Flashbots Protect, and MEV Blocker have helped limit the severity of sandwich attacks on Ethereum users by maximum extractable value exploiters.
@VitalikButerin highlighted that rollups, Zero-knowledge proofs, Account Abstraction, and second-generation privacy solutions have become some of these cypherpunk values. @zksync @zkSyncDevs
highlighted that rollups,
Zero-knowledge proofs, Account Abstraction, and second-generation privacy solutions have become some of these cypherpunk values.
@zksync @zkSyncDevs
Make Ethereum cypherpunk again’ Account abstraction is starting to take off. As for advanced users, account abstraction provides a range of customizable features. They can set up different access levels that are linked to various keys, facilitating better control #zkSync, #soba, #AA,
Make Ethereum cypherpunk again’
Account abstraction is starting to take off.
As for advanced users, account abstraction provides a range of customizable features. They can set up different access levels that are linked to various keys, facilitating better control
#zkSync, #soba, #AA,
🌟 Let's congratulate the TOP 3 in the Experience Account Abstraction competition!🏆🚀 🥇Top 1: 150 USDT - 0x7...22a 🥈Top 2: 100 USDT - 0xa...60c 🥉Top 3: 50 USDT - 0xd...869 But the excitement continues! Don't miss the opportunity to win from our prize pool. More thrilling opportunities await, so stay tuned! 🌐💙 #Sobajaswap #zkSync #AccountAbstraction #Paymaster #soba
Let's congratulate the TOP 3 in the Experience Account Abstraction competition!🏆🚀
🥇Top 1: 150 USDT - 0x7...22a
🥈Top 2: 100 USDT - 0xa...60c
🥉Top 3: 50 USDT - 0xd...869

But the excitement continues! Don't miss the opportunity to win from our prize pool.
More thrilling opportunities await, so stay tuned!
#Sobajaswap #zkSync #AccountAbstraction
#Paymaster #soba
Account Abstraction supports new use cases for smart contract developers, empowering users to have gas-free experiences, authenticate with biometrics, or leverage social recovery features for their account.
Account Abstraction supports new use cases for smart contract developers, empowering users to have gas-free experiences, authenticate with biometrics, or leverage social recovery features for their account.
Sobajaswap Pioneer Account Abstraction
@Sobajaswap achieves a monumental milestone with over 🎉 $13.500,000 M Volumes 🎉 $480,000 in TVL 🌐 🔥 over 606 Smart Account Active Will Account Abstraction Bring Mass Adoption to the Bloc
achieves a monumental milestone with over
🎉 $13.500,000 M Volumes
🎉 $480,000 in TVL 🌐
🔥 over 606 Smart Account Active

Will Account Abstraction Bring Mass Adoption to the Bloc
Binance News
ZkSync Era Network Resumes Full Operation After Bug Resolution
According to Foresight News, the development team behind zkSync has announced that the zkSync Era network is now fully operational. On December 25th at 13:50, an automatic security protocol was triggered by a bug in the server. The issue required the team's attention and has now been completely resolved. zkSync will soon share a comprehensive report on the incident.
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
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