$USUAL Still no real buying pressure. It will come... Sit tight or make smart moves. No one has a glass ball here. But Binance offers tons of charts and data for DYOR
$USUAL Not a good market depth the moment. Needs correction, before all the waiting buyers step in. They wont at the current price. Until then mediocre trade volume and price movement. It needs a healthy revival, and that goes with dip at least to he 0.60s. Growth afterwards will atract many more buyer than current situation.
agree. but people here just want to get rich very quick. they don't research
Lavona Harnly akM8
$USUAL sell and buy again at lower price, it wont cross more than a dollar after even after pre launch.... its a long term project, wont grow that much over night....waiting for entry at 0.48 again !!
Yea its real fun to see whats going on. Let them apply their "advanced trading strategies and tactics". Will payout for them... Maybe just not how they like it to be...
#$USUAL oggi ho visto e letto porcate a non finire. Ma se hai investito dei $ in questo progetto, ti sarai un minimo documentato oppure hai pensato di provare se ti fosse andata bene per guadagnare qualche soldo e appena hai visto altri sprovveduti come te vendere li hai seguiti? Comunque vendete pure poi quando sarà il momento ricomprerete al doppio se non di più,così continuerete a sbattere il muso sulla muro della vostra stupidita. Io sono entrato con un ottimo prezzo e li rimarrò qualsiasi cosa succeda e il tempo mi ripagherà sicuramente, in venti giorni ho triplicato il mio investimento proprio perché prima di comprare ho dato un'occhiata al progetto e ho analizzato il fatto che tutto ciò fosse lanciato da Binance. Questo è solo il mio pensiero quindi che ognuno faccio ciò che pensa essere corretto.
#USUALSpotLaunch BEWARE of where you get your information from. Start with the Binance Anouncement and help sections. If you don't understand whats written there, sorry, but you're in the wrong place and don't understand the basics. If you are basically guided by comments on Square... good luck
Yea. Right. One just have to read the announcement, written in a very understandable way. Your comments are basically pointless, as all is stated in the announcement.