Binance Square
تمّت مُشاركتها
جميع المُحتوى
$HOOK 我艹尼玛 废物
$HOOK 我艹尼玛 废物
$HOOK 我艹尼玛
$HOOK 我艹尼玛
$HOOK 走势复刻去年拉升曲线 这波看到2u往上 如果每涨到当我没说
$HOOK 走势复刻去年拉升曲线 这波看到2u往上 如果每涨到当我没说
$HOOK 即将登陆🌕
$HOOK 即将登陆🌕
$HOOK CZ即将回归!闭眼贷
$HOOK CZ即将回归!闭眼贷
$HOOK $HOOK 这就是一个骗子项目方,没有一点实际应用,只有一个网站和几张图片,他们已经运行了两年,没有任何应该实质性项目。每天不断的出货。不断的用文字欺骗投资者手里的资金。每天都发wb3,他没有任何应用产品,两年前只有一个背书一个网站,现在也是一样,没有任何改变。每天不断发和谁合作和谁合作,没有任何,任何实际应用和gft本质上是一种庄。gft我也是早期玩家之前叫gto上线之后一路跌,跌了上百倍,后面换新币重置k线开始套人,一直套到现在要下架gft也是喜欢假装价值币,一直做wb3钱包一年前就说快做好了一直没上线,最近几个月才上线。hook从本质上操盘手法和gft一模一样,假装价值币,不断发布利好消息,实质上没有任何进度。不会让散户赚一分钱。以后还是要看清。
$HOOK $HOOK 这就是一个骗子项目方,没有一点实际应用,只有一个网站和几张图片,他们已经运行了两年,没有任何应该实质性项目。每天不断的出货。不断的用文字欺骗投资者手里的资金。每天都发wb3,他没有任何应用产品,两年前只有一个背书一个网站,现在也是一样,没有任何改变。每天不断发和谁合作和谁合作,没有任何,任何实际应用和gft本质上是一种庄。gft我也是早期玩家之前叫gto上线之后一路跌,跌了上百倍,后面换新币重置k线开始套人,一直套到现在要下架gft也是喜欢假装价值币,一直做wb3钱包一年前就说快做好了一直没上线,最近几个月才上线。hook从本质上操盘手法和gft一模一样,假装价值币,不断发布利好消息,实质上没有任何进度。不会让散户赚一分钱。以后还是要看清。
$HOOK 观察区都比你猛🤮
$HOOK 观察区都比你猛🤮
$HOOK 一坨狗屎
$HOOK 一坨狗屎
HOOK 最近进展2024年7月23日$HOOK 随着我们在Web3革命中大步前进,以下是我们最新的HOOKED 2.0进展,旨在增强全球Web3掌握和创新能力: #释放人工智能协同效应:与CoralApp合作推动Web3创新 利用领先生态系统的力量对加速全球Web3意识至关重要。为实现互惠互利,我们积极与各领域的生态系统巨头合作。我们很高兴宣布与CoralApp的这项人工智能驱动的合作: 人工智能驱动创新的协同效应:CoralApp是由Binance Labs孵化的首个为多链景观打造的移动生态系统,旨在通过AI推理赋能Web3。我们致力于通过我们的AI驱动社交学习元宇宙实现Web3访问的民主化。Hooked校友的整合只是开始,未来将有更多AI驱动的合作。 面向首次用户的Web3入门套件:我们的目标是引导新人进入Web3世界,支持他们成为Web3专家和爱好者。 多链生态系统与Web3教育专业知识的协作:与CoralApp合作多链景观,我们利用我们在Web3掌握体验方面的专业知识,为更多CoralPhone用户及其他人带来沉浸式、游戏化和社交学习的Web3体验。我们先进的入门工具和校友系统是这项工作的关键。 Hooked和CoraApp的协同效应展示Web3影响力 #打造共同教育联盟:AlphaOrBeta、Masa和Blum加入Hooked校友 通过我们的校友平台,我们积极与超过10个领域的生态系统巨头合作,包括第1层和第2层基础设施、人工智能以及新兴领域如BTC生态系统和多链生态系统。我们专注于创造社交驱动的教育体验,实现无缝Web3入门,并得到顶级行业合作伙伴的支持。 最新与3个跨领域巨头的校友合作 AlphaOrBeta:首个将动态意见市场与连续预测市场相结合的平台,赋予声音力量并确保意见得到重视和奖励,全部由区块链保障并无缝集成到全球Web3生态系统中。 Masa:公平AI的去中心化网络,使人们能够通过贡献数据来赚钱,并使AI开发者能够利用世界的数据在任何地方构建任何东西。 Blum:Telegram上的去中心化交易所(DEX),提供对中心化和去中心化交易所的代币访问。 通过将这些创新和前沿技术通过引人入胜的校友学习体验整合到我们的社区中,我们正在为去中心化时代的无缝全球Web3掌握铺平道路。 深入丰富的体验和Web3掌握: #Hooked 2.0 Unitour全球总结,展现真实世界教育影响 Hooked 2.0 Unitour旨在为参与者提供对Web3原则和实际应用的全面理解,为他们在不断增长的Web3行业中的机会装备知识和技能。当我们踏上这段大胆的全球旅程时,让我们回顾最近的成就: 与跨大洲的真实世界联盟合作:与亚太地区、美洲、欧洲和中东的66多所大学和机构合作,包括像麻省理工学院这样的顶级大学,以及跨越这些重要大陆的63多个顶级区块链俱乐部。 与巨头合作实现生态系统影响:与150多个来自Web2和Web3的行业领袖合作,推动全球Web3掌握并促进生态系统间的互利增长。 产生巨大的全球影响:触及150万受启发的个人生活,激发关于Web3无限潜力的讨论。 随着我们向前迈进,在协作和创新的能量推动下,我们自信地步入Web3时代。让我们一起倡导一个去中心化和包容性重新定义全球可能性的未来! 最后,我们想借此机会感谢所有社区成员如此积极地参与社区,见证我们每一步的进展!❤ 一如既往,请关注我们的X和Discord频道以获取最新消息!:)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

HOOK 最近进展2024年7月23日

$HOOK 随着我们在Web3革命中大步前进,以下是我们最新的HOOKED 2.0进展,旨在增强全球Web3掌握和创新能力:
人工智能驱动创新的协同效应:CoralApp是由Binance Labs孵化的首个为多链景观打造的移动生态系统,旨在通过AI推理赋能Web3。我们致力于通过我们的AI驱动社交学习元宇宙实现Web3访问的民主化。Hooked校友的整合只是开始,未来将有更多AI驱动的合作。
#Hooked 2.0 Unitour全球总结,展现真实世界教育影响
Hooked 2.0 Unitour旨在为参与者提供对Web3原则和实际应用的全面理解,为他们在不断增长的Web3行业中的机会装备知识和技能。当我们踏上这段大胆的全球旅程时,让我们回顾最近的成就:
最后,我们想借此机会感谢所有社区成员如此积极地参与社区,见证我们每一步的进展!❤ 一如既往,请关注我们的X和Discord频道以获取最新消息!:)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
$HOOK BNB老大哥都已经回来一半了 你他妈的为什么还在装死
$HOOK BNB老大哥都已经回来一半了 你他妈的为什么还在装死
$HOOK 去你妈的 为啥当时选你? 看看EDU
$HOOK 去你妈的 为啥当时选你? 看看EDU
$HOOK 我尼玛 诈骗
$HOOK 我尼玛 诈骗
$HOOK 可能是 牛市要来了 疯狂洗盘 那些观察区的币 要下架的都会拉盘 然后等着下架 种子币 牛市的主力山寨必定血洗让你下车 我想我可能是疯了🤪
$HOOK 可能是 牛市要来了 疯狂洗盘 那些观察区的币 要下架的都会拉盘 然后等着下架 种子币 牛市的主力山寨必定血洗让你下车 我想我可能是疯了🤪
$HOOK 大约$1.5的成本 一直在跌 不是牛市吗
$HOOK 大约$1.5的成本 一直在跌 不是牛市吗
$HOOK 这绝对是买了大A了
$HOOK 这绝对是买了大A了
$HOOK 疯狂的六月
$HOOK 疯狂的六月
[Bi-weekly Update] — June 4th, 2024As we stride forward, immersed in the Web3 revolution, here’s a glimpse into our latest HOOKED 2.0 strides to empower global Web3 mastery and innovation: #Introducing Hooked Alumni — Co-educating Quizathon: Beyond Recent Triumphs As we continue our transformative journey into 2024 Q2, Hooked 2.0 celebrates the latest milestones in our quest to empower global Web3 mastery and innovation via Hooked Alumni. Wrapping Up Recent Milestones with Educational Alliances Expanding Our Reach with Top-Tier Ecosystem Giants: We’ve formed partnerships with over 22 top-tier projects, captivating nearly 1 million participants in the Web3 mastery journey across pivotal Web3 domains, including Chains, Layers, DeFi, AI, BTC ecosystems, BRC-20 protocols, Multi-chain ecosystems, and practical applications like wallets and DApps. Embrace Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon with Enhanced User Experience and Innovations Unveiling Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon: Building on the success of our Alumni collaborations, we’re excited to launch Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon, co-powered by esteemed partners to provide an even better user experience and more features to anticipate. Innovative Features & Enhanced User Experience: Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon will include future-ready themed social learning alongside united Web3 partners, exclusive insights from AMAs featuring trends and future predictions, greater rewards for communities, and first-hand connections and updates from broader Web3 communities. Partnered with 22 Top-Tier Web3 Giants and Introducing Co-educating Quizathon #Hooked Unitour: Empowering Europe & America’s Academic Landscape Resounding Success in Turkey’s Premier Universities European Tour Kickoff: After groundbreaking collaborations in the Middle East, our European tour begins in Turkey, with collaborations planned at Istanbul Aydin University, Izmir Ege University, and Yıldız Technical University, among others. Driving Web3 Awareness: Teaming up with academic elites, we’re driving Web3 awareness in local universities, equipping the next generation with the tools to navigate the emerging industry. Successful Launch at Istanbul Aydin University: Our inaugural stop at Istanbul Aydin University, a hub for Web3 innovation, was a resounding success. Supported by partners like BNB CHAIN, iLuminaryAI, and GoldenPawsToken, we connected with local talent, fostering Web3 mastery across Turkey and beyond. Hooked 2.0 Unitour: Diving Deep into Europe Market at Turkey Achievements Across the Americas Collaborations with Leading Universities: We’ve partnered with 5+ top universities across the Americas, empowering over 188,700 individuals through transformative educational initiatives. Enriching the Tech Ecosystem: Collaborating with MIT, a beacon of innovation, we’re unlocking doors to top-tier talent and fostering collaboration and growth. Our journey continues as we deepen our global focus on Web3 education, expanding our horizons and shaping a future where expertise and inclusivity thrive together. Hooked 2.0 Unitour Across Americas: 3-Month Milestones #Engaging Web3 Communities at BlockchainX Istanbul BlockchainX Istanbul Participation: Our participation in this tech and entertainment extravaganza underscores our commitment to sharing our vision with a global audience, expanding our reach, and engaging with more users on the Web3 journey. Fostering Industry Relationships: By connecting with Web3 pioneers, we’re laying the groundwork for future collaborations and inspiring more users to join us in building a powerful protocol at the forefront of Web3 innovation. Strengthening Our Ecosystem: Building partnerships with leading projects is key to our goal of bringing Web3 to a global audience, strengthening our ecosystem, and positioning us for future success. Hooked’sParticipation at BlockchainX Istanbul with Web3 Visionaries #Advancing Global Social Learning with BNB Chain on opBNB Collaboration Pioneering Early Adoption: As a proud early adopter on opBNB, we’re leveraging its higher throughput and lower gas fees to create next-gen dApps. Collaborative Synergy: Collaborating with BNB Chain on opBNB, we aim to enhance user interactions, drive global social learning for Web3 mastery, and shape the future of Web3 together. Innovative Solutions: To tackle challenges, we’ve deployed on opBNB,a two-layer architecture to handle traffic spikes and create a seamless social login with a gasless solution on EIP4337. With BSC as the asset layer, users can seamlessly exchange in-app credits for on-chain assets to explore the diverse DeFi offerings within the BNB Chain ecosystem. See how we’re making blockchain accessible to all through powerful synergy on BNB Chain’s blog: BNB Chain Blog. Hooked X BNB CHAIN opBNB: Synergy of Giants to Drive Global Social Learning #Celebrating NFP 1-Year Anniversary with Community Rewards Rewarding Community Participation: In appreciation of our community’s active participation, we’ve partnered with NFP to celebrate their 1-year anniversary, offering rewards like 10,000 $cNFP, $3,000 worth of tokens, and whitelist spots. From AI Art to Blockchain Innovation: Join us in toasting a year of achievements and exploring the limitless possibilities of AI integrated with Web3 technology. Lastly, we would like to take this time to thank all our community members for being so involved in the community and being the witness for every progress we are making! ❤ As always, please follow our X and Discord channel for updated news! :)

[Bi-weekly Update] — June 4th, 2024

As we stride forward, immersed in the Web3 revolution, here’s a glimpse into our latest HOOKED 2.0 strides to empower global Web3 mastery and innovation:
#Introducing Hooked Alumni — Co-educating Quizathon: Beyond Recent Triumphs
As we continue our transformative journey into 2024 Q2, Hooked 2.0 celebrates the latest milestones in our quest to empower global Web3 mastery and innovation via Hooked Alumni.
Wrapping Up Recent Milestones with Educational Alliances
Expanding Our Reach with Top-Tier Ecosystem Giants: We’ve formed partnerships with over 22 top-tier projects, captivating nearly 1 million participants in the Web3 mastery journey across pivotal Web3 domains, including Chains, Layers, DeFi, AI, BTC ecosystems, BRC-20 protocols, Multi-chain ecosystems, and practical applications like wallets and DApps.
Embrace Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon with Enhanced User Experience and Innovations
Unveiling Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon: Building on the success of our Alumni collaborations, we’re excited to launch Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon, co-powered by esteemed partners to provide an even better user experience and more features to anticipate.
Innovative Features & Enhanced User Experience: Hooked Alumni Co-educating Quizathon will include future-ready themed social learning alongside united Web3 partners, exclusive insights from AMAs featuring trends and future predictions, greater rewards for communities, and first-hand connections and updates from broader Web3 communities.
Partnered with 22 Top-Tier Web3 Giants and Introducing Co-educating Quizathon
#Hooked Unitour: Empowering Europe & America’s Academic Landscape
Resounding Success in Turkey’s Premier Universities
European Tour Kickoff: After groundbreaking collaborations in the Middle East, our European tour begins in Turkey, with collaborations planned at Istanbul Aydin University, Izmir Ege University, and Yıldız Technical University, among others.
Driving Web3 Awareness: Teaming up with academic elites, we’re driving Web3 awareness in local universities, equipping the next generation with the tools to navigate the emerging industry.
Successful Launch at Istanbul Aydin University: Our inaugural stop at Istanbul Aydin University, a hub for Web3 innovation, was a resounding success. Supported by partners like BNB CHAIN, iLuminaryAI, and GoldenPawsToken, we connected with local talent, fostering Web3 mastery across Turkey and beyond.
Hooked 2.0 Unitour: Diving Deep into Europe Market at Turkey
Achievements Across the Americas
Collaborations with Leading Universities: We’ve partnered with 5+ top universities across the Americas, empowering over 188,700 individuals through transformative educational initiatives.
Enriching the Tech Ecosystem: Collaborating with MIT, a beacon of innovation, we’re unlocking doors to top-tier talent and fostering collaboration and growth.
Our journey continues as we deepen our global focus on Web3 education, expanding our horizons and shaping a future where expertise and inclusivity thrive together.
Hooked 2.0 Unitour Across Americas: 3-Month Milestones
#Engaging Web3 Communities at BlockchainX Istanbul
BlockchainX Istanbul Participation: Our participation in this tech and entertainment extravaganza underscores our commitment to sharing our vision with a global audience, expanding our reach, and engaging with more users on the Web3 journey.
Fostering Industry Relationships: By connecting with Web3 pioneers, we’re laying the groundwork for future collaborations and inspiring more users to join us in building a powerful protocol at the forefront of Web3 innovation.
Strengthening Our Ecosystem: Building partnerships with leading projects is key to our goal of bringing Web3 to a global audience, strengthening our ecosystem, and positioning us for future success.
Hooked’sParticipation at BlockchainX Istanbul with Web3 Visionaries
#Advancing Global Social Learning with BNB Chain on opBNB Collaboration
Pioneering Early Adoption: As a proud early adopter on opBNB, we’re leveraging its higher throughput and lower gas fees to create next-gen dApps.
Collaborative Synergy: Collaborating with BNB Chain on opBNB, we aim to enhance user interactions, drive global social learning for Web3 mastery, and shape the future of Web3 together.
Innovative Solutions: To tackle challenges, we’ve deployed on opBNB,a two-layer architecture to handle traffic spikes and create a seamless social login with a gasless solution on EIP4337. With BSC as the asset layer, users can seamlessly exchange in-app credits for on-chain assets to explore the diverse DeFi offerings within the BNB Chain ecosystem.
See how we’re making blockchain accessible to all through powerful synergy on BNB Chain’s blog: BNB Chain Blog.
Hooked X BNB CHAIN opBNB: Synergy of Giants to Drive Global Social Learning
#Celebrating NFP 1-Year Anniversary with Community Rewards
Rewarding Community Participation: In appreciation of our community’s active participation, we’ve partnered with NFP to celebrate their 1-year anniversary, offering rewards like 10,000 $cNFP, $3,000 worth of tokens, and whitelist spots.
From AI Art to Blockchain Innovation: Join us in toasting a year of achievements and exploring the limitless possibilities of AI integrated with Web3 technology.
Lastly, we would like to take this time to thank all our community members for being so involved in the community and being the witness for every progress we are making! ❤ As always, please follow our X and Discord channel for updated news! :)
$HOOK CZ 进去了 坚持持有 等他出来 $4
$HOOK CZ 进去了 坚持持有 等他出来 $4
$HOOK 这个针插的莫名其妙的 是要开拉了吗
$HOOK 这个针插的莫名其妙的 是要开拉了吗
$HOOK EDU是走牛了 你啥时候开始
$HOOK EDU是走牛了 你啥时候开始
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