This guy has proven it right that you can actually learn anything by yourself with some little guidance You just have to be fearless and determined. He's probably the 1st person who yied well and keeps communicating with me after sending trading pdfs months ago. Others go japa😂
This year, i connect with some great folks on X, the true ones. I hope to see us all doing very great this coming year. @InvestorCrack @D_riggs11 @willzydollarrzz @stfuprecious @Anselmm4 @tobadaniel_ @JoyEzeh11 @Gift_goldheart @Staceomi Love you all!
To be realistic, luck can outperform hard work 90% of the time. You can be very hard work in the wrong direction and see fewer results compared to people in the right direction with less working and luck. Luck with a good connection with people will make it easier for you.