What are the benefits of Proto-Danksharding for Ethereum users

The key benefits of Proto-Danksharding (EIP-4844) for Ethereum users are:

1. **Reduced transaction fees**: Proto-Danksharding enables layer-2 rollups to post their data more cheaply on the Ethereum mainnet, allowing them to pass those savings on to end-users in the form of lower transaction fees.

2. **Enhanced scalability for layer-2 solutions**: By providing a more efficient way for rollups to store their data, Proto-Danksharding boosts the scalability of Ethereum's layer-2 ecosystem, enabling them to handle more transactions.

3. **Improved data availability**: The "blobs" introduced by Proto-Danksharding provide a way for rollups to make their transaction data available on the Ethereum mainnet without burdening all nodes with storing it indefinitely.

4. **Preparation for full Danksharding**: Proto-Danksharding is an intermediate step towards the full Danksharding upgrade, which aims to massively scale Ethereum's transaction capacity to over 100,000 TPS. So it lays the groundwork for even greater scalability in the future.

5. **Forward compatibility**: The design of Proto-Danksharding ensures compatibility with future Ethereum upgrades, protecting investments in the network and allowing businesses to plan long-term projects with confidence.

In summary, Proto-Danksharding significantly improves the user experience on Ethereum by reducing fees, enhancing scalability, and preparing the network for even greater capacity increases down the line.

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