Leading Analyst Shares Prediction on How Mt Gox Dump Will Affect Bitcoin Price .



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• Fred Krueger, a big-time Bitcoin fan, is spilling the tea on Mt Gox's upcoming Bitcoin giveaway. 🍵

• Here's the scoop:

- Mt Gox is about to hand out around 100,000 Bitcoins starting in July. That's a lot of digital gold! 💰

- Some folks might cash out their Bitcoin. How much? Well, that's the million-dollar question! 🤔

• Krueger's got his own take:

- He thinks maybe 13,000 BTC could hit the market

- That's about the same as what MicroStrategy just bought (and nobody even blinked!) 👀

• But here's the kicker:

- We don't know exactly when or how fast these Bitcoins will be distributed. It's like a slow-motion money rain! 🌧️

• Krueger's not sweating it though. He thinks the market's already prepared for this:

- Bitcoin's value took a big hit last week (ouch! 😬)

- He believes that drop more than covers what's coming with Mt Gox

So, while it sounds like a big deal, Krueger's saying "Keep calm and HODL on!" 😎🚀

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