Whale Dumps BRETT for $1.76M Profit After 3 Months!

Whale 0x8ea just sold 10.2M BRETT for 399.5 ETH ($1.36M) at an average price of $0.133 in the past hour:

Address: 0x8ea6f18a67023141ac0f9200e91aa65bb27e8086

Transaction Highlights:

Initial Investment: Bought 15.536M BRETT with 58.67 ETH ($221K) on March 7, 2024.

Sales: Sold 11.536M BRETT at an average price of $0.126, totaling $1.45M.

Current Holdings:

Remaining BRETT: 4M ($534K)

Estimated Total Profit: $1.76M (+800%)

This whale's strategic moves in the $BRETT market demonstrate significant returns on investment within a short period.