💎Lista DAO💎

Lista DAO: Revolutionizing Liquidity in the BNB Chain Ecosystem

Lista DAO is at the forefront of enhancing liquidity within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, specifically within the BNB Chain ecosystem. Originally known as Helio Protocol, the project rebranded to Lista DAO following a strategic merger with Synclub in July 2023, subsequently establishing the LSDFi Foundation. The term "Lista" signifies "LIquid STAking," reflecting its core mission.

Main Products and Offerings

🌐1. Liquid Staking:

Lista DAO allows users to stake BNB tokens and earn an annual percentage rate (APR) ranging from 1% to 3% in the form of slisBNB tokens. Similar to Rocket Pool’s rETH, slisBNB appreciates over time, accumulating staking rewards independently of BNB’s price fluctuations. The staking process involves delegating BNB to validators on the BNB Chain, with rewards distributed 95% to stakers and 5% to Lista DAO’s treasury.

🌐2. Stablecoin (lisUSD):

LisUSD is a stablecoin issued by Lista DAO. Users can mint lisUSD by collateralizing assets such as ETH, BNB, wBETH, slisBNB, and BTCB. When the debt is repaid or the collateral is liquidated, lisUSD is burned. This mechanism allows users to leverage their assets without selling them, optimizing capital efficiency.

Token Distribution and Governance

Lista DAO places a significant emphasis on community involvement, with 60% of its total token supply allocated to community initiatives, including Megadrop, Airdrop, and other community-driven activities. The remaining distribution includes:

- Team: 3.5%

- DAO Treasury: 8%

- Ecosystem: 9.5%

- Investors and Advisors: 19% (majority held by Binance Labs)

The initial supply of LISTA tokens is approximately 230 million, representing 23% of the total supply. This includes allocations for Airdrop (10%), Megadrop (10%), and Ecosystem (3%). The remaining tokens will be unlocked from early 2025 to 2028.

#Lista #Megadrop #BinanceEcosystem