💰 How do US elections affect the price of $BTC

There's a trend of growth immediately after elections and a small rise leading up to them.

Why is this happening? In the run-up to the election, the old administration is pushing the markets up a bit to show power and prosperity under them.

А новая администрация, когда приходит к власти также пушит рынки, чтобы показать электорату правильность их выбора. Также влияет геополитическая неопределенность сразу после выборов, а в такие моменты инвестора ищут защитные активы, коим и является $BTC.

When a new administration takes office, they also tend to push markets to showcase the correctness of their election. Additionally, geopolitical uncertainty right after elections influences investors to seek defensive assets, including $BTC.

The next US elections will take place on November 5, 2024.
