Build for next Crypto Bull Run during this dip🚀🚀

The upcoming BULL RUN has the possibility to make x100 on your portfolio.

But only if you follow these 7 rules👇

1️⃣ Be fast

Bull markets are not for snails. They are for cheetahs.

Make sure you're moving fast, but at the same time make wise decisions.

Generational wealth doesn't sleep!

2️⃣ Downs are okay

Understand - seeing red days during a bull market is okay.

As with everything in life, crypto should have ups and downs.

If it becomes stable, that's not a crypto anymore.

3️⃣ Accumulate money for a bear market

I don't tell you to grab all the money.

But understand how many %s you want to take from each of your profits and safe.

Don't spend it on anything expect on investing in the next bear market

4️⃣ Understand how to work with data

Those who know how to utilize information will always win.

That's why reading charts, understanding money movements, and knowing patterns a powerful skills in the bull market.

Plus knowing how to use most of the crypto websites like DefiLlama

5️⃣ Take profit.

Create a strategy for yourself.

Imagine you bought 1000 tokens for $0.5 each. Right after this, you divide them:

• Sell 300 when the price hits $0.75

• Sell 250 when the price hits $1

• Sell 200 when the price hits $1.5

• Sell 150 when the price hits $2

• Become a diamond hand with 100

Only thanks to this you'll be able to make x2 with 0 stress and still be the holder!

6️⃣ Don't go all in with risky stuff

It's okay to take risks in the bull market. But make sure you don't put all your funds on 1 ticket.

Understand how many %s you're willing to put on risk things.

10%-15% is more than enough.

7️⃣ Stick to your plan

I know, seeing x100 it's so hard to control yourself.

But you should. Just keep the cold mind and follow the plan you created before.

Your emotions can ruin everything.

All this together can help you not only to win.

But also to remain in the game long enough.

Accept it or the next bull run will turn into a nightmare for you.