According to BlockBeats, the blockchain-based game Heroes of Mavia announced on June 15th that Mavia Phase 2: Next Frontier has been launched. This new phase introduces key components of the Mavia ecosystem, including the integration of MAVIA tokens into the marketplace, the on-chain/off-chain Ruby explorer, and additional game modes.

The integration of MAVIA tokens into the marketplace is a significant development, as it allows players to trade and transact within the game using the MAVIA tokens. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also adds a new layer of functionality and utility to the MAVIA tokens.

The on-chain/off-chain Ruby explorer is another key component of Mavia Phase 2. This feature allows players to explore both on-chain and off-chain transactions, providing a more comprehensive and transparent gaming experience.

In addition to these, Mavia Phase 2 also introduces additional game modes, further expanding the gameplay options for players. These new modes are expected to provide players with more diverse and engaging gaming experiences.

The launch of Mavia Phase 2: Next Frontier marks a significant milestone for Heroes of Mavia, as it continues to innovate and expand its blockchain-based gaming ecosystem. The introduction of these new features and components is expected to enhance the overall gaming experience for players and contribute to the growth and development of the Mavia ecosystem.