Can Binance Organisation Tell their Loyal Community , Investors that they have Nothing to Do With Tapswap Community or Are They Truly into Business with #taswap Tapswap Which Comes with a YES✅️/N⭕️ Answer ......⁉️@2024

Tapswap came out with their post today saying this On "X",Popularly Know as Twitter....Saying🔻

Exciting news 🔥🔥🔥

The moment you've been waiting for is here! The special mission has officially started. The clock 🕐 is ticking on this time-limited mission, so jump in now and accomplish it.

Once you register on #Binance    and complete the KYC process, you will receive the $600 welcome voucher in your Binance app.

Going ahead asking Users for Binance ID Number 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 On their

Does Binance Actually have anything to do with The Tapswap Community ????

#MicroStrategy #FIT21