In the vast, chaotic world of digital currencies, where $BTC and $ETH have managed to gain some semblance of respect, a new token backed by the founders of Telegram has emerged: meet $NOT 😶‍🌫️

A legal drama that has followed the Durov brothers since their previous foray into the crypto world with Gram ended in a spectacular legal showdown with the SEC, resulting in Telegram having to refund $1.2 billion to investors and paying an $18.5 million fine. Now, they’re back with NOT, seemingly undeterred by their previous legal slapstick.

Transparency in the crypto world is as crucial as air is to breathing. Yet, the TON Foundation, the entity now responsible for NOT, operates with the opacity of a black hole. Detailed financial reports, development updates, or even a semblance of accountability are harder to find than a unicorn in a haystack. This leaves potential investors playing a game of financial blindfold, which, let’s face it, is about as smart as diving into a pool without checking if there’s water. Most of the buzz around NOT is pure speculation.

Cryptocurrency NOT is heavily reliant on Telegram’s success, which, if history is any guide, is a bit like betting on a one-legged horse in the Grand National. Telegram’s monetization efforts, including paid subscriptions, have so far failed to significantly offset its operational costs. So, if Telegram stumbles, NOT could easily go down with it, making it less of a solid investment and more of a financial house of cards.

In conclusion, Cryptocurrency NOT might just be the ultimate joke in the digital currency world. It combines all the elements of a farce: legal drama, lack of transparency, rampant speculation, and overreliance on an unstable corporation. For those who enjoy watching financial train wrecks from a safe distance, NOT provides ample entertainment. Sometimes, it’s better to sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show from the sidelines.