The recently released article focuses on the approval process of Bitcoin-ETF, in the vision of Vladimir Okhotnikov, leading expert and founder of Floralia company. A famous publicist in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain assesses the events surrounding the anticipated Bitcoin ETF release in the latter half of 2023. The crypto community was abuzz with expectation for months. The author analyzes what stands behind this process.

Unveiling Vladimir Okhotnikov's Perspective

It is enough to track the approval process for Bitcoin-ETF applications to see its notable peculiarities, which were apparent to observers. There were numerous speculations, fueled by rumors circulating both online and in mainstream media. It appeared as a battle between the opposing forces: BlackRock vs SEC, where the company seemed to look for justice. However, a complex debate about the future of our financial system lies beneath this narrative.

Market reactions to rumors and hints were fast, regardless of their accuracy. There was an atmosphere of anticipation, which was fueled by a continuous influx of speculative information. It appeared as if someone was intentionally increasing or intensifying the level of excitement or interest in the Bitcoin-ETF approval process. 

What stands behind the attack on Bitcoin

Okhotnikov remains optimistic despite the pressure exerted on Bitcoin. He believes in the resilience of the Bitcoin blockchain. The expert considers that Bitcoin itself doesn’t pose a threat to the CeFi system. However, the logic of the Bitcoin blockchain reveals it. It shows the potential efficacy of the financial system without the control of fiat financiers. And they don’t want to lose the control over their monopoly. 

Exploring the clash of worldviews in finance

Since Bitcoin symbolizes an alternative to the existing financial system, the skepticism towards Bitcoin from entities like the SEC is understandable. This skepticism stems from entrenched interests in the fiat economy. This is also the reason for debates transcending the asset's legality. At its core, the conflict lies in the clash between centralization and decentralization. Bitcoin's blockchain poses a threat to the traditional power structures, hence the centralized system is at risk. The financial bodies understand that and try to preserve the traditional financial system that controls the world. 

However, time is going forward. Okhotnikov remains optimistic about the first cryptocurrency and believes in the resilience of Bitcoin's blockchain. Moreover, he thinks that Bitcoin will reshape the industry and change the monetary landscape for the better. 

Cryptocurrency skeptics advocate for limitations to preserve the status quo. They site such risks, for instance, as volatility and ease of illegal activities. In contrast, crypto enthusiasts often argue that the portrayal of illegal activities is exaggerated. Instead, they emphasize the systemic flaws within traditional finance. They also think that DeFi is a good solution to address those flaws. 


Do we need the system, which fosters financial innovation? Through his analysis, Okhotnikov reveals the growing skepticism surrounding the centralized paradigm. Whether you share his viewpoint or seek to expand your understanding, his articles can help you to learn more on the subject.

About Company

Floralia is an analytical center focusing on IT and cryptocurrencies. The company provides analytics, market research, project management and consulting. Vladimir Okhotnikov of Floralia is a thought-provoking cryptocurrency author with a keen ability to identify the core of the problem and propose potential solutions. He often examines contentious issues from a philosophical perspective and sheds light on complex topics. This article is no exception. There the expert highlights numerous benefits of decentralization. 

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