If an XRP ETF gets approved, it could have several significant effects on the market:

1. Increased Legitimacy: Approval by regulatory bodies would lend further legitimacy to XRP as an investment asset, potentially attracting more institutional investors.

2. Increased Liquidity: An ETF would provide a new, more accessible avenue for investors to buy and sell XRP, likely leading to increased liquidity in the market.

3. Price Impact: The increased demand from both retail and institutional investors could drive up the price of XRP.

4. Market Sentiment: Approval of an XRP ETF could boost overall market sentiment towards cryptocurrencies, especially if it follows recent approvals of Bitcoin or Ethereum ETFs.

5. Regulatory Clarity: It would signal a significant step towards regulatory acceptance of XRP, potentially clarifying its status as a security or commodity.

Overall, an XRP ETF approval could be a positive catalyst for XRP and the broader cryptocurrency market.