1. A peaceful old age is a devoted youth. A happy old age is an effortful youth.

2. Laziness - the destroyer of the future. You have to have a plan in life, don't hesitate.

3. If you don't try hard when you're young, you'll be sad when you're old.

4. Once your hair is gray, it's too late to regret. Don't give up because of difficulties. Don't be discouraged because of hardship.

5. Living a stagnant life, you only have a life of failure.

6. Don't choose to live comfortably in the years when you can still suffer.

7. Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Don't spend those wonderful energies dreaming with a warm blanket.

8. There is no job that is both easy and high-paying. The more effort you put in, the more you get back. Making money has never been easy.

9. This world has never lacked people who know how to try, only people who can persevere to the end. People are better than each other in endurance.

10. Based on what you think, without putting in any effort, life will give you what you want.

After all, if we want to avoid suffering for a lifetime, we must endure hardship for a while.

#pepe #XEN