DOGE Price Prediction for May 14.


The rate of DOGE has declined by 1.12% over the past day.

On the hourly chart, the rate of the meme coin is in the middle of the local channel, between the support of $0.1461 and the resistance of $0.1551.

As most of the daily ATR has been passed, there are low chances of any sharp moves by the end of the day.

A similar picture can be seen on the bigger

time frame. The price of DOGE is far from

its low and peak of the day, which means

none of the sides has accumulated enough

energy yet. In this case, ongoing sideways

trading in the zone of $0.145-$0.1550 is

the most likely scenario.

From the midterm point of view, DOGE is in the middle of a wide channel. As the volume keeps falling, traders are unlikely to see any sharp ups or downs soon.

DOGE is trading at $0.1464 at press time.