A reward pool of up to 300k $SAND is available for players participating in The Sandbox events, according to a latest announcement by the team.

Almost 300k $SAND in rewards available by playing in The Sandbox RIGHT NOW! 😮 Let’s go! https://t.co/4LbGcYx1pC pic.twitter.com/3xST8updAh

— The Sandbox (@TheSandboxGame) May 12, 2024

At the time of this writing, 5 events are still on-going in The Sandbox including Magnificent Century, Rabbids: Music VS Love, The Voice Coach Battle, Habbo Space Hotel, and INNISFREE: THE ISLE Adventure. Here are the ending dates for each of these events:

  • Magnificent Century – Ends on 16th May, 2024

  • Rabbids: Music VS Love – Ends on 3rd June, 2024

  • The Voice Coach Battle – Ends on 7th June, 2024

  • Habbo Space Hotel – Ends on 16th May, 2024

  • INNISFREE: THE ISLE Adventure – Ends on 17th May, 2024

  • Game Jam: Impact – Ends on 28th may, 2024

The Sandbox Event Rewards

While the $SAND rewards in Magnificent Century and Habbo Space Hotel are only going to be shared between avatar holders, the rewards in INNISFREE: THE ISLE Adventure and The Voice Coach Battle are open to all participants.

Among all these events in The Sandbox, Habbo Space Hotel is offering the largest reward pool of 140k $SAND but again, they’re only for holders of The Galaxy Habbos Collection and Habbo Genesis Avatars. To get the chance to win, players need to complete certain quests in the event. Along with the $SAND, the event will also offer additional exclusive content to the avatar owners.

Similarly, INNISFREE: THE ISLE Adventure is also offering a big reward pool of 50K $SAND, out of which 20k $SAND is open to all and shared between all participants who complete the objectives. The remaining 30k $SAND is reserved for the holders of The ISLE Adventure NFTs.

Magnificent Century, on the other hand, has a reward pool of 50k $SAND but it’s only reserved for holders of the Magnificent Century avatars. Along with that, The Voice Battle Coach’s pool is smaller at 15k $SAND but it’s open to all, and players will also get the chance to earn other exclusive rewards,