Around 2025: bull run will end

To successfully survive the crypto winter, carefully read this article.

Some may find it premature to discuss this now, but preparing for winter doesn't start at the end of November. Just as we shouldn't wait for the onset of crypto winter to prepare for it. Although the bull market promises profits to many, only a few will be able to preserve them.

Market cycles are a well-known phenomenon.

Most often, people are unprepared for cycles and face difficulties unprepared. But the next bear cycle could be extremely brutal. First and foremost, I must express my love for cryptocurrencies. The market, the space, endless possibilities. However, we must face reality. Over the past 2-3 years, cryptocurrencies have faced increasing regulatory measures.

Therefore, we must prepare for regulation, as its arrival is inevitable. Decentralization from 2011 to 2020 was different from what we see today.

The current form of decentralization can be called regulated decentralization, anonymous coins like $XMR are being delisted from exchanges because exchanges want to comply with regulators' requirements.

This move signifies not just delisting; it marks a significant shift towards exchanges cooperating with regulators. It is quite likely that in the future we will see more such actions from exchanges.

Unfortunately, markets are structured in such a way that 80% of people lose money.

During bear markets, there is a surge in fraud, hacks, investigations, etc. Problems with stablecoins potentially could be the most significant surprise in the upcoming bear market.

The first signs of this have already appeared in April.

In the US, a bill was proposed to ban uncollateralized algorithmic stablecoins. This bill may undergo changes, amendments, additions, and so on. Nevertheless, we should already be thinking about the fate of stablecoins.

I foresee several problems for stablecoins during the next bear market.

This could lead to long-term decoupling or even scamming. That's why I want to prepare and urge you to do the same.

Still skeptical?

Remember what happened with $UST. No one thought such a thing could happen, and in the end, they lost money buying stablecoins.

I'm not one to risk my savings, which have cost me many years of hard work. That's why I suggest considering a strategy to protect your savings.

When it's time to cash out, we may have several more months before cryptocurrencies face their first problems. I believe the best choice will be to withdraw most of your savings from cryptocurrencies.

Fortunately, there are several ways to preserve and invest your money in real life:

- Cash

- Stock market

- Real estate

- Land

- Physical gold

As a final option, consider opening a bank account (although I'm cautious about banks, storing money in a reputable institution significantly reduces risks).


I believe the next bear market will mark the beginning of a global "reboot" of the cryptocurrency market. If regulators intervene, many projects may disappear.

However, this won't destroy the market, just reset it.

Afterward, cryptocurrency will survive, but we may have to say goodbye to the times of astronomical 10,000% gains in one day."

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